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Old 05-07-2019, 01:30 PM
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Looks like Annily found Alizee's hair color stash

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Old 05-09-2019, 11:04 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Oh thank goodness for that, got meh internet back…

That’s the thing about living in semi-rural Oklahoma, you have a series of "storms fronts" coming through and you can kiss your “internet” and “cable tv” “goodbye”, for several days…

And at this time of year, that’s about once a week…

Not fun…

Anyhow, enough of my “whining”…

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Looks like Annily found Alizee's hair color stash

CleverCowboy, “you crack me up”, in all the “best ways”, and that is NOT a bad thing, trust me…

Thank you for that

The “gradient tint” and “feathered highlights” hairstyle, as in Annily’s “Light” IG post, is currently one of the “in” things “hair fashion wise”, amongst the “younger set”, “online”, and in Europe, so I have been told, by one of the younger “in” crowd “associates” of mine…


Of course, “me” being “me”, as in my being a “fusty old fart”, and not having a clue about “modern style” would not understand such “trendy”, “fashionable” things, so I was told…


Guess what “associate” of mine never got her “network” problem sorted out, for a couple of hours at least…

Anyhow, from what I can gather, Annily’s “style” is one of the very “better versions” of this. At least she doesn’t look like someone I know, that let her “friend” do it for her…

Let me see, you can spend say, oh, $150 getting it done “professionally”, and look good, as in the case of the “little”, “little lady” above, or, you can spend $150 on “hair colorants”, and let your “friend” do it…

And end up looking like some kind of huge, mutated “Guinea pig” is sitting on your head…

Guess which option you don’t want to pick…

A most “illuminating” post, from a very "cute", "sweet", "funny", “little”, “little” lady…

I swear they must have a “time machine”, or “something” in Corsica, for every time this “little one” posts, she just gets to looking “older”, and “older”, so sooo fast…

Kinda scary, and, kind of makes me feel “old”…

Next thing Alizée and Greg are going to know, they are going to get the “Hi maman, this is my boyfriend…” speech…

That’s always “fun”, that one…

Overall, a very “enlightening” post, that really did kind of “brighten” the day…

(Sorry, I just, couldn’t, resist it.)

Now, her “Flower Day” IG post, another very “cute”, fashionable, well received “shot”, of the “little”, “little lady”, giving us a little “taste” of “her” own particular style…


Said it before, will undoubtedly say it again, very many times, she is getting older, so so fast…

And then there is her “Happy” IG post of a very very happy looking Jon Snow…


Guaranteed to make me smile, and again, “brighten” the darkest of days…

One of my most very favorite “puppies”, this “li’l guy” always looks happy, and just has so much “personality”…

He’s just so… adoreable…

Thanks for posting that one, Annily, for it even managed to make even me, smile…
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Old 05-24-2019, 11:12 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Well, as “selfies” go, this one is pretty “stunning”…

This “little”, “little lady” could really have some “serious” photographical skills, honestly...

The first thing that “struck” me was how much she is starting to resemble her mother…

I see so much of Alizée in her “looks” now…

It’s, It’s “uncanny”, I tell you, and a lot of her “followers” are starting to comment on it…

“Tu ressembles de plus en plus à ta maman, 2 beautés!!”, roughly translates as ““You look more like your mom, 2 beauties !!” and “u es très belle .....comme ta maman ...bcp de resemblance” roughly translates as “You are very beautiful ..... like your mother ... Bcp of resemblance”…


She’s growing up so so fast, and that in itself, just makes me feel “old”…

I swear that the “little one” has a “time machine” or “something”, for she seems to get "older" every “shot” that she posts…

I wonder if I should be asking her about next weeks “lottery numbers”…

Anyhow, a “seriously good” “shot” of a “sweet”, “cute”, “funny”, “very intelligent”, “little, little lady”, as always.

Who, incidentally, has not dyed her hair in a while, and has "naturally" occurring "sun bleached" "highlights", so we're informed...

Consider me justifiably, suitably "chastised", or "spanked", or "something"…

Last edited by RedRafe; 05-24-2019 at 11:17 PM..
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Old 05-25-2019, 09:52 AM
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Hard to believe she's only 14 years old!
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Old 05-25-2019, 01:25 PM
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Her face is losing that"baby-ness" and cheekbones becoming defined. Eyes and nose like mom. She is like Alizee in that she just gets more beautiful with age. When she's 20 she is going to be something else.
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Old 05-27-2019, 09:02 PM
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Well, this is the other "Mothers Day" pic that I missed, "my bad"…

My “respect” for this “little”, “little” lady, continues to grow, day, by day…

Annily posted a very “sweet”, very “simple”, very well “thought out” pic on her “_annilychatelain” IG page…

Another “sublime” shot, in which I see nothing but “love”, “light”, and “happiness”…

They are just, so, wonderful together…

Just, makes me “smile”, for all the “right” reasons…

Yet again, thank you for that, Annily, you “lightened” another “dark” day…

Uh, oh, looks like she has changed her “signature” pic…

Looks something like “Men are unbelievable”, or something…

Hmm, remember what I keep saying about her “growing up quickly”, well that is a pretty good indicator, for women usually do not “hit” that “realization”, until about the age of 24, from my experience…

I’m hoping that this is a good thing…

Too young to be “disillusioned”, in that kind of way..,

Maybe I should “drop” the first “little”, from the “little”, “little” lady, mayhap??
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Old 05-28-2019, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
Uh, oh, looks like she has changed her “signature” pic…

Looks something like “Men are unbelievable”, or something…
Annily has a thing for the old sitcom "Friends". She frequently changes her profile to a scene from the show with a caption, mainly focusing on Rachel (Jennifer Aniston). Rachel is saying "Ugh. Men are unbelievable." Well... she is right.

Another mother's day photo was posted with Alizee pushing Annily in a shopping cart. The photo speaks for itself.

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Old 05-28-2019, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Annily has a thing for the old sitcom "Friends". She frequently changes her profile to a scene from the show with a caption, mainly focusing on Rachel (Jennifer Aniston). Rachel is saying "Ugh. Men are unbelievable." Well... she is right.

Another mother's day photo was posted with Alizee pushing Annily in a shopping cart. The photo speaks for itself.

Yep, she is utterly absolutely right…

Men are unbelievable…

Now, I recognize “Friends” from “waay back”, one of my “ex’s” was a “Friendsophile”, and we’d “binge watch” it, cuddled up on the couch for hours, which was always “nice”...

Nice, nope it was frikkin HEAVEN, for she was 5’11’’ of pure utter “goddessness”…

And, well, rather, ok. I’ll admit it, she’d “binge watch” it, and I’d “power nap” with my eyes wide open. A very handy skill that I acquired in the military…

I could even answer questions in this state, as long as the answer was “mmmhmmm”…

It was never my favorite tv show, but, I can think of worse things to do in this world than spend some time like that, with someone you love…

And the “endings”, well unlike the tv show, they always invariably “happy” ones, if you know what I mean…

Now, with regard to the Alizée/Annily photo, it does indeed speak for itself.

Easily my most favorite shot of them both together, and one that I would most certainly keep…

Just “sublime”…
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Old 06-01-2019, 10:06 PM
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What can I say…

Annily posted this on her IG page “_annilychatelain”: #tbt

This has just got to be the “sweetest” shot ever…

Just so cute…

But the “worried” expression on her little face, that "troubles" me ever so slightly, even though it is kind of “past history”…

I know me, I’d be down on my knees asking her, “Ok Angelhoneybabelittleone, what’s the matter, tell me all about it, and we’ll get it fixed”…

Still makes me smile though…

How time flies…

Last edited by RedRafe; 06-01-2019 at 10:10 PM..
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Old 06-02-2019, 04:04 PM
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It kind of reminds me of this video of Alizee with attitude. Here Annily has attitude and it looks like she's saying "You are not taking my photo without asking me first are you?".

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