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Old 08-05-2020, 06:38 AM
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Maggy in the Land Rover Defender cracks me up. Why learn to walk when I can just drive?

She looks a "tad" too young for a motorized toy vehicle so I doubt we will be seeing videos of her driving it down the streets of Ajaccio anytime soon. I'm sure it has a reserved spot in their garage though.
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Old 08-05-2020, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Maggy in the Land Rover Defender cracks me up. Why learn to walk when I can just drive?

She looks a "tad" too young for a motorized toy vehicle so I doubt we will be seeing videos of her driving it down the streets of Ajaccio anytime soon. I'm sure it has a reserved spot in their garage though.
Perhaps it's also controllable via remote-control. In that case, whoever's around could take Maggy for a drive just in and around their property. However so, it would be adorable to see a video of the car moving around
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Old 08-05-2020, 07:53 AM
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I can't wait to see her skidding on a dirt road with that Land Rover. I wonder who chose that model. Alizée seems to like 4x4 cars, maybe it was her idea.

Originally Posted by Ben.Daly View Post

Perhaps it's also controllable via remote-control. In that case, whoever's around could take Maggy for a drive just in and around their property. However so, it would be adorable to see a video of the car moving around
These cars should also have a remote control, so it should be just a matter of time before we see Maggy "driving" it.

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Quand tu as 300 jouets dans le parc mais c'est a gamelle des chiens que te veux” roughly translates as “when you have 300 toys in the park but it's the dog bowl that you want.

Absolutely. It’s “big”, “shiny”, “not hers", and is “outside” where she can’t get at it. It is thus, now, by any calculation, the “most desirable” object in her “little universe”…

Little kids exploring the world are always so fun and interesting to see.

Last edited by Aragorn97; 08-05-2020 at 07:55 AM..
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Old 08-05-2020, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
I can't wait to see her skidding on a dirt road with that Land Rover. I wonder who chose that model. Alizée seems to like 4x4 cars, maybe it was her idea.
I've seen them in a Jeep Wrangler. I don't know if it is their only car or if they have another. Do you recall seeing Alizee driving 4x4s in the past? I can see the need for a four wheel drive vehicle living in Corsica if you plan on taking trips into the mountains, especially during winter.
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Old 08-05-2020, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I've seen them in a Jeep Wrangler. I don't know if it is their only car or if they have another. Do you recall seeing Alizee driving 4x4s in the past? I can see the need for a four wheel drive vehicle living in Corsica if you plan on taking trips into the mountains, especially during winter.
Actually no, I was referring to just that Wrangler, the rest was a supposition
I asked about what car she owns some time ago and someone told me about the Jeep; so I supposed it was her car...
I thought about her to like the Defender because there are many models of those little cars (Ferrari, Maserati, BMW), that may be more intriguing, so I was thinking that the actual choice of the LR wasn't random.
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Old 08-06-2020, 05:39 PM
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I don't have the ability to scrape the stories off Instagram posts. I can pause them and take a screen shot, but when they are a short video clip, I'm not sure how to download them. If anybody knows how, please share.

The reason I ask is that Alizee, every now and then, will post a video as an IG story and flip through comments on her posts at a rapid speed, and then suddenly stop at a random place and zoom in. She has one video of her doing it today. Every now and then I might put a comment on one of her posts. So what happens if she stops on mine? Besides have a mini-stroke, I would like to be able to save it.

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Old 08-06-2020, 06:30 PM
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Upload it to Giphy if need be.

‘S how I do it.
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Old 08-08-2020, 05:00 PM
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IG posts?

There might just, be a few…

<And, in no particular order>

Just look at the “level of detail” in this…

Love it…

So, ok, right now it's just kind of a smaller, luxury “play pen”, methinks, for, it’s probably going to be another few years before she “grows into it”, if you know what I mean…

Their “shins”, and “toes”, are safe, ‘til then…

Morning, in the “Corsican district”, of “Paradise”…

Big Baby”, mhmm, and I bet that they wouldn’t have him any other way…

Sweet, sweet boy…

<15/10 would definitely pay somebody “good money” to groom this one >

Galak is living her best life”. She most definitely has the “right idea”. “Beautiful view”, “warm”, “comfy” , “safe”.

“Job”, is most definitely “a good ‘un!”

See, she always finds the very best places to “crash”…

Now, “Alizée’s little cuteness”, Mademoiselle Maggy, is probably not quite sure what’s going on, but you can tell that she most definitely wants to be in there, amongst it all…

Little gossip 2nd episode.

There could be, “something, happening”, “out there”…


Tirage au sort du concours avec @littleandtall désolé pour le retard jai un petit peu oublie” roughly translates as “draw of the contest with @littleandtall sorry for the delay I forgot a little bit.

<Know that “phenomenon” very well>

<“Brainfart”, caused by trying to “do too much life”, at the one time >

<Not liking her “RNG” much >

Not sure what they “won”, but “gratz” for winning it, anyhow…

Jamais trop de bijou” roughly translates as “Never too much jewelry.

So there then followed a couple of little stories about Alizée “showcasing” the contents of all of these “little boxes”, including the following…

<“Stealth Bling” >

<See, it just “blends” right in there>

< “Ducks”, reflexively, just in case >

<Ok, I apologise, I couldn’t resist it >

Hmm. “Never too much jewelry”? Well, as always, it will suit her, for she likes her “stuff”, and “wears it well”, but, it has to be “balanced”, when you wear a “lot” of it…

“Why”, I hear you ask?

Well, if it is NOT “balanced”, when you wear a lot of it, I have heard it said that you tend to walk around in “tiny tight circles”, if its not, due to all of the weight being on one side…

<Ok, I couldn’t help that one… Sorry>

Stay tuned. Un concours arrive avec @rigaletfils” roughly translates as “A contest is coming up with @rigaletfils.

“Jewelry” and “bracelets” and “such”, methinks. Some of it really nice too, by the looks of it, so, if that is “your thing”, as Alizée says, “stay tuned”.

Okay. it's been an hour and I can't feel my right arm anymore.

Know this one, very very well. “Babies”, “Puppies”, “Kittens”, “Spouses”, “Girlfriends”, you name it, you really don’t want to move, just in case you “wake them up”…

And then, just to… “complicate” matters, you usually end up really having to… “go”…

Some really cool “shots” of the "local area", from Johann…

Better late than never”.

Jeez, story of my life...

<All the “best things in life”, are worth “waiting”, just that “little longer”, on >

And, a few really stunning shots, from Jo…

Now, these young ladies, to me, anyhow, are waaay more cuter than “Maverick” and “Goose”…

Speaking of, “cute”…

Elle est venue avec une copine” roughly translates as “She came with a girlfriend.



She lives in the “light”, and I live in the "darkness", a world away…

I was literally just in bed, with the lights off, setting my alarm, when this post dropped…

A world away indeed, in more ways than one…

Y’all take care, be safe, enjoy your weekend, and, as always, masks, wear them, going out…


Last edited by RedRafe; 08-08-2020 at 05:04 PM..
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Old 08-10-2020, 01:06 AM
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IG posts!?

A couple, mayhap…

Now, y’know that competition that Alizée was giving everyone a “heads up” about, wellll…

If you go to her “officiel” IG page you will find full instructions about how to enter the draw. Who knows, if that is what you are "into", you may be lucky…

Now this place, I must admit, I’m quite impressed by. Nice décor, “good location” and very nicely “laid out”. Just by looking at it I get the impression that it could be quite “cozy” and "intimate", even when it was quite busy…

< “Cutesy waves at Alizée” >

<Yeah, I know, y' couldn’t take me anywhere >

Now, y’know me, I love books. To me, they are essential “fuel” for the “mind” and “spirit”, and I was slightly “intrigued”, when I noticed that Alizée had left one lying on the table beside her purse. Now, I’ve got a naturally, emmmm, “inquisitive” nature, so to speak, sooooo, I just had to figure out what she was reading, and, it was this…

L'Enigme de la chambre 622 by Joël Dicker

One night in December, a murder took place at the Palace in Verbier, in the Swiss Alps. The police investigation will never succeed.
Years later, at the start of the summer of 2018, when a writer goes to this same hotel for a vacation, he has no idea that he will find himself immersed in this business.
What happened in room 622 of the Palace in Verbier?
With the precision of a Swiss master watchmaker, Joël Dicker finally takes us to the heart of his hometown through this diabolical and breathtaking novel, against the backdrop of a love triangle, power games, low blows, betrayals and jealousies, in a Switzerland. not that quiet.


Perfect place for Sunday

I’ve got to agree, it does look pretty, “perfect”, and with the company that was “present”, it would just “elevate” it to the status of just being… “pure, dead brilliant”...

She never mentioned where it was though. Though, to be honest, it would really make no difference if she had, for, it’s not exactly as if I’m just going to go “sashsaying” on down there and check it out, am I?

Most likely not…

Probably not…

Emm, … naw…

<Nice thought, though >

<Just have to live life just that little bit vicariously, in this case >

Saint Amour” “Holy Love”?



It would be most, fitting…

<Waves at Alizée and Greg>

Can’t help it, I just love this shot…

It just… makes me smile…

A very “cute”, “talented”, “gifted”, “happy” looking, young couple…

Still very much in love, too, by the look of it…

Love it…

Long may this continue…

<And a “certain someone” is still, just simply “stunning”, as always, and really does, suit her hair “longer”, don't y'know >

<Happy sigh >

Y’all be safe, ‘k…

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Old 08-11-2020, 12:07 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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IG posts?

“Slow day”, but have a “quick” few…

< “Morning, beautiful” >

I swear, with the amount of time the little lady spends in the pool, I’m surprised that she’s not turned into a “Mermaid”, or something…

<Now, THERE is a wonderful thought, “Mermaid Alizée” >

<Then again, maybe not, for, I’m getting quite "attached" to seeing these rather “cute” feet >

Really do not blame her though, for the way the weather has been going in Corsica recently, even I’d be thinking about getting in the pool…


Dry, very dry, though, looking at it again, methinks that might be a bit of an "understatement"…

29 degrees C is roughly around 84 F

31 degrees C is roughly around 87.8 F

So, it is verging on the “slighty toasty” side in their locale, although, I must admit, I’d prefer that kind of temp, to the ones that we’ve been having here, the past few days…

Lets see, at the hottest part of the day here, it was 97 F, which is around 36.1 F, with humidity at around 75%, however the “real feel” values scaled out at “feels like” 108F, which is 42.2C. You know it’s going to be a bad day, when it’s already 85F, when you get out of bed at 6am.

So, 10hr day at 97+F, being very physically active, and, out in the full glare of the Sun = a well toasted me, in my own personal “Hell”…

<I’m a “northerner”, and to me, temps above 70F start to feel, “hot” >

So, yeps, today, being in the “pool” would have been, very attractive…

Y’all take care, be safe, stay cool, and, "masks", "masks", "masks", for I really don’t want any of you getting sick, ‘k…
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