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Old 05-16-2016, 08:03 PM
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Click It! >>>

^^ That may not play the video for you, but it should be viewable at the twitter link above.

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Old 05-17-2016, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post
I gasped when I heard Lilly was doing a show with a former pornstar.... christ
Clara Morgane and Alizée in the same show, that could have been a hit in audience rating... unfortunatly, its a cooking show.
http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/image.php?type=sigpic&userid=1448&dateline=1276377  065
------------------MISS ALIZEE -----------------
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Old 05-18-2016, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Bigdan View Post
Clara Morgane and Alizée in the same show, that could have been a hit in audience rating... unfortunatly, its a cooking show.
Since getting back to work, then shortly there after going on vacation, I haven't had time to follow this story that much. I wondered who the porn star was Lapinschous was talking about. Now thanks to Bigdan, I know. All I can say is I'd rather it be a female porn star she was in a show with instead of a male one.
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Old 05-24-2016, 07:02 PM
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Alizée dans « Le Meilleur Pâtissier » spécial célébrités : « Je me suis découvert des talents de pâtissière »

Mercredi Alizée tentera d’en découdre avec la pâtisserie aux fruits pour se qualifier pour la finale du « Meilleur Pâtissier » spécial célébrités sur M6. Nous avons rencontré la danseuse et chanteuse pour évoquer sa participation à l’émission. Interview.

Après « Danse avec les Stars », vous voici dans un autre concours…

Alizée : Je n’ai jamais été très compét’. J’ai commencé la danse à 4 ans, mais je n’ai jamais fait de compétition. « Danse avec les stars » m’a permis de m’exprimer à travers la danse, ma première passion. Dans « Le Meilleur Pâtissier » je voulais voir de quoi j’étais capable, et prouver à ma fille que je pouvais faire de bons gâteaux.

Que vous a apporté votre participation au « Meilleur Pâtissier » spécial célébrités ?

Alizée : Je me suis découvert des talents de pâtissière. Je n’aurai jamais cru me retrouver dans une émissions de pâtisserie. A la maison, je fais des gâteaux au yaourt et des cupcakes avec ma fille. C’était une super expérience, je le referai de suite.

Quelle a été votre motivation pour participer à l’émission ?

Alizée : Ne pas décevoir ma fille qui a eu 11 ans en avril. Lorsque j’ai participé à « Danse avec les Stars« , je savais que je ne lui ferai pas honte. Pour la pâtisserie, j’avais plus de pression de sa part.

Qu’est-ce qui a été le plus difficile pendant l’émission ?

Alizée : Le stress du temps. Il faut présenter quelque-chose à la fin. On se prend au jeu, on a envie de s’appliquer et d’être en compétition avec soi-même. Avec les autres candidats, ce n’était que de l’entraide.

Vous vous êtes entrainée pour l’émission ?

Alizée : Je me suis préparée avec un pâtissier à Ajaccio.

Quel est votre rapport à la cuisine ?

Alizée : Petite, je cuisinais avec ma grand-mère. Ensuite, je suis partie très tôt de chez mes parents, à 15 ans. A ce moment-là, j’étais dans les hôtels, les restaurants. Mais lorsque j’ai eu ma fille à 20 ans j’ai essayé d’apprendre à cuisiner pour elle. Je ne raffole pas trop de la cuisine car ça prend du temps, mais j’aime la pâtisserie pour son esthétisme. C’est quelque-chose qui me correspond bien.

Quel est votre dessert préféré ?

Alizée : Le millefeuilles.

Surveillez-vous votre alimentation ?

Alizée : Non, je n’y fais pas trop attention. Par contre, j’essaie d’éviter le grignotage. D’ailleurs, dans l’émission j’ai quelques kilos en plus.

Crédit Photos : Jean-Philippe Robin pour M6

Alizée in " the Best special Confectioner " celebrities: « I confided of confectioner's talents »

On Wednesday Alizée will try to unstitch it with the pastry in fruits to qualify himself for the final of " the Best special Confectioner " celebrities on M6. We met the dancer and singer to recall her participation in the program. Interview.

After « Dance with the Stars », you here is in another competition

Alizée: I have never been very compét ’. I began dance in 4 years, but I have never made competition. « Dance with the stars » allowed me to express me across dance, my first passion. In « the Best Confectioner » I wanted to see of what I was able, and prove to my daughter that I could make good cakes.

What brought you your participation « the Best special » Confectioner celebrities?

Alizée: I confided of confectioner's talents. I shall never have believed meet one in programs of pastry. At the home, I make cakes in yoghurt and cupcakes with my daughter. It was a great experience, I shall do again it in succession.

What was your motivation to participate in the program?

Alizée: Do not disappoint my daughter who was 11 years old in April. When I participated in « Dance with the Stars «, I knew that I shall not make ashamed him. For the pastry, I had more pressure for his/her part.

What was the most difficult during the program?

Alizée: The stress of time. It is necessary to introduce thing about - at the end. They are taken in game, they want to be applied and to be in competition with oneself. With other candidates, it was only mutual aid.

You entrainée for the program?

Alizée: I got ready with a confectioner in Ajaccio.

What is your report in the kitchen?

Alizée: Baby, I cooked with my grandmother. Then, I left from my parents, in 15 years very early. At this instant, I was in hotels, restaurants. But when I had my daughter old of 20 years I tried to learn to cook for her. I am not too much crazy about the kitchen because this takes time, but I like the pastry for its aestheticism. It is about - thing which corresponds to me well.

What is your favourite dessert?

Alizée: Millefeuilles.

Do you Watch your feeding?

Alizée: No, I do not pay it too much attention. On the contrary, I try to avoid nibbling. Besides, in the program I have some kilograms on top of that. Credit
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Old 05-24-2016, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Ray4AJ View Post

Excellent photo of Alizee. Mille-feuille (Cream Napoleon) As Alizee grew-up in the same neighborhood as Napoleon, this is hardly a surprising choice of receipt nor is it surprising that it would please her sweet-tooth.


Last edited by Shepherd; 05-24-2016 at 07:28 PM..
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Old 05-24-2016, 09:07 PM
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Here is the Facebook page for this show. Right now the third video down is about Alizée. She makes a face like things aren't going well. It "looks" like 2 people are trying to help her out, then another guy comes along and seems to protest what those two are doing.

If this short video is any indication, I don't think Alizée will be bringing home the gold.


If anyone doesn't have access to FB, here's a link to my drive.


Last edited by Scruffydog777; 05-24-2016 at 09:25 PM..
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Old 05-25-2016, 03:26 AM
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She did say that cooking was not her strongest suit. However, Alizee screwing up is probably the most entertaining part of the show.

"did you put salt?" Cyril Lignac
"4 Spoons" Alizée
"Pardon?" Woman (judge?)
Catch the expression on Cyril's face.
"forgiveness?!!!" Liberal media bias

When Cyril (who I suspect is one of the judges) dips his finger into her sauce for a taste then sticks his tongue out and says awk! I was rolling on the floor. Alizee was at her most adorable.

Then another contestant comes over to complain about the JUDGES helping Alizee to prepare her entry. It was like something Monty Python dreamed up. Is there anything other than Alizee going on in this show? I'd love to know the ratings on this one. It's got to be better than the talent contest.


Last edited by Shepherd; 05-25-2016 at 04:47 AM..
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Old 05-25-2016, 06:37 AM
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With so much drama teased in advance, I predict Alizée will end up being the big winner, « Le Meilleur Pâtissier »
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Old 05-25-2016, 08:42 AM
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Just as with Superkids, I'm sure Alizée will be a very bright spot on this show. This clip itself looked to be the type of thing that would attract a lot of interest with Alizée's facial expressions and the reactions by the others to her cooking.
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Old 05-25-2016, 09:44 AM
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No wonder Greg is so skinny it's Alizée's lack of cooking skills. Obviously she didn't win his heart through his stomach.

pic from her Instagram,


Last edited by ALS; 05-25-2016 at 10:16 AM..
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2016, alizee, cooking, le meilleur pâtissier, television

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