Originally Posted by CleverCowboy
At that time I was an independent developer. I had 6 or 7 apps that were installed at different places, most the mission critical sort. My apps were basically Y2K ready but found a few fixes. I had to sign legal documents to hold me financially responsible should there be losses by the companies when the century turned. Nothing happened. Whew!
You want to make $200K (or more)? Just wait until (or if) the Gender field is mandated to accept more than M/F.
At the time I had a Pentium 3 at home and I had messed up my autoexec.bat fix for it; so when I signed on after new years on January 2, 2000 ; I got an entirely dead computer with a black screen ! Luckily I had a 31/2 boot disk which I used to boot it up and go in and re-fix my autoexec.bat; so I could get the computer rolling again.
Originally Posted by Scruffydog777
I've tried many a time in the past to request her songs, but to no avail. But I did finally find a way to get her songs played on the radio, even if I had to pay for it, in case you didn't hear about the radio ads I placed a few years ago.
Nice Ads ScruffyDog !