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Old 07-06-2020, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
We probably know more about the matter than whoever wrote this article, but... hope dies last!

I see this surprise as a simple gift for her fans. Honestly I don't know if the vinyls are something that may interest every fan or only the collectors, but it's a nice thing to have. If a friend or a relative gave me a vinyl for Christmas, I would be super happy (even though I wouldn't even know how to listen to it lol).

I too have no Idea what to do with a Vinyl if I had one but I'm seriously considering getting them as soon as they become available. I'd rather have them so I can add them to my Collection before they end up on eBay for the most hilarious of prices.


Originally Posted by Ben.Daly View Post
Then there's the performance of Moi Lolita on Jaka to Melodia. The article says she had announced a withdrawal from performing the song live some time ago, I don't know when that was but she also performed the song during the Warsaw 2018 concert. Did the announced withdrawal come some time after 2018? Because 1 and a half years is not very long of a break when she isn't doing many gigs anyway.
So perhaps there is something to this observation, though honestly I think it's more likely that Alizee backed down from what she'd said because gigs such as Jaka to Melodia would understandably want her to sing her most well-known song. If the singing of Moi Lolita at Jaka to Melodia and possibly also Warsaw is all part of some long-term scheme to drop hints at a new album that would be an incredible feat of planning that seems highly unlikely anyone would actually go through with.

So to sum up; the hints provided in the article don't substantiate too much if you look at the context behind them, and if they are intended to tease something new it may have just been for the Vinyl releases at the end of the year.

If this is all part of a long-term plan to drop hints at something bigger then well played. But that just seems too outlandish, especially considering how things like the birth of Maggy and Covid-19 can and have happened that have a major affect on Alizee's personal life. I think the article may be onto something, but that 'something' is more likely the Vinyl releases, perhaps some other promotional stuff but likely nothing more, but of course we'll just have to wait and see.

This dates October 11th, 2017. That was before Mylène Farmer came back into the picture and we just don't know what's been going on "Behind the Scenes" ever since.

Jaka to Melodia was a Live Broadcast, which the Gig in Poland two years ago wasn't. I think this is what the Article is referring to.

Sure, Maggy and COVID-19 make it less likely at the Moment and even the uptick in Alizée & Mylène Farmer related hints are not enough to legitemately support the Theory that an Album is indeed in the works, the Article simply raises the possibility that maybe all of this may eventually lead to something more. Here's hoping.

Last edited by BroKenSkullDG; 07-06-2020 at 03:29 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 07-10-2020, 10:04 AM
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I've been offline for a week on vacation and I have a lot of catching up to do!

While it would be great to see the vinyl versions of the albums, how will they be marketed? Record shops have pretty much gone the way of video rental stores and are pretty much obsolete. Maybe online sales? While I would be happy to add both albums to my collection if Alizee gets some proceeds, most likely Mylene would get the lion's share of the sales.

I am not very optimistic in seeing a new album, but we are living in unprecedented times. The dance studio is still closed and before you know it fall will be here. Regular flu season will start up and covid-19 doesn't look like it will go away anytime soon, so there is the potential, barring a miracle vaccine, that the studio could be closed long term. All of a sudden the idea of Alizee working on an album with Mylene might not be be too outlandish.
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Old 07-10-2020, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I've been offline for a week on vacation and I have a lot of catching up to do!

While it would be great to see the vinyl versions of the albums, how will they be marketed? Record shops have pretty much gone the way of video rental stores and are pretty much obsolete. Maybe online sales? While I would be happy to add both albums to my collection if Alizee gets some proceeds, most likely Mylene would get the lion's share of the sales.

I am not very optimistic in seeing a new album, but we are living in unprecedented times. The dance studio is still closed and before you know it fall will be here. Regular flu season will start up and covid-19 doesn't look like it will go away anytime soon, so there is the potential, barring a miracle vaccine, that the studio could be closed long term. All of a sudden the idea of Alizee working on an album with Mylene might not be be too outlandish.
WB CleverCowboy. I've had some similar thoughts on these vinyls but have been too busy to post them. Maybe later tonight?


I wanted to reply to fhis news from day 1 but have just been too busy and a little afraid that my views might not be well received, but now CleverCowboy has posted and it looks like he has concerns so I'll offer some views now.

I have to admit first though at this point we may be putting the cart before the horse because I have a feeling there might be a lot more below the surface that we don't know yet, things that we will find out as time goes on, but with what little we have to go on so far, I want to express my concerns now, even if they turn out to be dead wrong so in the off chance I'm right, they could be heard in time to make a difference instead of waiting until the horses are out of the barn, not that anyone would be paying attention to my opinion.

I don't see vinyl versions of the first two album selling well enough to make more money than it would cost to produce them. It's said vinyl has made somewhat of a comeback and some feel you get a better sound with a vinyl record, but when the vinyl for Limelight came out, I had to search high and low to find a record player to borrow to play it. Still I don't own one today.

As CleverCowboy mentioned, he'd buy it as a loyal follower and collector of Alizee stuff and so would I but I think most of the fans who would be interested in getting something from Alizee live outside France and are not going to pay for something they can't play that will have the added cost of shipping.

I imagine there will probably be some images included with the vinyl and I have to wonder who will be choosing them? I have to confess if Alizee is calling the shots here, I have zero confidence in it's success. After 4 failed albums, any creating, directing, promoting needs to be put in someone else's hands.

Look at the cover for the three vinyls below. If you told a hundred young men who had never heard of Alizee before that they could have one of the three records to choose from, what do you think the numbers would be based on just the image? Look at the cover of her Psych cd where she's eating a piece of cake? She doesn't know how to market herself. If this is all about producing 2 vinyl records of her first 2 albums and she's calling the shots, she should end that project right now.

Again I think there is much more to this than we know and it could very well involve MF, but if it doesn't, I'm not optimistic for success.

One thing I think she could've made and still can make a nice amount of money off of is if she had a website where fans could go and order a picture of her and she'd autograph it to them. They'd have a choice of about 12 different pictures from different eras. Maybe the photographer and MF own the rights to many of those pictures but let's say for 20 euros a picture, she'd still make more in a a day of autographing photos than she would in a week at the dance studio. In fact, she could do it while she's at the dance studio.

So like I said, I wanted to get some thoughts out there. Hopefully we'll get some more info soon on what's really going on.

As much as I'm tempted to say nothing, believing she is headed for failure but at least she'll be continuing her career, I feel that would be a selfish move. I'd rather tell her the truth and see her call it quits and not be hurt again.

vinyl cover.jpg

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Old 07-11-2020, 03:40 AM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I've been offline for a week on vacation and I have a lot of catching up to do!

While it would be great to see the vinyl versions of the albums, how will they be marketed? Record shops have pretty much gone the way of video rental stores and are pretty much obsolete. Maybe online sales? While I would be happy to add both albums to my collection if Alizee gets some proceeds, most likely Mylene would get the lion's share of the sales.

I am not very optimistic in seeing a new album, but we are living in unprecedented times. The dance studio is still closed and before you know it fall will be here. Regular flu season will start up and covid-19 doesn't look like it will go away anytime soon, so there is the potential, barring a miracle vaccine, that the studio could be closed long term. All of a sudden the idea of Alizee working on an album with Mylene might not be be too outlandish.
Good to see you back Cowboy! There was quite a bit of stuff during and following the ML 20th Anniversary celebrations, you might have caught up on it already, most of what happened has been covered or mentioned earlier in this thread.
You raise a good point about how they will be sold. Alizee knows that a lot of her fanbase especially in recent years are living outside of Europe, though it's surely not a large enough pool of people to send Vinyls out to physical stores, even in places like Mexico or Russia where there may still be more established pockets of fans. They would have to make them available online to ship. I imagine they'd use something like Amazon to do so, but maybe they'll use something else. Perhaps even make a new website to sell them?
If the only way for international fans to get the vinyls is through people re-selling them on Ebay or other third-party avenues that would be a bit of a kick in the gut. Perhaps understandable if it's too expensive, but they know there is a group of fans, though maybe small, who are willing to pay extra for shipping if it means supporting the sales.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I wanted to reply to this news from day 1 but have just been too busy and a little afraid that my views might not be well received, but now CleverCowboy has posted and it looks like he has concerns so I'll offer some views now...
Having read through your comment Scruffy I share some of the same concerns. Marketing is extremely important and something Alizee seemingly struggled to grasp with her later albums, though I don't think she was as hopeless as you suggest. Psychedelics and UEDS especially being more experimental projects were never going to be quite the same radio hits as MCE and Gourmandises, though admittedly unlike myself you were around for the release and promotion of the later albums so your takes would be more well informed than mine, I'll take your word for it.

A lot rides on what information we get leading into Christmas. Who's getting the profits from these sales? Will there be any substantial profit at all? Who's decision was it to release the Vinyls? Who's behind the marketing and promotion? How much will they cost for both local and international fans?

Right now most of what we're discussing is just speculation.
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Old 07-11-2020, 08:48 AM
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Also to comment on...

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
One thing I think she could've made and still can make a nice amount of money off of is if she had a website where fans could go and order a picture of her and she'd autograph it to them. They'd have a choice of about 12 different pictures from different eras. Maybe the photographer and MF own the rights to many of those pictures but let's say for 20 euros a picture, she'd still make more in a a day of autographing photos than she would in a week at the dance studio. In fact, she could do it while she's at the dance studio.
An interesting idea, not sure it's one I've seen any other artists do though. Don't get me wrong, I'd probably give in and jump onto this if it happened, however the idea of what is essentially 'buying' an autograph doesn't really sit right with me. It might dilute the sentimental value of Autographs people got signed in person and basically commodify something that isn't supposed to be commodified, well at least not in theory, as an autograph often upgrades the value of a product on the second-hand market.

It might just feel a bit ingenuine if the fan wasn't even there to see her pick up the marker and sign the photo. Having a selection of photos to choose from is a good place to start, though in person (if you plan things right) you're able to get anything from a CD, T-shirt, cassette etc signed and it's your own unique thing to keep.

As as I said it's not something I've seen other artists do, at least not on a large scale, and there's probably a reason for that. However if she did do something like this it would be difficult to pass down

Anyone else have something to say about this
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Old 07-11-2020, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Ben.Daly View Post
Also to comment on...

An interesting idea, not sure it's one I've seen any other artists do though. Don't get me wrong, I'd probably give in and jump onto this if it happened, however the idea of what is essentially 'buying' an autograph doesn't really sit right with me. It might dilute the sentimental value of Autographs people got signed in person and basically commodify something that isn't supposed to be commodified, well at least not in theory, as an autograph often upgrades the value of a product on the second-hand market.

It might just feel a bit ingenuine if the fan wasn't even there to see her pick up the marker and sign the photo. Having a selection of photos to choose from is a good place to start, though in person (if you plan things right) you're able to get anything from a CD, T-shirt, cassette etc signed and it's your own unique thing to keep.

As as I said it's not something I've seen other artists do, at least not on a large scale, and there's probably a reason for that. However if she did do something like this it would be difficult to pass down

Anyone else have something to say about this
I understand what you mean when you say it would feel in-genuine to not be there to see her sign it, but you have to look at the logistics of this.

As I mentioned before, I think most of the fans who would be interested in this live outside of France. Most will never get a chance to visit France not to mention then making it down to Corsica. As with the 60 autographed cds I got of UEDS, then the 80 I got of "5", I think it gave a little sense of closeness to these fans that they could probably never have achieved on their own.

This is a picture I had autographed for Robert Rhein a couple of years ago when I visited the studio. Don't you think many others around the world would love a picture autographed in this way with their own name on it even if they weren't there in person to see it?

Alizee blue dress for FR 001 resized.jpg


How many young men would love to have this picture hanging up in their room, especially if it was signed from her to them?

alizee pic for autograph.jpg

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 07-11-2020 at 10:53 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 07-11-2020, 11:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I understand what you mean when you say it would feel in-genuine to not be there to see her sign it, but you have to look at the logistics of this.

As I mentioned before, I think most of the fans who would be interested in this live outside of France. Most will never get a chance to visit France not to mention then making it down to Corsica. As with the 60 autographed cds I got of UEDS, then the 80 I got of "5", I think it gave a little sense of closeness to these fans that they could probably never have achieved on their own.

This is a picture I had autographed for Robert Rhein a couple of years ago when I visited the studio. Don't you think many others around the world would love a picture autographed in this way with their own name on it even if they weren't there in person to see it?

Attachment 3078


You raise a good point. Maybe I'm too optimistic about considering the chance to meet her one day, still something I'm desperate to do but that chance isn't guaranteed to come around, as is the case for most fans. But hey, anything can happen!

On top of that, if she took the extra time to write a quick but unique(ish) message for each fan along with the autograph that could really boost the personal value of the signed photos, but that's just a random idea.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
How many young men would love to have this picture hanging up in their room, especially if it was signed from her to them?

Not sure what my friends/family would think but absolutely I'd love that In high res, framed, aw mate now you've got me thinking
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Old 07-13-2020, 06:44 AM
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The autograph signing idea is actually not bad.

Alizee signed a photo that I selected a few years ago when Scruffy went to the dance studio. The video he took of Alizee signing the photo personalized it. I very much would have liked to be there in person, but this was the next best thing.

If she ever offered selling autographed photos online, an added bonus would be a 15 second video clip of her greeting the person by name and then signing it. She could send the fan a link to download the video. I think this would work for her.

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Old 07-13-2020, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
The autograph signing idea is actually not bad.

Alizee signed a photo that I selected a few years ago when Scruffy went to the dance studio. The video he took of Alizee signing the photo personalized it. I very much would have liked to be there in person, but this was the next best thing.

If she ever offered selling autographed photos online, an added bonus would be a 15 second video clip of her greeting the person by name and then signing it. She could send the fan a link to download the video. I think this would work for her.

I don't think she'd be willing to make a clip for each individual, but I could easily see her doing one video where she's signing several pictures and reading the names and what she's saying as she goes along, then just making the whole video available to who ever wanted to see it. That wouldn't take much time at all. The individual could edit everyone else out of the clip.
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Old 07-13-2020, 01:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Ben.Daly View Post

It might just feel a bit ingenuine if the fan wasn't even there to see her pick up the marker and sign the photo.
Ben.Daly, I understand exactly your concern. I can see how it sometimes feels like it is not personal enough when autographs are signed remotely. But, as Scruffydog says, often fans have no opportunity of ever meeting the celebrity in person, and this is the next best thing to make them feel a bit closer.

I agree that it isn't in the spirit of the thing to have these autographs end up on the second hand market, but that happens. I guess anything of value ultimately can end up being just a commodity. But it still could have great meaning to the owner!

I have several first edition books, for example, signed by authors I admire. I have them because of the pleasure I get from knowing that the writer I like so much signed it. I bought a couple of them, but I also got one signed for me by the author after writing to him, and one when I met the author in person. Another is signed by the author, who gave me the book because she is a friend of mine. Admittedly, these mean more to me than the ones I simply bought, already signed, at a book store. However, the ones I bought are by writers I never would have had a chance of meeting. I have also given autographed books which I purchased as gifts--I think it adds that little extra special-ness to the gift.

I also have some sports memorabilia signed by a couple of my favorite athletes. A few were given to me as gifts, and a few I had signed when I met the athletes at sporting events. Again, they have meaning to me.

People have always loved having autographs--the personalized nature of this is just something that means a lot to fans. Collectors for purely financial interest will always exist, of course but, again, that is just the way things happen.

Anyway, I do hope that one day you get the chance to travel to see Alizeé in person! I like that you are optimistic about that--if you really want to make it happen, I am betting you will!

There is a website I think would be wonderful if Alizeé would join. It is called cameo.com. Fans can request personal videos to be recorded by their favorite celebrity. They pay for these, of course, but it is a nice way for the celebrity to get some revenue (especially a celebrity who is not currently much in the public eye) and makes a great gift for a fan. Hearing a favorite celebrity say your name, and knowing they know that you exist, can make a fan very happy!

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