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Old 06-21-2013, 09:59 PM
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Thanks for making me discover this song ^ I'm both charmed... and confused

La Nostalgie des jours gourmands..
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Old 02-09-2015, 09:54 PM
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Last tuesday, I arrived in Punta Cana in the Domican Republic for a four day vacation. I was in the main plaza I guess you call it where every night they have some type of musical event. One night, they had mainly latin music with a lot of salsa and merengue, etc. At one point a beautiful young lady got up to dance. She was a brunette wearing a sleeveless black outfit (not at all revealling) that went from feet to neck with a green chiffon scarf; an outfit that looked great. Her hairdo had bangs in front with a big ponytail in the back.

I had actually noticed her before that because I was standing by the bar and she was standing several feet away by a column watching people dancing, sometimes dancing in place herself. There came a point where for the most part couples stopped dancing and individuals got up there themselves to dance. Well when she started to dance, she looked incredible; so smooth and graceful. I would have stayed there all night long if she had continued dancing and if she started singing.........................who knows?

I started wondering how old she was. Now I'm a terrible judge of age. I thought she might be as young as 18 or as old as 25. Now I still take a lot of heat from my fellow employees who despite my 8 years now of following one girl who is now thirty, think I'm into young girls; with the empahasis on the plural form.

At times I wonder myself if maybe there's something wrong with me that even not knowing Alizee's age when I first started watching her, maybe I somehow knew inside she was a young girl. So after watching her dance several dances and thinking about this age thing, I was just dying to know how old she was. She finally took a break and went up to the bar for a drink and I know you're not supposed to ask a woman her age, but I did and she floored me (literally), when she said she was 35.

Like I said, I'm not a good judge of age, but still I couldn't believe how far off I was. But so I felt relieved. If she had said she was 18, I would've doubted myself even more. I think this kind of proves, at least to me, that when I first saw Alizee in Las Isla Bonita, I would have loved her as much, even if she was, I'm not going to say 35, but if she was several years older and not because she was a teenager. In fact, I feel it was highly unfortunate for us or at least me that she got taken away by marriage at a time when I think she was entering the prime of her beauty, but at least we got her back!

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 02-09-2015 at 10:07 PM..
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Old 02-09-2015, 10:37 PM
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Scruffy—I think it's pretty common for people to increasingly underestimate women's age as they get older. I have a lot of 40+ friends who are completely incapable of guessing a young woman's age, thinking that women who are clearly (to me) 25+ are under 18! I don't have a definite explanation for it, but I can offer a few theories. First, it's easier to guess someone's age when you possess familiarity by being a part of that age group yourself. Second, your relative perception of any given range of absolute time becomes smaller as you grow older. Five years is a quarter of your life when you're twenty, but only a tenth once you reach the age of fifty. When relatively short amounts of time start to lose meaning, it's no wonder that one's ability to guess age would similarly decline.

Anyway, I find the general topic of this thread quite interesting, despite being only in my 20s myself. And since you revived this thread, I will share below a discussion I had in the chatbox which I think has some relevance to this issue:

"When we find beauty in a youthful person, it is because we glimpse the light of eternity shining in those features from a heavenly source beyond this world." [Quote from the documentary, Why Beauty Matters]

The context of the quote was a discussion of how observing beauty can take one of two paths: lust or love. Lust is a destructive process in which one person is used for the pleasure of another. The Platonic ideal of love, however, requires only admiration, as the individual is a source of spiritual inspiration.

It reminded me of Alizée because of Moi Lolita. In the story Lolita, the young girl is a source of lustful desire for the older man, who simply wishes to consume her (not in a literal sense).

However, someone else might look at the same person and have a very different experience. Instead, they admire the beauty of the individual in a purest sense of Platonic love. It is an act of giving, rather than taking away.

Alizée's early Lolita image played between those two dichotomies simultaneously.

The choice of which path one takes is left up to the observer. "C’est pas ma faute!"

Last edited by Antares; 02-09-2015 at 10:40 PM..
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Old 02-10-2015, 10:38 PM
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Interesting response Antares...... thanks.

"It reminded me of Alizée because of Moi Lolita. In the story Lolita, the young girl is a source of lustful desire for the older man, who simply wishes to consume her (not in a literal sense).

However, someone else might look at the same person and have a very different experience. Instead, they admire the beauty of the individual in a purest sense of Platonic love. It is an act of giving, rather than taking away."

Maybe you can answer why do so many people take it in the consuming sense; even someone like my own sister?

I used to spend a lot of time showing her everything about Alizée and I didn't try to hide anything. I showed her the performances of Moi Lolita where her cheeks were hanging out. I showed her JAM where she was incredibly sexy. I showed her the ACC video where she was dressed from head to toe. I showed her the SAD performances again where she was dressed from head to toe. I showed her Les Enfoires performances where just about always tastefully dressed. Then after all that, when I was showing her a performance of late she said "She looks different." I asked how? She said "She has clothes on.".

It's interesting in my travels to France, so many remember Moi Lolita, but nobody remembers L'Alize, though it was a number one hit.

I have people I work with who take things the wrong way, but I can understand that because they don't really know me. But my own sister who I tried so hard to explain things to, sold me down the river.

That's why this forum is an important part of my life. You can't understand what she has done for us or should I say me, unless you've gone through that type of life changing experience that I have when I found out about her and I think a lot of people here young and old, have experienced that.

As far as religion, I'm catholic, but I seldom go to church. Still I strongly believe. I've told about how many times in my travels, whenever I come across a church, I just about always stop in and say prayers for family, world peace, our troops and Alizée and I consider her a God send in the truest sense of those words. My mother was a very religious person and I often wonder if I was blessed with Alizée because of her. I know I certainly didn't deserve her.

So bottom line is, it would be great to have someone close, to talk to, to understand that Alizée though incredibly sexy, is not a sex object to us. She's an incredibly beautiful part of our lives. She's a very complex person, a person who's hard to figure out. But a person I don't think I could live happily without and at least I have members here who I can share my most inner most thoughts with and not have those thoughts taken the wrong way.
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Old 03-01-2015, 11:43 AM
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I agree with a lot of what has been said here. Although I am certainly physically attracted to Alizée (after all, it was her looks that captured my attention initially), I don't think of her in a sexual way, and it's good to see that I'm not the only one who feels like this. It's difficult to explain exactly why this is so for me; I guess I do feel that I would be disrespecting her by thinking in such a way, although I do appreciate what previous posters have said regarding "thinking of someone sexually" not necessarily implying disrespect. My feelings for her run so much deeper than that, and there are various facets of the attraction: looks, music/voice and personality. Take away any one of these things and I would probably not be here. In addition, there seems to me to be some quality that I can't quite put my finger on that holds me in her web; I guess I can best summarise things by saying that Alizée is more than the sum of her parts.

As regards others' reactions, I have yet to find out; I haven't (yet) told anyone else about her; she has been my little secret. Why is this? It's just me really; I'm a pretty private person, especially when it comes to something with such strong emotional ties as my love of Alizée. In any case, I don't think I'd be able to talk about her to friends or family without going very red

I probably would feel awkward through; I don't consider myself old, but I'd no doubt be seen as old enough when it comes to watching her earlier videos. Do I feel bad for watching her though? No. Why not? Because I know my reasons for doing what I'm doing: I watch her videos and stuff because of my feelings for her, how she makes me feel better, and, of course, my love of her music, not because of any sexual attraction. I know this, but I recognise that others may struggle to understand.

Sorry for not really contributing anything that hasn't already been said; just wanted to put my two cents in...
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Old 03-01-2015, 02:46 PM
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Too many people assume that many guys attraction to Alizée is sexual or physical. That might play out for two or three years not the seven to fifteen years that many on this board have been following her. Devotion like that is more of an infatuation or affection for her is similar to a favorite sister or daughter.

Don't worry my employees have known for over ten years that I have a serious thing for Alizée. When a Les Enfoires DVD or her latest CD arrives in the mail I'm like a six year old on Christmas morning. .
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Old 03-01-2015, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Maybe you can answer why do so many people take it in the consuming sense; even someone like my own sister?

It's interesting in my travels to France, so many remember Moi Lolita, but nobody remembers L'Alize, though it was a number one hit.
I've had a similar experience with my brother. Every time I show him a picture of Alizée, he never seems to recognize her unless she's wearing something sexy like her JEAM outfit. The funny thing is, I've shown him countless photos, and the JEAM vid only once, but that's all he can seem to remember.

I think the simplest answer is just that physical attractiveness is an incredibly salient feature that most people are likely to pick up on and remember more strongly than anything else. For people who aren't terribly interested in her music, the few things they will remember are those that are most salient in minds. This is why Moi Lolita will be more widely remembered than L'Alizé. One is sexualized, and the other is not.

For those of us who are fans, there is so much more to her than that. True, I probably wouldn't be here at all if I hadn't seen an enticing gif from JEAM and then clicked on a YouTube link. Her physical attractiveness may have been what initially led me to discover her, but it is far from what has kept me around more than a year later. There are plenty of attractive singers in the world, and plenty of attractive French ones too, but none of them have captivated me the same way Alizée has. Physical attractiveness alone has little to do with it.

And that's where I think Djr654's line comes in, which I couldn't agree with more.

Originally Posted by Djr654 View Post
I guess I can best summarise things by saying that Alizée is more than the sum of her parts.
I'm still trying to figure out what all these other factors are that make her special, but it's a work in progress. I might not ever be able to pin it down, and I'm okay with that. All I know is
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Old 03-03-2015, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Antares View Post
"When we find beauty in a youthful person, it is because we glimpse the light of eternity shining in those features from a heavenly source beyond this world."
Antares I remember you posting this in the chatbox and it's so true.

Originally Posted by Antares View Post
I'm still trying to figure out what all these other factors are that make her special, but it's a work in progress. I might not ever be able to pin it down, and I'm okay with that. All I know is

Kinda reminds me of this song Ella Elle L'a... Alizée was made for it!

Alizée, she has it
What, I don't quite know
Something that others don't have,
that puts us in a funny state

Alizée, she has it
She, she has it
this gift from the sky that makes her beautiful...


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 04-09-2015, 10:34 AM
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Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post

Thanks for making me discover this song ^ I'm both charmed... and confused

Serge Gainsbourg did it properly, having France Gall singing about sucking lollipops, innocence.
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