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Old 03-22-2011, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Azhiri View Post
I believe they simply had a unique idea that they thought could make a lot of money and Alizée fit the bill, no mind control involved; she has said before that they gave her the book so that she could better understand her "role".

It's not unlike the way an actor researches the setting and the life of the character they portray. Is that also mind control?

This is an interesting idea but I believe the dress was for looks and, as Karla said, convenience.
But you have to understand how young she was. I firmly believe the draft age in this country starts at 18 because young men here are so patriotic at that point, that they are eager to serve their country, but if they waited until they were 21, the government would have a much tougher time drafting people because these young people would have learned so much more about the politiics of the world,

and so it was with Alizee. It wasn't necessarily mind control, it could have just been influencing her at a very early stage of her life, at a point where she hadn't really formed her own opinions of what is right and what is wrong, and I think she was very heavily influenced by MF and LB. She had a tremendous amount of respect for these two artists, and if they led her down a path that she would later on would feel was wrong, she may have been too naive to realize it at the time.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 03-22-2011 at 04:34 PM..
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Old 03-23-2011, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
No they didn't.
Well actually they did.

Originally Posted by Junkmale View Post
She deserted them.
Now she's gone away a soulful song that would not stay.

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Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:55 PM
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Wink Teddy bears that find Alizée -physically- attractive

Teddy bears that find Alizée -physically- attractive

Scruffy is wrong: I think Mylène saved Alizée's LIFE by making her read Nabokov's Lolita! This way, before it was too late, she learned that the smart young woman makes a middle-aged literature teacher, instead of a bear, the object of her passionate desires! Consider the following:

Today, I discovered that little girls face a new menace named Pedobear. I read that:
...he chases little girls, also called "loli."
Apparently, Pedobear uses evil tricks like this:<br>
<!-- <img
src="http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=125194" width="213" height="221"> --><a href="http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=125194"><img src="http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=125194" width="425" height="441" alt="If no image is seen here, try loading http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=125194"></a><br><br>Do not doubt that in Corsica he would have used Alizée's favorite candy - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gummi_bear">Gummi BEARS</a>!!! (They sound even more dangerous than <!-- <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pxt_R7jLKA"> --><a hrtef="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-iysdFu_TQ">sucettes</a> to me.)

Happily, through things like the novel Lolita, Mylène taught Alizée that the only proper thing for a girl to do with a teddy bear upon reaching adolescence is to bury the fucking SOB alive! Remember, without the book, Alizée would have turned to the INTERNET to learn about sex! And what would she have learned?

Look at what people ask online: How Can You Have Sex With A Teddy Bear? What is WORSE, people there answered that it is impossible. We know this is WRONG, as the video here proves.

And when you are dealing with a young girl, people worry about statutory rape. But with teddy bear lust, one must even fear le viol statuEtaire!

I know some good people are trying to create serious teddy bear sex education, but they always get carried away, even if they are mute.

And don't for a moment think that a librarian could have picked out a better book than Mylène did to teach Alizée about sex. Why? Because librarians have sex with bears themselves! This was revealed in Canadian Marian Engel's most famous novel, Bear. This shocking expose even won the Governor General's Literary Award in 1976.

Worst of all, even after they get past Pedobear, women then face a lifetime of pursuit by MILFbear! And tragically, many eventually become so ursaphile, they grow totally unable to to enjoy sex without involving bears, as illustrated by the video here.

<!-- <img src="http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/m.jpeg" width="250" height="299"> --><a href="http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/499031/Milfbear/"><img src="http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/m.jpeg" width="500" height="596" alt="If no image is seen here, try loading http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/499031/Milfbear/"></a>

And things only KEEP GETTING WORSE! See Yogi Bear Poster Alludes to Beastiality. (Now we know why the smaller bear is named Boo-Boo.)

By the way (getting back to the thread topic), Yogi wants to know: How do you clean up if you spill your honey on Alizée's blue and white dress during a pic-a-nic?

Postscript: I must blame the fertile mind of Bigdan for at least some of my ravings here!

<hr size="10" color="black" align="center" width="75%">
OMG! I had forgotten about the following. Even in the Olden Days, one of those salacious stuffed animals had almost nailed poor, innocent Annette as well! Do they have no shame at all?

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AGVD3NmRTUU?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Last edited by FanDeAliFee; 04-03-2011 at 09:52 PM.. Reason: Do proper "seek" within PTB music video
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Old 03-24-2011, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by FanDeAliFee View Post

Postscript: I must blame the fertile mind of Bigdan for at least some of my ravings here!

woow... don't put all this on my shoulders, please !
http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=1448&dateline=1276377  065
------------------MISS ALIZEE -----------------
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Old 03-24-2011, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Bigdan View Post
woow... don't put all this on my shoulders, please !
Ha! You're absolutely right; he needs to be responsible for his own ravings and not try to blame others.

Regarding the concert at the Grand Rex that was canceled, I can understand someone being upset about that if he had tickets and was planning to attend. The ticket price was refunded but the travel costs were not. (It was much worse for people who came from this side of the ocean than for someone traveling to France from the UK.) But this needs to be thought through a bit more, if one can get past the bitterness in order to do that.

There has always been for me a "that does not compute" factor in that canceled concert. The prevailing belief among fans is that it was canceled due to slow ticket sales, but that isn't the kind of reason that would be kept secret. If that was the reason, why not make an announcement that the ticket sales weren't sufficient to hold the concert? There's no shame in that, everyone would understand, and it would mollify a lot of bitter fans. It strikes me as filling in the gaps with something plausible, but not necessarily true. I don't think it is true, because if it were there is no reason why we wouldn't have had an official announcement to that effect. I'm not saying the ticket sales were good -- just that however slow they were, that cannot be the reason the concert was canceled.

The reason that Alizée has given, a shake-up in her management team, might be closer to the truth, but again, there is something about it that doesn't compute. While it may be true, I strongly suspect it isn't the whole truth.

Whatever the reason for the cancellation, it's one that she has been very reluctant to divulge. This reluctance is emphasized by the utterly bogus and non-credible reason she offered at the time, that she was canceling it to attend an awards ceremony in Mexico. Absurd! Did anyone believe that? But why present a false reason unless the true reason is one that can't be told?

And I think that's the case. I think that the true reason is one that she can't share with the public. Which probably means it's something in private, perhaps compounded by the slow ticket sales. That being the case, as understandable as it is for people to be upset at having spent money on travel costs for no concert, I think it might be a good idea to cut her some slack.
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:37 PM
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There is a lot of sense in what you say Deep.
It's not just about the Concert. We all know that poor/slow ticket sales were not the reason it was cancelled. As a Forum we have been over that topic numerous times already and i don't really see the purpose of dragging it all up again.
The broken promise of the 'you and me, eye to eye'? We're still waiting on that one? Still no explanation or excuse as to why that didn't happen?
The Rex should and could have happened. The proposed summer concert was simply a fob off. I don't believe that there was ever an intention to make that a reality.

The main question is that 'did her French fans abandon her'. How could they do that?
They haven't been given the opportunity to abandon her?
Psych sold reasonably well in France. French fans were treated to the fact that she went to Mexico and didn't play for them even once to show her appreciation for that fact. If e.g she had announced a tour of 10 dates around France on the Psych 'tour' and hardly anyone turned up then maybe you could argue the main topic point. That didn't happen so it's all hypothetical.
Ueds didn't sell well. Timing was wrong, promotion was non existent and by that time, i believe, French fans were totally fed up giving only to receive very little in return. The fact that it wasn't very good didn't help.
Some here, unfortunately, don't seem to grasp the concept of constructive criticism.
I LOVE Alizee. I will be a Fan for the rest of my life but that dosen't mean that i can't see the obvious errors that her career path has taken.
I totally fail to comprehend how anyone can honestly believe that the fault lies with the French public when it quite clearly dosen't and i've yet to see an argument that will convince me otherwise.

Last edited by Junkmale; 03-24-2011 at 09:50 PM..
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Old 03-25-2011, 10:21 PM
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Wink (Off-topic) Make up your own "Just in Bieber" joke

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well picture this scenario. The Beaver (Jerry Mathers....maybe a poor choice of nicknames for this post), who has just turned 15 tells his mom, June Cleaver that their neighbor, old man Chester wants him to come over so they can watch Broke back mountain together. At first June's reaction is horror, but then she thinks about it and thinks things are a lot different now a days than they were when she was a kid and she's sure the little Beaver knows what he's doing so she says okay.
With that the Beaver walks out the door and heads for old man Chester's house. Just then a jolt of sanity hits June. She let's out a scream, runs to the door, flings it open and yells to Beaver at the top of her lungs, "Don't forget to bring some condoms!".
The other year I illustrated our changing times by citing The Donna Reed Show, an American broadcast television contemporary of Leave It To Beaver (LITB), which Scruffy references above - from an era now TWO generations (and the better part of a century) ago! In Alizée says: I am what I am (hint: not Jerry Falwell) I wrote:
Do you know why Alizée's company is called Wisteria? It is a reference to Wisteria Lane in the TV show she fondly follows, "Desperate Housewives." The latter includes open social arrangements that would not only [have made] the folks in "The Donna Reed Show: blanch - but telephone the vice squad. (Damned if the Stones didn't have tiny twin beds - and they were married.)
Today I discovered a curious coincidence. The very same house in which LITB was filmed now serves as that of the deceased narrator on Desperate Housewives (DH), Mary Alice Young!

And it seems that having to share their house on Wisteria Lane with the 21st century folks of DH has had a profound effect on the Cleaver family of LITB, who now have embraced the politics, technology and culture of contemporary times, as demonstrated by the following video:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QxGo0KT8Z7Y?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

But one didn't have to wait for DH to bring profound change to the Cleaver world. Fully an entire generation ago now, Eddie Haskell made a startling confession to Wally, which we remember from the following video:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/M9dKYxkYYXM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

P.S. To paraphrase Twain, the report of Jerry Mathers' death in Vietnam was "greatly exaggerated"

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Old 03-26-2011, 12:12 PM
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soooo we are no longer talking about the dress?
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Old 03-26-2011, 01:31 PM
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All right everyone, do I have to point you all back to the "RESPECT" post I made...? In any event, I've read every page - and I am a little dissappointed!

We are family (although only "voluntarily") - as such we *are* going to disagree. We need (all of us) to be able to disagree with respect.

Now, as for the dress, I (*personally*) was absolutely horrified by that dress - IMHO - it is lacking in style and is absolutely wrong. Of course, that is *only* my opinion...

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Oh please.

/snippage for brevity.
She was a young girl trying to figure out who she was.
/dbbl facepalm...


Hyperbole (pronounced /haɪˈpɜrbəliː/ hy-PUR-bə-lee[1]; from ancient Greek ὑπερβολή 'exaggeration') is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally.
I think he was trying to make a hyperbolic statement to show a silly idea man!

Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
I think you and I are the only ones that got it even though it was obvious he was giving an example. Now I think half the people on this forum think Mylene hates "people of Mexico" lol.
I got it... :P Obvious use of Hyperbole!


P.S. - Ninja edit and all that good stuffz!

UEDS is *not* my favorite album of hers, but, I'm still around. Just waiting to see if I can get hit by another "Alizée Brick".

http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6183 - <---- Respect thread.

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Last edited by Edcognito; 03-26-2011 at 01:36 PM.. Reason: Link "RESPECT" thread...
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Old 03-26-2011, 06:43 PM
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There must be at least one thread somewhere in this forum on whether or not you like UEDS.
I am not a fashion savvy person to say the least, but this type of dress could have been very popular in France. I do not know that for any kind of fact. I don't know what the French people liked or disliked for clothing in this era.
Karla, your view????
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