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Old 07-29-2020, 07:13 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts!?

Y’know, there might just be a few…

<And in no particular “order”, really >

‘k, so where was I?

The guys were on a trip to Bonifacio, and were having a round of Golf at the Sperone Golf course, which by the reviews, is a very well set out course, with the local scenery being just simply breathtaking…

Big smile, and is lookin’ good…


Looks like they have all the “official gear”. Most stylish, too…

Ohhh yeah, Greg is “in the zone”! “Skill” and “talent” in a simply “stunning” setting…

Yeah, just rigghhtt there, where it says…

Lunch, maybe?

Not sure what they are having, but this looks like a “Paella” variant, maybe, or some kind of Rice based salad. Well presented, wonderful setting, good company. Can it really get any better than that…

Looks like the guys are “chilling out”, and having a good time...

They deserve it…


Maillon nostalgie”, roughly translates as “Nostalgia link”.

She really suits this, as always. Her “pieces” are always, very thoughtfully selected, methinks. Very artfully done…

Hmm, “nostalgia”. Vastly overrated, and often quite “harmful”, from my own personal viewpoint, but looking at some of Alizée’s recent posts, I wonder if we are seeing a “common”, recurring “thread”, here…

Note à moi même: Ne plus se separer de mes affaires, la mode reinvent toujours” roughly translates as “Note to myself: Never separate from my business, fashion is always reinventing”.

<Beautiful shot, of a still young, very beautiful “little lady”>

See what I mean?

Oh dear, it may be “nothing”, but, “if a picture paints a thousand words”, then that little “gif” in the top right corner of the pic, speaks absolute “volumes”…

Not sure of the “context” and “source” of this post, so, I’m just going to “wait and see”, for this, hopefully, could just be a passing nostalgic moment, and really not be indicative of anything else…

From a personal, slightly “Buddhist slanted” viewpoint, “nostalgia”, and “the past”, are sometimes viewed as being almost “harmful”, and, not really a thing to “dwell” on, for several reasons. The past is “gone”, “done”, and really CANNOT be changed. “That”, really, “is that”, and if you keep “living there”, you are “not living in the now”, and that “indicates”, and “creates”, all sort of “problems”, in the “now”. “Fix” them, “live the best way that you can”, “love”, “evolve”, or don’t, as your choice may be, and “go on” to “whatever awaits you”, or “whatever you choose”…

Just don’t be “caught”, “back there”, for there really is “no future” in it, so to speak…


<Mentally gives Alizée a huge “hug”, which she probably would not appreciate, but, is “well meant”>


After all of that, it might be time for something slightly cool, relaxing, and refreshing…

L'heure de apéro” roughly translates as “Aperitif time”.

So, what do we have?

“Pastis 51”, which is a Pernod variant, I think, and “Mattei Orgeat Syrup”, which is an flavoured Almond syrup?

Hmm, a lot of really strong flavours there…

Pernod, to me is a very, “aquired” taste. If you like the taste of Aniseed/Anise, then, you are going to absolutely love it, I have friends who do exactly that, and, if not, then you will probably think it is “foulness, incarnate”.

Now, the Almond Syrup stuff, I must confess, I am not familiar with, but I’m guessing that it has a flavour somewhat akin to Amaretto, which is another “niche” flavour. Again, you either love it, or hate it…

Combine the two, and I’m not really sure what kind of flavour you would have…

Personally, I’d be very tempted to say “no”, but that’s just me, for I pretty much loathe Aniseed/Anise, in all of its forms, but, to be fair, I would have to try it, just once, so I could make a suitably informed judgement, on the matter…



Looks like the Turtles, are back…


Hmm, bigger than I thought…

Jon Snow is such a sweet, cute boy. My little pack of “miscreant canines” would be, screaming at it, trying to hit it on the head, every time its head emerged from it’s shell, and eat it, respectively…

My guys are cute, sweet, LOUD, and very hard on any local wildlife that is unfortunate enough, or simply just stupid enough, to stray into their yard…

Love ‘em, though…


Y’all, just be safe, ‘k…

Until the next time…
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Old 07-30-2020, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

IG posts!?

Y’know, there might just be a few…

<And in no particular “order”, really >

‘k, so where was I?


Note à moi même: Ne plus se separer de mes affaires, la mode reinvent toujours” roughly translates as “Note to myself: Never separate from my business, fashion is always reinventing”.

<Beautiful shot, of a still young, very beautiful “little lady”>

See what I mean?

Oh dear, it may be “nothing”, but, “if a picture paints a thousand words”, then that little “gif” in the top right corner of the pic, speaks absolute “volumes”…

Not sure of the “context” and “source” of this post, so, I’m just going to “wait and see”, for this, hopefully, could just be a passing nostalgic moment, and really not be indicative of anything else…

From a personal, slightly “Buddhist slanted” viewpoint, “nostalgia”, and “the past”, are sometimes viewed as being almost “harmful”, and, not really a thing to “dwell” on, for several reasons. The past is “gone”, “done”, and really CANNOT be changed. “That”, really, “is that”, and if you keep “living there”, you are “not living in the now”, and that “indicates”, and “creates”, all sort of “problems”, in the “now”. “Fix” them, “live the best way that you can”, “love”, “evolve”, or don’t, as your choice may be, and “go on” to “whatever awaits you”, or “whatever you choose”…

Just don’t be “caught”, “back there”, for there really is “no future” in it, so to speak…


<Mentally gives Alizée a huge “hug”, which she probably would not appreciate, but, is “well meant”>
I wonder exactly what Alizée is saying here. I assume she means that things are always dropping in and out of fashion and she shouldn't be ashamed of that, though that's just my interpretation

Nostalgia is an odd one, it feels like an emotion that's becoming more and more, I guess you could say, capitalised on. So many TV shows, movies, merchandise, all being based on already existing properties people have enjoyed since when they were younger.
I can't imagine it was quite like this in previous decades. Maybe it's not because entertainment as a whole is getting worse, but rather there's just so much of it that it can feel saturated or overwhelming.
I guess people yearn for "simpler" times. With how fast trends come and go, you see people looking back at things from more and more recently, even just a few years ago. Though I'm often guilty of this myself to be fair

What I find weird is this strange coincidence that so many things I take interest in were either most relevant, or in there so called 'glory days' during the early 2000s. It's something I picked up on a while ago, and that's before I even discovered Alizée. But that's around when I was born, not when I necessarily grew up, it's strange. Maybe if I had been born 10-12 years earlier and had the same interests as now it would've been prime, following Alizée from her early days, watching Arsenal win league titles, and other things as well I haven't mentioned.
Eh, enough of that weird ramble, thanks for bringing up the subject Redrafe

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Y’all, just be safe, ‘k…

Until the next time…
Good post as always! I understand it would've been hard to capture everything posted while you're out on your adventures. Worst case scenario there are third-party services that let you look at a users full Story history, but not to worry.
Thanks for the coverage
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Old 07-30-2020, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Note à moi même: Ne plus se separer de mes affaires, la mode reinvent toujours” roughly translates as “Note to myself: Never separate from my business, fashion is always reinventing”.
Google says that "affaires" also means "stuff".
She may be saying that she got rid of that outfit (or that bag) a while ago but now it is in fashion again, so she's frustrated.
That's the only meaning I can think of. :/
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Old 07-30-2020, 08:14 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
Google says that "affaires" also means "stuff".
She may be saying that she got rid of that outfit (or that bag) a while ago but now it is in fashion again, so she's frustrated.
That's the only meaning I can think of. :/
Now, taken in that particular “context”, this does make a lot of sense. I far prefer it, to some of the “scenarios” that I was managing to “come up with”…

<The translation of “affaires” to “business”, was what was giving me “pause for thought” >

Thanks, yet again, for that one, Aragorn…

Now, I will admit that what I personally know about “style”, and “fashion”, well, I could probably write all of it on the back of a “torn Postage Stamp”, but, even my “fashion blind” Scottish self can tell that she most definitely suits that "outfit", very much…

<I may be “fashion blind”, but, I most definitely have an “eye for beauty”, and, she is most definitely, that >

Could she still “pull it off”, as of “right now”?

<Does a bit of “creative visualization” >

You betcha! Absolutely! Although I would hate to have to “mess” with her hair, for to me, she really suits it “long”. Hmm, all sorts of wonderful permutations would be possible. “Humanity” would most certainly not be worthy, of such "wonders"…

“Job”, would most defenitely be, “a good ‘un”…



IG posts, of which there are most certainly, a few…

Great shot of “the Greg”, framed in some pretty awesome scenery…

Good time”.

The pic says it all…

Your “main squeeze”, “friends”, one of your “favourite hobbies”, “wonderful weather”, and “breathtaking scenery”. Can “things”, truly, get any better than that?

Getting the feeling from this shot that maybe, just maybe, everybody did, have a good time… Long may this continue…

It’s “them”, again…

And they’re getting everywhere…

Bientôt elle rentre dans le maison” roughly translates as “Soon she comes back to the house”.

Cest @badouchatelain qui va etre content” roughly translates as “It's @badouchatelain who will be happy”.


There are times that I really regret not having any real “command” of the French language, and this in one of them…

Get the feeling that “herself” and Annily, are "missing" each other, mayhap, for I get the impression that the “little”, “little” lady, was visiting her “rellies” in Paris…

No people…

Nobody there, whatsoever…

How surreal is that…



Not a good sign, at all…

Just… please, don’t show these pics to anyone in my “neck of the woods”, for they will probably start babbling on something like, “it’s the “End Times””, and, it’s “the Rapture”, and just generally “getting their knickers in a knot”, if you know what I mean…

Puts me in mind of an old joke…

“Christians: when I die, I’m going to Heaven”.
“Aethiests: when I die, I’m going Nowhere”.
“Buddhists: when I die, : “Level complete”, “Next Level”, “spawning”, in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”.

<Sorry, couldn’t resist that one >


Annily, wishing you a safe journey home, “little”, “little” lady…


Now, once upon a time, not that long ago, really, I used to make “jewelry”, and little fancy “trinkets” and “stuff”, for “friends” and “family”, so I know a little bit about the “craft”, and I was quite impressed by this little “item” that Alizée was displaying…

‘s very nice work, nicely done…

What else?

OK, so there is a lot of Maggy stuff, so I might have to do a little “special” for just her, ‘cos, she is just so cute…

In the meantime, y’all be safe, take care, and just, generally, look out for each other. Yeah!


Masks, keep wearing ‘em, if you ever have to go out…
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Old 07-31-2020, 06:38 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts!?

Mhhmm, there are a few…

But, there are a lot, A LOT, of really cute Maggy posts, so, methinks I’m going to have a little “Maggy Special Edition”, dedicated to Alizée’s “little cuteness”…

Hey, we should be “on our knees” thanking Alizée for this, don’t y’ know, for, we get to appreciate all of the “good bits”, without having to help with any of the “muss”, “fuss”, or, “potty training”…

This sounds like a “win”, to me…

So, without further ado, “Cuteness, engage”…

That’s it, Goku’s “had it”. My “money” is definitely on Maggy. Not even going “Super Saiyan” is going to help him, this time. I think it’s time to go lookin’ for another Dragonball, methinks…

Does look like "blonde highlights" to me, right enough…

Sweet pic from Jo…

<Hoping that’s not a “huh, wot, did she just…?” look >

Pandas, everywhere!

Bambi, c’mere please…

So “intent”, and “engrossed” in that book. A wonderful sign…

Again, so “intent”, again, a wonderful sign…

Ah sooo, that explains Alizée’s nail colour choice! A “cunning plan” maybe!?

Cool. Plenty of “protection”, which I’m liking very much. They, are going to need it, pretty soon…


Imagine this, “joyous entertainment”, spread throughout the household!


<Been "there", "seen it", and had to "tidy up" later, after it >

Fun, yeah!?

<I'm, i'm not laughing, really, I'm not. >

<Honestly! >

And “how could this be”, I hear you ask!?

Well, it looks to me like she is going to be “toddling” around very soon, based on these pics…

See what I mean…

Then, “let the Games, begin”…

Almost, alllmoosttt, makes me kind of regret not having any of my own, but, brought I’ve up enough of them to know intimately, "what it is like", and, "is all about"…

<Note the use of “almost”. >

Alizée, Greg, I salute you. She is so “sweet”, absolutely “cute as a button”, and, “sharp as a tack”, all of which are wonderful, and bode well for the future…

Just, had to include these two also…

Tellement beaux” roughly translates as “So beautiful”.

Aren’t they just, really. The “sketch”, and the “subjects”, also…

Bien reçu. Encore plus beau en vrais.” Roughly translates as “ Well received. Even more beautiful in real life.

So I have been told, often.

I can only, imagine…

And, to “cap it all off”, a shot of their two favourite “little”, “little ladies”, together…

That’s, really, sort of “says it all doesn’t it”…

Alizée, Greg, thank you, guys, for sharing these...


Oh dear… Just so sweet…


Y’all be safe, take care…

And, for all the “little ones”, “everywhere”, as above, keep wearing your “masks”, when you are “out, and about”. For “them”. Yeah!?

Last edited by RedRafe; 07-31-2020 at 09:09 PM..
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Old 07-31-2020, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

That’s it, Goku’s “had it”. My “money” is definitely on Maggy. Not even going “Super Saiyan” is going to help him, this time. I think it’s time to go lookin’ for another Dragonball, methinks…
Oh, Maggy and I share the same passion for Dragon Ball action figures. Grégoire is definitely a good father
I wonder if my Super Saiyan 4 stands a chance against the fearsome Maggy la Tornade.

Speaking of tornados...

Well, it looks to me like she is going to be “toddling” around very soon
...We'll miss the best part of it: Alizée chasing that "little cuteness".
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Old 08-01-2020, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
Oh, Maggy and I share the same passion for Dragon Ball action figures. Grégoire is definitely a good father
I wonder if my Super Saiyan 4 stands a chance against the fearsome Maggy la Tornade.

Speaking of tornados...

...We'll miss the best part of it: Alizée chasing that "little cuteness".
I used to follow the “Dragonball” saga, for quite a while, but, after I finished “Dragonball Z”, I lost track of it for a few years, and then next thing I know, there were all these “new parts”, and dozens of “new characters”. Was a case of “eh wut, who dat, what in the name of all that’s holy is going on!”

Still trying to put “everything” and “everyone” into their “rightful” place, but it’s going to take a while, for there is so much to "catch up on", it seems to have advanced that far…

Fun, though…

As for “the fearsome Maggy la Tornade”, I get the feeling that we will see a lot more of her, “in action”, for, Alizée and Greg do love "showing off" both of their “cuties”…


IG posts?

A quiet day, really…

Wish you were there?

Well, if I could, I’d probably say something, like, “G’night, beautiful, have a nice evening, and, a wonderful night. Y’all, sleep well.”

Y’know me…

Y’all be safe, take care…

<Masks, masks, masks >
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Old 08-02-2020, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
IG posts!?

Mhhmm, there are a few…

But, there are a lot, A LOT, of really cute Maggy posts, so, methinks I’m going to have a little “Maggy Special Edition”, dedicated to Alizée’s “little cuteness”…
Good coverage as always RedRafe
The stream of Maggy posts seems to never end, though I'm not complaining. It makes you wonder how long Alizée will continue with these posts. Once the Dance Studio is back up it will probably slow down, but still, eventually Alizée's gonna need to let Maggy out of the spotlight a bit, however for now the content is very good, so we'll see.

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Imagine this, “joyous entertainment”, spread throughout the household!
Is that a Tasmanian Devil I see
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Old 08-02-2020, 11:53 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts?


Belle et douce soirée” roughly translates as “Beautiful and sweet evening.”

It does look like a pretty “beautiful” evening, doesn’t it, and, the "company", would, be.... very "sweet", methinks...

<Sigh >


Sweet dreams, y’all…
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Old 08-04-2020, 07:20 PM
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That’s, that…

“Vacation”=“over”, “adventures”=“adventured”, “havoc”=“wreaked”, “Fangs and Claws, retracted”, “Toys, all safely packed away”, “Stealth Field, engaged”…

“All done”, for now, anyhow…

Back to “life”, “love” and “work”, amongst the “muggles”…

I’m hating it, already, but it is… necessary…

I really needed the break, though, for 7 and a half months without any real “down time” was taking it’s toll, trust me…


IG posts?

There may just be a few…

Nice shot of Greg, showing some pretty good “form”…

Hey, at least he hit the ball. Unlike somebody else I know very intimately, sitting very close to me, drinking my tea, and eating my strawberry pie…

Des bisous pour son ourson préféré” roughly translates as “Kisses for her favorite teddy bear.

She is just so utterly sweet. Such “thoughts” and “gestures”, are usually returned, “manyfold”…

Very good “vibe” in that room, love it…

<More Deer, more Bears!>

Petite commère” roughly translates as “Little gossip.

Yeps, she is most definitely at, “that age”, when we have something to say, about everything…

<Her currently “command” of the French language is probably still better than mine >

Livraison spéciale pour Mademoiselle Maggy” roughly translates as “Special delivery for Mademoiselle Maggy

Oh good grief, I know what that looks like!

Viens, je t'emmène. Où les étoiles retrouvent la lune en secret. Viens, je t'emmène. Où le soleil le soir va se reposer” roughly translates as “Come, I will take you there.Where the stars find the moon in secret. Come, I will take you there. Where the evening sun will rest”.

Yeps, it’s exactly what I thought!

Alizée’s “little cuteness”, Miss Maggy, has got her very own “Deffie”, a Land Rover Defender, "2016 styling", too, by the looks of it…

<I see she’s checking out the “safety instructions” and “blurb”, as appropriate. Good girl >

Hmm, where to go, where to go, she’s probably thinking…

I’ve owned 3 of these in my life, so far. It was the very first vehicle that I learned how to drive, and I absolutely "love them to bits". I had a “90”, a “127” and a “Wolf”, (which was a rebuilt “ex military” version), and, as Alizée’s comments imply, they will take you absolutely anywhere you wish to go. Literally ANYWHERE…

It was quite routine to be driving it in locations that had mud and water flooding the interior, up to your waist, and I’ve even had to drive one out of a river, in 4 and a half feet of water…

<The version we drove had a “deep wading kit” fitted as “standard”, so don’t try that at home >

On a aussi la radio”, “We also have the radio.

Yeps, you read correctly, it DOES also have a “radio.”

Soooo cuuuutte, it’s styling is just “spot on”, it looks so “realistic”…

Now, they killed off the original “classic” Defender range, but, just recently reintroduced it in a new, more trendy, hip, style, which are REALLY nice, but, in my mind, anyhow, the “Classic” range are still, the best,

<She was my “first”, and will always be, “the best” >

<Sniffle… snork >


Quand tu as 300 jouets dans le parc mais c'est a gamelle des chiens que te veux” roughly translates as “when you have 300 toys in the park but it's the dog bowl that you want.

Absolutely. It’s “big”, “shiny”, “not hers", and is “outside” where she can’t get at it. It is thus, now, by any calculation, the “most desirable” object in her “little universe”…


Just “thank the lord” that it’s not “full of water”, or “dog food”, ‘cos that would just be EVEN BETTER!

“Guys, guys, have you seen my new wheels… So, you want to go to the beach, yeah, and then we can go take you to see some trees.”

<Sorry, couldn’t help myself >

I’d say, “Alizée, once again, thank you for for sharing. I’ts appreciated, little lady”.

<And that “Defender” is just "pure dead brilliant" >

Y’all be safe, take care, wear your darn masks, and, don’t go into deep water with your “Deffie”, without a “deep wading kit”, for, they don’t “swim”, very well without one…

<Pool, “railings”, might be time to be thinking about, mayhap!?>

Last edited by RedRafe; 08-04-2020 at 10:01 PM..
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