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Old 05-26-2016, 08:01 PM
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Cute little article today... Nothing new though.


Alizée et Grégoire Lyonnet fiancés : un mariage avant l'été ?

Entre Alizée et Grégoire Lyonnet, c'est une histoire qui dure. Trois ans après leur rencontre et leur victoire dans Danse avec les Stars sur TF1, la chanteuse et le danseur sont plus amoureux que jamais. Au casting du Meilleur Pâtissier vers célébrités, la star a dévoilé leurs fiançailles. Et le mariage pourrait avoir lieu plus tôt qu'on ne le pense !

Après la chanson et la danse, Alizée a décidé de nous dévoiler un nouveau talent. Hier, la jolie Corse était au programme du premier numéro de la spéciale célébrités du Meilleur pâtissier sur M6. La maman d'Annily s'est même qualifiée pour la finale et a fait une révélation sur sa vie amoureuse au détour d'une explication sur l'une de ses recettes.

Alizée confirme ses fiançailles avec Grégoire Lyonnet

Pour la première épreuve, les pâtissiers en herbe devait revisiter la tarte tatin à leur manière. Alizée a d'ailleurs décidé de faire un clin d'oeil à Grégoire Lyonnet et a dévoilé... ses fiançailles ! "Je vais faire six petites tartes individuelles pour mon amoureux. Mon fiancé aime beaucoup ça" a expliqué la chanteuse de Blonde devant les caméras de M6.

Un mariage dans quelques semaines ?

Mais ce n'est pas tout. Selon les informations de France Dimanche, le mariage des deux stars pourraient avoir lieu plus tôt que prévu. Le magazine people explique dans son nouveau numéro qu'Alizée et Grégoire Lyonnet pourrait se passer la bague au doigt le 16 juin prochain. Les deux amoureux auraient choisi la Corse pour se dire oui. Au début de l'année, Alizée avait déjà évoqué les rumeurs d'un possible mariage. "Je vous dirais simplement que oui, on se mariera un jour. Ça c'est sûr" avait-elle confié.


Alizee and Grégoire Lyonnet engaged: a marriage before the summer?

Between Alizée and Gregoire Lyonnet is an ongoing story. Three years after they met and their victory in Dancing with the Stars on TF1, singer and dancer are more in love than ever. The cast of Best Pastry to celebrities, the star announced their engagement. And the marriage could take place sooner than we think!

After the song and dance, Alizée has decided to unveil a new talent. Yesterday, the beautiful Corsica was on the agenda of the first issue of the special celebrities Best pastry on M6. The mother of Annily has even qualified for the final and made a revelation about his love life at the turn of an explanation of one of its recipes.

Alizee confirms her engagement Grégoire Lyonnet

For the first event, the Cooks would revisit the apple pie in their way. Alizee has also decided to make a nod to Gregoire Lyonnet and announced her engagement ...! 'I'll make six small individual pies for my boyfriend. My boyfriend loves it,' explained the singer Blonde before the cameras of M6.

A wedding in a few weeks?

But that's not all. According to information from France Sunday, the marriage of the two stars could take place earlier than expected. The celebrity magazine said in its latest issue Alizée and Grégoire Lyonnet could spend the ring finger on 16 June. The couple would have chosen Corsica to say yes. At the beginning of the year, Alizee had already mentioned the rumors of a possible marriage. 'I would just say that yes, we'll get married one day. That's for sure' she had said.
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Old 05-27-2016, 07:32 PM
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Default "Alizée se révèle pleine de surprises et de talents."


Alizée : pâtissière mutine et douée, elle relève le défi avec audace

Alizée a décidément tous les talents. Alors qu'elle participait à une émission culinaire sur le thème de la pâtisserie, diffusée sur M6, la jeune femme a réussi à remporter une place en finale. Délicieusement mutine, la chanteuse s'affiche en pâtissière sur Instagram : son nouveau défi.

Le 25 mai 2016, Alizée prenait part à l'émission "Le meilleur pâtissier" sur M6 pour un numéro inédit, spécial célébrités. Philippe Candeloro, Aymeric Caron ou encore la jolie Valérie Bègue avaient également répondu présent pour relever le défi. Une fois de plus, Alizée a réussi à tirer son épingle du jeu en décrochant une place en finale. Décidément, la jeune femme a plus d'une corde à son arc. Après la musique et la danse, la voilà qui se met à la cuisine avec le même brio que d'habitude.
Alizée en pâtissière, très craquante !

Sur son compte Instagram, la belle a voulu remercier celui grâce à qui elle est parvenue à se démarquer des autres concurrents. La ravissante trentenaire a pris la pose en tablier, derrière les fourneaux et affichant un sourire mutin, un adorable regard pétillant. Elle destine quelques mots plein de gratitude au cuisiner qui l'a aidée et conseillée, un certain Yoann du restaurant A Casetta, établissement situé à Cuttoli, en Corse-du-Sud.

Vers une nouvelle reconversion ?

Alizée se révèle pleine de surprises et de talents. A 31 ans, elle a fait une belle carrière dans la chanson, avant de remporter l'émission "Danse avec les stars" en 2013. Cette victoire l'a d'ailleurs menée à se réorienter, travaillant désormais essentiellement grâce à la danse. Elle fait des ateliers et des spectacles avec son compagnon Grégoire Lyonnet, un peu partout en France et même dans des clubs de vacances à l'étranger.

Si la brunette vient à remporter "Le meilleur pâtissier", peut-être souhaitera-t-elle une fois de plus changer de casquette et démarrer une carrière dans la restauration ou la pâtisserie ? A voir le parcours éclectique d'Alizée, la question n'est pas si saugrenue. Rendez-vous le 8 juin 2016 pour la finale !
Le 27 Mai 2016 - 15h00


Alizée: mischievous and gifted confectioner, her takes up challenge with boldness

Alizée has all talents undoubtedly. While it participated in a culinary program on the topic of the pastry, broadcast on M6, the young woman succeeded in carrying off a place in final. Deliciously mutineer, the singer is displayed in confectioner on Instagram: his new challenge.

On May 25th, 2016, Alizée took part in the program ' the best confectioner ' on M6 for an unpublished, special number celebrities. Philippe Candeloro, Aymeric Caron or else pretty Valérie stammerer had also answered gift to take up challenge. One more time, Alizée succeeded in drawing the pin of game by taking down a place in final. Undoubtedly, the young woman has more than a rope in her arch. After music and dance, here is which puts on in the kitchen with the same brilliance as ordinarily.

Alizée in confectioner, very irresistible!

On his count Instagram, the nice wanted to thank the one thanks to whom she managed to distance herself from other rivals. Delightful thirty-year person took pose in apron, behind stoves and showing a mischievous smile, an adorable one effervescent look. It intends some words full of thankfulness in to cook who helped it and recommended, a certain Yoann of the restaurant A Casetta, establishment located in Cuttoli, in Corse-du-Sud.

Towards a new restructuring?

Alizée turns out to be full of surprises and talents. At the age of 31, it made a nice career in the song, before carrying off the program ' Dance with the stars ' in 2013. This win besides led it to transfer, working consequently principally thanks to dance. It makes workshops and shows with his companion Gregory Lyonnet, a bit everywhere in France and even in holiday camps abroad.

If brunette comes to carry off ' the best confectioner ', perhaps will she like to one more time change cap and to start a career in restoration or pastry? To see the eclectic course of Alizée, question is not so bizarre. Date on June 8th, 2016 for final!
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Old 07-22-2016, 06:28 AM
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Default Galak!



Galak, le chihuahua à croquer d'Alizée
Propos recueillis par Charlotte Moreau | 22 Juil. 2016, 07h00 | MAJ : 22 Juil. 2016, 06h15

« J'ai souffert de ne pas avoir de chien quand j'étais petite alors, quand ma fille a eu 5 ans, nous avons adopté Galak. Aujourd'hui, Annily a 11 ans, Galak bientôt 6, et elles ont une relation très forte. Quand on n'est pas à la maison, Galak nous manque, c'est un membre de la famille à part entière.

Elle est toute petite, comme un éternel bébé, mais très intelligente ! Grégoire (NDLR : Lyonnet, son mari danseur rencontré dans "Danse avec les stars", sur TF 1) lui apprend à faire des tours avec des croquettes. Elle est très gourmande. Elle a l'estomac d'un rottweiler, c'est une vraie de vraie ! Et à côté de ça, elle dort énormément, comme un chat. Comme elle est assez casanière, du coup elle reste plutôt avec ma fille qu'avec moi sur mes déplacements. Mais en vacances, on peut l'emmener partout, même à la plage. Et quand nous sommes absents, c'est ma mère qui la garde, en compagnie de ses deux chats. On m'a parfois dit que Galak me ressemblait physiquement, je ne sais pas trop quoi en penser (rires), mais il y a souvent un mimétisme entre un maître et son chien, non ? »

Galak, the Chihuahua chewable Alizee

'I suffered from not having a dog when I was little then, when my daughter was 5 years, we have adopted Galak. Today Annily 11 years, 6 Galak soon and have a very strong relationship. When you are not at home, Galak we lack is a member of the family in itself.

She is very small, like a baby forever, but very smart! Gregory (note: Lyonnet, her husband met dancer in 'Dancing with the Stars' on TF1) taught to do tricks with croquettes. She is very greedy. She has the stomach of a Rottweiler, it's a real thing! And besides that, she sleeps a lot, like a cat. As it is quite a homebody, suddenly it is rather my daughter with me on my travels. But on vacation, you can take it anywhere, even at the beach. And when we are absent, it is my mother who keeps in her two cats. Galak sometimes told that physically resembled me, I do not know what to think (laughs), but there is often a mimicry between a master and his dog, right? '
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Old 07-25-2016, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post
Thanks for posting Ray..

"Galak I'm sometimes told that he physically resembles me, I do not know what to think (laughs), but there is often a mimicry between a master and his dog, right?"

and now I found this article


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 07-28-2016, 01:39 AM
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Default Webarticle about Alizée's stay in Monte Negro

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Old 07-29-2016, 03:38 PM
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Alizee really has an incredible life.
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Old 08-09-2016, 06:12 AM
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Short little audio summary yesterday of Alizée...

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Old 10-19-2016, 06:58 PM
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Old 11-16-2016, 06:00 PM
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Article about DALS winners.

How their careers get a boost from the win.

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Old 11-30-2016, 10:49 AM
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The following quote is taken from Gala Magazine article entitled:

Alizee: Far from Grégoire Lyonnet, his fear of failure in love

The success came very early in life Alizee. gold record before his eighty years, the young woman seems to have been a failure: his divorce from Jérémy Chatelain, the father of her daughter. An event that still seems to haunt the singer.

"Dancing is question, go deep in n i" once said the choreographer Marie-Claude Pietragalla . Precisely, the show Dancing with the Stars (where the former star dancer she occupies a juror for four years) is often the scene of great moments of emotion. This week, Karine Ferri who shed a few tears at the thought of his son six months, Mael. But three years ago, another well-known French of pretty brunette had also left overwhelmed by the emotion.

Alizee, Grégoire Lyonnet face his dance partner, who has since become his life partner, trusted in these words. " I chose to speak [...] of separation with dad my daughter ... because simply it is the biggest failure for me in my life. This is the biggest ... I could not get my family. " A failure of which it still does not seem to shed.

Back in the early 2000s interpreter of Moi ... Lolita is everywhere. French artist most sold abroad (4 million CDs sold worldwide!), Gold record, she saw a phenomenal success and not even 20 years. During a musical competition, in 2003, it crosses a certain Jeremy Chatelain, from the second promotion Star Academy. The thunderbolt is immediate. Just seven months later, the couple married in Las Vegas. And in 2005 they welcomed their daughter, Annily. A happiness in family life then announces to them. Alizee finds an anchor, and a way to resume a normal life after the sudden celebrity.

In 2012 however, Alizee and Jeremy announce their separation, to the surprise and after nine years of complicity displayed. " It was very complicated to explain that despite separation, her father and I will always be there for her and always love so much. This is the toughest time I've had to live as a mom , "she had then told the magazine in 9 months.

. A break, Alizée then seen as a personal defeat Weakened by this heartbreak, the brunette was so lucky to come - literally - in the strong arms of Grégoire Lyonnet, during the fourth season DALS in 2013. The dancer becomes a trainer. He surprises him, takes him to the restaurant, and their reconciliation is done under the eyes of the viewers. Their love story is obvious, and it's no surprise that one learns formalizing their relationship.

But everything is not always rosy between the two lovers. There are two years, Gregoire Lyonnet hurriedly left the fifth season of DALS. A departure that would have been caused by Alizee, unhappy to see him dancing alongside Nathalie Pechalat . "Alizee, 30, choreographer girlfriend since his participation in DALS last year, was well jealous of Nathalie Pechalat, who succeeded him on the board this season, indicated at the time Le Parisien. Since the beginning of the show, September 27, Alizee never missed a premium, live from the studio of Plaine-Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). Access to rehearsals is forbidden to outsiders. But the singer monitors. Is it to avoid offending his love Gregory carefully avoids too lascivious dances with the lady? In fact, since the beginning of the season, jurors DALS often accused the two partners their lack of 'connection'. But these efforts remain woefully inadequate to calm Alizee. " And the newspaper to reveal that to calm things Nathalie Pechalat have even organized" meeting to four with his own companion, actor Jean Dujardin " . An attempt that has been " idle " yet explained the newspaper.

Today, the two lovebirds are husband and wife , but the rumors about jealousy Alizee started again during the current and seventh edition of DALS . The sexy Camille Lou is the new Gregoire Lyonnet dance partner , and the gossips blow that the singer does not see this duo very good eye. Denials by Camille Lou in the Mad Mag on NRJ12 , they have said-have flared up since the publication of a cryptic message on the account Instagram Alizee: "the eagles do not fly with the pigeons" , recorded under a photo of her husband. a sentence to denounce the gossip about her marriage, or to attack Camille Lou? Difficult to judge, but the top of its 32 years, Corsica seems determined to live an unhindered happiness , even defend tooth and nail. And that's all we want him.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 11-30-2016 at 07:08 PM.. Reason: Adding link to the original article
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