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Old 10-17-2019, 03:52 PM
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Gift from uncle @flamingyo24 and aunt @sarahbolelli

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Old 10-19-2019, 11:37 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Alrighty then…

IG stuff…

Couple of nice little “cameos” and “snapshots” of some of the important and noteworthy things, people and places, happening in Alizée’s everyday life…

Another shot of these cute little “sneakers” gifted to Alizée for the bébé, that emphasizes just exactly how tiny they are…

A very dearly “treasured” memory…

Hmm, guess who has been messing with the fancy filters on his phone?

Sweet pics of a sweet boy…

This one is pretty self explanatory, this time from Alizée…

Now, that looks seriously tasty, and healthy too…

More healthy tastiness, looks really nice…

<Looks like Feta cheese, maybe?>

Actually, it is good to see her eating so well, and so healthily at this stage of things. Bodes well for the future, so it does…

Palm trees, cloudless blue skies, interesting, historical architecture...

Said it before, will probably say it again, but it looks like these guys really do live in the Corsican district of Paradise…


Y’know, I think they might just deserve it…

Y’all take care, be safe, and just be, excellent, to each other…

Last edited by RedRafe; 10-19-2019 at 11:41 PM..
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Old 10-20-2019, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Wants to be a little dog, for some reason, all of a sudden...

Been there. Done that.
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Old 10-21-2019, 11:31 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Lets see…

Cool, another couple of really cute IG posts from Alizée and Greg…

Sooo, it looks like these were taken on Sunday, when they had their “puppies” out on a walk along the “seafront” around about Ville d’Ajaccio – Cità d’Aiacciu area…

Looks like a little slice of “perfection” to me, strolling around in beautiful surroundings, in “cool” company…

Now, somebody, somewhere, is probably thinking something “along the lines” of, “awww RedRafe, not more “boring” pictures of her dogs, not interested in them!!!”, but, think about it this way. Most of us are never ever going to see Ajaccio, let alone Corsica, or actually see/meet Alizée, but, through these pics, we get to sort of “see” and “experience”, albeit rather “vicariously”, what Alizée and Greg are “seeing”, “doing”, and almost, in a way, “feeling”, at that particular time…

In a way, it’s almost like being there with them…

Well, closest I’ll get to it anyhow, so I will settle for that…

Make any sense, at all??

Two of her greatest “treasures”...

“Avant”, translates as “Before”..

Apres”, “Samoyede crasseux, Samoyede heureux”, roughly translates as “After”, “Samoyede filthy, Samoyede happy”

Now, this is a really cool little pic that just makes me smile so much, for here is their “little puppy girl” Galak, just having so much fun. Just look at that grin. She just “radiates” “happiness” and “contentment”, it looks like all in her little life, “is good”, and that just tells me so many wonderful things about her owners

All of it good

Hmm, 31 degrees C (around 87 or 88 F) on the 20th of October is waaayy hot for Ajaccio at this time of year. Normally, you would be looking at a temp of anywhere between 17 to 21 C, as in around 62 to 69 F.

“Hot dog!”, right enough…

Sorry, I couldn’t resist that…

What else…

As always, some really cool pics from Jo on his IG page, go check them out, you will not be disappointed…

He has the “heart of a poet” and the “eye of an artist”, and this is reflected in many of his shots, many of which are just astounding…

In this instance, a really cool “nature” pic of a Butterfly, (a “White” one, thank the Buddha ), paired with some really nice, effective “chillout music”...

Nice pairing, works very nicely…

Also, go check out Johann’s IG page, for he also “showcases” some very nice “shots”. Trust me, if I wanted to plan a “hitching”, or required some “wedding shots” done in the Ajaccio area, he is the guy that I’d be wanting to talk to…

Y’all please take care, be safe, ‘k…
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Old 10-29-2019, 09:50 PM
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Lets see what’s been happening on “IG” “front” over the past few days…

A wonderful place to take the dogs a walk, methinks…

Looks like “heaven”…

Hmm, in fact it could be…

For, look…

A “verifed”, “documented sighting” of an “Angel”, just, right there

Is it any wonder that we adore this “little lady”…

Sweet “puppy girl”…

I know this little face. Usually, you end up having to run through a “checklist” of things…

“D’you want to go potty”; “D’you want cookies”; “D’you want “drinkies”, etc, etc, etc…

Des peluches ou de vrais?! Je suis perplexe” roughly translates as “Soft toys or real ?! I am confused”…

Pot de colle” roughly translates as “Pot of glue”…

Hmm, it’s a “low energy”, “strange” time of year, Alizée must be getting pretty “close” to her “due date”, and is probably most “uncomfortable” and waaaay “out of sorts”, the “big guy” is concerned about her, and is “just doing his job”…

Hugs for Jon Snow…

And, Alizée too…

You know what I mean…

Alizée, Greg, thank you yet again for sharing.

Appreciated, greatly…

As always, y’all take care, be safe, and, just “be wonderful” to each other, ‘k…
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Old 11-04-2019, 07:21 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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What’s happening in IG land?

Well, not a lot really, which is kind of “par for the course”, when you bear in mind, all that the guys have going on right now, with the “little one” due, very soon, I would suspect…

But lets see…

Well, that’s a very sweet thought from Greg, like him a lot, and, have a lot of respect for him. Still maintain the he is the most utterly lucky guy, in the whole entire world…

Bonne fête de la Toussaint” roughly translates as “Happy All Saints Day”…

What is la Toussaint, All Saints’ Day in France

Basically, another day for “rememberance”…

A really sweet, "heatwarming" shot, of Alizée’s two most favourite "little ladies"…

Taken by Alizée, the little comment in the bottom right says it all…


Just, “pure dead brilliant”…

So, cool, Annily is back. Think she was on the mainland visiting her relatives, and…

Taking a “timeout”, and, communing in her “spiritual home”, Disneyland…

Am so glad she is back, hopefully safe, whole and happy, for it is one less thing for Alizée and Greg to “stress” over…

I’m not sure, at all, when Alizée is actually "due", but, it goes without saying, that all the “best wishes”, and “most positive thoughts”, of everyone here, are with them now, as they always have, and always will be…

Alizée, Greg, we are always here for you, if you know what I mean…

Y’all take extra care, be safe, and just be utterly wonderful to each other, ‘k…
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Old 11-06-2019, 06:46 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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A couple of IG “story” posts “midweek”…

Fin de journée” roughly translates as “End of the day”…

Now, I think when this story post “dropped”, it would have been just past 11pm, their time…

Talk about long, hard days…

I see nothing but “grit” and “dedication” there…

A “labour of love”…

Ok, so apparently “winter” has finally started to make its presence felt, even in Corsica, for it seems the temperatures have been dropping, to around the lower 50’s F, with a “band” of “storms” and “rain” coming through…

Thankfully, it looks like Alizée has got it “covered”...

Y’all just stay warm, and dry, “little lady”…


Mercredi danse” roughly translates as “Wednesday dance”…

Nopes, the “little ones” are not “prostrate”, in front of our “Goddessness”, worshiping her, (as I probably would/should be ), it was a “movie story” post, of Alizée putting the little guys “through their paces”, doing some “stretching exercises”…

Respect to the little ones for displaying such commitment, grit and determination, at such an early age…

But, to be honest, they do have some really wonderful role models, as “personified” in Alizée and Greg, that tend to "inspire" and "motivate" their students, without really having to try…

Y’all take care, be safe, and stay “warm” and “dry”, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 11-06-2019 at 09:56 PM..
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Old 11-10-2019, 11:05 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Lets see…

IG posts?

“Few” and “far between”, really, but right now, that is really just to be expected…

But this one, is, really rather sweet…

Quand tes élèves se moquent de toi” roughly translates as “When your students make fun of you”…

This was a “still” taken from an IG “movie story” post, posted by Alizée, in which one of her students was spotted practicing with a "cushion", or "bag", maybe, clutched to her front, kind of looking very like someone we know so well…

Y’know these guys absolutely adore her, when they pull something like this…

It’s an almost, British, action…

They can appear to be kind of, strange, at times, to “outsiders”…

For example, with regard to “politeness”…

Let me give you a personal example…

If I “ignore you”, I “dislike” you…

If I’m “coldly formal”, or “brisk”, it is either “business”, or I really don’t “care for you”, much…

If I’m “polite”, well, that is kind of “expected”, and I’m probably “ambivalent”, or “neutral” towards you…

If I’m “relaxed enough” to be “humorous” towards you, then I probably like you…

If I’m “teasing” you, or making “fun of you”, “gently”, then relax, you’ve been “accepted”, I like you, a lot…

If I’m “teasing” you “mercilessly”, almost to the point that “outsiders” would possibly think that you might actually be being “insulted”, then you have been accepted as “family”, or “closer” than that, and I’d probably “take a bullet for you”…

It can be confusing, if you are not familiar with the concept…

Anyhow, I can bet, “without fear of conviction”, that her students have nothing but the utmost of respect, and the greatest of affection for, Alizée…

Hopefully, she knows that too…

Come to think of it, I know of quite a few people who feel the same way, too...

Which really can't be bad...

Y'all take care, be safe, and stay warm, for Winter is finally here, 'k...

Last edited by RedRafe; 11-10-2019 at 11:22 PM..
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Old 11-18-2019, 10:58 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Lets see…

Not a huge amount happening on IG, which isn’t really surprising, really…

Couple of story posts…

Pendant le cours” roughly translates as “During the class”…

That sweet little guy is “out for the count”, during classes…

Methinks it’s having the same effect on him, as it would on me…

Bon dimanche” roughly translates as “Good Sunday”…

Think that is maybe “Bambi” that the guys are watching, though I must admit, it has been a loonnggg time, since I’ve seen that one…

Y’know, I can think of far, far worse things to do, on a Sunday, than sit on the couch with Alizée, all sort of “relaxed”, “chilled out”, and “comfy”, and watch Bambi…

Is it just me?


Does that not just sound like a little “slice of heaven”…

Though, I must admit that my idea of “gentle”, “restful” entertainment is maybeee slightly different…

Like this…

Or this…

Hmm, lets see…

“Alizée” + “Sunday, warm and comfy on couch” + “Strike Back” = something I would not even want to contemplate, contemplating…

I think my brain would “BSOD” or something, if I tried…


It kind of says it all, doesn’t it…

Sweet, sweet “little lady”, and Greg, again, I maintain, “just the luckiest guy in the world”…

Now, I must admit that if a certain “little rabbit” “planted” a kiss on me, as above, the last thing I would be worried about would be meh ears standing on end…



The little one, here, has the right idea…

Sweet girl…

Hmm, what else?

Jo has been posting some really pretty cool stuff, as always, on his IG site, so, go see, you won’t regret it, trust me on this one…

Also, Johann is posting some really superb stuff on his IG site, from his trip to Spain, miss these shots, and you will regret it later…

Still not sure when Alizée is “due”, though I do have my own hunch about it, but, not going to “jinx” things by saying anything…

It does go without saying though, that all the “best wishes”, and “fondest regards”, of everyone here at this forum, are with her, and Greg, now, as they always will be…

Y’all take care, be safe, and just be wonderful to each other, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 11-20-2019 at 09:47 AM..
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Old 11-21-2019, 05:06 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Couple of interesting IG story posts…

L'amour brille sous les étoile” roughly translates as “love shines under the star”...

"Seppu, roughly translated is, "Faithful wife"...

Basically it is a "Happy Birthday", good wishes for the next year, etc, greeting, thing...

I wonder...




So what else has been going on?

A really cute pic of Annily, that her mother likes, a lot…

Time does pass/ go by, too fast…

Happy 9 ma Galak”, pretty self-explanatory…

The “hashtags” say it all…

"Nouveau couple au" roughly translates as "New couple at"..

The “little one” is just “cuteness”, and “sweetness”, personified…

If that does not make you smile, you might be “Scottish”, or "dead", or "something"…

Anyhow, Alizée, soon, maybe?

Y’all take care, be safe, and just be, wonderful, to each other, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 11-21-2019 at 05:06 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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