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Old 08-13-2010, 07:55 PM
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On a related note, I was in London yesterday and decided to check out whether the massive HMV store there stocked Alizée... and they did!
Bad news is that there was no sign of UEDS and it's the same here that prices are ridiculous - I could buy them off Amazon for a lot less. But Alizée being sold in the UK still excites me... so it can't just be me who's buying them??

Last edited by babyblue558; 08-13-2010 at 07:58 PM..
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Old 08-13-2010, 08:06 PM
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Wow it's so crazy how Alizée is being sold out in some places in the wrold except France.

Merci beaucoup Alizée for everything!

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Old 08-13-2010, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by babyblue558 View Post
On a related note, I was in London yesterday and decided to check out whether the massive HMV store there stocked Alizée... and they did!
Bad news is that there was no sign of UEDS and it's the same here that prices are ridiculous - I could buy them off Amazon for a lot less. But Alizée being sold in the UK still excites me... so it can't just be me who's buying them??
That's awesome, I wish they would sell her stuff here in US stores. Perhaps someday...
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Fèvier View Post
how far from the border are you? (jaja sounds funny coming from a mexican )
I just told everyone in my family this whole thread and I started laughing and they looked at me like a weerdee, I am still crying at how funny that is JAJAJAJA

But yah I downloaded her songs illegally about 7 months ago but just fulfilled my promise to myself to buy them as soon as I had the chance...in about a week I will have all 4 of her CDs, 1 I already have thanks to amazing people on the internet that I have never met before(Scruff).

So as long as you buy her CDs eventually, then you might as well download them, crap I'm promoting being a pirate, argh matey
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:06 PM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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O k these ideas may sound a bit crazy but . . . On ebay normally i send cash , yes cash and i have NEVER been scammed . Just make sure you insure both ways via your mail service , that way even if you do get scammed or it gets lost you get your monies back . Make sure you insure it for double the amount that way if you have to wait a long time for a refund as postal offices are slow with stuff like that it is worth your while , but believe me if you insure it will NEVER be lost . Anyway a better idea perhaps is this . . .

Befriend someone on here , get to know them . If you feel they are trustworthy then they can exchange info with you and most likely will happily ebay it to you or send directly without the middle man .

For those in the US , not sure if they have em in Canada or other countries FYI entertaiment will pretty much get anything , most stores i have been to even have kiosks kinda like a computer that you can look it up yourself and place the order if you don't want to ask a clerk . They will even burn out of print stuff for you or say it was something that was only available on vhs they will make you a DVD copy .

On a side note . . .
Ya know what would be nice ?
Since like sales are slow for Alizee ,
what she should be doing is offering autographed copies
sold directly by her for an extra fee .

Not only would that boost sales but make ALOT of us fanatics
very very happy . Why more artists don't do that i have no idea ?
Yes i know she may have to sign a few thousand but that would be
over a long period of time and really wouldn't be that much work .
As well she could donate a bit of the extra fee proceeds to a charity
which would also increase sales and reputation . Autographed with
a kiss ( lipstick print ) would be nice too . Yes i dream big !

PS - Alizee if you are reading yes i am available to work as your
marketing consultant

Last edited by alizeefan; 08-13-2010 at 10:10 PM..
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:37 PM
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i buy it all on mixup or mr cd but im not sure that you have this stores in your state
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Old 08-13-2010, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by alizeefan View Post
On a side note . . .
Ya know what would be nice ?
Since like sales are slow for Alizee ,
what she should be doing is offering autographed copies
sold directly by her for an extra fee .

Not only would that boost sales but make ALOT of us fanatics
very very happy . Why more artists don't do that i have no idea ?
Yes i know she may have to sign a few thousand but that would be
over a long period of time and really wouldn't be that much work .
As well she could donate a bit of the extra fee proceeds to a charity
which would also increase sales and reputation . Autographed with
a kiss ( lipstick print ) would be nice too . Yes i dream big !

PS - Alizee if you are reading yes i am available to work as your
marketing consultant
It is looked down upon for stars to do that since it is definitely a way to make big money. It's like Derek Jeter signing 200 of his own jerseys and selling them to make a profit of $11,000.

Plus, the more autographs stars sign, the less it is worth in money and in awesomeness. Autographs should be hard to come by and very special for the recipient...
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Old 08-13-2010, 11:09 PM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
It is looked down upon for stars to do that since it is definitely a way to make big money. It's like Derek Jeter signing 200 of his own jerseys and selling them to make a profit of $11,000.

Plus, the more autographs stars sign, the less it is worth in money and in awesomeness. Autographs should be hard to come by and very special for the recipient...
I have thousands of autographs and have been to many many signings .
In certain aspects of the autograph market which i wont go into i am without a doubt an expert .

This would be like saying when she does her autograph sessions it is looked down upon , which obviousilly is not so . . . Most likely only very few who can not go or do not get in are upset , even those people who do not obtain one are still fans and most likely always will be . On the contrary to the looked down upon , media hype like that for autograph sessions , meeting the fans and so on associated with autographing only helps promote the artists , celebs and sports stars . Even say in a Derek Jeter instance , there is no such thing as bad press . It is like Ozzy Osbourne biting the head off the dove or bat , all that did was give free promotions thus making him today even more popular than he would have been without the so called " bad press " .

Add to that my donate to charity idea negates any negativity and shines a glorious light upon the event/s . Especially with any that would be had due to the monies issue .

As far as Jeter goes well if people will pay that much for autograph memorabilia , can you really blame him or those who buy it for the exhorbitant prices ? The only ones complaining are those who can not afford it and want one . Also a big difference in DJ and AJ as far as number of autographs and star power . DJ is on the MOST popular team and organization in the entire world whereas AJ is only the most popular person to a few thousand of us here , a few hundred thousand worldwide .

As far as the autographs being special , well my friend anyone who purchased the autographed merchandise from her be it poster , cd , pic would feel incredibly special owning such and therefore cement the fan forever and motivate not only the fan but the all most important word of mouth advertising .

To touch on the more autographs there are the less they are worth is really only true to the extent of a rare autograph such as a Mickey Mantle or someone who is a REALLY big star , celeb , athlete who does/did not sign much due to the good old days of autographs not being what they are today an actual market with value . Even then again going back to the DJ vs AJ analogy , autographs are only worth what the public market is willing to pay for them . I would guess you could fetch a couple hundred to a couple thousand for an Alizee at this point depending on the item . Even if she signed say a few hundred thousand the price would not drop by much on each item respectively . Mostly because anyone who purchases will hold onto that special item and is not going to flood the market with Alizee autographs as there really isn't a huge market for such wheras DJ there is a HUGE market for such .

Now say on that note there was some fear of the market being flooded or a company buying them all up and gouging prices , she could simply limit it to a certain amount per person .

Put it this way , do you have an Alizee autograph ? Even if you do not and say she signed a million DVD's then you got one . Would yours be of less value to you because now another million people have them ? Probably not is my guess there . You would proudly display it on your wall and then it would become a conversation piece for again that word of mouth promotion which is the best free advertising and better than any paid for ads one can buy .

Plus lets break that down 11,000 divided by 200 is what 55 dollars per autograph ,
this from a guy who makes howsover many millions a year . It really probably wasnt
even worth his time when you break his payscale down to a per game/hourly fee in
how long it took him to sign all those .

Last thing to add here is the specialness factor you mentioned .
I know usually less is more as the saying goes but say 100's of thousands of people have
autographs opposed to a few thousand having autographs again in my honest opinion that is
way more special when more have something special to them than less having signatures .

Sorry if i come off all long winded and as a know it all , i hope not to have misread .

Last edited by alizeefan; 08-13-2010 at 11:19 PM.. Reason: adding apology
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Old 08-13-2010, 11:20 PM
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Ahh see now I misunderstood, I didn't know you were talking about her doing an event for the signings. I thought you mean just her signing some CDs and stuff in a room then mailing them out to the highest bidder. My bad...
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Old 08-13-2010, 11:30 PM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
Ahh see now I misunderstood, I didn't know you were talking about her doing an event for the signings. I thought you mean just her signing some CDs and stuff in a room then mailing them out to the highest bidder. My bad...
Well i meant as you thought her signing in a room and mailing them out and you do make valid points so i hope again not to have come off know it all . Always is a yin and yang so it is 50/50 depending on the viewers perspective .

But now that you bring that up , a signing world tour would be a great idea too . As actually meeting the fans at record stores in all the big cities would be alot more good/bad press than a one time deal online shopping type . So if my dream big idea did come true that is what i would like to see world tour and online purchase for those who cant go but most likely the expense of travel , security and time involved would be too much hassle .

The only problem i really see from autographing mail order style is the whole did she really sign it issue as goes with that type of autograph . As in was it her secretary , mom , brother , rubber stamp , autopen or really her signing problem associated with such . Then again i do not think there she would sell maybe a few thousand for say 100 bucks each CD/DVD/whatsoever donating half to charity over a few months time she wouldn't even get writers cramp .
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