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Old 06-01-2007, 05:57 AM
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Default Lesson - Section 2: Futur Antérieur


Lesson - Section 2:
Futur Antérieur
Le Français Quotidien Partie 4
The Vocabulary of Musical instruments

Welcome back! As I said before, do not try this lesson before you have thoroughly read through the previous one You need to know how to conjugate avoir and être in the futur simple very well before you do this one. If you can do this, full speed ahead!

The futur antérieur is used to express something that will have happened. For example,

I will have washed the dishes.
J'aurai fait la vaisselle. hear it

She will have purchased the CD Mes Courants Eléctriques.
Elle aura acheté le disque Mes Courants Eléctriques. hear it

You will notice that this tense has two parts, avoir/être plus the verb itself. The auxiliary verb is used to express the fact that this will occur in the future, and the verb itself is the main idea. The verb itself is present as the participe passé: acheter-acheté, etc. How do you choose between avoir and être? The same way as with the Passé Composé. Please go to that lesson again if you need a refresher

Actually, the most frequent usage of this tense is after the conjunctions quand, après que, lorsque (quand), aussitôt que (as soon as), and dès que. In this case, they show that a future action will be finished BEFORE another future action. For example,

Une fois que vous aurez vu la vidéo "J'en ai marre", vous serez une autre personne hear it
Once you have seen the video "J'en ai marre", you will be another person

Quand tu auras mangé les épinards de Popeye, tu seras fort hear it
When you finish your Popeye's spinach, you will be strong

Le Français Quotidien Partie 4

Let's talk about ordering a meal at a restaurant. You bring your girlfriend into a good French restaurant in Paris, and you both order appetizers, the main course, and some small desserts. And of course, you order a good wine to go with this Now I will show you an imaginary conversation with your girlfriend during the ordering process of these things. You can imagine the remainder of the conversation with two candles on the table, in a dimly lit booth, at 7pm in downtown Paris with the restaurant packed Caution this is a somewhat long conversation, so take it a little at a time if you feel like it

Le garçon: Bonsoir mademoiselle et monsieur, qu'est-ce que je vous sers?
Phillipe: Bonsoir, je voudrais commander deux soupes à l'oignon, la salade niçoise, et pour elle, elle voudrait le coq au vin.
Le garçon: Est-ce que je peux vous recommander des aperitifs?
Pauline: Bien sûr, qu'est-ce que vous avez?
Le garçon: Nous avons le château margaux, le pétrus, la romanée conti, le riesling allemand,...est-ce que vous aimeriez une carte avec nos autres séléctions?
Pauline: Non merci, je voudrais une bouteille de romanée conti s'il vous plaît.
Le garçon: Très bien mademoiselle. Vous voudriez commander des desserts aussi?
Pauline: Mon loup, qu'est-ce qu'on a decidé?
Phillipe: Je pense que ça sera du tiramisu pour toi, et un sorbet à friandises pour moi.
Le garçon: Très bien monsieur. Merci, je vais retourner avec vos commandes.

22 mins après:

Le garçon: Votre soupe à l'oignon, et la salade niçoise monsieur. Et pour vous mademoiselle, le coq au vin et la soupe à l'oignon. Et, la romanée conti.
Pauline et Phillipe: Merci.
Le garçon: Bon appétit!

Après le dîner:

Le garçon: Les deux desserts, le tiramisu et le sorbet.
Phillipe: Est-ce que le service est compris?
Le garçon: Oui monsieur.
Pauline: Est-ce que vous pouvez nous donner l'addition?
Le garçon: Oui mademoiselle.

That's it! Feel free to tell me what you imagined for the 22 mins in between Now, I will not translate this dialogue completely because thats good exercise for you Although, some vocabulary words will be helpful:

aperitif = a wine you drink before your meal
aimeriez = would like
addition = the bill
service = tip (caution, noun is pourboire)

Go for it! Now you have some idea how to order a meal in France. Feel free to ask me any questions.

The vocabulary of musical instruments

And that is all for today's lesson!

PM me the answers to the following questions please.

1. Write me a short conversation ordering a meal at a restaurant, content of your choice. Refer to lesson 3: Foods if necessary.
2. Conjugate the following verbe in the futur antérieur completely: faire.
3. Conjugate the following verbe in the futur antérieur completely: déplacer.
4. Conjugate the following verbe in the futur antérieur completely: finir.
5. Conjugate the following verbe in the futur antérieur completely: prendre (participe passé = pris).
6. Write me a short essay about your favorite musical instrument. Need not exceed 100 words. But please, write me more than 2 sentences
7. Translate the conversation between the server, Pauline, and Phillipe.
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