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Old 08-11-2020, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

< “Morning, beautiful” >

I swear, with the amount of time the little lady spends in the pool, I’m surprised that she’s not turned into a “Mermaid”, or something…

<Now, THERE is a wonderful thought, “Mermaid Alizée” >
Alizée as mermaid... Got it written down for, uh, future reference
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Old 08-12-2020, 12:46 AM
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IG posts?

I think so…

<G’ Mornin’, "beautiful" >

Breathtaking, isn’t it!?


The “Corsican district” of “Heaven”, indeed…

Just… imagine waking up to that, every morning…

And getting to be… there…


“Respect”, to Johann, for the last two posts…

Little Mademoiselle Maggy, “the cuteness”, in action…

<That patio looks hot, but, if Alizée is barefoot, then it can’t be that bad, hopefully >

So cute, but, is it just me, or, are these guys getting bigger!?

Or, are they different turtles, and the guys are just “turtley” overrun by “turtles”!?

<Couldn’t resist that one >

Hmm, the whole place looks so so dry, nearly as bad as it gets here sometimes, by the look of it. Just as windy too, from what I hear, also...

“New heroine from the next Disney.”

Now that, is well done. Just soo cute…

Now, I will admit, at one time, I was not a fan of Chihuahuas, at all. I thought they were “yappy”, “snappy”, “aggressive” little “Chicken bone dogs”, and to a certain degree, I was correct. But, my views on the breed changed, and, pretty quickly too, after I agreed to transport a litter of Chichi puppies out west, for a friend of mine, on the way to a “show”, for, they turned out to be “very sweet”, “very affectionate”, funny little dogs. If they like you, that is, for if they don’t, theeeennn, they can be, a “pain”...


A “little”, “yappy”, “snappy”, “bitey”, one…

Y’all be safe, take care, stay cool, drink plenty of fluids, and just, generally “be excellent to each other”. Yeah!?

And, with a mask on, of course...
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Old 08-13-2020, 08:28 PM
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IG posts!?

There may just, have been a couple…

Ok, I must admit, I was getting worried about the “guys”, and how they were “doing” with all of the “stuff” that been going on, and how their “business”, at the studio was doing, and all “that”, but, as it has been reported elsewhere in the forum, they seem to have a plan to reopen for their new “term”, soo, that really can’t be bad…

My “best wishes”, as always, go with them…

<Yeah, I know, I’m, getting “soft” in my old age, but y’know, they’re worth it >

Now this “one”, she just “melts” my “icy”, “flinty old Scottish heart”, so she does. What an absolute “cutie”. Just like her “mother”, and her “sister”, and her “father”, and, and , everyone else in their “clan”, really…

I must admit though, I do have a “wee bit of a soft spot” for her “mother”, just a “little one”, that might just show itself, just a “tiny wee bit”…



<Note my most brilliant "mastery" of the British “martial art” of, “ the understatement” >

<To me, she ranks amongst those that are… “worth taking a bullet for”. >

<I’ll figure out why, one day.>

<Good night, “little lady”, and “tiny”, “little”, “little”, lady. Sleep well, be safe >

Well, talking about “absolute cuties”, if that shot does NOT make you go “aaawww”, and “smile” then you are most definitely either “dead”, or most certainly “Scottish”…

I mean “jeez”, how can you not smile at such “cuteness”?


Moar incoming cuteness!

Bella Vita” roughly translates as “Good Life”.

Looks pretty “spot on” to me…

Alizée’s little “puppy girl cuteness” really has the “right idea”. Find somewhere “warm”, “soft”, “secure”, and “beautiful”, and just “crash out”. “Little Chichi heaven”…

Amis du soir” roughly translates as “Evening Friends”.

Holy cremola, Alizée has “Jurassic Park” hanging on the underside of her roof…

Seriously though, they look like they are a mixed bag of various types of “Geckoes”, though I must admit that i’m not a “herpetologist”, or anything like that, so as for the “exact types”, I’m not sure…

Good for keeping the “bugs” and such “critters” down, though…

Bebe, noublie ton pas masque”, “Et voilà un objet de plus qu'il va oublier et egarer” roughly translates as “Baby, don't forget your mask”,“And here is one more object that he will forget and lose.”

“Oh dear lord”, that seriously “cracks me up”, in more ways than one, and for a lot of “reasons”…

<If you really want to know why, then “buy me a beer” sometime >

You seriously want to visit this young ladies IG page for her artwork is excellent, and her “observations” about some of the “aspects” of life, are “priceless”…

Y’all take care, be safe, and, if you ARE going to be “excellent to each other”, make sure and wear a… “mask”, and, don’t lose it, “afterwards”…

Just… don’t ask…

Funny, it was…

Laugh, you would…

Last edited by RedRafe; 08-14-2020 at 06:20 AM..
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Old 08-15-2020, 12:42 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts!?


About last night

<Omigosh >

<Shhh, she’s sleepin’ >

<“Barrage of little “stealth cutesy waves” at tiny little "Miss Cuteness” >

So cute…

#QuandMaggydortcommeAnnily” roughly translates as “#When Maggie sleeps like Annily.

Now, that little “snippet” of “info”, in itself, lets you know that Alizée, is most definitely, a “mother”, for, they tend to “hoard” little bits of “intelligence”, like the former, for use at the most “strategically important moments”, in life…

“Moments”, such as when you bring home a “special boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever”, to meet your family for the “first time”…


I always hated that moment, but, if they were going to be a “keeper”, they were going to have to meet my very own, “peculiarly Scottish” version of “The Addams Family”, and “run the gauntlet, so to speak...

This usually consisted of a prolonged, (usually about 3 hours long), “interview/public humiliation”, (with “tea” and “very nice cake”), in which all my “baby snaps”, “mini me pics”, “teenie snaps”, and basically anything that I had ever done , that was in “picture form”, (especially if it was on the “cute”, or really darn “embarrassing” side), would be "hauled" out of a very decorative "special box", kept specially to “house such horrors”, and “paraded” for any “prospective, prolonged love interest” to see, and, if that didn’t make them run off, screaming, then, there would be “questions”...

Questions, such as, “Lassie, what on earth are you doin’ hanging about with this loser, I mean, he said you were very pretty, but you are absolutely beautiful. Why him!?”

It would get waaay worse, from there on, in…

Funnily enough, nobody ever “ran away screaming”, out of the 5 that decided, I was “taking them home”, (which was always their decision), they ALL adored my family, and ALL stuck around, for a loong time…

Could never figure out why, though, for all of them were far more "beautiful", more "wonderful", than I ever "deserved"…

Maybe they saw something, that I didn’t, or simply couldn’t, see…

Who knows…


I wonder if Annily’s Marco got, “the treatment”, also? Wonder what the Corsican version of that, is?

Hmm, probably, don’t want to know!


Johann posted a selection of really cool shots, that I really couldn’t resist…

Adding all of the above to my list of “places I’d like to see, but probably will never”…

But, you get to “dream”…


Please go check out Johann’s IG page, for , he has got a lot of really cool stuff on it, and, go “follow” Jo’s IG page, for he continually posts a lot of truly superb stuff on it, he just does not keep it posted for very long, and, the only reason that I try not to post any of his stuff here is it is a “private” page, and I really do not want to offend him...

I would “really rather cut my own fingers off”, than do that, if you know what I mean, for he seems to be a really great guy…

Except, when anyone “looks” at his Alizée, and then, he usually looks like he would kind of “rip your face off”, if you know what I mean. Which I truly understand, for if I was her father, and anyone looked at my Alizée, I’d be the very same. Trust me on that one…

Y’all take care, be safe, drink plenty of fluids, wear that darn mask, aannnddd, if you're thinking of inviting that "special someone", home, to meet your "parents", hide all of your “treasured” baby pics, first…

Trust me, it’d be a LOT less embarrassing…
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Old 08-15-2020, 08:24 AM
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Liking these regular updates RedRafe, the train of Instagram content isn't slowing down, you're doing a great job of covering everything

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

About last night
These 2 might be my favourites from the past few days, she's just looks so precious
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Old 08-19-2020, 03:15 AM
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IG posts!?

There may, just may, be a few…

<And, in no particular order>

Well, “somebody”, may just definitely have some “skills”, because, he nearly “made” that shot, and, as you see, that was at “moving” target. Respect to the Greg for that shot…

<My “effort” would have ricocheted off of the "pool cover", hit Alizée on the head, and then entered the "living room" via one of the plate glass windows. Y’know, the really expensive kind. Maximum damage, guaranteed >

<Just makes me smile>

<Lucky, lucky guy>

Awwww… Respect to Jo, such “love” and “patience”, and, in this particular case, it will “pay dividends” in later life, in a lot of ways…

Hi “bébé cuteness”…

<Waves back >

So “cute”, and such “good taste”…

<Both of them>

<Cute, sweet little Defender >

Made without special effects.


Looks like little miss Maggy is on a “mission”, for she is most definitely “hightailing it” somewhere, “pedal to the metal”, and is looking for “someone”, methinks…

“See, there, Bambi, that’s how you spell my name.”

<‘Night, Angel… >

<Which one!?>

<Silly question… BOTH! >



Alizée, "bless her heart", posted both of these two "images", following, separately, as “stories”, over the past few days, and they are really nice, interesting posts…


From a "psychological" point of view these would be regarded as being, what I would loosely term as being “bouncers”, as in, “recurring themes”…

So, with that in mind, I get the feeling that they might invoke some… strong feelings, or, “heartfelt” meaning… for her…

So, I'm going to "digress" from the rest of the post I had planned...

Wouldn't be like me, would it!?...


<Methinks she worries too much>

Now, the IG site/pages that these images are from, are about "IG/social media influencers", and their “tricks of the trade”, and such…

Now, most of these, sort of touch on a “pet peeve” of mine, and that is this totally artificial, utterly unrealistic obsession, to the point of being literally a “fetish”, that people have about “IG influencers”, and, their quest for “utter perfection”…

It’s all “lies”…

“Smoke and Mirrors”…


And most of them know it…

But still they all “drink” that “sweet”, “cutesy”, “painted”, “primed” and “photoshopped”, “surreal”, "Koolaid"…

Poor Sheeple…

<I just don’t get it, at all >

Now, in the two pics below, the young lady in question, is less than "perfect", and she knows it, and for this she has my utter respect, for, acknowledging this...

But, she is really still quite "beautiful", in a very "real", "normal" way...

Hey, I’d really be quite “chuffed” to bits if she was my “significant other”, trust me…

Now, in her "snaps", the “right hand” side is her "resting/normal pose", and the “left hand” side of the pic is her "poised/posed" shot…

Anyhow, the little “blurb” with the pics kind of, “tells it all”…

*RELAXED VS POSED* Just a quick reminder babes.. NO ONE, not even influencers and models look perfect 24/7. Why should we feel bad about the way we look when we’re relaxed and unposed? Let’s be kinder to ourselves, put less pressure on ourselves and let’s give our body’s a day off! �� Thank you @georgie.clarke for your inspiring posts ��

⚠️Don’t be fooled by... “The Leaning Pose”⚠️

This is a well known trick for influencers, that any sitting down poses are really hard to get a flattering shot for IG. So here comes in handy the tricks and tips of “the lean”. In any shot sitting down, this is how an influencer achieves this pose for an image:

1) Sit on the side of your hip/thigh
2) Rest your upper body weight on the floor or arm chair or table (whatever depending on where you’re sitting)
3) Elongate and stretch your body as much as possible
4) Do something with the other arm, either hold a glass of wine or play with your hair (something away from your body)
5) Breath in and suck in

It’s all tricks and tips, so next time you’re scrolling through IG and see a leaning picture - here is your reminder that they actually look like the right picture in real life.

It’s one tiny snapshot of a well known influencer pose that they’ve used to achieve the picture but in no way shape of form do they look really like that in real life! #normalisenormalbodies #instavsreality

There, is where my “ pet peeve”, “kicks in”…

Which came first, “the chicken”, or “the egg”…

The “real shot”, or, the “posed shot”, one is “the truth”, the other, “a lie”…

And the thing is, to me, there was no need for the “lie”, for she is/was perfectly beautiful as she was, in the “real” shot…


It does seem, however, sadly, that nowadays “beauty” seems to be “equated” with “manufactured”, “artificial”, “artifice”, and not “actual”, “natural”, “reality”, which to me is just so… “wrong”…

I prefer “truth”, and… “real”, “beauty”…

Maybe it’s just me…

Maybe I’m the “odd one”, or something…

But I much prefer “reality”…

<Believe me when I say, I know “intimately”, what "real women" look like, in all “stages” of life>

As an “acquaintance” of mine so aptly put it…

“I do so hate “slipping between the sheets”, at night, with someone who looks like the “absolute”, “utter”, “Goddess of the Whole Universe”, and then wake up next morning to find that I’m lying next to someone who is a total “dead ringer” for “One Punch Man”. If that’s not “false advertising”, nothing is.”

I do see his point…

I’d have been more than… “slightly perturbed”…

<Ok, that’s the incredibly polite version >

Y’all take care, be safe, drink plenty of fluids, wear your masks, and please, pleaasseee, take that all of that Instagram “nonsense”, with a very healthy, “pinch of salt”, if you know what I mean…


And Alizée, unlike many, I am “under no illusions” about…

I still “absolutely adore”, her “very real”, “stunning”, “little” self…

<And if I’ve upset anyone, spank me later >

<Rant, “endex” >

Last edited by RedRafe; 08-19-2020 at 03:18 AM..
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Old 08-19-2020, 06:51 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts!?


Print her brother's photos to make posters for the office

Which is a really excellent idea, for Johann has been shooting some really excellent “pics”, when he has been “out, and about”. So PLEASE go check them out at his IG page, for, there are a LOT of really “class” images, that just make you wish that you were there, to see them, in person…

Figs from the garden

Never have tried “fresh” Figs, usually just get the “dried” ones, but these look excellent…

Sweet little guy…

And, its bigger brethren, are everywhere, watching…

Well, that is what Alizée’s newer “bling looks” like, sans Alizée. “Gilding the Lily”, or rather in this case “Lili”, indeed…

But you know what, she’s pretty much “perfect” without any, of it…

Interesting shot of Ajaccio, from Annily…

<Hey, “little”, “little”, lady >

No place like home”, “we live in paradise”…

The picture pretty much says it all, doesn't it…

Y’all take care, be safe, and just generally… enjoy…

<With your masks on, of course >
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Old 08-22-2020, 12:13 AM
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IG posts!?


Actually, there is an absolute utter “ton” of ‘em, for, as you know, the “little” lady, “her gorgeousness”, Alizée, is another year older, and, as always, her “nearest and dearest”, “her friends”, and her “most devoted fans”, take to the “social media”, en masse, to demonstrate their “love”, “affection”, and “admiration”, for her, and kind of… “pledge their fealty”, for yet another year…

Time, is short, and right now, I’m going to post the ones, that I personally think, are the most important to her…

<Will deal with the “rest”, later >

Now, we have seen the following shot before, but the sentiment that goes with this post… omigosh…

Aimer c’est tomber amoureux de la meme personne tous les jours! Je t’aime” roughly translates as “To love is to fall in love with the same person every day! I love you


“Smooth”, or what!


Damn you Greg, that one almost made me "cry"…

Joyeux anniversaire a la meilleure des mamans”, roughly translates as “Happy birthday to the best mom

My two, most very favourite little ladies…

Is it just me, or, are they just… beautiful…


<Seeing them together like that, does, however, make me feel… old >

<Sheesh >

Chaque année la tradition du dessin anniversaire” roughly translates as “Each year the tradition of the anniversary drawing

Now, this, this, is just ART, “manga style”, at it’s best…

Love it to absolute bits…

Now she has “applied” just a wee bit of “poetic” and “artistic license” here, but I feel, that mayhap, she has mostly got the “scale” of most of the “characters” there, just about “right”. Mostly…

<It’s probably just as well that it’s going to be highly unlikely that I’m ever going to see Corsica, for, after that last line, “Little miss Red Bandana Sandals”, Alizée, would probably “kick my ass”, on sight. >


Alizée, from the person that is most likely your very “worst fan”, this unworthy “Old Wolf”, “Happy Birthday”...

Now, there is no “gift”, for the only thing I would have, to give, that would be, of any worth, to you, is, a “place”, in my “heart”, and “soul”…

The thing is, you’ve already had these “both”, for a long, long time, already…


That’s, that…

< Always>

Y’all take care, be safe, “count your blessings”, and, enjoy…

<As always, with your masks on, of course >

Last edited by RedRafe; 08-22-2020 at 01:37 AM..
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Old 08-22-2020, 11:55 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts!?

There might be a couple…

She, is just soooo precious…

Apparently, little Miss M, “the cuteness”, has decided that Teddy’s blue star is “moving”, just as soon as she can figure out how to peel it off…


I’d be calling this "shot"… “Angels in Paradise”…


Look, see, there are two of them there, and ok, one of them is “small” and “Chichi” shaped, but “angelic”, nonetheless, annnddd, it really does look like “Paradise”…

I rest my case…

Il serait temps d'aller chez le coiffeur”, roughly translates as “It's time to go to the hairdresser
Oui un carré”, “yes a square” or “Oui un carré”, “No long hair”…

I’ve never really seen Alizée with a hairstyle that did not “suit” her, or that I didn’t like, and I will freely admit, I absolutely adore her with “long” hair, (you betcha ), but, I adore her anyhow, (mmhhmmm ), and it’s not about me/us, however, the fact that she’s considering getting it cut, in the first place, really actually means that she wants to “cut it”, so, “go for it”, “beautiful”…

Just, be, “you”…

That’s all you ever, “have”, to be…

“Happy”, would be, good, too…

<But, I'm thinking "herself" and Greg, have already got that one, "covered">

Good night, “beautiful”...

“Little” lady, and, “tiny” “little” “little” lady…

Like that “space”, a lot. It has a very nice “vibe”, “tranquil”, “restful”, “subdued”…


Y’all take care, be safe, and just… be happy…

<Blah de blah, MASKS >
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Old 08-24-2020, 07:56 AM
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Update regarding the dance studio from their Instagram. Google translation into English:

🖤 ​​2020/2021 SEASON REGISTRATION Thank you for sharing🖤.
Good morning all ,.
Registrations for this new 2020/2021 season will begin on Monday, August 31.
Resumption of classes on Monday September 7th.
To make this return to school comfortable for all, registrations will be done in 2 stages :.
🤍Possibility for students already enrolled last year to re-enroll by email from today :.
🤍New members must come and register at the studio from August 31st.
Registration is open to everyone at the dance studio during the following opening hours:.
🖤Monday August 31 2pm / 6pm.
🖤 ​​Tuesday September 1st 2 p.m. / 6 p.m.
🖤Wednesday September 2 2 p.m. / 6 p.m.
Wearing a mask is compulsory in the reception area of ​​the dance studio for those over 11 years old.
For everyone's comfort, a health protocol will be put in place to protect yourself and dance in good conditions! It will be communicated to you when you register.
We look forward to seeing you again 🖤.
A & G🤍

Looks like they've committed to keeping the place going even if it means under current restrictions. I'm not sure about Corsica specifically but France as a whole has a had a large spike of cases recently. Hopefully there will be plenty of hand sanitiser stations and such around the place.

Might see a decrease in the number of posts on her Instagram, should make things a tad easier for you RedRafe with less to report on Who do you guys think is going to take care of Maggy during lessons? Not sure if day cares would still be operating, perhaps they'll hire a Babysitter, or Jo and Michelle might step in.

Whatever happens, as long as it's all safe to do so, that's the most important thing at the moment.
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