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Old 05-04-2016, 10:59 AM
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Default THe nightmare is over!

Originally Posted by deligna View Post
Phew, i was afraid the hub had closed or something. Would be a nightmare considering i havent finished my share... Thanks for quick answer!
lol... Yes The Hub HAS been closed twice for more than a few hours: once in 2007 when I moved from California to Arizona and for two days this week during a move now that I have bought a new home. Other than that we've been in continuous operation since 2003, a fact that I am very proud of.

Naturally, like everything else in life, circumstances have necessitated changes over the years and we'll go over a few of them since I haven't done a Hub status update in quite a while.

1) POPASIA MERGER: It seemed a little silly (and maybe a little racist) to have a second Hub based solely of the ethnicity of the performer. Both Hubs have been merged to create the "Girl Pop Idol Hub" other wise known as "The Hub." Nothing else has changed except share size.

2) SHARE SIZE: This has not changed since 2005 and it's about damn time, and since you can use ANY qualifying female Pop vocalist clips to gain entry, it should not be a problem. We were plagued with people that would only share the minimum 1 GB, go into a download frenzy, then once they had the files they wanted, LEAVE without contributing anything. The Hub is a community, not just a free download site, and if you want it to grow and prosper then you need to do your part. I think I can say that without question that we have the largest collection of Alizee live clips and televised interviews available online anywhere in the world, but it takes each and every one of you to contribute to make sure that newer Alizee stuff gets online and shared by the Hub as soon as possible. So here are the changes:

REGISTERED MEMBER: 10 GB of qualifying clips. If you need to know what qualifies, then look at the top of this thread.

VIP MEMBERSHIP: 200 GB of qualifying clips, This allows admittance to the "VIP Room" with advance previews and exclusive content. You should have an active connection and be online as close to 24/7 as possible.

HUB OPERATOR: 2 TB of qualifying clips. These are the people who help me run the Hub by registering new members, providing technical support, and contributing the bulk of the new content for the Hub. An active connection and 24/7 connectivity is required.

3) POSTING NEW CONTENT: This can be done in main chat. The most important thing is to make sure you stay online until at least one of the Hubbers who is online 24/7 has the clips so it can be distributed. Once I have it in my own share, I will do frequent re-posts (crediting the original poster who brought it to the Hub of course) until I am reasonably sure everyone has the new clip.

--THE HUB CLOSING WITHOUT NOTICE: The most important thing to remember is COMMUNICATION and the Hub provides plenty of that. I don't reboot the Hub's server without making note of the fact in main chat and every time the Hub is going to be offline for more than a few hours I send a mass message to every hubber as well as messages in Main chat, VIP Chat and OP Chat. If it's a mystery to you why the hub is offline then you're just not paying attention!

But you MUST pay attention-- it is a Hub rule that you read and respond to all messages from the OPs in a timely fashion. I can't count how many times someone got kicked out of the Hub because they had a file that is not allowed in the Hub. They were warned by the Ops over and over again then they cry to me when they are on the outside looking in because my OPs failed to realize that they are special people for whom the rules just don't apply. It's like telling a cop when you run a red light "oh I don't pay attention to those things." Trust me, that doesn't work either.

You will always know when the Hub is going offline. Sure sometimes computers break down and you unexpectedly lose the Hub for a while but if you pay attention 90% of the time the 'down time' need not be a mystery to you--

Last edited by digimaze; 05-12-2016 at 01:45 AM..
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Old 02-04-2017, 12:16 PM
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Default A Quick Update Regarding the Hub

Hey gang:

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."
--Mark Twain

Actually my Hub never closed. To be more accurate, my active participation in this forum offering tech support, status updates, preferential treatment to Alizee fans has gone on hiatus mainly due to the unfair and mostly untrue attacks on my Hub in general and me personally.

The Hub changed it's address, which despite the picture painted elsewhere is a very well-known FACT and has happened several times in the past. This time however, the active members list was NOT transferred to the new domain. Each active member of the Hub was openly invited in both public and personal chat several times to join the new entity, and several of them declined to respond. As regrettable as that is, that is THEIR CHOICE.

When the Hub closed, those people found themselves out of the loop. Since they had failed to respond to repeated posts from the Hub owner, this could be construed as a "mass kick." The requirement to respond to OP messages is a well-known rule, especially by "former OPs" of my Hub who kicked people for the very same reason.

Anyone who visited the Hub in the last month or so received an invite. All chat messages are stored as text files on your computer, so if you're interested, open up the message and respond to it. Better late than never they always say :-)

If you DID respond, and in the hectic frenzy involved in getting the new Hub online you got "lost in the cracks" then I apologize: drop me a line and I'll get back to you ASAP.

But like I said, our presence in this Forum is on hiatus: we are still going strong after 14 years of serving the Alizee community. By "un-sticky-ing" this thread and replacing it with some new Hub brings our return into question....as well as the fact that the action against my Hub's place in this Forum seems to have been initiated by someone listed as an Operator for the new Hub, and it could be construed as a conflict of interest by some, and openly antagonistic by many.

We're still alive and kicking, and those of you that want to re-join our community know where to find us.



Last edited by digimaze; 02-04-2017 at 12:21 PM..
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Old 02-04-2017, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by digimaze View Post

We're still alive and kicking, and those of you that want to re-join our community know where to find us.



For those of us who have never been members and don't know where to find you, why don't you tell us where you're at?
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Old 02-06-2017, 09:26 PM
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My reading comprehension has never been great, and certainly has diminished with age. I apologize if I somehow mis-interpreted:

[2017-01-31 14:13] <digimaze>
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^


In exactly twelve hours this Hub will close.

[2017-02-01 02:13] <digimaze>
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^




^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^

[2017-02-01 02:13] *** Connection closed
[2017-02-01 02:15] *** Connecting to <girlpop.hopto.me:1209>...
[2017-02-01 02:16] *** Connection timeout

To mean that the hub had closed.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
Actually my Hub never closed. To be more accurate,...

When the Hub closed, those people found themselves out of the loop....

Based on the info I had from main chat posts, I (apparently falsely) concluded the hub had closed, and 'un-sticky-ed' the thread. Based on the new info I have, I am reversing my error. Sorry about that.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
By "un-sticky-ing" this thread and replacing it with some new Hub brings our return into question....as well as the fact that the action against my Hub's place in this Forum seems to have been initiated by someone listed as an Operator for the new Hub, and it could be construed as a conflict of interest by some, and openly antagonistic by many.
I get the feeling most of Alizée's fans feel that their fandom is a hobby. I know I do. It's something you do because you want to do it, how you want to do it, and when you want to do it. It's not a business or anything. Conflict of interest? A hobby?

I've said many, many times that I'm an Alizée fan, and I want to help other fans learn about her, and make sure that the videos and photos are available for fans. (Check the stored chat logs.) After the post "In exactly twelve hours this Hub will close" I resigned myself to the fact that an era was over, and was thinking maybe I could mail out flash drives full of videos to fans in the future. Then I got an invitation to check out another hub so I did. Upon my arrival I found I had been registered as an OP. Still believing the hub was really closing, I was relieved that there would still be a way to get files to new fans. I went to sleep but got up to see if the hub was really closing, and right on schedule 'Happy Trails' rolled, I got disconnected and couldn't reconnect, and figured that was it. No antagonism was intended.

I realize that it's my fault the hub 'not-closed' because I have no interest in other artists. I mentioned that several time over the years. (see chat logs) Fandom is a hobby to me and no two fandoms are identical. I thought I had been following all the rules. I probably had over 99% online time. Sure, my share wasn't organized but the search tool worked to find files.

It wasn't my party and not my place to say how to run it so I didn't.
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Old 02-07-2017, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
Based on the info I had from main chat posts, I (apparently falsely) concluded the hub had closed, and 'un-sticky-ed' the thread. Based on the new info I have, I am reversing my error. Sorry about that.
Ray: thanks for correcting that error and restoring the Hub thread. As per the arrangements I had made with two forum admins when I set up shop here years ago, I will keep an eye on messages directed toward me as I have in the past.

Conflict of interest:

"a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity."

-- I'd say that getting "promoted" from a VIP to OP status to encourage you to move to a splinter Hub and throw your support behind it, is by every definition of the term (other than YOURS) a "conflict of interest."

I outlined to you many times a potential pathway for promotion for you, but you claimed you weren't interested. In fact, you ignored the basic parameters of your VIP status and refused to post clips in the Hub that were available to you, but weren't being shared in the Hub. Instead, you posted them HERE in IM and required a PM to obtain the clip. That is hardly supporting the Hub, and that passive-aggressive approach by you and several others that prompted me out of frustration to clean out the "dead weight." If you guys couldn't respond to my messages, or were using my Hub's messaging system to promote your own ventures, you were OUT:

Rule #6 The OPs are here to help you. Failure to respond to their inquiries
on a timely basis will result in being kicked.

Rule #7 You are strictly forbidden to advertize other hubs or websites either in
main or personal chat without the express permission of the hub administrator.

The timeline you have outlined several times here JUST ISN'T TRUE: you joined the splinter hub BEFORE the Girl Pop Hub closed, not AFTER. In fact in violation of the Hub rules posted above, you guys used my messaging system to promote a Hub competitive to mine in my own Hub!

No, the old Hub can't come back. As good as the DC+++ protocol is, by using the port designation (1209) used by my Hub for over a decade rather than creating your own, the admins of the splinter Hub have made sure that can never happen. You CAN'T have two Hubs using the same port.

The main thing you seemed to have failed to mention is my repeated attempts to involve you in the changes to the Hub, as were the other principals in the "alternate" Alizee Hub. It was your (and their) failure to respond to repeated messages in public and personal chat that put you "out of the loop" and not some malicious attempt to exclude you guys. Since you seem to feel free to post my Hub messages here out of context, clearly you CAN retrieve one of the many messages inviting you to the new iteration of the Hub.

But that's all water under the bridge. Right now, due to ongoing security issues, I have limited the registration server for former members of the Girl Pop Hub. At a later point in time I am sure I can extend invites to NEW members too. Just follow the instructions and you'll be good to go.

Last edited by digimaze; 02-07-2017 at 11:51 AM..
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Old 02-08-2017, 11:46 AM
fairytale fairytale is offline
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
For those of us who have never been members and don't know where to find you, why don't you tell us where you're at?
Because digimaze's hub is ubersecret!

But what isn't a secret at all, is that you can join the new Hub for Alizée fans right here and right now.... alizeehub.ddns.net

@ Ray4AJ

Just because digimaze says he closes the hub in twelve hours and then shuts it down, doesn't mean the hub is closed!

by digimaze's logic at least.....

As I said in the other topic: The hub is closed!

Last edited by fairytale; 02-08-2017 at 11:58 AM..
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Old 02-08-2017, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by fairytale View Post
As I said in the other topic: The hub is closed!
Do you really want to discuss this in public, buddy????

Well, OK, here goes.... you were NOT an Operator for my Hub when it closed, you were FIRED back in December for letting people hang out online for as much as FIVE DAYS without bothering to register them or respond to my messages repeatedly warning you that you WEREN'T DOING YOUR JOB.

If people want to join your splinter Hub, that is their choice. I don't blame you for being angry with me... we were friends for nearly ten years. But you still needed to register people... inconveniencing people who wanted to join the Hub by refusing to do your job was hurting the Hub and the people in Aam who wanted to join. As I told you many times in the past, being an OP in the Hub was NOT an honorary position.

My advice to you is to sell your splinter Hub on it's own merits, and to NOT tell stories you know not to be true.

Yes the Hub is very much open...you just weren't invited to the party!
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Old 02-08-2017, 05:48 PM
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I haven't entered the hub in yeeears, and I probably forgot how to use it . but I was wondering if there was a way to get the file list because I'm looking for one very specific video for a montage , (the 1080p 60fps slow motion of Tube d'un jour ) and I believe I once downloaded it on girlpop before losing track of it :/

La Nostalgie des jours gourmands..
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Old 02-08-2017, 08:45 PM
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Mod Note- This thread is about digimaze's hubs and posts about other hubs should be posted elsewhere. Thanks.

Oops, sorry... I had read your post yesterday just after you originally posted it, and didn't realize it had been later edited until now. In my previous post, I was trying to explain why I had erroneously thought the hub had closed.

I've tried to keep my communications with you cordial, and I don't understand the point of the assumptions and analysis of everything I post and don't post. Ever consider getting a Community Manager to do the hub PR?

For me, the less I write the better, and I've tried that strategy but it doesn't seem to be working.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
Conflict of interest:

"a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity."

-- I'd say that getting "promoted" from a VIP to OP status to encourage you to move to a splinter Hub and throw your support behind it, is by every definition of the term (other than YOURS) a "conflict of interest."
I find that being an admin/mod of a fan activity is hardly a desirable responsibility. It's extra work one assumes that demands a lot of personal time to help others. I've yet to benefit from it. So far it's been more like a curse but I do it for Alizée's fans.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
I outlined to you many times a potential pathway for promotion for you, but you claimed you weren't interested.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
In fact, you ignored the basic parameters of your VIP status and refused to post clips in the Hub that were available to you, but weren't being shared in the Hub. Instead, you posted them HERE in IM and required a PM to obtain the clip.

These download links were listed on my profile page Ray4AJ here as VISITOR MESSAGES and were viewable by anyone logged in to the forum. No PM was required.

Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
Firstseb came through again and captured the important parts of the show.
Merci Firstseb !
Unfortunately the download links aren't safe without taking precautions and being willing to risk infection. So for now Don't share the links on this forum!

The full 1080 files will be on the hub soon, and I hope to have the main Alizée part with the animals available here (sort of) soon.

In the meantime here is the main part in low res, thanks again to Firstseb


Okay, maybe there are some safe links in the visitor messages on my AAm profile page.
And here we see the links had already been posted on the hub
(from VIP chat):

[2016-11-23 19:04] <rayfer> I was able to save firstseb's caps without suffering any internet infections... in my share, hashing eventually
[2016-11-23 19:04] <rayfer> 2016-11-22-Alizee-Gala-de-lunion-Fr2-performance-1080.ts
[2016-11-23 19:05] <rayfer> 2016-11-22-Alizee-Gala-de-lunion-Fr2-intro-1080.ts
[2016-11-23 19:06] <rayfer> 2016-11-22-Alizee-Gala-de-lunion-Fr2-closing-1080.ts
[2016-11-23 19:07] <rayfer> oh, lets see.. the first is 500+mb, the second is 150, the third is 80

And these were never reposted in main chat "after several hubbers have grabbed them" even though I was told things I listed in VIP chat would be reposted after several hubbers had them.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
That is hardly supporting the Hub, and that passive-aggressive approach by you and several others that prompted me out of frustration to clean out the "dead weight." If you guys couldn't respond to my messages, or were using my Hub's messaging system to promote your own ventures, you were OUT:

Rule #6 The OPs are here to help you. Failure to respond to their inquiries
on a timely basis will result in being kicked.

Rule #7 You are strictly forbidden to advertize other hubs or websites either in
main or personal chat without the express permission of the hub administrator.

The timeline you have outlined several times here JUST ISN'T TRUE: you joined the splinter hub BEFORE the Girl Pop Hub closed, not AFTER. In fact in violation of the Hub rules posted above, you guys used my messaging system to promote a Hub competitive to mine in my own Hub!
#6 I don't consider 'send me an email to be notified of future projects' to be an inquiry.
#7 I'm not discussing other people here.... Just me. And I never advertised anything anywhere.

Let's dig deeper into my timeline (all times are local to me)... Don't know where I allegedly said I joined the splinter hub AFTER Girl Pop Hub closed.

Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
After the
(1)(14:13) post "In exactly twelve hours this hub will close" I resigned myself to the fact that an era was over, and was thinking maybe I could mail out flash drives full of videos to fans in the future.
(2) (16:15) Then I got an invitation to check out another hub so I did. Upon my arrival I found I had been registered as an OP. Still believing the hub was really closing, I was relieved that there would still be a way to get files to new fans.
(3)(~23:00) I went to sleep but
(4) (02:00)got up to see if the hub was really closing,
(5)(02:13) and right on schedule 'Happy Trails' rolled, I got disconnected and
(6)(02:16)couldn't reconnect, and figured that was it.
Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
No, the old Hub can't come back. As good as the DC+++ protocol is, by using the port designation (1209) used by my Hub for over a decade rather than creating your own, the admins of the splinter Hub have made sure that can never happen. You CAN'T have two Hubs using the same port.
Not relevant to me, and I don't know anything about ports.

Originally Posted by digimaze View Post
The main thing you seemed to have failed to mention is my repeated attempts to involve you in the changes to the Hub, as were the other principals in the "alternate" Alizee Hub. It was your (and their) failure to respond to repeated messages in public and personal chat that put you "out of the loop" and not some malicious attempt to exclude you guys. Since you seem to feel free to post my Hub messages here out of context, clearly you CAN retrieve one of the many messages inviting you to the new iteration of the Hub.
No need for me to mention this. You've mentioned it previously.

Anyway, I do sincerely wish you success in your current and any future projects. I won't be posting in this thread any more, except in a moderator capacity if needed.
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Old 03-12-2017, 06:13 PM
fairytale fairytale is offline
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uuuuuuuuh digi's new hub is going so well!!! Latest rule in his hub: Visiting the Alizée Hub is an 'hostile action' and will get you banned

Therefore come to the new Alizée hub alizeehub.ddns.net and have a good laugh at digimaze's mental retardation

Last edited by fairytale; 03-12-2017 at 06:17 PM..
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