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Old 08-22-2006, 09:42 AM
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yeah i think the end should be left in too .. how did they edit it in the version you saw?

was it just a straight cut to each of alizee's parts .. or did they have like a fade transition or something between parts? I think i will do some fade in / out stuff .. i will have to play with it and see what works best.

if you can get the lyrics on here by this evening (like 8 hours or so) .. i will add them to the video before i compress it
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Old 08-22-2006, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by brad View Post
was it just a straight cut to each of alizee's parts .. or did they have like a fade transition or something between parts? I think i will do some fade in / out stuff .. i will have to play with it and see what works best.
It was removed with no fadings (best way I think). It was not exactly cut so the tempo fits at each reprise but it wasn't a big problem. Just leave some beats before she sings again, you can recognize them back each time...

if you can get the lyrics on here by this evening (like 8 hours or so) .. i will add them to the video before i compress it
I'll get them in French very fast. Now the translation can take more times but I'll try...
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Old 08-22-2006, 09:58 AM
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no rush .. it might be best not to add them to the video anyway ... i have mixed feelings about having subtitles on the videos. it is kind of neat not knowing what she is saying .. lol

i can add them to the side (like the other videos) at any time. thanks frenchie.
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Old 08-22-2006, 09:59 AM
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Already found them in French!
Many spell mistakes though! Will fix them, and translate...
(all artists are listed too)

EDIT: and I will remove what you've cut of course...
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Old 08-22-2006, 10:02 AM
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Originally Posted by brad View Post
i can add them to the side (like the other videos) at any time. thanks frenchie.
I also think it's the best to do.
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Old 08-22-2006, 10:45 AM
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Translation later (many puns and wordplays again, that they do with some song titles from the singers they're talking about)

- Alizée
- Elsa & Daniel Lavoine
- Zazie & Patrick Bruel
- Michèle Laroque & Roch Voisine
- Lara Fabian & Daniel Levi
- Liane Foly, David Hallyday & Pascal Obispo
- All of them

Lyrics (many mistakes fixed from the link above! )

On a tous dans le cœur un musicien décalé
Qui joue du rock'n roll dans les beaux quartiers
Il faut faire attention avec ce genre d'animal
Il pourrait me faire aimer les comédies musicales

Michel Berger chantait (Michel Berger chantait)
Michel Berger chantait (Michel Berger chantait)
Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps


On a tous dans le cœur un bel amour qui s'en va
Ou ça guérit trop tard ou ça guérit pas
Il était une fois une belle histoire qui tienne
On en a rêvé si fort, nos voix s'en souviennent

Serge et Joëlle chantaient (Serge et Joëlle chantaient)
Serge et Joëlle chantaient (Serge et Joëlle chantaient)
Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps


On a tous dans le cœur des vacances à Saint-Malo
Et des parents en maillot qui dansent sur Luis Mariano
Au camping des flots bleus on croise un breton qui plane
Il compte apprendre l'anglais en chantant Bob Dylan

Et Caradec chantait (Et Caradec chantait)
Et Caradec chantait (Et Caradec chantait)
Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps


On a tous dans le cœur une vieille envie de partir
Une voix qui dit "Go West" avant d's'endormir
Sur les Champs Élysées il réparait son scooter
Il voulait l'Amérique, il a eut mon coeur

Et Joe Dassin chantait (Et Joe Dassin chantait)
Et Joe Dassin chantait (Et Joe Dassin chantait)
Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps


On a tous dans le cœur un type qui dit ce qu'il pense
A son fils, à l'Aziza, à la présidence
Il est parti dans l'sable avec un hélicoptère
Il voulait "Sauvez l'Amour" et l'eau dans l'désert

Et Balavoine chantait (Et Balavoine chantait)
Et Balavoine chantait (Et Balavoine chantait)
Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps

Comme un fou va jeter à la mer
Des bouteilles vides et puis espère
Qu'on pourra lire à travers

S.O.S. écrit avec de l'air
Pour te dire que je me sens seul
Je dessine à l'encre vide un désert

Et je cours,
Je me raccroche à la vie
Je me saoule avec le bruit
Des corps qui m'entourent
Comme des lianes nouées de tresses
Sans comprendre la détresse
Des mots que j'envoie

Tous les cris, les S.O.S.
Partent dans les airs
Dans l'eau laissent une trace
Dont les écumes font la beauté
Pris dans leur vaisseau de verre
Les messages luttent
Mais les vagues les ramènent
En pierres d'étoile sur les rochers

Tous les cris, les S.O.S.
Partent dans les airs
Dans l'eau laissent une trace
Dont les écumes font la beauté
Pris dans leur vaisseau de verre
Les messages luttent
Mais les vagues les ramènent
En pierres d'étoile sur les rochers

Tous les cris les S.O.S.
Tous les cris les S.O.S.
Tous les cris les S.O.S.

EDIT: After the song:
Muriel Robin: Aaah, c'est bon de chanter. Hein ? C'est bon

Last edited by aFrenchie; 08-22-2006 at 10:48 AM..
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Old 08-22-2006, 11:12 AM
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Wow that sounds like a lot of work I would like to thak both of you brad and frenchie for all the work you do.
And frenchie is perfect had your name not be frenchie and had you not translate alizee's videos, I would have thought you were American...
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Old 08-22-2006, 02:21 PM
RadioactiveMan RadioactiveMan is offline
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I had downloaded a video of this earlier and I really liked it. I'm downloading this one as well because I expect that it's slightly different and probably better. I'll post what I think after watching it I suppose.

Edit: The background information for this performance is very nice, aFrenchie. Thanks a bunch.
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Old 08-22-2006, 05:41 PM
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Here's an attempt. But again, it's often translated word for word, a real adaptation would be better and I don't feel I'd be a great lyricist . Like I said, there are also wordplays with song titles or their lyrics, so... not very translatable! Like "Once upon a time" in the 2nd verse, "il était une fois" in French: that was the name of the band of Serge and Joëlle that they're talking about...
So now if you wonder what they mean, it's surely because of a song title or lyrics of that song...

(I warned you, it must be funny)

We all have in our hearts a weird musician
Who plays rock'n roll in fashionable districts
You've got to watch out that kind of animals
They could make you enjoy musicals

Michel Berger was singing (Michel Berger was singing)
Michel Berger was singing (Michel Berger was singing)
Something that still sticks in my heart and in my body


We all have in our hearts a beautiful love that's going away
Either it heals too late, either it never heals
Once upon a time a wonderful story that lasts
We dreamed so strong of it, our voices still remember

Serge and Joëlle were singing (Serge and Joëlle were singing)
Serge and Joëlle were singing (Serge and Joëlle were singing)
Something that still sticks in my heart and in my body


We all have in our hearts some vacations in Saint-Malo
And parents in swimming suit who dance on Luis Mariano
In the "Blue Stream" campsite we've all met a Breton with his head in the clouds
He wants to learn English by singing Bob Dylan

And Caradec was singing (And Caradec was singing)
And Caradec was singing (And Caradec was singing)
Something that still sticks in my heart and in my body


We all have in our hearts an old desire to go away
A voice that says "Go West" before falling asleep
On the Champs Élysées, he was repairing his scooter
He wanted America, he's just got my heart

And Joe Dassin was singing (And Joe Dassin was singing)
And Joe Dassin was singing (And Joe Dassin was singing)
Something that still sticks in my heart and in my body


We all have in our hearts a guy who says what he thinks
To his son, to the Aziza, to presidency
He's gone away in the sand with an helicopter
He wanted to "Save Love" and water in deserts

And Balavoine was singing (And Balavoine was singing)
And Balavoine was singing (And Balavoine was singing)
Something that still sticks in my heart and in my body

Like a fool throwing in the sea
Empty bottles with the hope
That you'll be able to read through

S.O.S. written with air
To tell you I feel alone
I'm drawing a desert with empty ink

And I run,
I cling to life
I get drunk with the noise
Of bodies surrounding me
Like lianas tied with plaits
With no understanding of the distress
Of the words that I send

All cries, all S.O.S.
Vanish in the airs
Leave traces in water
Of which froth makes the beauty
Caught in their ships of glass
Messages struggle
But the waves bring them back
In star stones on the boulders

All cries, all S.O.S.
Vanish in the airs
Leave traces in water
Of which froth makes the beauty
Caught in their ships of glass
Messages struggle
But the waves bring them back
In star stones on the boulders

All cries, all S.O.S.
All cries, all S.O.S.
All cries, all S.O.S.

After the song:
Muriel Robin: Aaah, singing is good, isn't it? That's good!
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Old 08-22-2006, 07:45 PM
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thanks frenchie! this looks great. I am compressing the edited video now, i think it turned out great.

one thing that I have noticed about the French people, they certainly love their music

on a whole level I never understood .. lol
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