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Old 02-18-2013, 08:35 PM
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I'm glad that French fans are not like American fans. I probably shouldn't be so protective of her in the first place. And no Euphoria I'm not anti-woman again you read far more into my comments than what is there. I just live in the real world and understand human nature where some fans don't understand the line between being a fan and an obsession to be part of a persons life. I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN ANY WAY PART OF ALIZEE'S LIFE, so get over it. I'm not like other members who have sent letters, gifts, and even stopped by and dropped notes in her mailbox. I was appalled when I read that a member on this board did that while visiting Paris a few years ago.

When you're searching through apartment complexes that have a view like her apartment does, that's creepy as f*ck.
Here again you are making things up to suit your story line. I nor anyone that was involved with the discovery ever searched through apartment complexes trying to find hers. A series of land marks were identified in the picture, from that a member walked back the angle using Google Earth right to the location it was taken from. Not that hard to do if you understand how to use the directional buttons, the tools on Google Earth and understand topography.

If you know where her parents live and their personal phone numbers, you're a stalker.
Gee I guess when I'm looking for articles and videos on the Internet and that information pops up in the search results, that must mean that Google, Bing and Yahoo must also be stalking Alizée. Because I never actively looked for Jo and Michelle home phone numbers they just popped in the search results, and you do know they have the same last name as Alizée? BTW I came across the phone number back in 2009. Did I write it down or save it NO, it has always been out there on the Internet. What good would it be anyways I don't speak French and I don't know the Jacotey's? Maybe you should spend some time learning how to use a search engine to get the best results instead of running your mouth on things you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

You make crap up about people on the board then back down and change the subject you are when challenged. Maybe you can try to suck up to me with PM's from your fake AAM account like you did the last time.

Lets see what have I criticized Alizée on.

1. Wearing those 5-6 inch black heels on stage at the Moscow concert.
What was she trying to do break an ankle?
2. Tattoos she has plastered all over her body "after" Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell to me is Alizée's trademark as they say.
3. Dressing like she just rolled out bed for the interview at the radio station a few months ago.
4. Shooting photographs of her home and the street in front of it.

Gee that sure as hell doesn't look like I'm blaming her for everything that goes wrong around her or looks like I'm blaming women for everything wrong in their lives. When she and Jeremy broke up did you ever hear me criticize her or Jeremy, Nope, because not one of us is privy to that information. I did say she did get brownie points for moving herself and Annili back to Corsica instead of staying in Paris trying to find another meal ticket. You see a normal woman in her shoes would have done that, but Alizée isn't a normal woman. But in that thread you did say that "your" friends or acquaintances that know Jeremy and Alizée said that the reason for the break up was Alizée was spending Jeremy's money at such a rate to paraphrase it wouldn't be long before they were in the poor house or something of that line of thinking. So who is the member on this board who is bad mouthing Alizée like she is the reason for the split and saying things that I would consider very anti-woman that she supposedly heard?

Believe me from the eight years I've been into Alizée there are things members on her fan boards have done in the past that are so way over the line where they would have spent some time in a French jail had they been caught. There are members past and a few present on this board and a bunch over on AF that are fully aware of what I'm talking about.
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Old 02-18-2013, 10:25 PM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Believe me from the eight years I've been into Alizée there are things members on her fan boards have done in the past that are so way over the line where they would have spent some time in a French jail had they been caught. There are members past and a few present on this board and a bunch over on AF that are fully aware of what I'm talking about.
Ill give you 3 arbitrary letters in reverse alphabetical order and you say yes or no


Originally Posted by Karlalizee View Post
All I am saying is that, if I knew her address and decided to keep it a secret, I would not announce that I have this secret to everyone in the forum.
@ALS, Karla does make a good point bud.
On another note; 4chan and Anonymous prove time in and time out that someone can get private information on ANYONE (even current and former Presidents) if they dig hard enough online. It is all there and that is what is scary.


Originally Posted by ALS View Post
There is a very closely knit group that knows her apartments actual address. It has never or will ever be made available to those on the Internet. Believe me there was a major discussion on this when her address came to light. The consensus was her privacy and security is paramount to all that know it. The people that know the address are adamant on keeping Alizée's personal life private at all costs. We will never ever inject ourselves in to her life in any way.

There is a madness to my comments and I'm hoping someone that knows Alizée will point her to one of these posts to let her know how she and only she is the one responsible for these breaches in the security of her personal and private life.

As far as a number of people knowing I doubt the list of fans that know it goes any farther than this board and a select trustworthy group of its members and it will not go any farther. So don't worry folks our little girls secret is safe from the rest of her fans and followers on the Internet. I do Google, Bing and Yahoo searches every couple of weeks making sure that the information has not gotten out on the web.

Where Alizée lives, there is absolutely no reason for someone to accidentally show up in front of or end up renting an apartment for holiday in her apartment building. There is no way it would be an accident if you get what I mean.

By knowing where it is, we are very sure Alizée is well protected from one of her fans just happening to see her walking out of the apartment building to her car. You have a much higher possibility of running into Alizée walking the streets of downtown Ajaccio or coming out of her parents home.

Alizée is her own worst enemy at keeping her secrets close to the vest as they say. SHE was the one that made it so easy for us to find her.

You want to meet her, go to the autograph session in Paris at least that is a guaranteed encounter.
This post buddy is just not smart. You do realize by you saying apartment you narrow down the probability drastically? And then you further narrow this by saying apartment building? You just leaked 2 important peaces of information about her private life as well as many more further subtitle hints that no one here needed to know. In my opinion man that doesn't make you a safe keeper!


Originally Posted by ALS View Post
Jenny_HRO87, we've had her new address with in a month or so of her moving. Where have you been?

We even have a list of the apartments in her building available for weekly rental.

BTW they are far more reasonable than any of the hotels in town.
This does not help either. You do realize how easy YOU are making it for someone to find her residence?


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 02-18-2013 at 10:25 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 02-18-2013, 10:41 PM
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I don't have a fake "PM" account. If someone is PM'ing people telling anyone they're me, they're impersonating me.


Originally Posted by ALS View Post
I'm glad that French fans are not like American fans. I probably shouldn't be so protective of her in the first place. And no Euphoria I'm not anti-woman again you read far more into my comments than what is there. I just live in the real world and understand human nature where some fans don't understand the line between being a fan and an obsession to be part of a persons life. I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN ANY WAY PART OF ALIZEE'S LIFE, so get over it. I'm not like other members who have sent letters, gifts, and even stopped by and dropped notes in her mailbox. I was appalled when I read that a member on this board did that while visiting Paris a few years ago.

Here again you are making things up to suit your story line. I nor anyone that was involved with the discovery ever searched through apartment complexes trying to find hers. A series of land marks were identified in the picture, from that a member walked back the angle using Google Earth right to the location it was taken from. Not that hard to do if you understand how to use the directional buttons, the tools on Google Earth and understand topography.

Gee I guess when I'm looking for articles and videos on the Internet and that information pops up in the search results, that must mean that Google, Bing and Yahoo must also be stalking Alizée. Because I never actively looked for Jo and Michelle home phone numbers they just popped in the search results, and you do know they have the same last name as Alizée? BTW I came across the phone number back in 2009. Did I write it down or save it NO, it has always been out there on the Internet. What good would it be anyways I don't speak French and I don't know the Jacotey's? Maybe you should spend some time learning how to use a search engine to get the best results instead of running your mouth on things you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

You make crap up about people on the board then back down and change the subject you are when challenged. Maybe you can try to suck up to me with PM's from your fake AAM account like you did the last time.

Lets see what have I criticized Alizée on.

1. Wearing those 5-6 inch black heels on stage at the Moscow concert.
What was she trying to do break an ankle?
2. Tattoos she has plastered all over her body "after" Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell to me is Alizée's trademark as they say.
3. Dressing like she just rolled out bed for the interview at the radio station a few months ago.
4. Shooting photographs of her home and the street in front of it.

Gee that sure as hell doesn't look like I'm blaming her for everything that goes wrong around her or looks like I'm blaming women for everything wrong in their lives. When she and Jeremy broke up did you ever hear me criticize her or Jeremy, Nope, because not one of us is privy to that information. I did say she did get brownie points for moving herself and Annili back to Corsica instead of staying in Paris trying to find another meal ticket. You see a normal woman in her shoes would have done that, but Alizée isn't a normal woman. But in that thread you did say that "your" friends or acquaintances that know Jeremy and Alizée said that the reason for the break up was Alizée was spending Jeremy's money at such a rate to paraphrase it wouldn't be long before they were in the poor house or something of that line of thinking. So who is the member on this board who is bad mouthing Alizée like she is the reason for the split and saying things that I would consider very anti-woman that she supposedly heard?

Believe me from the eight years I've been into Alizée there are things members on her fan boards have done in the past that are so way over the line where they would have spent some time in a French jail had they been caught. There are members past and a few present on this board and a bunch over on AF that are fully aware of what I'm talking about.
Also, I just wanted to add....

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Last edited by Euphoria; 02-18-2013 at 10:41 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 02-19-2013, 07:40 AM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
I'm not like other members who have sent letters, gifts, and even stopped by and dropped notes in her mailbox. I was appalled when I read that a member on this board did that while visiting Paris a few years ago.

Well.. for that matter, Alizée has said many times that she always found really touching receiving all those gifts and kind words... we don't really consider that stalking, I myself would love to give her a little present someday.

La Nostalgie des jours gourmands..
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Old 02-19-2013, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post
Well.. for that matter, Alizée has said many times that she always found really touching receiving all those gifts and kind words... we don't really consider that stalking, I myself would love to give her a little present someday.

she likes Rolex watches and expensive bags
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Old 02-19-2013, 12:30 PM
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We are boys, so we are guilty already. If Alizée was a man and we, the fans, were girls, we would be throwing him our underwear, jumping in his car, sending love letters, looking for the address of the hotel he is staying or his parents house, etc, etc... And the rest of the world would say that is normal behaviour from female fans. Even consider it funny.
All those things are not creepy, of course.

But if you use google maps to locate a place of an Alizée picture from her Instagram you are a stalker. Right.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:01 PM
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oh man what did I do? I made two comments and suddenly all hell breaks loose..

Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post
Well.. for that matter, Alizée has said many times that she always found really touching receiving all those gifts and kind words... we don't really consider that stalking, I myself would love to give her a little present someday.
I'm sure there will be time for that during the not-announced-yet-but-hopefully-still-happening autograph session in less than 5 weeks...to be honest I don't really know what I'd want to give her then, I would be too scared to choose something stupid... the only thing that ever works are flowers...
"'Cause the stars in my eyes, well they twinkle when I see your face.
And the butterflies keep flying, flying all over the place.
And the dark and grey, well it fades with the black and white.
And all I see is life, life in a beautiful light."
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
We are boys, so we are guilty already. If Alizée was a man and we, the fans, were girls, we would be throwing him our underwear, jumping in his car, sending love letters, looking for the address of the hotel he is staying or his parents house, etc, etc... And the rest of the world would say that is normal behavior from female fans. Even consider it funny.
All those things are not creepy, of course.

But if you use google maps to locate a place of an Alizée picture from her Instagram you are a stalker. Right.
I have an Employee that literally followed Tatum Channing all around town when he was in town filming his new movie Foxcatcher. She actually called off so she could park in front of the filming location and stalk him. She was sneaking around the hotel he was staying one weekend trying to meet him.

Believe me I know you should see how bad they are when we would have Doe Parties (Male Strippers) at the Gun Club for the female members.
They were totally out of hand and it really was eye opening to the guys working security for the Dancers. Believe me they needed it for the way these women were acting during those shows. At least when we had the female strippers the guys were very respectful of the dancers, women on the other hand were pretty much out of control from the start. They were all hands and grabbing anything that looked enticing.

When you put that many women in a room void of men they do revert back to 12-13 year old middle schooler's. Don't let them fool you not all but most women are far more immature than they appear.
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Lili4ever View Post
she likes Rolex watches and expensive bags
Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post

I'm sure there will be time for that during the not-announced-yet-but-hopefully-still-happening autograph session in less than 5 weeks...to be honest I don't really know what I'd want to give her then, I would be too scared to choose something stupid... the only thing that ever works are flowers...
Mmm, sometimes a cute little letter, or an original bracelet works better than all the expensive stuff you can buy!

Jump to 19:57 Look how touched lili was when the girl read the letter, she cried of happiness!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UhmoNPkYqkQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

La Nostalgie des jours gourmands..
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Old 02-19-2013, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by SpanishFan View Post
We are boys, so we are guilty already. If Alizée was a man and we, the fans, were girls, we would be throwing him our underwear, jumping in his car, sending love letters, looking for the address of the hotel he is staying or his parents house, etc, etc... And the rest of the world would say that is normal behaviour from female fans. Even consider it funny.
All those things are not creepy, of course.

But if you use google maps to locate a place of an Alizée picture from her Instagram you are a stalker. Right.
In this past days reading through this thread, I've found that this makes the most sense to me, even though I'm not a stalker myself......or am I? *dramatic music with a close up of my face*
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