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Old 01-08-2017, 04:00 PM
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Gregorie mocks Alizee's new hairstyle on instagram

STYLE - The singer Alizee has tried to the permanent. And this change of look is not really to the liking of his companion, who currently accompanies him on the tour "Dance with stars ..."
2017-01-08T20: 17: 39.437Z
It is not only Guillaume Canet who mocks his companion on social networks. Grégoire Lyonnet was also there. The professional dancer Alizee and are currently touring Dancing with the Stars and for the occasion, the singer addresses a whole new look. A look that does not leave indifferent Grégoire Lyonnet.

The interpreter of "Moi Lolita" has tried to the permanent and it is not really the taste of the dancer who did not wait very long to make it known. On Instagram, he posts a photo montage in which we discover the one hand, the new cut Alizee and the other an extract of the cult series Friends. Gregory Lyonnet stands behind his wife, his hand on his mouth, mimicking astonishment.
"My wife turned into Monica this year"

The scene captured by Laurent Maistret, winner of Season 7 of Dancing with the Stars , is obviously a parody of that of an episode of Friends in which Chandler is shocked to discover the new head of Monica. In a commentary, the dancer writes: "My wife turned into Monica this year", but madly in love with her companion, he adds "she is still beautiful." We are still far rock'n'roll challenge couple Guillaume Canet / Marion Cotillard.

On the tour Dancing with the Stars , Gregoire Lyonnet and Alizee found a part of the cast of Season 7 (Florent Mothe, Laurent Maistret Valerie Damidot), but also former members of the contest as Priscilla Betti, Olivier Dion or Tonya Kinzinger. The tour started on 7th January and it will pass through all the Zeniths of France.


Last edited by Shepherd; 01-08-2017 at 04:04 PM..
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Old 01-09-2017, 04:44 AM
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My ex got a perm once and I could not stand the sight of it. Luckily it was gone within a week.
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Old 01-16-2017, 06:54 PM
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Video interview today at gala.fr


VIDEO GALA – L’interview minute d’Alizée: “Greg ou Grégoire, Lolita ou Mademoiselle?”
La pétillante brunette se prête au jeu des questions en rafale

Laure Costey | lundi 16 janvier 2017

Entre deux danses avec son mari Grégoire Lyonnet, lors de la tournée Danse avec les stars, Alizée a répondu avec enthousiasme à notre questionnaire minute!

Elle n'est plus « lolita », et pas "mademoiselle« mais totalement »madame » s’il vous plaît! Ailzée est heureuse de pouvoir se faire appeler madame Lyonnet et elle le fait savoir. La chanteuse qui a épousé le danseur à l’été 2016 porte désormais fièrement le nom de son homme.

À l’occasion de notre rencontre dans les coulisses de la tournéeDanse avec les stars, la jolie corse nous a accueilli dans sa loge pour une interview minute réjouissante!

L’ex-Lolita star nous apprend ainsi qu’elle est plutôt du genre “bonne élève” plutôt qu’adepte de « l’école buissonnière ». Une rigueur dans le travail qu’elle a mis à profit pour apprendre la danse. La gagnante de DALS saison 5 assume également son côté “lève tôt” mais avoue volontiers choisir « la sieste » après "le sport".

Plus “brune” que “blonde”, Alizée préfère également les petits mots doux et les attentions que son “Greg” lui réserve pour la “Saint-Valentin” que la chasse aux bonbons et à la frousse des fêtes d’”Halloween”…

VIDEO GALA - The minute interview of Alizée: 'Greg or Grégoire, Lolita or Mademoiselle?'

The sparkling brunette lends itself to the game of questions in burst

Between two dances with her husband Grégoire Lyonnet, during the dancing with the stars tour, Alizée has responded enthusiastically to our minute questionnaire! \

It is more 'lolita', and not ' Miss 'but totally' Madam ' Please! Ailzee is pleased to be called madame Lyonnet and does know. The singer, who married the dancer in the summer 2016 now proudly bears the name of her man.

On the occasion of our meeting backstage at the Tourneedanse with the stars, pretty Corsica greeted US in her dressing room for a good minute interview!

Ex-Lolita star tells us that she is more of a \"good student\" rather than fan of \"hooky\". Rigour in the work she took advantage to learn the dance. The winner of DALS season 5 also takes his side \"get up early\" but admit willingly choose 'siesta' after 'sports'.

More \"Brown\" as \"blonde\", Alizée also prefers small sweet words and attention that his \"Greg\" lie the \"Valentine\" as hunting candy and scared \"Halloween\" parties...
Video grab from the interview on the hub:
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Old 07-06-2017, 12:50 AM
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Here's an article I saw posted on FB last night. It is from "chartsinfrance" and it is about those pictures that were posted in NY of her and MF.


charts in france.jpg

Alizée celebrates 17 years of "Moi ... Lolita" with rare photos of Mylène Farmer
17 years ago, France fell under the spell of Alizée thanks to the tube "Moi ... Lolita". To celebrate this special anniversary, the singer wanted to send a message of sympathy to Mylène Farmer, his mentor.
Image: http://www.chartsinfrance.net/style/...1499245914.png

Photo credits: Cover of the single

Early summer 2000. Spotted a few months earlier on the show "Graines de star", a young Corsican teenager arrives in the French musical landscape with her first song. Alizée, 15, probably did not imagine that "Me ... Lolita" was going to upset her destiny. This first tube, which will launch the wave "lolita" in France, is the work of a well-known shock duo of the industry: Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat. In the shade, the tandem makes the young Alizee a universe to measure. The icon of French song, mutine, signs two-way lyrics and takes care of the choreographies and outfits of his protégée. Expert on the subject, Laurent Boutonnat is in charge of composing the melodies and making the clips. Released July 4, 2000, "Me ... Lolita" quickly becomes a phenomenon. Stayed number two of sales for 13 weeks, the single crosses the symbolic bar of the million sales in France. Alizée, propelled in the spotlight, becomes the darling of the French public ... and international. His first album "Gourmandises" will be sold to 4 million copies in the world.

"There are meetings that upset a life"

The collaboration between Mylène Farmer and Alizée will come to an end after the release of the album "Mes currents électriques" in 2003. But the singer, now married and mother of a happy family, has always kept a special affection for the one who launched her career. On her latest album "Blonde" (2014), she had even dedicated a song, "Mylène Farmer", like a wink. "It's not a tribute because I'm not there, to say that I love it, that I miss it, improbable stuff, it's not at all ... I'm talking about the life of a Fan of Mylène Farmer (...) I tell the life of this fan who every day rises with Mylène, lies with Mylène ... This fan could have been me. Because even though I've been singing with "Moi ... Lolita" for 15 years and I've been working with her for 10 years, she's been part of my life. I'm still a fan of her ... She's the artist I most respect and admire, "Alizée told Pure Charts.

READ OUT - Alizée does not want to make an album: "I do not want to"

So, to celebrate the 17th anniversary of the release of "Moi ... Lolita", Alizée has once again decided to pay tribute to her elder. On social networks, the interpreter of "Tendre rêve" shared several rare shots taken with Mylène Farmer in a park in New York, at a time full of complicity. "There are meetings that upset a life ... It was 17 years ago. Thank you M "commented Alizée in legend. What to please the most nostalgic fans!

Read more at http://www.chartsinfrance.net/Alizee...pC4BtkzM6yF.99


Here is another article related to the MF photos by GALA magazine...



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Old 10-11-2017, 05:54 PM
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Posts relating to Voici article from 10 Oct merged into:

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Old 11-10-2017, 06:35 PM
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Web article. Not sure how much is accurate.


Alizee still injured 4 years after DALS? Gregory says Lyonnet! A competition that leaves traces ...

Since the launch of the 8th season of Dancing with the stars on TF1, Grégoire Lyonnet gives his expert opinion on the competition with our colleagues Télé Star.

In the last issue of the magazine, who became the husband of Alizee in June 2016 agreed to mention the inevitable injuries that personalities meet in strength workouts. 'After several weeks, especially when the star wants to make big performances, there are sores (...) Either too much is made of effort and a little thing crunches, or the candidate had a bad fall, following one worn by example, 'he analyzed.

And Gregory to reconsider the case of Alizee, who was injured at the end of competition at the 4th season. 'Alizee was affected vertebrae on the day of the final. Then the doctor told her she could not dance, she signed a release and took painkillers. Four years later, she still hurt, so the point that the pain shifted to the shoulder, 'has he revealed.

Yet the program's former dancer did not fail to remember that everything was implemented by the production to prevent sores. 'A physiotherapist is present on the premium on Friday and Saturday and deals with candidates. They come to see the chain because everyone wrong somewhere. Often, candidates realize that physically, Dancing with the Stars, c is difficult and in the end, they will all be victims of minor injuries, 'he said.

Chronic discover in full in Télé Star, currently on newsstands.
November 10, 2017 - 7:51 p.m.

Alizée toujours blessée 4 ans après DALS ? Grégoire Lyonnet raconte !
Une compétition qui laisse des traces...

Depuis le lancement de la 8e saison de Danse avec les stars sur TF1, Grégoire Lyonnet donne son avis d'expert sur la compétition à nos confrères de Télé Star.

Dans la dernière parution du magazine, celui qui est devenu l'époux d'Alizée en juin 2016 a accepté de parler des blessures inévitables que les personnalités rencontrent à force d'entraînements. "Au bout de plusieurs semaines, surtout lorsque la star veut faire des grosses performances, il y a des bobos (...) Soit on fait trop d'efforts et un petit truc craque, soit le candidat fait une mauvaise chute, suite à un porté par exemple", a-t-il analysé.

Et Grégoire de revenir sur le cas d'Alizée, qui avait été blessée en fin de compétition lors de la 4e saison. "Alizée était touchée aux vertèbres le jour de la finale. Alors que le médecin lui disait qu'elle ne pourrait pas danser, elle a signé une décharge et elle a pris des antidouleurs. Quatre ans plus tard, elle a encore mal, à tel point que la douleur s'est déplacée vers l'épaule", a-t-il révélé.

Pourtant, l'ex-danseur du programme n'a pas manqué de rappeler que tout était mis en oeuvre par la production pour éviter les bobos. "Un kiné est présent sur le prime le vendredi et samedi et s'occupe des candidats. Ces derniers viennent le voir à la chaîne car chacun a mal quelque part. Souvent, les candidats se rendent compte que physiquement, Danse avec les stars, c'est difficile et qu'au final, ils seront tous victimes de petits bobos", a-t-il expliqué.

Une chronique à découvrir en intégralité dans Télé Star, actuellement en kiosque.
Le 10 Novembre 2017 - 19h51

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 11-10-2017 at 06:40 PM..
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Old 11-11-2017, 11:07 PM
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...Four years later, she still feels pain. point that the pain has shifted to the shoulder, "he revealed....

That is not good. Not good at all.
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Old 11-18-2017, 05:09 PM
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Some more details, direct from Grégoire:


Injuries, aches and pains ... Grégoire unveils the backdrop of Dance with the stars
By Grégoire Lyonnet November 18, 2017 at 16:00

To shine on the track, the candidates of DALS go through trying rehearsals. And injuries are common.

'During Dance with the stars, the body of the candidates is put to the test.The first weeks, for non-athletes, the four hours of training cause many body aches because the body does not really understand what happens to him. For example, Alizée told me later that at the beginning of the adventure, she had gone through hell because of aches, but beware, it's the same for everyone.After several weeks, especially when the star wants to make big performances, there are sores, as for Agustín Galiana who was recently injured on foot, so where do the injuries come from? Either we make too much effort and a little trick cracks, either the candidate makes a bad fall, following a worn for example.
'The pain of the victory'

'In the first season, Sofia Essaïdi had a crack of the ribs because of the litters.It is a recurring wound for the girls because the ribs weaken by force ... In general, the injuries are not done during the live but during the rehearsals, I remember Alizée who was touched on the vertebra on the day of the final.While the doctor told her that she could not dance, she signed Four years later, she is still in pain, so much so that the pain has shifted to the shoulder, but it's the pain of victory. 'He smiles. However, note that a physio is present on the bonuses on Friday and Saturday and takes care of the candidates.They come to see the chain because everyone is in pain somewhere.Always, candidates realize that physically, Dance with the stars, it's difficult and in the end, they will all be victims of We'll see you next week. '

Blessures, courbatures... Grégoire dévoile l'envers du décor de Danse avec les stars
Par Grégoire Lyonnet Le 18 novembre 2017 à 16h00

Pour briller sur la piste, les candidats de DALS passent par des répétitions éprouvantes. Et les blessures sont fréquentes.

"Pendant Danse avec les stars, le corps des candidats est mis à rude épreuve. Les premières semaines, pour les non sportifs, les quatre heures d'entraînement provoquent de nombreuses courbatures car le corps ne comprend pas trop ce qui lui arrive. Par exemple, Alizée m'a confié plus tard qu'au début de l'aventure, elle avait vécu l'enfer à cause des courbatures, mais attention, c'est pareil pour tout le monde. Au bout de plusieurs semaines, surtout lorsque la star veut faire des grosses performances, il y a des bobos, comme pour Agustín Galiana qui s'est récemment blessé au pied. Alors, d'où viennent les blessures ? Soit on fait trop d'efforts et un petit truc craque, soit le candidat fait une mauvaise chute, suite à un porté par exemple."
"La douleur de la victoire"

"Lors de la première saison, Sofia Essaïdi s'était fêlé des côtes à cause des portés. C'est une blessure récurrente pour les filles car les côtes se fragilisent à force... En général, les blessures ne se font pas pendant le direct mais pendant les répétitions. Je me souviens d'Alizée qui était touchée aux vertèbres le jour de la finale. Alors que le médecin lui disait qu'elle ne pourrait pas danser, elle a signé une décharge et elle a pris des antidouleurs. Quatre ans plus tard, elle a encore mal, à tel point que la douleur s'est déplacée vers l'épaule. Mais bon, c'est la douleur de la victoire. (Il sourit.) Notez tout de même qu'un kiné est présent sur les prime le vendredi et samedi et s'occupe des candidats. Ces derniers viennent le voir à la chaîne car chacun a mal quelque part. Souvent, les candidats se rendent compte que physiquement, Danse avec les stars, c'est difficile et qu'au final, ils seront tous victimes de petits bobos. À la semaine prochaine."
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Old 11-18-2017, 06:34 PM
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Thanks for posting that Ray. I wonder if her back still bothers her from the time she was hurt during Bollywood? I think that was part of some problems she had from years ago.
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Old 11-19-2017, 02:53 AM
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Years ago, long before DALS, she spoke of having a weak point in her lower back - something about too much curvature. Because of this, I was concerned that she would have problems with her low back during DALS.

If you'll remember, she did strain her low back in week 4, but was able to overcome it. However, the neck (cervical spine) issue was a new issue with week 9 of DALS. I am really unhappy to hear that she still experiences pain 4 years later at that location. It means that the issue is chronic, and (speaking from experience) will likely be with her for the rest of her life.
--- pace e salute ---

Last edited by Rev; 11-19-2017 at 02:56 AM..
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