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Old 02-08-2019, 08:29 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
I really did not mean to start an absolute utter "shitstorm", and for that. I apologize most sincerely. I really did not mean to offend anyone. It's not my way.

The "PM" thing was just kind of unusual, and it took me a wee bit "off guard", and to be honest, I think it was just a random "one offer", but, if it isn't, I'll probably get to the bottom of it pretty darn quick, if he tries a "repeat".
I would be interested in the username that it originated from. If you don't mind, can you PM it to me? Some months ago I got "spammed" in a PM from an active member that was a frequent visitor and poster and whom I had occasionally exchanged PMs with. It was out of the blue and so out of character, and when I replied and asked if it was really him that sent it, never returned to this site. It was like the account got hacked.

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
Now, guess which "aspect" of her earned my most deepest respect and "caught my heart", bearing in mind I was probably old enough to be her father, and that I'm "blessed" (or cursed, depending on how you look at it), with a very deep sense of "appropriateness".

I was probably old enough to be her father, and to be truthful, it felt really kind of "creepy" and "untoward" to look upon her in the same kind of way as the younger guys under my "command".

Now, make NO mistake, I saw exactly the same things as they did, and was fully appreciative of them, but, it didn't feel "appropriate". Any of this making any kind of sense???
Yes, it makes sense. You and I are only a few years apart in age. I first saw Alizee in 2006 so I had only access to her videos of her early years. I never felt "creepy" but maybe some others might have judged me that way. She was at that time a grown woman, and frankly the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. To look at her and have no feeling of attraction to her beauty is to deny biology, or to be dead. Society has branded an older man being attracted to a younger woman as creepy, but an older woman being attracted to a younger man as "a cougar". Quite the double standard.

Being attracted to Alizee being 23 years younger didn't reveal any kind of pattern or made me fear being some kind of a "cradle robber". It was because she was her, unique in many ways, and just so happened to be younger. She didn't interfere with anything going on in my life relationship-wise, so no harm done.

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Anyhow, as time, and life progressed, I got to see more of, and understand more about, "the person", her "ups", her "downs", her "light", her "darkness", her "triumphs", her "failures", her "happiness", her "pain".

The things that make Alizee, Alizee, the person, that I respect immensely.

I will give the "lolli" role/personna an "affectionate" nod of "infinite" respect, but, it's her "humanity" that appeals to me. I prefer "reality" over "fantasy".
Exactly my feelings. If it wasn't for Alizee the person, I wouldn't be here. Her endearing qualities are a given, but her mistakes are something I can connect to as well. I was afraid of finding out that she was a fake eventually, but I now realize what we are seeing is the real Alizee, and has made me a bigger fan.

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 02-08-2019 at 09:10 AM..
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Old 02-08-2019, 09:09 PM
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And "Hi"...

Comment ça va? Tout est cool?
How is everything? Everything cool?

Tu sais que j'ai dit que les sourires sont "viraux" et qu'ils le sont, eh bien, le message Instagram de Alizée sur Jon Snow et Galak a déclenché une épidémie d'entre eux à cet endroit.
Y'know how I said smiles are "viral", and they are, well, Alizée's Instagram post of Jon Snow and Galak has started off an outbreak of them at this location.

Question: La couette a-t-elle mangé le bonbon ou,
Question: Has the duvet eaten the BonBon or,

Est-ce que la BonBon est juste paresseuse en ce matin glacial et froide, et qu'elle ne se sort pas du lit.

Is the BonBon just being lazy on this cold frosty morning, and just not getting her little self out of bed.

Qu'est-ce que tu penses?
What do you think?

(Outre le fait que ce fainéant RedRafe devrait apprendre le vrai français)
(Apart from the fact that lazy damn RedRafe should learn real French)

More "incoming", brace yourself:

"Kaz" est vraiment un drôle de petit garçon adorable, et le "mignon" à côté de lui est un petit fan de lui. Les deux sont tellement mignons. Si cela ne vous fait pas sourire, alors vous êtes mort. Ou "écossais" ...

"Kaz" is such a really a funny sweet little guy, and the "cutie" beside him is a little fan of his. Both of them just so cute. If that does not make you smile, then you are dead. Or "Scottish"...

Ah right, now where was I??

Oh... Right...


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Her endearing qualities are a given, but her mistakes are something I can connect to as well. I was afraid of finding out that she was a fake eventually, but I now realize what we are seeing is the real Alizee, and has made me a bigger fan.
There are aspects of her life that we all can "empathize" with, "connect" with, and "identify" with, that just make her all the more "relevant" and "real", and that only serves to endear her to me all the more.

If that's at all possible...

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-08-2019 at 09:49 PM..
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Old 02-08-2019, 11:18 PM
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Now, a slight "aside"...

You have probably gathered by now, that I am a Scot, and sometimes I do not know if that is a "blessing" or a "curse"...

Regardless of that, there are certain things that are very important to us: "Family"; "Friends"; and those that we deem "relevant" to us.

Speaking personally, with regard to these "things" and "people", if their cause is "just", I will "oppose" (Ok, it's just a fancy term for "fight". I am a "Scot", it's what we "do", and we do it really damn well. ..), any and all "comers", or "situations", that "vex" them, "insult" them, "denigrate" them, "threaten" them, etc.

You know what I mean.

I don't lose, Ever. Or I'm dead, and that's not happened yet, that I know of, maybe.

But it is a "two edged Sword".

If your cause is "not just", then I will tell you so.

If you "screw up", If I can , I will fix it for you, without complaint, but you will "know all about it" if it is because of "negligence" or just plain "stupidity".

Oh, and yeah, "self harm", in all its facets, or "self destructive behavior", that's not allowed, and you WILL get "spanked" for it, "metaphorically". No, you might just get "spanked". That's just not allowed.

Anyhow, that brings me, by a "circuitous" route, to Alizee.

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
Why I get so concerned about someone who "functionally" is literally a "total stranger" to me, that I will never meet, who does not even know of my existence, never will, and probably wouldn't "give a shit" about me anyhow, I really don't know.

I'll blame it on that "Knight Errant" part of me, that gets me into so much trouble.

But you know what, I wouldn't change that part for a second...
Now, I stand by that quote 100%.

As I sort of stated above, logically, I really do not know why I feel so "concerned" and "defensive" for an almost "total stranger".

But I do, and it's very real.

I've thought about it at "length", and even "meditated" on the idea. There is no "concrete' answer to this, and why I am "here" on this "forum", and why I feel the way I do, apart from the "Alizee effect".

I've even cast "Runes" and the "I Ching", and did several really in depth "Tarot" readings about this for additional insights and info.

The "Runes" and "I Ching" indicated "stay put", and the Tarot readings, well, they were big complicated stories with way too many "Court" cards involved, involving people that I cannot pin them on, for I can't place them.

The "future" is going to be interesting mayhaps.

So all of this, plus my "instincts" tell me to "remain here", and trust me, my "instincts" have saved me so many times "IRL", when "logic" would have gotten me killed.

Anyhow, I really am the sweetest, nicest guy you will ever meet, kind of slightly "shy and retiring" with a really cool accent, (so I've been told, if you can understand one word of what I am saying) and, if I can ever do something for you, consider it done.

But, please don't "mess" with ANY of the things that I have mentioned up above, in any of the ways mentioned above, as being "important", for you would really NOT like the result.

With a capital "OH SHIT".

Just don't mess with "The Alizee", "her" or "hers", if you know what I mean, for I'd probably get really" put out about it".

The "Scottish" "translation" of the sentence above has far more "F's" and "P's" in it, and is a little more "militant" in its "styling" and "syntax", but you get the idea.

Which kind of leads me towards all the " Autumn.Leaves" drama and all that "Faux Alizee" " ".

Which is another "post", for it's getting late.

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-10-2019 at 11:48 PM..
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Old 02-09-2019, 10:54 PM
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Hope you are all well, and are having a great evening.

Well, with regard to Violetta, (autumn.leaves), I'm going to take the "views" of some of the forum members as a "sterling recommendation" and go have a look for my self.

Okay, I'm going to check out her "talkies" first.

She appears to have a "skeleton" of a plan, and the plan is to do "covers" to finance the development of her own work, which is a "cool" idea, but in practice will never work, for the payments that she is going to have to "fork out", with regard to "copyright royalties", of anyone she does "covers" on, is going to be "crippling".

(So, unless she draws in a sizeable "stream of income" from her supporters, these "copyright payments" are going to severely hamper her "development".)

She acknowledges that she has an "untrained" voice, for nobody "taught her to sing", and that she does need "mentor", so to speak, again, awareness is good.

She admits that she could possibly be "lazy" with regard to completing projects, well, we all can.

Please send her money, money, money. (Hmmm...)

(All of the "above" is going to be expensive, and if she keeps doing "covers", she will never be able to afford it, for its a "self defeating negative economic spiral", she needs to produce her own work in order to be "noticed" and get "acknowledged".)

Well, I went through the rest of her "talkies".

It is just "more of the same", she has huge huge plans, she talks about "herself" and her "plans" a huge amount, (she talks about HERSELF a lot), promises some of her own work soon, asks for more money, promises some of her own work soon, asks for more money etc. You see a theme emerging here?

Not sure if she ever produced any of her own work yet???

As the "talkies" go on, she "evolves", this girl SO BADLY wants to be Alizée.

"Make-up", "hair", "clothes", "pose", even angle of "head rotation" and "angle of head tilt" are all "classic Alizée". She has a definite talent for "mimicry", if nothing else.

Now, this young lady has A HUGE EGO, she is totally "in love" with herself. Apparently a fan had asked her something like "was she the daughter of God", in a "comment section" in something, and she had to "show this off". She was utterly beside herself with delight and pride, for a good 5 minutes. Talk about pretension. FFS learn some humility, please.

To be honest, that nearly "killed me off". I've got a bit of a chest cold going on right now, and between laughing until I was nearly sick, trying to breathe, and trying not to drown in my own "snot", it was nearly too much for me.

It looks to me that she has a lot of really grandiose plans, but nothing really to "back" them with. She so badly wants to be a "star", and she wants it now, no patience, and it looks like Alizée is going to be the "step" that she is going to use to try and achieve this.

Ok, looking at her "music videos", it looks like she has covered most of Alizée's successful "hits", and has even started on Mylène Farmer's stuff now.

Do I smell "pretension" again??

Well, I played a lot of her stuff, hmm, well, she has a DEFENITE talent for "mimicry", for she has Alizée pretty much "down pat", it's alarming, almost to the point of being "disturbing".

If I had never seen, or heard of Alizée before, I might be "mightily impressed", but if you have, this is just wrong, disturbing, and sad. She is trying waay too hard to be Alizée.

THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE, and guess who that isn't.

Lets just forget the "in the style of" "bullshit', for that is just an excuse for "laziness" and "lack of talent".

Her voice, well, she definitely needs a "voice coach", for her "singing voice" right now is pretty much non-existent, and has about the same vocal range as "Tweetie Pie".

I'll be honest, and you guys are going to hate me for this, but I see nothing but "Cosplay Karaoke" here. The only talent I see that she actually has is for "imitation".

All I see right now is a pretty "shameless" "1 trick pony" Alizée "wannabe", that is using this whole Alizée thing to "sate" her "delusions" of grandeur, and "stroke her immense ego".

She has DEFENITE "nascent" talent, it is there, I see it, and if she takes the time to develop HER OWN talent, pursue HER OWN work, and get "noticed" in her "own" right, she WILL BE HUGE, in Russia at least.

But, if she keeps on the path she is on, she is "only" going to be a "You Tube Wannabe "Cover Star"", which to me personally would be really sad, for, as I said, I think she does have "real unrealized" talent.

I think I feel a "permaban" coming on...

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-10-2019 at 12:21 AM..
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Old 02-10-2019, 10:03 AM
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Posts about Violetta should be stopped at this point. She still is a member of this forum, although not active anymore. She is young and has dreams, and yes she comes across as abrasive, but she is no longer posting. I say we just let it go.
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Old 02-10-2019, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Posts about Violetta should be stopped at this point. She still is a member of this forum, although not active anymore. She is young and has dreams, and yes she comes across as abrasive, but she is no longer posting. I say we just let it go.
Good advice.
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Old 02-10-2019, 11:42 PM
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Mr Coucou asked in another thread what would be a good question if it hasn't already been asked or maybe answered in the past and that is who choreographed the JEAM, ML and JPVA dances?
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Old 02-11-2019, 05:54 AM
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If Annily wants to do the dance, will Alizee teach her?
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Old 02-11-2019, 11:46 PM
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I think I stirred up some trouble in here with my comments about autumn.leaves (Violetta). I brought the subject up in response to a post about someone being contacted by a Russian member and she was the only one I could think of posting in here recently. I made some comments on my 'opinions' about her that I didn't need to make for the subject at hand. I did so thinking she had moved on and I wouldn't have said it if I thought she was still active here and I apologize for that mistake.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 02-11-2019 at 11:55 PM..
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Old 02-13-2019, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
The "PM" thing was just kind of unusual, and it took me a wee bit "off guard", and to be honest, I think it was just a random "one offer", but, if it isn't, I'll probably get to the bottom of it pretty darn quick, if he tries a "repeat".
I know that web crawlers for different search engines are on this site around the clock, but the MSN bots seem to be creating private messages?

This might be the answer of where that random PM came from. There are two of them shown below.

I am not sure who is registering or if that is another bot.

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