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Old 02-12-2019, 02:11 PM
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Thanks for bumping this thread.

The problem with forums is that there are people involved , and when you get two or more together, there will be differences in every conceivable way. I have read a lot of historical threads on this forum going way back and WOW, there were some pretty vicious stuff said. Since I have been a member, the forum has been quite tame in comparison.

I think we all have shown good judgment in our posts for the most part, and if we slip, there is always the Delete button and an apology if necessary. Problem solved. I think common sense can guide our online behavior similarly to being at a social gathering in real life, especially when there are people in the room that you don't know well. A good rule of thumb is if you cannot say something to their face, then you probably shouldn't say it in a post.

Moderators have four levels of Infractions they can issue:

Inappropriate Language
Insulting Other Members
Signature Rule Violation
Spammed Advertisements

The first two are very broad. What one might consider Inappropriate Language, others might have no issues.


Originally Posted by Fall View Post
Brad gave this guideline for posts in the forum when he owned it.

When Ben took over, he added religion to the list of topics or post content to avoid or remove.
Brad's list is good but it is hard to know what offends Alizee. For example, we have posted pictures of our favorite Alizee hair styles, but also our least favorite. Concert outfits that we didn't like. I'm interpreting it is being careful about what is posted about the people she is closest to, Annily, Greg, her parents, etc.

Politics are so triggering these days, so I have to agree strongly with that, but there was some recent discussions about France's economic model, which might be misinterpreted as being political, but I would consider it more Economics.

With religion, there is a big difference between proselytizing and just posting something FYI. Scruffy had a recent trip to Cyprus and posted some pictures of the churches he visited and some historical background. I see nothing wrong with those kind of posts.

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 02-12-2019 at 02:11 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 02-17-2019, 10:49 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Hope the day finds you well, and that everything is cool...


I'm looking at the existing "guidelines" for posts in the forum, and, to me, they look pretty appropriate, and fairly much self explanatory.

Yeah, a couple of them do leave a lot of room for loose interpretation, but, as CleverCowboy put it...

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
The problem with forums is that there are people involved , and when you get two or more together, there will be differences in every conceivable way.
I am one of these strange people that deeply believes in "respect", "courtesy", and "common sense", and, as a general rule I try, wherever, and whenever possible, to treat people in the same fashion that I would wish to be treated myself.

I'm not perfect, (you may have noticed), but please, if I offend anyone in any way, would you please tell me, and I will most assuredly fix whatever it is.

To me, the only real "minefields" that I can foresee are "religion" and "politics", and then only with regard to "proselytizing".

With regard to these ideas, you can believe in anything you wish, and I will have no problem with you whatsoever.

But, if you try "stuffing it in my face", or "beating me over the head with it", then we may just have some differences.

And y'know, life is just too short to really get annoyed over such things.

If I don't like it, I can just leave.

"Courtesy", "respect", "common sense".


Everybody has them, lots of them. You get to have them... It's only "human" and "natural", and it indicates an "active" and "functioning" intellect.

But, you remember "courtesy" and all that other stuff, well, they come into play here again.

My "Grandmother" had this saying: "If you can't say something nice about someone, then don't say anything at all"...

Or, if I was maybe a wee bit more "strident" than usual about voicing my opinions and thoughts, it would be abbreviated to "If you can't say anything nice, then shut up", quickly followed by a "slap around the ear" for "emphasis".

Well, I had a lot to say for myself as a child and am very lucky that both my ears aren't "pinned" back flat against my head because of that.

A very "British", rather "Victorian" way of looking at things, overall, but, it, and other similar "ideas" do have their place in modern society, and, they did kind of shape the ways I tend to look at things, and in the way I relate to other people.

So, with regard to myself, personally "opinions", "criticism", and other such related topics/ideas, trust me, I have plenty of these, some of them quite "scathing", but you will find I will mostly tend to keep them to myself, unless I am asked for them.

So, unless Alizée herself was to say to me "RedRafe the Unworthy", I wish to hear all of your opinions on all of my "misdeeds", and all the things that you do not like, etc,", then you are not probably not be going to hear me expressing any of my opinions about Alizée, at all, really.

Who the hell am I to criticize anyone else, about anything. Am I perfect, HELL NO!

Anyhow, that is just my own personal take on the matter, with reference to myself.

With regard to anyone else, y'all can think what you want, say what you want, whatever.

Just, "be excellent" to each other, ok...

Now, with regard to criticism and stuff of her family etc...

Annily, without a doubt is the absolute "apple" of all of her parents "eyes", so to speak. She is a very very sweet, funny, intelligent young lady.

Her mother adores her beyond all things, and when they are together, they positively "go nova", which is a wonderful thing to see.

I'll be honest, she, (and at times, her mother, I hate to admit) really put me in mind of my "nieces", and "great nieces", back in Scotland, which, now I come to think of it, is partially probably why I can get so defensive, with regard to her, at times.

Damn, I must be getting old...

I really, really, can't see anything there with regard to Annily that anyone would want to criticize.

So, as "Granny" would sort of say, "If you can't say anything nice, then shut up".

Greg, well, Greg is EVERYTHING that is wonderful to Alizée, just look at her Instagram posts about him. Basically, she loves him to "distraction", and he makes her happier "beyond belief".

That is ALL I NEED TO KNOW....

Long may that love continue to flourish and prosper.

You know what my Granny would say.

Anyhow, these are just some of my passing thoughts, and are probably really "apropros of nothing".

This "forum" really belongs to you guys, I'm probably just a "wanderer", passing through, though I do feel that I am here for a reason, that I have some task to complete, before I leave, and it is really all about what works for the long term "faithful" here.

As I have stated many times before, you are a great group of people, please just make this forum work the way that you really want it to.

Last edited by RedRafe; 02-28-2019 at 12:24 PM..
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Old 02-18-2019, 02:47 AM
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Well said RedRafe, but you did make one mistake in that you said the forum belongs to "you guys". Well it belongs to you too. You're a welcome addition to this forum with some colorful and well thought out posts. We make mistakes (especially me), we correct them and we move on and the forum becomes a better place for it. So I hope you consider this your 'second' home for a long time to come.
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Old 02-18-2019, 09:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Well said RedRafe, but you did make one mistake in that you said the forum belongs to "you guys". Well it belongs to you too. You're a welcome addition to this forum with some colorful and well thought out posts.
I agree with Scruffy, RedRafe. You are as much a part of this community as anybody else. It was not in the too far distant past that I registered after a period of lurking. I just dove in, and I knew I asked questions that have been asked before and said some knuckle-headed things, but the members were welcoming and I felt right at home.

So kick your shoes off and set a spell...
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Old 02-21-2019, 12:40 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Thank you, gentlemen...

Coming from you guys, that means a lot...

There are every few of "us" left, and you guys are kind of "the originals"...

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