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Old 08-22-2006, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by aFrenchie View Post
Hey, that's TV shows from Spain, so in Spanish of course. Sorry, I can't get one word of those!
well yeah i know that. theres a french translator there, and alizee speaks french, non? i meant translate that, not the spanish
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Old 08-22-2006, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by nurvonic View Post
well yeah i know that. theres a french translator there, and alizee speaks french, non? i meant translate that, not the spanish
Whoops, I only watched the beginning of both. I probably thought that they would use those little earphones for her and translate at the same time while she answers (what's done in France most of the time). In that case, I couldn't hear any French...
Ok, I have to add them to my list then. But later!

Last edited by aFrenchie; 08-22-2006 at 07:31 PM..
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Old 08-22-2006, 08:09 PM
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alright thanks frenchie. i also think theyre kool cuz people might not of seen those before
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Old 08-22-2006, 08:29 PM
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thanks for the two new interview video that I have never seen before thanks C-4
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Old 08-22-2006, 09:44 PM
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Can anyone translate in English please! I don't know spanish and French.
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Old 08-23-2006, 02:19 AM
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Video #1:
Take a look at what they've said about her, Claudia. Her music is like the perfumes of Paris: exquisite, fragile, and seductive. How right he is. Alizée. How are you?

Very well, thank you.

Welcome to Spain. One second, Claudia. I have a question I prepared for her in French, no translators or anything. Is this the first time you come to Spain?

Second time. Second time.

Second time. Very clear, we've heard it well. So, you've come to present us your latest work, which goes on sale the 28th of April. And speaking a little about the album, which is called "My Electric Currents," what is it that makes Alizée electric?

[In Spanish]...here to present us your new album which goes on sale April 28th. And Alizée has some sort of electric currents?

But is this French or Spanish? No, no! You have to ask her in French, girl. Of course, we still dominate Spanish here!

...comes out in Spain on the 28th of April. What do the "electric currents" mean to you?

My electric currents are all the sensations, vibrations that pass through my body, my mind, and my heart.


The electric currents are all the sensations, vibrations that pass through my heart.

But I want to know what gives the *electricity* to Alizée! What gives you *electricity*?

- What makes you euphoric?
- Singing, singing simply.

Singing, simply.

We'll talk a lot about "Moi... Lolita", but let's talk about the new single, "J'en ai marre", now.

Why have you chosen this first song to open the album?

Why have you chosen the song "J'en ai marre" for the release of your album?

Because for me, it seemed like the best for a return, the most lively in the album.

For me it was the best song with which to come back to the scenario, and for me it was the best. It's more... lively.

Talking a little about this song, which means, I think, in Spanish --if not let the translator correct me-- "I'm Fed Up". Is there something special to this?

Is it a cry of revelry?

What are you fed up with in this world, and perhaps artistically?

What are you fed up with? Is releasing this song, "J'en ai marre", a rebellious act?

Uh.. I'm fed up, I'm fed up of the rain because I've always lived in Corsica and I've always been used to the sun, and having to live in Paris under the rain... Uh, I think that's what I'm most fed up with.

I'm sick of the rain, because I've always lived in Corsica, where there's sun and I don't like bad weather.

I want to discuss this problem with the rain and the water. You don't like things that are wet, humid, or what?

Do you have a problem with water, do you not like wet things, the rain, water?

I don't like bad weather because it puts me in a bad mood.

I don't like bad weather. It puts me in a bad mood.

Well, in your video for this single, you're in a cube, wet all the time. How was the recording? Any amusing anecdotes?

In your music video you appear in a cube of water. How was the recording of the music video?

In fact, it's the image of a red fish in its tank, and in fact I had to roll on the ground for hours and I had no protection, and I burned my knees. I bruised myself and had to move on to another scene.

That's the image of a red fish in its tank, right?

And for an anecdote, well, I didn't have protection on my knees, so I burned my knees and they were all swollen.

But not now. You've healed, everything's okay. Right? ...and happy, very talkative. Let's see "J'en ai marre" now, and we'll come back with "Moi... Lolita". And more of the interview. Because we're not fed up with her, not us.

Video number 2:
Well, here we continue with this complicated interview.

You speak French very well, Miguel!

True. Very good. Well, more, more, more. More, more little things.

Looking here at the selection of singles, or songs on the album, there's one that's called "Hey! Amigo!"

There's a song that's called "Hey! Amigo!"

- Yes, yes. A song. "Hey! Amigo!"
- Dedicated to us Spanish folk?


Tell us a little what it's about? Have you been thinking about Spanish people?

What does it talk about? Were you thinking about Spanish people while writing this song?

It's Mylène Farmer who wrote the lyrics to the song, and in fact it talks about a young girl who lives in Barcelona.

Mylène Farmer has written the song, and it's about a young girl who lives in Barcelona.

Let's go directly to "Moi... Lolita". It was number one in Spain, number one in Italy, Belgium, number two in France as well. Without doubt, the Lolita look is what's popular at the moment. I want to talk to you about other artists -- for example, T.A.T.U., who also use this little polemic trick. Are you still using this too?

"Moi... Lolita" was number one in practically all of Europe and now we can talk of the "Lolita look." For example, we can name T.A.T.U. Do you go for this sense of the Lolita look?

Uh... Actually, I think that ever since I sung the song "Moi... Lolita", every time there is a young girl who sings, people will say it's the "Lolita generation". Even though at the start it was nothing but a song. Let's say that I don't have the Lolita look, I simply have the look of Alizée.

Ever since I've sung "Moi... Lolita," whenever a young girl sings, they tell her she's a Lolita. But I don't have the Lolita look, it's only a song.

That she's Alizée, right, translator? It's what I understood. That she's not Lolita. She's Alizée, a young woman. And Britney Spears. Do you like Britney Spears?

Yes, I like her a lot.

Yes, she likes her.

Look, we don't need no translator here! We're coming to personal terms already. Well, more questions, Claus. I don't know if you know, but T.A.T.U. is going to represent Russia in Eurovision. Would you like to represent France in Eurovision?

T.A.T.U. is going to represent Russia in Eurovision. Would you like to represent France in Eurovision?

Actually, I don't really need to go to Eurovision because until now I've been welcomed in all countries without having been to Eurovision.

I don't need to, because at the moment all countries have been playing me without my being on Eurovision.

Really, huh? So, ... will come out on the 28th of April, "My Electric Currents". And a lot of people were hoping that there would be at least one song in English on this album. But no. Your album comes out on the 28th of April, and we're all waiting for it impatiently. But will there be a song in English?

There are four songs that are sung in English including "J'en ai marre".

There's four songs in English, including "I'm Fed Up", "J'en ai marre".


Well, look, good -- good variety there -- and it's good.

Thank you very much! What's your name, Ms. Translator?



I'm sorry!

How you handle yourself! You're like a dolphin in water -- it's true.

Not really!

No, no. You've helped us, really. Let's thank above all Alizée, merci beaucouP.

- Beaucoup. Beaucoup.
- Beau cul. Beau cul. (Nice ass. Nice ass.)

No, Beaucoup.

It's beau cul. It's like this with Planeta Agostini.

Tell her that there's some asses here in Spain from Planeta Agostini that are fantastic. But tell her.

Can you repeat?

Delfin, the French courses from Planeta Agostini, where Miguel learns his French. Beacouck.


And we're off! Merci beau cul to everyone! Let's part with "Moi... Lolita." Gracias.

Gracias. Muchas gracias.

Au revoir

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Old 08-23-2006, 03:56 AM
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Thanks a lot Topaz, really appreciate your efforts, great work.
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Old 08-23-2006, 07:33 AM
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ya thanks a bunch topaz, if you keep this up you could become better than afrenchie =)
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Old 08-23-2006, 08:09 AM
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-2 works for me. Thanks Topaz!
Have you found this translation or subtitles somewhere or do you speak both languages? I'm surprised you found out about "Beaucoup" and "Beau cul"! (a faux-pas for foreigners not to make in French, but it's a classic )
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Old 08-23-2006, 12:23 PM
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thanks for translations topaz
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