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Old 01-21-2018, 12:09 PM
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Miscellaneous article reminding everyone Alizée wasn't at the Enfoires show this year. Also a bit of description about the changes in the show. Oh, and a special mention to Jenifer.


Les Enfoirés 2018: Télé Star saw the show

On Saturday 20 January, we were in Strasbourg to attend the 2018 Enfoirés show. What does this vintage reserve for us? we tell you everything!

This year, many artists miss the call to Enfoirés. No Maxime Le Forestier, no M Pokora, no Alizée, no Shy'm, no Carla Bruni because he's sick, no Pascal Obispo, no Pierre Palmade ... but four newcomers, and no least: those of La bande à Fifi (Philippe Lacheau, Elodie Fontan, Tarek Boudali and Julien Arruti). Who are we going to see on stage? Amel Bent, Patrick Bruel, Tal, Jenifer, Amir and Christophe Willem are the most successful on stage to offer us wonderful moments.

After a show opening on a few words about France Gall, the troupe chained with 'Je joue de la musique' from Calogero, the troupe offers a poignant tribute to Johnny Hallyday. These tributes were inevitable, self-imposed and staged were realized very quickly. For more than four hours, the Enfoirés offer us a succession of various and varied paintings. Moreover, and that, you will not see it on television, artists come to sing between two changes of scenery. Many tributes to France Gall and Johnny Hallyday have been made - special mention to Jenifer who has beautifully taken 'Je te promets'. In the benefits, we mainly remember the collegiate on I will survive (survive you) or the special painting Koh-Lanta named 'Les En-foirés Thaïlande'.

This year, less sketches, more music and especially less medleys. So rendering is less messy than it may have been. A show more built with moments of emotion.

Les Enfoirés 2018 : Télé Star a vu le show
Par Thomas Monnier Le 21 janvier 2018 à 09h34

Ce samedi 20 janvier, nous étions à Strasbourg afin d'assister au show 2018 des Enfoirés. Que nous réserve ce cru ? on vous dit tout !

Cette année, de nombreux artistes manquent à l'appel aux Enfoirés. Pas de Maxime Le Forestier, pas de M Pokora, pas d'Alizée, pas de Shy'm, pas de Carla Bruni car malade, pas de Pascal Obispo, pas de Pierre Palmade... mais en revanche quatre nouveaux, et pas des moindres : ceux de La bande à Fifi (Philippe Lacheau, Elodie Fontan, Tarek Boudali et Julien Arruti). Qui allons-nous voir sur scène ? Amel Bent, Patrick Bruel, Tal, Jenifer, Amir et Christophe Willem sont ceux qui se succèdent le plus sur scène pour nous offrir de magnifiques moments.

Après une ouverture de show sur quelques mots de France Gall, la troupe enchaîne avec "Je joue de la musique" de Calogero, la troupe nous offre un hommage poignant à Johnny Hallyday. Ces hommages étaient inévitables, se sont imposés d'eux-mêmes et les mises en scène ont été réalisées très rapidement. Durant plus de quatre heures, les Enfoirés nous offrent une succession de tableaux divers et variés. Par ailleurs, et ça, vous n'allez pas le voir à la télévision, des artistes viennent chanter entre deux changements de décors. De nombreux hommages à France Gall et Johnny Hallyday ont été rendus - mention spéciale à Jenifer qui a magnifiquement repris "Je te promets". Dans les prestations, on retient principalement la collégiale sur I will survive (Je te survivrai) ou le tableau spécial Koh-Lanta nommé "Les En-foirés Thaïlande".

Cette année, moins de sketchs, plus de musiques et surtout moins de medleys. Ainsi le rendu est moins brouillon qu'il a pu l'être. Un spectacle plus construit avec des moments d'émotion.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 01-21-2018 at 12:13 PM..
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Old 05-31-2018, 07:12 PM
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Song of the week this week at public.fr


Compil 'Public: 'Moi ... Lolita' of Alizée

Welcome to Public Mp3! Every Thursday, we play the teens back to the 90s / 2000. Put on your headphones, increase the volume and start the music. From Destiny's Child to Peotic Lover, Britney Spears, Kyo and Ophélie Winter, to Spice Girls, Tribal Jam and even Tribal King ... It's time to revise your classics with the 'Compil 'Public'!

'Moi ... Lolita' is the song that made the young singer Alizée known. Written by Mylène Farmer in 2000, this song propelled the little Alizée to the rank of star of the moment. With more than 1,282,000 copies sold, 'Moi ... Lolita' has become the 31st best-selling album of all time in France. This song allowed him to become known all over the world, and made Alizée, the Lolita of all.

Lolita has become great ...

It is thanks to the show 'Graines de star' Alizée is identified by Mylène Farmer. Everything goes on afterwards and she even becomes her own producer for her album Psychadélices. This album will give him a huge success in Mexico, which reinforces even more its world renown. First as a couple with Jérémy Chatelain, whom she met during the Star Academy tour, she is now married to her dancer from Danse avec les stars, Grégoire Lyonnet. Mom of a little girl called Annily she had with Jeremy, she takes a break in his career to take care of it.

The end of a myth

After working with the greatest, it is in 2014 that she returns in force with her sixth album entitled Blonde, which she produced in collaboration with Pascal Obispo. Unfortunately, this album is a total failure which then pushes her to officially announce the end of her career as a singer to embark on a career as a dancer.

It's time to fall back into our teenage years and listen to «Moi ... Lolita» from Alizée in our player:


Compil’ Public : « Moi… Lolita » d’Alizée
31 mai 2018 à 16h12

Bienvenue dans le Mp3 de Public ! Tous les jeudis, on joue les ados en se replongeant dans les années 90 / 2000. Enfile tes écouteurs, augmente le volume et lance la musique. Des Destiny's Child à Peotic Lover, en passant par Britney Spears, Kyo et Ophélie Winter, ou encore Spice Girls, Tribal Jam et même Tribal King... C’est le moment de réviser tes classiques avec la "Compil’ Public" !

« Moi… Lolita » est la chanson qui a fait connaître la jeune chanteuse Alizée. Écrite par Mylène Farmer en 2000, cette chanson a propulsé la petite Alizée au rang de star du moment. Avec plus de 1 282 000 exemplaires vendus, « Moi…Lolita » est devenu le 31ème album le plus vendu de tous les temps en France. Cette chanson lui a permis de se faire connaître dans le monde entier, et fait d’Alizée, la Lolita de tous.

Lolita est devenue grande...

C’est grâce à l’émission « Graines de star » qu’Alizée se fait repérer par Mylène Farmer. Tout s’enchaîne ensuite et elle devient même sa propre productrice pour son album Psychadélices. Cet album lui donnera un succès fou au Mexique, ce qui renforce encore plus sa renommée mondiale. D’abord en couple avec Jérémy Chatelain, qu’elle rencontra pendant la tournée de la Star Academy, elle est aujourd’hui mariée à son danseur de Danse avec les Stars, Grégoire Lyonnet. Maman d’une petite fille appelée Annily qu’elle a eue avec Jérémy, elle fait une pause dans sa carrière pour s’en occuper.
La fin d'un mythe

Après avoir travaillé avec les plus grands, c’est en 2014 qu’elle revient en force avec son sixième album intitulé Blonde, qu’elle a produit en collaboration avec Pascal Obispo. Malheureusement, cet album est un échec total ce qui la pousse par la suite à annoncer officiellement la fin de sa carrière de chanteuse pour se lancer dans une carrière de danseuse.

C’est le moment de retomber dans notre adolescence et d’écouter « Moi… Lolita » d’Alizée dans notre player :

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Old 06-01-2018, 11:04 AM
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Great find Ray!
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Old 10-19-2018, 06:30 PM
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AIFC on FB had posted this 'Public' internet magazine article on what happened in Mexico which tells us pretty much what we already knew.


Public magazine articl oct 2018.jpg

Alizée deceived and cheated: the singer makes a terrible revelation ...
OCTOBER 15, 2018 AT 11:06
While she was scheduled to perform in Mexico, where she has her most loyal fans, Alizée ended up canceling her trip, deceived by "amateur" producers and organizers ...
Well known in France, Alizée is also known in Mexico (if you did not know it). Moreover, it was to occur in this country of North America to the delight of its first admirers. If we write in the past, it's because, unfortunately, both shows have been canceled.

Grégoire Lyonnet's companion faced dubious organizers who left him with no choice but to reveal their practices. She ended up pushing a big jab on her social networks.
"Hello my fans since the very beginning, I'm sorry to announce that my concert on October 14 in Mexico City is canceled.The organizers of this show (OS Live Entertainment / Open Sound) did not respect the contract between us So I can not ensure my show in optimal conditions as I like to do on all my concerts.These shows in Puebla and Mexico are missed appointments.In all my career, I have never had to deal with amateur organizers who do not respect my work, my fans and their commitments.I hope to find you quickly with competent organizers and in better conditions.I miss you.Love, " noted the 34-year-old singer, furious, on her Instagram account where she is followed by more than 576,000 people.

See also: Alizée celebrates 18 years of her hit "Moi Lolita" and launches her YouTube channel
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Old 10-20-2018, 12:47 PM
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The title is pretty sensationalized, but no new information as you said.
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Old 06-11-2020, 07:23 PM
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Default Flash Flooding in Ajaccio


Safe to assume Alizée and the rest of the family should be okay at their hillside home, at least we hope. In fact, there was a video on her Instagram story of the rain at their place:

With sound: https://i.imgur.com/QaBFwZW.mp4

Anyway, here's a transcript of the article at the top, auto-translated to English:

Bad weather in Corsica: flood in Ajaccio, 200 people put in safety
Impressive videos show heavy midday precipitation and the sudden rise in water.
By Le Parisien with AFP
The June 11, 2020 at 16h55 , modified June 11, 2020 at 6:19 p.m.

At midday, it rained in Ajaccio, in southern Corsica. Météo France had announced stormy rains. But no one expected such a deluge.
Nearly 200 people were put in safety, of which 48 remained confined Thursday afternoon in a crèche and an educational establishment in the city. "There are no injuries except a professional firefighter who fell in intervention and fractured a leg," said a spokesman for firefighters in Corsica -South.

People still confined in the late afternoon
“We have carried out almost 150 lockings and we have people who are still confined to a crèche and a school. There are 28 people in the crèche and 20 in the establishment, they are not in danger, but we expect more favorable conditions for the evacuation of these people, "he said.

The spectacular rains flooded two arteries in the east of the city and led the police to temporarily close access to the city in the afternoon, for fear of another stormy episode.
At 4:30 p.m., when the sun had returned to the imperial city, only the two flooded arteries remained closed, the city said on its Twitter account.

�� | Traffic
⚠️ The roundabouts of Socordis, route de Calvi and Aspretto are reopened to traffic. The seaside is accessible. Only the Maréchal Juin av and the Noël Noël Franchini av are closed. #Ajaccio pic.twitter.com/6DEaFuIFwL
- City of Ajaccio - Cità d'Aiacciu (@VilledAjaccio) June 11, 2020

Images posted on social networks showed flooded cars, some washed away by the runoff rushing down to the sea, in the middle of trash cans and recyclable waste containers.

Recycling bins and a car are washed away on Avenue Noël Franchini.
Stay very careful!
Credit Pierre-Antoine Fournil pic.twitter.com/rlyy2sCd6G
- Corse-Matin �� (@Corse_Matin) June 11, 2020

Between "100 to 120 millimeters" fell during this "particularly violent and localized" episode, said the Collectivity of Corsica.
The Salines district was quickly underwater, according to Corse-Matin. Impressive videos bear witness to this.

Aerial view of the Salines district in Ajaccio totally underwater after the heavy rains.
(Video Claire Gimenez) pic.twitter.com/NhgjwcUOya
- Corse-Matin �� (@Corse_Matin) June 11, 2020

According to France 3 Corse Via Stella , the eastern part of the Corsican capital was then particularly affected. Thus the Pietralba, Rocade and Mezzavia districts.

Another article: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/meteo/cl...s_4005097.html
"I have lived for more than forty-five years in Les Salines and this is the first time that I have seen a flood of this magnitude," attests a local resident.

Looks like the district of Salines, south west of the Old Town, and Peitralba in the east of the city are the worst hit areas.

Let's hope everyone in Ajaccio has remained safe and secure.

Last edited by Ben.Daly; 06-11-2020 at 08:15 PM..
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Old 06-11-2020, 09:08 PM
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Interesting article Ben.Daly. Thanks for posting. Where they mentioned "Recycling bins and a car are washed away on Avenue Noël Franchini.", I think that's in the area of the school. Luckily the studio is on the second floor, still it could affect the building. Not only that, it could have a financial affect on many of their students who live near by.

First Covid-19, now this! What else can go wrong?

I'm not sure if there were links in your post for the videos mentioned but here is a link to Corse-Matin that has news for the area that has some videos.


and here's a Youtube link for one of their videos.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 06-11-2020 at 09:13 PM..
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Old 06-11-2020, 09:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Interesting article Ben.Daly. Thanks for posting. Where they mentioned "Recycling bins and a car are washed away on Avenue Noël Franchini.", I think that's in the area of the school. Luckily the studio is on the second floor, still it could affect the building. Not only that, it could have a financial affect on many of their students who live near by.

First Covid-19, now this! What else can go wrong?

I'm not sure if there were links in your post for the videos mentioned but here is a link to Corse-Matin that has news for the area that has some videos.


and here's a Youtube link for one of their videos.

I completely forgot about the Studio That would be very unfortunate if it sustained any damage

In terms of the videos, I'm on school WiFi right now so YouTube and other streaming services are either blocked or advised against. Thanks for uploading them

It's quite impressive the amount of water flowing down some of the wider streets, it will be interesting to see the full extent of the damage from after the water has proceeded. It's the early hours of the morning right now in Ajaccio so we'll have to wait a few hours at least to get some clear pictures of the true aftermath, might post them later once I'm off school WiFi.

Last edited by Ben.Daly; 06-11-2020 at 09:49 PM..
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Old 06-11-2020, 10:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Ben.Daly View Post
I completely forgot about the Studio That would be very unfortunate if it sustained any damage

In terms of the videos, I'm on school WiFi right now so YouTube and other streaming services are either blocked or advised against. Thanks for uploading them

It's quite impressive the amount of water flowing down some of the wider streets, it will be interesting to see the full extent of the damage from after the water has proceeded. It's the early hours of the morning right now in Ajaccio so we'll have to wait a few hours at least to get some clear pictures of the true aftermath, might post them later once I'm off school WiFi.
That corsematin link I posted is a good source of news happening in Ajaccio.
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Old 06-12-2020, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
That corsematin link I posted is a good source of news happening in Ajaccio.

It's a wonderful source for locals news, there...

Had it linked for a while...

Now, if only my French was waay, waay better, I might understand better what was going on...
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