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Old 11-18-2022, 02:21 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Thanksgiving Fables, stories, History about the Fairies, Mylene, and Alizee

Just in Time for Thanksgiving, 2022; I try to post some Fairy Fables about the Fairies, Mylene the Fairy Queen, and our Alizee, If I can get to them All !
The First is the Fairy Coin.
Hermione , the Fairy , was in the pasture caring for Clyde the Clydesdale Horse.
He had cut his leg on some barbed wire and got infected. So Hermione made up some of her Fairy Salve, which was antibiotic and also promoted healing; and so she was smearing it onto his injury all over.
Unfortunately a Bee happened to strike Clyde; and he jumped sideways, but ended up stepping on Hermione ! Uohf; she said, I am injured ! Clyde said "I'm sorry, Hermione ! But the Fairies Wings were Bent and she couldn't Fly. And then her Legs were Bent and she couldn't walk as well as one of her arms was Bent. Hermione said I am in a bad way and some Predator might get me ! So Clyde said What can I do ? Is there anyone around who can help, said Hermione.
Clyde thought and said the old lady who lives across the road might help. She gives me Carrots and Apples sometimes ! So the Fairy asked Clyde Pick me up in your Lips and carry me up to the Fence near her house. So he did. But now the Fairy had to cross the road to her house. How will I get there? Then Clyde called down the Blue Jay and told him the Fairy is Injured can you Fly her across the road? But the Jay said she is too heavy for me, let me ask the Crow ! The Jay flew into the Crow's territory.
Hey Crow, he said. What do you want Jay? Are you seeking to steal some of my corn? But the Jay told him A Fairy is injured by the Road and since you are so strong and sleek and handsome; she wanted you to fly her across the road to the old lady's house. Oh said the crow; this better not be a trick to steal corn ! So the Jay showed him where the Fairy was.
I am injured said Hermione and I need to be flown across the road to the old lady's house to get help. So the crow said put her on my back and hold onto my neck with both hands and I will get you there. and so the Crow flew her to the old lady's stoop and said I will peck at her window till she comes out to see you, and so he did.
Jeanne the old lady heard the pecking and said Now what is wrong with that crow? And came out and the Crow flew off. Then Hermione said Help Help me for I am injured ! So Jeanne saw it was a little person Why you look like a Fairy, she said. Let me take you inside and see if I can help you ! So the Fairy was still afraid as humans sometimes locked them up in cages ! But Jeanne laid her on her couch and said I don't know if I can set Fairy legs or Arms, and definitely not Wings ! But the Fairy said I will heal automatically; I just need some rest until I do. So Jeanne said; I know I still have a Dolls Bed from my childhood in my strongbox; I will get that out and put you to bed !
And so she got the Doll Bed out and it was just the right size for the Fairy who was about 12 inches tall. So she put the Fairy in Bed carefully and covered her up with the Covers. This is Comfy said Hermione !
So Jeanne said i know I will give you some of my Chicken Soup that is good for whatever ails you ! But the Fairy thought ( I don't want no Chicken in a Soup ! ) But as a guest; it wouldn't be polite to turn it down ! So Jeanne fixed her some hot chicken soup and some Rasberrry tea she had and some Bread and Butter with grape Jelly on it. Hermione ate the soup but studiously avoided the chicken parts. And she enjoyed the Tea and the Bread and Jelly just like Paddington the Bear ! Jeannie saw that she didn't touch the Chicken; so Hermione told her Fairies don't eat Meat ! Well I'll give you just the Soup, next Time ! So Hermione was really happy and thanked Jeanne ( and thought What Luck ! I have found a very nice Human ! ); but soon fell off into a deep sleep. And Jeannie went to bed too, since it was late by then !
So the Days past and the Fairy got stronger and her Wings and Legs and arm regenerated as Fairy appendages do; being somewhat magical creatures. And in fact; it was so nice living there with Jeanne that the Fairy took a few extra days to recover And they talked about Fairy-human things by the Fire. And it was warm and cozy in Jeanne's Cabin.
But Finally the Fairy had to be about the Fairy Queen's Business; so she told Jeanne I have to go today ! So Jeanne fixed her some bread and Butter and Grape jelly sandwiches to take with her. So the Fairy told her I owe you my Life; so I will give you a Coin of the Fairies ! Jeanne said I don't really need any money ! But the Fairy said it isn't that type of Coin ! It is Good for 3 Wishes. and so the Fairy gave her a Coin.
Now the Coin had Printed on one side "Mylene Farmer" and her Visage in the Center and on the Bottom "Queen of the Fairies" and on the back it said "Good for 3 Wishes" and what looked like Notre Dame in the Center and on the bottom was "Paris France" with the Mint Mark of 'P' and the Date 1163 .
So Jeanne said I don't know what I would wish for ? But finally she thought and said her Son and daughter were married; but she had no Grandchildren ! So she asked Hermione Can I wish for GrandChildren ? Of Course said the Fairy . Those are very good Wishes ! And so the Fairy Granted the Wishes !
And she told her I will return when you think of another wish !
And then the Fairy left; but as she went the Crow saw her and said Ho!, Fairy, You owe me sometime ! And the Fairy ; who had 3 sandwiches; told him How about a Bread and Butter and Jelly sandwich ? so the Crow said that would be Great and took it and said We are now even Fairy ! And so the Fairy checked on Clyde the Horse; who was now Healed and then she went about a fairy's Business !
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Old 12-20-2022, 03:46 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Location: City of Washington, United States
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Default Le Hornets Attack the Fairy Kingdom !

Now; as you know, the Fairy Kingdom near Paris is invisible to humans. However insects have different type Eyes; so it was that a Hornet Scout saw that Fairies were buzzing in and out of the Fairy Queen's KIngdom and thought that he had found a Bee's Nest !
So he went back to the Hornet's nest and Riled them all up to attack the Bee's nest and steal their Honey ! So All of the Hornets set off in a swarm and flew back to The Fairy Kingdom to attack it !
Unfortunately for the Fairies, their Drone Sentries had fallen asleep at their Posts; so before the Fairies knew it they had Hornets breaking in all over ! They had no time to close their windows or their doors or their gates or the main drawbridge ! And so it was that the Fairies were in a battle Royale with 200 or more Hornets swarming all over them !
Now the Fairies; of course, were smart enough to use a Human's insecticide against the Hornets, However Fairies dislike those types of things, as they clean up pollution. And so it was that the Fairies and Drones had to fight hand to hand against the Hornets to protect their Queen Mylene and the Fairy and Drone Baby Nursery ! So the Fairies fought with Bows and Arrows, and Swords, and Battle Axes, and Spears against the Hornets. Hornets tend to attack singly while the Fairies; being more intelligent, would gang up on a Hornet. And so Finally the Fairies Prevailed against the Hornets dispatching them all; except two they took Prisoner with Nets.
Now the Fairy Queen Mylene was very wroth with her General Drone and Officers because they had no warning. And the Fairies had huge losses being about 40 Fairies wounded and 50 Drones killed or Wounded !
So the Queen chewed out her General and told him to relieve the sentries every 2 hours so they wouldn't fall asleep in the future. and told him to take half the army and tie steamers to the tails of the two remaining hornets and let them fly back to the nest and then cut the nest down and take all of the dead hornets back to it and then destroy the nest with fire. And make sure you don't burn down the forest with it ! And so the General did.
And all the Fairy and Drone Wounded were in their Hospital. However, since Fairies are Magical creatures; their wounds would eventually heal with rest !
And then the Fairies; like the Ancient Greeks, sang a Victory Poem for their win and to their Queen, Mylene.
Of course ; being Fairies, the Fairy Band and Singers sing this Very Fast !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 12-20-2022 at 03:55 AM.. Reason: ro add a link
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