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Old 08-22-2007, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
I'm in love... She's my passion and I talk of her from bottom of my heart.

But that doesn't change anything in my life. It's as crap as yesterday.

And no... I'm not happy... I will never be. There's only one thing that would make me happy and that is unreachable for me.

Do you think you're the first person to have a rough time? Get a grip man and stop feeling sorry for yourself!
I understand you have deep feelings for Alizée but your thinking in a negative way and that's why you're depressed.
Don't be so selfish Alizée is married and has a daughter, be happy for her!
Alizée may well be perfect for you, but would you be good for her? That's a question I asked myself once and now I'm just happy for Alizée that she has someone to make her happy.
If you believe Alizée's your soulmate it won't get any easier but you could love someone else just not in the same way. The bond we fans have with Alizée is a special one, embrace it because we are blessed!

Just keep your head high, you will meet her oneday if you really want to. Maybe after a concert or something. You can't profess your undying love for her though because that would probably just freak her out lol.
You can show her love in other ways that she will appreciate though . Paying her a complement or two, thanking her for who she is and maybe even by giving her a special gift. I'm sure seeing her smile would mean the world to you.
Start thinking in a positive light because just meeting Alizée is a dream worth holding on to, just don't set your sights to high because you'll only be setting yourself up for dissapointment.

Last edited by Un-rêve; 08-22-2007 at 05:49 PM..
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:20 PM
Tye Tye is offline
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Youpidou is one that I get stuck in my head. I do that with most of her songs. I will be humming, and realize it is one of Lili's songs. I do it without even realizing it.
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:22 PM
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whatt do you knnow about my ptroblems? they are nott relateeed to Lili. except thee love part of courrse wich affectss my mood alot. .

TYes Ik now she is marrieed and hass child nd husband and that is not a problme for me. U'm happy for them alll. I knoww perfec tl y werll tha we don 't haave fujture. Annd i kno w Im nothing for hr, not perfect for herr.. if we arre meant to bee togtherr then it will happn somday but I dno't coun t on it.

bUt stiil. shE is everythibn g to me. Im nothihng wuthout her. good as dead.

she dont needd to nderstand anby of thiss. ALl i want is to thank her wht sh edid for me. She savved m y life once. GAve me reasson to live. oNly if she could take it awat tooo.

But neverr think im in this placec beacayse of her. Im inspite of her. Id be much wirse without her. she givves me litttle joy and abilityy to dream. Dream of worl d withoyt pain.

One dayy in near futuer I wiish to be abble to thank her. Thha t day gives me l.ittle hope.
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:24 PM
theit77 theit77 is offline
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Originally Posted by Killian View Post
I've never been able to just listen to one song, I seem to get stuck on an album. I find myself listening to an album the whole way through.

But if I only had time to listen to one song, it would probably be C'est Trop Tard or Veni Vidi Vici.
Finally, someone else who's favorite (albeit barely better than the rest) is Veni Vedi Vici - it's got a good combination of the bright, happy tone of Moi... Lolita, and the harder, rock-ier tone of C'est Trop Tard.
__Ella, elle l'a ----- Ella, she has it..
._Ce je n'sais quoi, Que d'autres n'ont pas ----- That something, That others don't have __
.Qui nous met dans un drôle d'état ----- That puts us in a happy state.____._
Elle a cette drôle de voix, Elle a cette drôle de joie ----- She has this curious voice, She has this curious joy
____..___ Ce don du ciel qui la rend belle ----- This gift from the sky that makes her pretty.
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:32 PM
neoific neoific is offline
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
whatt do you knnow about my ptroblems? they are nott relateeed to Lili. except thee love part of courrse wich affectss my mood alot. .

TYes Ik now she is marrieed and hass child nd husband and that is not a problme for me. U'm happy for them alll. I knoww perfec tl y werll tha we don 't haave fujture. Annd i kno w Im nothing for hr, not perfect for herr.. if we arre meant to bee togtherr then it will happn somday but I dno't coun t on it.

bUt stiil. shE is everythibn g to me. Im nothihng wuthout her. good as dead.

she dont needd to nderstand anby of thiss. ALl i want is to thank her wht sh edid for me. She savved m y life once. GAve me reasson to live. oNly if she could take it awat tooo.

But neverr think im in this placec beacayse of her. Im inspite of her. Id be much wirse without her. she givves me litttle joy and abilityy to dream. Dream of worl d withoyt pain.

One dayy in near futuer I wiish to be abble to thank her. Thha t day gives me l.ittle hope.
Stop crediting your existance to her music, you are here because you choose to be. It is YOUR decision to be alive, not anyone elses. You don't know her personally, therefore you don't love her. You are infatuated Alizee, not Lili. Honestly, you need to grow up; you need to realize that life should be something beyond desire and lust. There is more to life than simply living, thats just the starting point. Also you seem to be intoxicated when you post most of your messages now, stop hiding behind drugs and things will come much easier.

I don't know what situation you're in, but I can guarantee you that I have been is worse. Far worse. You don't know what its like to goto federal court as a minor. Therefore my words have meaning behind it. Things will be OK. Just chill and enjoy the ride for what its worth.

Last edited by neoific; 08-22-2007 at 05:35 PM..
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
whatt do you knnow about my ptroblems? they are nott relateeed to Lili. except thee love part of courrse wich affectss my mood alot. .

bUt stiil. shE is everythibn g to me. Im nothihng wuthout her. good as dead.

Well I was just replying to your last post and now reading this here it seems very much related to Lili. I can tell when someone is crying out for help and I can also tell that you've been drinking.
You obviously didn't take in all of my last post, I was just trying to help you see the " love part " from a different perspective that's all.

Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
. ALl i want is to thank her wht sh edid for me. She savved m y life once. GAve me reasson to live.
{ Edit} Well it's good that Alizée has given you hope in the past, that's something special but now it's time for you to be strong.

Take care and all the best.

Last edited by Un-rêve; 08-22-2007 at 06:13 PM..
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Old 08-22-2007, 05:57 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
There's only one thing that would make me happy and that is unreachable for me.
You didn't say this, but I'm assuming you mean having Alizée for a lover/wife. Or if not that, at least a close friend.

If so, you're mistaken, RMJ. That would not make you happy. Take it from someone who has been through more failed relationships than anyone should have to. If you are dependent on your relationship with someone else for your happiness, if you don't have a core of happiness inside yourself, from which you can give that happiness to another, it won't work.

Alizée is a wonderful healer and has, in ways you recognize even if you don't believe in them, kept you alive for years, but all that does is give you a chance to address your real problems and pull yourself out of your emotional mire. And that's something YOU have to do. She can't do it for you.
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Old 08-22-2007, 06:14 PM
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RMJ, please take control of your situation. Like deepwaters said, you are the only one who can pull yourself out of this situation you are in.

Marrying Lili is not going to happen. I know this isn't something you like but it is just the way it is. Be happy that Lili has a beautiful family that she loves and that loves her. She is a mother and that is the greatest gift a woman can have. You should be happy that she has been given this gift.

Also, do you really think Lili would want you miserable like this? If she knew you she would probably be somewhat freaked out by your behavior. I am sure she doesn't want people obsessing over her like this.

I am not trying to be mean or accusing with this post, RMJ. I want you to get better, and be happier.
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:37 PM
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RMJ we can all find our own Lili in our lives.

We would love to help you if you would just tell us what is bothering you. Until that time, only you can get out of your situation, it is only up to you RMJ. We can't help you if we don't know what to help you with.

RMJ its a fundamental truth that nobody wants to date anybody who is not fundamentally happy and cheerful themself (girls and boys included). Think about this: You can live in happiness by yourself. But you can live in better happiness with your soulmate.

Now tell us how we can help you RMJ. We sincerely want you to get better.
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by garçoncanadien View Post
RMJ we can all find our own Lili in our lives.

We would love to help you if you would just tell us what is bothering you. Until that time, only you can get out of your situation, it is only up to you RMJ. We can't help you if we don't know what to help you with.

RMJ its a fundamental truth that nobody wants to date anybody who is not fundamentally happy and cheerful themself (girls and boys included). Think about this: You can live in happiness by yourself. But you can live in better happiness with your soulmate.

Now tell us how we can help you RMJ. We sincerely want you to get better.

First I'd like to second that and just agree that I would sincerely like to see you get happy and want to help as well. There was a point in the last few months of me being a big fan of Alizee, and watching every translated interview and reading everything I could, that I was just hit with a strong sense of sadness that lasted a good while.

It just hurt watching and studying this person who I just see as such an amazing person in so many more ways then just sheer beauty, and yet I will most likely never even have a chance to meet her. (Although the fact that she can completley melt me just by smiling didn't help either.)

But I came to realize on my own pretty much everything garçoncanadien said. There is a Lili out there for everyone.

Something else big I came to realize, I think a MAJOR reason why so many of us are so attracted to Alizee is just her absolute Love of Life itself and happiness that just comes through in every interview and song she does. It is actually kind of a rarity in this day and age. (At least for me and the girls I meet anyway) Everyone seems to just be down a lot and upset with something or another, But Lili is nothing but happiness. (At least thats all that we see of her for the most part)

RMJ I'm not suggesting this is even the problem you were having, it just kind of sounded similar so I wanted to throw my 2 cents in there

I'd also like to add, this is just an amazing site going on here. Very glad I found it. Just so much genuine kindness you rarely see on any forums...it's really a great community
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