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Old 06-12-2019, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
Alizee not wanting to be photographed or seen pregnant could relate to the old European custom of expectant women staying out of the public's eye for the sake of modesty. Perhaps that's still a thing in Corsica. Even if it is, I think the primary reason Alizee stays out of sight is that she feels unattractive when carrying and doesn't want to be seen that way. Whatever her reason, to be out of sight for nine months is a long haul for her fans who, I imagine, are--with her career--slipping away.
I believe it was in this forum that I read an old post from a member who ran into Alizee eating lunch with a friend. I don't remember where it was, but from the age of the post I surmise it was Paris. He asked if he could take her picture and she agreed. However, she asked that he not publish it because she wasn't looking so great that day. Maybe she rolled out of bed late and didn't bother fixing her hair or putting on make-up. Maybe she didn't feel well. But bottom line is that she does care how she looks, especially if it is published for the world to see. I can't blame her.

If that has any bearing on her possibly staying out of sight for the next year and still wanting a career on the other side of this pregnancy, then Houston we have a problem. Most of the fair weather fans have been weeded out already. She now has a very devoted following. If she doesn't want a picture of her posted, then she can easily write notes to her fans, no picture needed.

I'm waiting....

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
I have often wondered what Alizee thought about her fans' devotion. Does she really care?
I think she does care, but I don't think she fully understands the depth of it.

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Does she understand the intensity of their interest? Or does she simply feel she has a right to a private life and her fans should accept that?
Alizee is a self-admitted homebody. She probably has a lot of internal conflict, torn between wanting to live a private life but needing to be public. I think she enjoys performing and being social, but needs to "retreat" often.
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Old 06-12-2019, 10:04 PM
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It's kind of ironic and kind of sad, for us anyways that most of the people who are closest to her don't have any problem using social media, but the one person who really
matters to us, does. Some fans have grown weary of the chase and maybe she's grown weary of being chased.
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Old 06-13-2019, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Some fans have grown weary of the chase and maybe she's grown weary of being chased.
If her pregnancy marks a new chapter in Alizee's life where she wants to focus on being a mother and taking care of her family and help run the studio, how could she close the prior chapter better? After this child, she might turn around and have another right away if her and Greg want multiple children. Does she necessarily have an obligation to keep her fans happy in some way along the way? The obvious answer is "no," but there is the matter of her legacy.

Alizee has over 600K followers on IG. Just pulling a couple of names out of a hat, two French singers who still have a career singing, it is 6x the followers of Pascal Obispo and 3x the followers of Lori Pester. I think if Alizee announces her wish to live a private life and be inactive on social media, she should write something to her fans saying so. It would be a rough time of adjustment for her many fans who need a daily dose of Alizee, but in the end I think they would understand and her legacy would remain intact.

What Alizee is doing now is just frustrating her fans. Jon Snow is a wonderful dog but not her replacement. If her only use for social media in the future is leveraging her popularity to sell products that she has a financial interest in, it would be the worst possible course for her to take.

Alizee's latest story.

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Old 06-13-2019, 03:24 PM
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Entertainment is a business where very few people are stars for long. Eighteen months is considered a good run. The public goes through stars the way they change socks. Celebrities also make mistakes. The smallest misstep in the public's eye can end it for them. I think MF inoculated Alizee against this problem advising her to limit her exposure to the public as much as possible--other than on the stage. Even so, Alizee suffered a few backstage Kerfuffles that came to light: Other entertainers being jealous complained to the press and there was that time Gregg quit DAL to sooth Alizee's jealousy. The biggest mistakes entertainers make is to become primadonnas. Alizee made that mistake only once when she demanded special privileges on DAL to address the problem of Greg quitting.


After her break with MF, the two-year hiatus to have a baby, and the failure of her albums DAL was a bit of a comeback, but then there's been nothing. There is always a possibility of a resurgence, but that's a slim, slim possibility. Most people don't care about her dancing and she has done nothing in years to pursue a career in music. She doesn't appear to have a passion for it. Now she is pregnant again and has stepped out of the public's view for at least a year. It's hard to accept but Alizee's career is over.

That doesn't mean we will stop loving her.

Last edited by Shepherd; 06-13-2019 at 03:41 PM..
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Old 06-13-2019, 11:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
There is always a possibility of a resurgence, but that's a slim, slim possibility. Most people don't care about her dancing and she has done nothing in years to pursue a career in music. She doesn't appear to have a passion for it. Now she is pregnant again and has stepped out of the public's view for at least a year. It's hard to accept but Alizee's career is over.

That doesn't mean we will stop loving her.
Seemingly, unfortunately, and I could be wrong, it does look like to me, also, that she has kind of lost her “passion” for the musical “aspect” of her life, and that particular part of her career is very probably “over”...

Her “passion” now, does appear to be “dancing”, and “dancing related matters”, and with regards to that, I wish her and Greg nothing but continued, unending, success…

However, with the baby “on the way”, so to speak, she is effectively going to be “out” of the performing “aspect” of her dancing career, for probably at least a year, if not longer…

If she actually manages to “pick it back up”, again, for, at almost 35, she’s starting to get a “wee bit long in the tooth” for a “top rank” dancer, anyhow, and having a child, let alone another one, does take a great “toll” on you physically…

She may simply have decided that it is time for her to “step back”, “raise her family”, and “have her life”…

Which sounds pretty wonderful, to me...

It IS very hard to accept, but Alizée’s career, in most of it’s “guises” could effectively be over…

As Shepherd most succinctly put it…

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
That doesn't mean we will stop loving her.
I will always utterly, totally, adore the “little lady”, and the “little”, “little lady”, as in Alizée and Annily, regardless of “whatever” happens in life, whatever they “do”, or wherever they “go”, I will always have “infinite time" for them, and have nothing but the utmost respect for Greg, in everything he does, I like that guy a lot.

And, Jon Snow, just “awwwww”, he is such a pretty, sweet boy, totally adore him too…

We may not be following the same “paths”, but that does not, and never will change the way I feel about these guys by even the “tiniest iota”

As always, I wish then all nothing but continued, and unending, “health”, “wealth”, “love” and “happiness”, “forever”…

Do regret never “meeting” them, or “knowing” them, but that was never ever realistically “on the books”. Would, could, never ever have happened…

It would have been both “interesting”, and “fun”, though…

This one, here, is definitely an “original”…

Last edited by RedRafe; 06-13-2019 at 11:26 PM..
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Old 06-14-2019, 06:10 AM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I think she does care, but I don't think she fully understands the depth of it.
I think she does understand the depth of her following.

My theory: the problem is her shyness, her self-consciousness. She has a mental block when it comes to communicating with her fans.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I think she enjoys performing and being social, but needs to "retreat" often.
I've wondered if that's one reason why she left Mylene: 2003 was too much.

Last edited by Mr Coucou; 06-14-2019 at 06:20 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 06-14-2019, 07:14 AM
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The girl on the video link below is Cloe. She has at least three dozen videos on YouTube. It appears she's operating on a nothing budget and doesn't have much professional guidance. I wonder if she is even able to support herself. Cloe is attractive and has a pleasant voice, but none of her work is exceptional and I doubt she will ever have a big hit. She has nothing on Alizee except for one thing. Cloe is hungry. Alizee is not. Cloe is working her ass off on a nothing budget with a mediocre talent. If Alizee had the same work ethic, she could make a respectable income, and might even have another hit some day. But I don't think Alizee is interested in doing that. Much to my frustration, Alizee is comfortable where she's at.


Last edited by Shepherd; 06-14-2019 at 07:24 AM..
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Old 06-14-2019, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
I think she does understand the depth of her following.

My theory: the problem is her shyness, her self-consciousness. She has a mental block when it comes to communicating with her fans.
Maybe it was better stated that she doesn't understand why her following is so passionate. She once got a 35 page love letter from a fan. Perhaps she is uncomfortable with this level of attention and doesn't want to fan the flames by communicating too much?


Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
It's hard to accept but Alizee's career is over.

That doesn't mean we will stop loving her.
I won't stop loving her no matter what direction she goes, but it is hard to accept that there is nothing after this. I don't think she is sitting on a pot of money and can afford to retire because she is promoting products on her IG feed. She hasn't removed her booking email address from her profile, so until she does, this indicates to me that she will do a concert if somebody wants her.

You mention Cloe in your other post, how she is a hungry musician and Alizee is not. You are probably right. Most musicians tirelessly promote themselves, striving to get recognition. Alizee has done things to keep herself in the public eye, like Les Enfoires and other charity events. It's hard to know if she done those things to keep herself visible to help her career or because she wants to help those in need. Probably both.

Alizee is superstitious and her early success she attributes to "her lucky stars". She feels she was lucky. I am one who leaves luck at Vegas because most of the time we make our own "luck". Mylene saw something in Alizee and it wasn't luck that she got selected. Maybe with the failure of Blonde, Alizee took that as a sign to give singing up. Relying on luck breeds complacency because any obstacles and setbacks are considered "bad luck" and there is no need to try again and maybe change the strategy to get a different result.

Since her fans are spread out across the world, I don't believe she would ever do the standard releasing of an album on CD and going on tour with a band and dancers like she did in the early days. But, she can release an album and distribute it digitally, like on Spotify and iTunes.

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 06-14-2019 at 10:26 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 06-14-2019, 03:34 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I don't believe she would ever do the standard releasing of an album on CD and going on tour with a band and dancers like she did in the early days. But, she can release an album and distribute it digitally, like on Spotify and iTunes.

An album coming out of the cold is not realistic but Alizee could release a few singles digitally, tour TV shows, and clubs. Let people know she is available. She already has a name and people like her. She could draw a big enough crowd to make it profitable. When she figures out what works for her creatively (and this would require a significant exertion), she could produce an album. The possibility is there and Alizee could make it work--if she wanted to make the effort.

Alizee knows how much time, travel, expense, and creative investment a comeback would entail. She probably won't ever be the big star she once was. Alizee knows how shabby the entertainment business can be as well as how glamorous. Would she want to submit to it again? She likes the attention (think selfies) and enjoys being on the stage, but the real work is backstage, train stations, fast-food, and hotel rooms. Does she want to go there again?

And what about Greg? He's got a business to run. How much time would he be willing to take away from the dance studio to accompany Alizee all over Europe? Would he be happy to stay in Ajaccio alone while his wife runs off to God-knows-where on long absences? What would that do to their marriage?

Right now Alizee is comfortable and where she wants to be in Ajaccio. She can do an occasional event when she wants, has a pleasant social life, is famous without working for it. Has a new baby. Is financially secure. Her ego is not as big as most stars and doesn't need constant feeding. Why would she want to hit the road again?

Last edited by Shepherd; 06-14-2019 at 03:44 PM..
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Old 06-14-2019, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
Right now Alizee is comfortable and where she wants to be in Ajaccio. She can do an occasional event when she wants, has a pleasant social life, is famous without working for it. Has a new baby. Is financially secure. Her ego is not as big as most stars and doesn't need constant feeding. Why would she want to hit the road again?
No reason at all.

We all knew this was coming eventually, right? Alizee and Greg made it clear after they married that they wanted children. If this happened a year and a half ago, not long after I joined the forum, it would have fell into line of what I was expecting. I did not have any expectations of Alizee singing again back then. Then she announced her Mexico concert and fashion show. That was a pretty exciting time because nobody saw it coming. She posted her booking contact email. Mylene popped back into her life. A concert in Warsaw, a concert in Ukraine. Julia was introduced to the world and Alizee was in some photo-ops with her. In 2018, there were a lot of reasons to believe that Alizee missed singing and wanted to make some sort of a comeback attempt. So there was some hope and now there is little to none, so I have to revert to the mindset that I had a year and a half ago. I'm sure I will adjust.
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