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Old 03-30-2010, 10:47 PM
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Wow...someone please shoot me. AAA day was amazing...and now this....
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Old 03-30-2010, 10:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
Wow...someone please shoot me. AAA day was amazing...and now this....
Really, what is the third a in AAA day? It went over my freaking head!
the v is back
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Old 03-30-2010, 10:58 PM
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Alizée America Awareness Day
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post

Trust me, this won't be the last time in your life this happens. It's completely normal and happens more often than we'd like sometimes.

Good luck to you, Shintsu.

@Karla, It would be sad to see you leave here. A lot of this really is about the people.
I agree w/Lefty - on all three of his above points! It really *is* all about the people.

I guess i would be one of those "older guys" your talking about... Have to admit, when I first discovered this young lady, I was distinctly uncomfortable about admitting it to any of my friends, co-workers, or contemporaries... Uncomfortable about "what they might think of me..."

However, as time went on, its not that I cared less about them, rather, when I could sing along to the music (remember, I don't speak French... at all...), they realized that I actually did like the music...

Am I not aware of Alizée's appearance?

Of course I am! But let me let you in on a little secret... As a man, you will *never* (so far as I'm aware) ever *not* be aware of women who are attractive to you... It may be an uncomfortable thought to you - but someday you will by my age, and women will not stop being attractive just because *you've* aged by 30 years...

However, how you approach and think of women *will* change. Let me ask you a question, is your discomfort about us "older" fans at least partially based in your own feelings? I have no problem admitting I find Alizée immensely attractive... Do I want to have carnal relations with her?

Nope. Then why do I buy her albums? Is it possible that I can actually find something in her music <GASP!> worthwhile? Yep.

As others have said (and your going through now)((and I've gone through, and everyone else will go through)) - attitudes, perceptions and feelings change with time. Its nothing you should feel guilty about (for that is what I got from some of your post).

I wish you all the best in the world, m8, and hope you will forgive an old(er) man his foibles...


Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
WHAT!!! Ed I have talked to you for ages and just noticed your up there! 49!! Man you are very computer literate! Hey need me to assist you walking across the street?jkjk love ya man
I'll take you up on that someday... And Jung & Barrett will run us over... :P

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Last edited by Edcognito; 03-30-2010 at 11:18 PM..
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:09 PM
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I think that a lot of us understand where you are coming from. I discovered alizee like many just wandering on YouTube and happened to click on that wow dance video truely by chance. I was watching it when who do I see but alizee. I wanted to see more but there was no other videos with her linked that one that day. So I went on a search with the only info being her face and the words top of the pops. Which had no meaning to me. This search gave me a strong connection with her. I found out that she had a new album coming out, pych, and wanted to get her earlier albums first. I listened to them so many times and loved them. Then I heard pych. Something radicaly different. I did not know how to take it so I looked around as to reasons why. I found this site and learned her whole story. I then understood that getting married, having a child, and her expirences in those four years changed her but I was ok with this because the only thing that we know will happen is that things will change. So I made friends on this site and their influence helped me stay with alizee through the years. They also expanded my view of music and artists. Alizee is an amazing person but she will change and we will change. All I hope is that we enjoy her and support her. It is sad to see anyone go but it will happen so I say to you good luck in your future endevors, good bye y adiós.
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:11 PM
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WHAT!!! Ed I have talked to you for ages and just noticed your up there! 49!! Man you are very computer literate! Hey need me to assist you walking across the street?jkjk love ya man
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:15 PM
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Default One older guy's perspective

I do feel your pain. And we don't take it lightly I can assure you. And I am one of the older men that "creeps" you out.
Understand that us older guys, at least this one, can relate to Alizee as more of a daughter than a "hottie". I feel a sense of pride in this young lady like I do in my own two daughters, each with their own accomplishments. She is a beautiful woman; to that we all can agree. That may catch our eyes at first, but it is her inner person that captures our hearts. The pride in me grows greater the more I learn about her. That said I hope it takes some of the old guy creepiness out of it for you.
The forums are about people with a common interest coming together. Some of which will make lifelong bonds. It is true that interest will ebb and flow just as sure as the tides.
I am not a man of words so I think I'll leave it at that.
Good luck to you, and do stop in now and again.
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:37 PM
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Originally Posted by MYGOGT View Post
Understand that us older guys, at least this one, can relate to Alizee as more of a daughter than a "hottie". I feel a sense of pride in this young lady like I do in my own two daughters, each with their own accomplishments. She is a beautiful woman; to that we all can agree. That may catch our eyes at first, but it is her inner person that captures our hearts. The pride in me grows greater the more I learn about her.
yes exactly, Alizee, to most of us isn't just a sex symbol. take me for example, i am a teenager. so remember all my hormones are going crazy, but i still don't see Alizee just a sex symbol and couldn't imagine disgracing her like that. i like her for the person she is and what she has accomplished. so it is not "creepy" at all that an older person likes her. its nothing sexual, just liking her for her talent of music.
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Old 03-30-2010, 11:38 PM
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I must admit I was feeling the same way as the OP. A lot of contributing factors has led to this decision, since I too was really into Alizee.

I'll preface this by saying I admire Alizee's talent: her natural ability to dance and her singing.

that being said, every album, from debut to latest, is a learning experience, an experimentation. Alizee is no exception to this. Her career started with Mylene etc, whom were already successful in the music industry, and knew what worked and what didn't. Call the style trashy/whatever, but it worked. Alizee was launched into stardom, and proved she could sing, and dance. This winning formula was repeated on MCE, where just one performance was able to expose her to many many different countries, including Mexico, where she now has a market.

But then she left the producers with the winning formula. While I agree that every artist should take a hands-on approach to their work, I feel, at the time she departed, she had still not matured musically. This was evident in her Psychedelices album, where she experimented with many different types of music, and using not-so-top producers. She was only able to score two singles off that album, and they both did not chart high enough to put her back on the radar after her hiatus.

Another thing absent (I know I'll get the tomatoes for this one from you all, but here me out XD) is her sensuality. Lets all face the reality: sex sells. It's entertainment. It's just another way to market an album. You can be sensual in your dress style, dance style, but still have moral values and not be a slut or a sex fiend. A perfect example of this is Selena. I'm not sure if many of you knew her, but she was a natural performer, very much like Alizee. She started her career when she was 9, and by 16 she was using outfits to "entertain". Nothing too revealing, just those sparkly bras and jeans. People loved her. When she married at age 20, she continued to wear these types of outfits, and nobody thought any less of her. It's just a fashion, entertainment. If you surf many of the Selena sites, many will say she had a hot bod, and she was sexy, but NEVER that she was slutty or was a slut or unfaithful to her husband by the way she dressed. I sometimes wonder if Alizee is afraid of being labeled as a slut. Because she certainly would not be, at least not in my eyes. You can be sexy without being a slut.

Yet in her Psychedelices album, she writes songs with mature themes, but her image is that of Miley Cyrus in her early Hannah Montanah days -- Tinkerbell, pastel colors, cute tween stuff.

Then she disappears again for almost a year, after giving lackluster performances.

And now she is back, with a completely new style. In this aspect she reminds me of Salvador Dali a bit He was always reinventing himself. I am hoping she finds herself with this album, as it sounds promising. If she does shows in Mexico, I will probably go.

I do not, however, hold out for any serious shows here in the USA. It's not that I don't think she can make it here, because I do think she has a good chance: IF she made some serious changes. First and foremost, she would have to, have to, have to be fluent in English. The US market is brutal. She would have to sing songs in English, because our country is not as accepting of foreign languages as is in Europe or even Latin America, where there is exposure to different languages all the time. She could include a couple of French songs on an album, but it would have to be primarily English. Just think of Shakira, or Paulina Rubio with their "crossover" albums. They both had 2-3 tracks in Spanish, with the rest being in English. Another sad aspect of the US market: sex sex and more sex. There is more focus on sex appeal than actual talent (hi Britney Spears and Lady Gaga). I'm not sure if Alizee would ever go this route again. At least, not at the level that would be required of her from US producers. That being said, I'm not exactly wanting to throw her into the pit like that and watch her be torn apart by the US media, which can be very brutal at times. I'd rather her enjoy her success, at her level, where she is in Europe and in Mexico. I'm sure she's considered all this and maybe its why she hasn't taken the US route seriously. Fame in the US is not the same as fame in abroad. Fame in the US means you're hounded in every country in the world, papparazzi following you everywhere and stalking you. Maybe this is also why she has not considered a debut in the states.

But with all that being said, I do enjoy her new album. And I look forward to seeing what she does with this artistically, and hope she doesn't decide to go some crazy route (like Tinkerbell tattoo -_-). Oh, and before someone can say I'm just wanting to jump her bones, I'm female

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Old 03-30-2010, 11:46 PM
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Shintsu, you wrote what I've been worried about(in terms of how I feel.)

There's no denying how much Alizée has changed. For the better or worse... well, that's a judgment call that's made personally.

As much as I'm excited and eager for this new and upcoming Alizée, my first obsession(aka unhealthy interest ) was the good ol' Gourmandises/MCE era Alizée.

It was then when she was the most beautiful, adorable, and probably the most active as well. As I've said before, I wouldn't be terribly upset if she never broke off with Mylene and Boutonnat. I love the Pschedelices album(Freaking love Lilly town and 50/60)!!

So I can understand how you feel.

I haven't seen you around much in the forums, but hey, that sure as hell doesn't make you a nobody.

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