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Old 08-26-2019, 01:00 PM
kulli kulli is offline
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Originally Posted by alizeeofficiel
Meilleurs voeux maman et papa, que Dieu vous bénisse beaucoup. Bisous du Brésil.
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Old 08-26-2019, 04:27 PM
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Originally Posted by kulli View Post

Translations via Google:
Best wishes mom and dad, God bless you a lot. Kisses from Brazil.

Last edited by Shepherd; 08-26-2019 at 04:29 PM..
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Old 08-26-2019, 11:23 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Monday already?!

Busy weekend, with no time to give anyone, even Alizée, the “attention” that they deserved…

So, what’s been happeningin IG “land”?


Il pleut en ville mais... est ce qu'il va pleuvoir a la plage?” roughly translates as “It's raining in town but ... is it going to rain on the beach?”.

Finalement pas de pluie” roughly translates as “Finally no rain”…

I love this shot to bits, for I see nothing butlove”, “tenderness” and “togetherness”, and it makes me smile immensely. Oh, and some “One Piece” manga...

Hey, who knows, maybe the "little ones" first “bedtime story” will be all about the adventures of “Luffy, and the “Straw Hat Pirates”…

I can think of waay worse things than that. Actually, that would be pretty darn cool, if you ask me...


Bella Vita” roughly translates as “Good Life”…

Spot the Alizée…


Now, I will admit, I had to pause for a second, and wonder, “in the name of all that’s holy”, what on earth is in that bag???

And the realization dawned…

I’d never had it that way before!!!

“Chouchou”, that is…

If I’m right, it’s a sort of a large “Pear looking”, “Squash” type of thing, and you can find it in “Oriental Markets” and places like that over here in the US. I’ve had it “sliced” and “pan fried” with Garlic, and, “pickled” in Vinegar. To be honest, it did not really taste of “anything” much to me...

However, the way it is in that bag, I’m not sure if it’s just “dried”, “candied”, or “spiced”, so I’m not sure how it would taste presented like that…

Hmm, would have to try it once, just to see…

Now, "Chouchou", I can remember a certain someone calling me that, waay back. Very fond memory, that one..


Think this was maybe Alizée and Greg taking the “puppies” for a “morning walk”. Just sweet, sweet dogs, again, a “testament” and “credit” to their owners…

Now, I must admit I am partial to dogs, and I “admit” to maybe having a “few” myself. If you ever get bored check out my little “redrafe_” IG page, for I have a few pics of some of my “kids” there…

Mr Chouchou

Arpente tout les plages d'Ajaccio depuis toujours” roughly translates as “Walks all the beaches of Ajaccio since always”…

Ok, now if I’m ever on the beach at Ajaccio I will track this gentleman down, and, “take a bullet for the team” and try some of this “Chouchou” stuff, and “report” on how it “tastes”. However, don’t “hold your breath” on this one, for my next visit to Ajaccio is scheduled for the “12th of Never”, unfortunately...

Hey, it’s the “thought” that “counts”…

On prépare la rentrée des classes ( de danse )” roughly translates as “We prepare for the return of classes (dance)”…

I know that “smile”. It’s the one that says “I’m so, so happy to be back at work”. Well, ok, not quite...

“Hamster wheel, engage”…

Alizée, consider yourself “metaphorically”, and “mentally” “hugged”…

But you do know that all of your “students” adore you, justifiably so, may I add, and you are, “where you are meant to be”, “doing what you are meant to be doing”…

And hopefully being “very happy”, and “very much in love”, when you are doing it…

What else?

Jo and Johann are “showcasing” some wonderful stuff on their respective IG pages, go check them out, and Annily posted some stuff too, so will drop that in her thread, as appropriate…

Hmm, just got a “Tornado warning”…

Y’all be safe, take care, and please stay cool…

Last edited by RedRafe; 08-27-2019 at 08:42 AM..
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Old 08-27-2019, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

This is a little bag of candied peanuts. They are really sugary.
Don't know why she wrote "chouchou", which should mean coconut. Maybe it's a slang name, since she probably bought that bag from the same seller that sells coconut on the beach.


After a brief search, it seems that "chouchou" can also be used in the sense of "favourite". It should make sense...

Last edited by Aragorn97; 08-27-2019 at 05:39 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 08-27-2019, 08:25 AM
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Old 09-03-2019, 07:04 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Now, I was waayout in the Boonies” for the last few days, so probably missed stuff, but here was what I “tripped over”…


Ça sent la rentrée” roughly translates as “It smells back to school”…

Why do I think “google translate” is broken???

But you get the “drift”…

Darn, that almost looks like good "Scottish summer weather"...

Maybe I should improve my own French??

Just can’t get the hang of “colloquialisms” or “slang” though…


Fin de journée” roughly translates as “End of the day”…

These guys work so so hard, and here is another view of “where it all happens”…

A quick “hi” and “thanks” to all the “very special people”, at this “very special forum”. You made this rather “strange old wanderer in the shadows” welcome...


Y’all “rock”, please take care, and be safe, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 09-03-2019 at 07:08 PM..
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Old 09-03-2019, 07:25 PM
imverynuts imverynuts is offline
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
A quick “hi” and “thanks” to all the “very special people”, at this “very special forum”. You made this rather “strange old wanderer in the shadows” welcome...


Y’all “rock”, please take care, and be safe, ‘k…
Hell yeah you rock too Rafe and you're really good at finding alot of this stuff so thanks back at ya even more!
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Old 09-05-2019, 09:38 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Lets see whats been happening in IG “land”…

"Cheveux et ventre qui poussent" roughly translates as "Hair and belly growing"...

“New” hairstyle methinks, or has she just let it grow out a wee bit more???

I like it, it suits her…

And that grin, well, that just tells me she likes it too

<Nod of “appreciation” and “respect” from the RedRafe>

Sweet pic, thanks again, Alizée…

Now, Greg dropped these IG “stories”…

2 ans plus tard... 2eme salle donc 2eme parquet !!! Oui je me sens bien sur un parquet!!! Bientôt la reprise des cours au @studiodedanselyonnetajaccio 👏🏼” roughly translates as “2 years later ... 2nd room so 2nd floor !!! Yes I feel good on a floor! Soon the resumption of classes at @studiodedanselyonnetajaccio”…

Omigosh, that looks like a seriously big job. Hope he is getting it installed professionally, for it can be a “pain” to get right, if you have never laid it before.

Someone “has their work cut out for them”, methinks...

Worst thing is, I’m too far away to help…

I love this pic…

So sweet...

Respect to Greg…

The “right guy”, in the very “right place”, at the just the “right” time…

ça bouge les dedans” roughly translated means “It moves in them”…

You get the "drift"...

One of the “sweetest”, most “wonderful”, “mystical”, “scariest damn things in the whole wide world”, to feel “new life” move in the womb…

Never gets “old”, and I’ll never ever get used to it…

Lucky lucky guy, in so so many ways…

Like him a lot, and have nothing but immense respect for him

Once again, Alizée and Greg, thank you for sharing such a “sweet”, “personal”, “very intimate” moment with us…


As always, y’all be safe, take care, and just be excellent to each other, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 09-05-2019 at 09:49 PM..
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Old 09-09-2019, 09:04 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Lets see what has been happening with regard to Alizée and IG posts…


L’heure de la sieste avec Galak” roughly translates as “Nap time time with Galak”…

Sweet girl…


Le jolis colis du jour” roughly translates as “The pretty package of the day”…

Ok, that is cute…

Hmm, it would be interesting to see what kind of “theme” Alizée finally settles on for the little one’s room, for she had been posting some pretty cute pics of some “retro” ideas for “baby stuff” and related deco…

Cine at home entre filles” roughly translates as “Ciné at home with girls”…

Good for the “heart” and “soul”, and the "family"…

Hmm, lucky “girls”, eh wot?!

Good Night”…

Kinda says it all…

Sweet, happy, relaxed, contented puppies, crashed out…

This pic tells me a lot about their owners, all of it good…


Vos souvenirs sur Facebook

Alizée, les souvenirs que vous partagez ici sont precieux. Nous avons pense que vous aimeriez reviour cette publication d’il y a 6 ans.

Une nouvelle aventure qui commence aujord’hui”

Roughly translates as “Your memories on Facebook”.

Alizée, the memories you share here are precious. We thought you would like to revisit this publication from 6 years ago.

A new adventure that starts today

Pretty self explanatory, and, also, pretty wonderful

“C’est la rentree au @studiodesdancelyonnetajaccio” roughly translates as “This is the return to @studiodesdancelyonnetajaccio

And so it begins again, a new “term”…

Just small “snippets” of her life, that can tell you so much…

What else?

Now, go check out Jo’s IG site, for he had been dropping some pretty cool stuff, as always, including some really nice pics of some “War Toys”, the ones I caught were of a “Douglas A-1 Skyraider”, an “AH-64”, and a “Eurofighter Typhoon”…

Wonder “when”, “how”, and “why” he was able to get so close, specially the “Skyraider. Total “classic”. Am now so “jealous”...

The “modern” stuff, “meh”, been there, seen that done that…

Some wonderful shots though…

As always, y’all please take care, be safe, and stay cool, ‘k…
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Old 09-10-2019, 03:55 AM
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Thank you, RedRafe! Even though I already use Instagram, it is really pleasant ro read your posts.

Did you see this photo from Jo's Instagram stories?

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