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Old 05-17-2009, 07:52 PM
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Yup yup great story CP (can we call you that or would you rather your full name?) thanks for telling us. I am pretty shocked it worked too though lol, oh well cool to hear things worked out and you are now a fan as well, welcome to the forums.

I have only met one other fan around where I live, but unluckily it was another guy lol, he went to my high school and since I often talked about Alizée around my friends one of them found out this other guy listened to her and told me. He came up and talked to me for a little bit about her but that was about it. Still kinda cool to know that I wasn't the only fan in my school.

^ By the beautifully creative Amelie! Merci!
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Old 05-17-2009, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by waterski95 View Post
My relative was playing on of her songs on his ipod and he asked me if I had ever heard of her and I said no. He showed me some videos on youtube of her and since then, I've been hooked.

that's like exactly the same story with me, only it was a friend, not a relative.

now the question to be asked it.. whos's the "bigger, aka more obssessive" fan?? cuz the friend that hooked me up just liked her because she was hot, whereas i love her personality and music.

needless to say, i annoy him by talking about Alizee too much!

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Old 05-18-2009, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by CinnamonPixie View Post
Ok, sort of long story... well I suck at making these things short actually; but here goes:

My boyfriend used what he thought was a good pickup line on me the first time he finally got the courage to approach me (that didn't come out right and I can't fix it in my head, so I'll just fess up that I was still too nervous to go up to him first...)... He said that I looked exactly what he thought Alizee would look like if she were my age and a cheerleader (he must have been hallucinating about my hair or something). It didn't mean much to me when he said that... But he was cute, mainly 'cuz of how nice he was being and how he was trying so hard to not scare me off or anything - and putting himself through heck stressin' over it.

His sister was watching when he finally walked away and came up to me and told me who Alizee was, and that he had her pictures everywhere, always talked about, listened to her music, etc... He was even planning on taking French! When she said he was always spouting off about how she was "the prettiest girl ever born" or something I realized what he was trying to say... Poor guy was too geeky to realize that I might not know who the singer was (I'm just as geeky, in many many ways).

I chased after him before he got far, and made the more firm commitment answer to his "let's hang out and talk" thing - for a "first date" he asked me over to his house for rootbeer floats and what he'd asked around to learn was my favorite movie! How cool is that? So I told him what his sister told me, and asked if she was that pretty (how could I possibly compete with her?!) and if he meant what he'd said to me. He didn't even pause to take a breath when he excitedly said yes. That's about the time when my friends and his sister caught up with me/us and started teasing me (his sis was giving him a hard time) about my bright red face and goofy shyness...

Long story short, I kissed his cheek and told him I'd definitely make it - as long as Daddy said it was ok - and the rest is history, as they say... He showed me some of her videos and songs, and of course the insane amount of pics (he must have scoured the web something fierce!) and forgot to hide the pic he'd gotten of me from the local paper which was practically in the middle of all his Alizee pics (the printed ones). That was almost 2 years ago... We're still dating, and yes... I'm a fan of Alizee's too now.
I'll just use his words:

Originally Posted by mavsluver41 View Post
Best. "How did you discover Alizée" story. Ever.

Now I wonder if he's registered here?
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Old 05-18-2009, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by espire View Post
Don't worry, we can tell that you're not a YouTube commentator from simple things, like your:
  • Full sentences
  • Capital letters where appropriate
  • Lower-case letters where appropriate
  • Spelling and punctuation
  • Lack of being a twit
...so there's no need to mention it
OMG! That is SOOO funny! I have a friend that does that sort of silly YouTube and MySpace stuff ALL THE TIME! I want to take her scrunchie and ring her neck with it when she texts me 'cuz I can't hardly understand half of what she's saying!

For example:

"wu 3P? Kttn+SlyJly+Stfy+Me R goin 2 J&Js 4 lunch. RU in or RU stay w/ Flyppr agn? LMK asap! OMT=Tara:Wear dark uni tmrw school; game wear alt uni: TTFN! Op"

That's an EASY one to read, too! A few "deciphering" helpers... 3P, as you guess is me. I've "earned" the nickname "pretty princess" before my name (Yes, my name really is Pixie.) 'cuz I take a lot of time to get my hair, makeup, and clothes just right - and princess, 'cuz... well, I'm a princess... *gasp* No! Whatever... Like nobody knew that already! I only own twice as many of skirts and/or dresses as my three bff's combined!

Kttn = Kitten. That's "KatieLynn".
SlyJly = is how Op (Ophelia) puts Jillian's name in texts (for "silly Jilly" - Jillian is a regular comedian; she could give Leno, et al. a run!)
Stfy = Stefano, who we call Steffy or Stephanie. No, he's not "sweet that way" or anything - he just likes skirts b/c he is into protesting clothing by gender, or anything else restricted or judged by gender for that matter. I don't know if he does it 'cuz he really believes in it, or if its just something to do, or something to get attention, or to irritate parents... But he's cool, and he always takes care of anything he borrows. He also makes the BEST homemade Churros! Yummy! Anything so sweet with lots of Cinnamon *giggle giggle* HAS to be good - just ask me or my bf - we know! (My middle name is Cinnamon - hence my giggles at the really obvious pun).
Flyppr = Fly paper; Ophelia's (and no one else's) teasing name for my bf. She says I'm like Tinkerbell caught in his arms once we get together - it takes a real effort to get us apart... We're not really that bad- honest.

The last, a memo from Tara, the capt. of the cheerleading team, for me to know what the plan was as to which uniform(s) I needed the next day...

I would have posted the really bad message she sent me a few weeks ago, but I guess I deleted it (or Daddy did) from my phone already. I swear if it had two words (in whole) in it I'd be surprised! I looked at it and was like huh?! o_0

Originally Posted by CinnamonPixie View Post
I would have posted the really bad message she sent me a few weeks ago, but I guess I deleted it (or Daddy did) from my phone already. I swear if it had two words (in whole) in it I'd be surprised! I looked at it and was like huh?! o_0
Ok, I'm officially an airhead tonight!

Yeah, you guessed it... I found that message right after posting that last... Figures...

See if this makes sense to anyone (It was sent in four REALLY FAST pieces). The last piece I had to change the bracket to { 'cuz it was thinking what followed was in an HTML tag... Oh well... You'll get the idea anyway. When you get to that line, just read "f{r" as "f>r" (reverse that > though). It really doesn't hurt to have that changed though, this whole message is just !

H3P Qt tItz luv d clr. wL U b abL 2 mAk t 2 Mz slEpOvr fri? I nO Jly+Ktn wl b @ it.
Im mob n 15, txt/rng cl nt hOm. mstr spz z ^ 2 smthn prb 2b qz b4 wknd.
jstn sd wu n u nEd 2 wr th@ mr rnd hEr. prv sd it mAks rm lIt ^.
Sfy mAd u sm chrOs 4 ltn hm brRO ur ylO wrp. wnt lt me Et nE 2! jstn bn @ ur !kr l%kn 4 my ds( bt nt fnd. u gt ^ thr ?it b w/ Jly stl?
I nEd a> f{r fr/ u2 bc dns # & *@5 frnz 4 wut he dn 2 mSis. U gt jstn 2 hlp fnd hm? I l%k 4 u n 5 ?r cl u @ hm.

I was, and am still on some of that, totally lost! I have to save this with a pic on my phone or something... it's just unreal! Girl NEEDS to get out more - and OFF HER PHONE! *LOL*

Originally Posted by AceTone View Post
I'll just use his words:

Originally Posted by "mavsluver41 View Post
Best. "How did you discover Alizée" story. Ever.
Now I wonder if he's registered here?

You guys are funny.

Originally Posted by Chommpers View Post
Yup yup great story CP (can we call you that or would you rather your full name?) thanks for telling us. I am pretty shocked it worked too though lol, oh well cool to hear things worked out and you are now a fan as well, welcome to the forums.

I have only met one other fan around where I live, but unluckily it was another guy lol, he went to my high school and since I often talked about Alizée around my friends one of them found out this other guy listened to her and told me. He came up and talked to me for a little bit about her but that was about it. Still kinda cool to know that I wasn't the only fan in my school.
Sure you can call me that... It's not "TP" like a girl down the road from me would be if we used her initials... So I am ok with that. That or you can call me Pixie, or Cinnamon... Just not a mashed up mess of my screen name (you get "CinPixie"... or "Sin pixie"... sounds like a porn "actress" or hentai character or something. And I don't like that, at all! ) But CP, is fine if it's easier for you guys. I'm pretty easy going.

Originally Posted by mavsluver41 View Post
Best. "How did you discover Alizée" story. Ever.

That is quite the compliment, CP ! Your boyfriend must have some big brass ones to even try something like that .

And it worked!? Where can I find someone like you ?

Thanks for sharing the story and welcome to Alizée America!
Um... You've gone and embarrassed me now. Thanks...

Like I said, I considered a compliment once I realized how much he ado... no, worships, her. At the time, well... It was just sorta weird. It'd be like a Canadian girl coming up to you and saying she saw you rollerblading and thought you were the walking image in her head of what she thought Maurice Richard would look like on rollerblades! It'd be a huge compliment, once you knew who the heck Rocket Richard was and how much she idolized him.

You DO know who Maurice "Rocket" Richard is, don't you?

Where can you find someone like me? Hmmm??? My bf (reading over my shoulder, and giving them a nice rubbing) says, "Good luck, and hands off! This pretty little Pixie's mine... unless..." He's about to put his foot in his mouth, I'm not even listening to his 'thinking out loud' but I know it... Wait for it.... "Unless Alizee asks me out... No... That'd be just a date..." He's digging... If she asks him to marry her... LOL He says, you can have me... LOL... I'm laughing at him... Anyone got a shovel for him? He loves to dig himself holes!

Thanks for the welcome Mavsluver... I'm gonna go now... I need to put a certain bf in the doghouse now.

Alizee ask him to marry her... Rich! LOL

Last edited by Ben; 05-18-2009 at 04:43 AM.. Reason: merged. please do not double-post.
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Old 05-18-2009, 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by CinnamonPixie View Post
Like I said, I considered a compliment once I realized how much he ado... no, worships, her. At the time, well... It was just sorta weird. It'd be like a Canadian girl coming up to you and saying she saw you rollerblading and thought you were the walking image in her head of what she thought Maurice Richard would look like on rollerblades! It'd be a huge compliment, once you knew who the heck Rocket Richard was and how much she idolized him.

You DO know who Maurice "Rocket" Richard is, don't you?
Wait, you mean...there are actually people who honestly do not know who Rocket Richard is?!

No. No, that can't be. That is just crazy talk.

Welcome to the forums, CP!
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:03 PM
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Ok well im one of those people then lol. Who is he?
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Old 05-18-2009, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Srbski-kralj View Post
Ok well im one of those people then lol. Who is he?

Maurice "The Rocket" Richard on Wikipedia.

As a Leafs fan, I am of course officially required to hate him (since he was a Canadien ), but there's no questioning that he was one of the greatest players in the history of the sport. He's as much of a national icon to us as Babe Ruth or Joe Dimaggio would be to Americans.
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Old 05-18-2009, 10:52 PM
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ahahahha figures lol hockey not a big fan of hockey, baseball, american football. lol. Now if you asked me about Pedja mijatovic. (Thats a different story lol). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predrag_Mijatovi%C4%87
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Old 05-18-2009, 11:47 PM
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i stole my friend's car and found a bunch of cd's on the floor and popped one in, it was alizee stuff, and i ended up liking it. i looked through the cd cover and i saw the girl, i thought she was pretty cute as well, so i actually drove the car back to him (after wasting about 75% of his gas tank) and asked him about her.

he pointed me here and now im settling myself down
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Old 05-21-2009, 12:18 AM
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Hey CP, you got a sister?
It was fun while it lasted.
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