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Old 02-26-2007, 10:19 AM
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I hope everything that involves Alizée turns out to be successful. However, should this album not provide a continuation in her singing career, I would hope that both Alizée and Jeremy still have a happy, and succesful marriage together and that nothing affects that personal part of their lives.

Concerning staying with Mylene and Laurent, there is no guarantee that they could have provided Alizée with successful material either, as Alizée's second album did not do as well as her first. (Although I love the second album as much, personally). Whatever caused Alizée to separate herself from Mylene and Laurent, I only hope that it means a better life for her and her family, as that is what she must be thinking to have made this move. I'm sure she gave it considerable thought prior to making it, and consulted with others to get their opinions as well.

I would love to see her get into movies, personally.
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Old 02-26-2007, 07:16 PM
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Im clueless about the whole subject. If the rumors are true (which i think are not) and Alizee "broke up" with Mylene, then her next album better be good cause we all know tha quality of Mylenes lyrics and i sure as h*ll dont know the quality of Jeremys, so i just hope for the best and pray to the gods (all of them) that the formula works cause then we would have lots of Alizee in the future.

I personally think that they could work together (think they are right now) cause that would put both of them doing what they like most, sides, they will be together and thats a BIG plus...but Jeremy should stick to composing and Alizee in singing, the rest should be in hands of pros (like Mylene and Loui).

Just a thought...
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Old 02-26-2007, 07:28 PM
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u can find 17 songs of him on www.paroles.net

type in jeremy chatelain at the top and click "artistes". then you will see the links to the lyrics.
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Old 02-26-2007, 07:40 PM
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Don't quote me on this, but I'd think that most artists tend to write about their life experiences and what they have recently been through. Maybe to fall in Love with someone. Having a child and becoming parents for the first time. Leaving childhood and turning into an even stronger adult. I am a fan of this one artist for 14 years or so and there have been a few times that they have expressed their thoughts in a story for throughout the whole CD. Because every song was different you had to be a True fan to see that.

As loyal as we all are about Alizee, I'm sure that whatever is decided for her next album, will be more then accepted by all of us. Any insight that educates us about Alizee is all we could ask for.
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Old 02-26-2007, 11:03 PM
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Between Mylene and Laurent, which one concentrated on the choreography dance moves for Alizee? I know Mylene is given credit for the lyrics, so does that mean Laurent helped with dance, or did they both create song and dance for Alizee?
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Old 02-26-2007, 11:06 PM
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Mylene - lyrics and prolly dance
Laurent - music.
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Old 03-07-2007, 08:07 PM
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Im confused...i ve seen some of Jeremys videos on You Tube and i think are quite new. Isnt he supposed to be helping Alizee out? i mean, i think he has taken his own career more serioulsy. I have also seen Jennifer sing a duet with him...i wonder if Alizee is at home while Jeremys is out there working or is is the other way around. Hope they both pursue their dreams and fullfill them together.

Probably wrong yet...¿maybe im right?

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Old 03-08-2007, 04:01 PM
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I have no doubt with their A-type personalities and desire to succeed and be famous that they from time to time knock heads and argue.

It's a given that Jeremy and Alizee will have their differences but maybe they can work it out and give and take to make things happen.

If one does not sacrifice for the other then there will be trouble. Alizee seems to be very wise and mature for her age yet she says herself she is very strong-willed and can be difficult to be with at times.

I wonder who has the stronger will, Jeremy or Alizee ? I have no doubt it is Alizee, lol Just stay outta her way!!! That stare of hers could make me tremble and turn into a puppy
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Old 03-08-2007, 07:37 PM
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Yup Matrix, got that right. I would be mopping floors, cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, walk the dog, clean the windows...etc.

That stare...gives me the creeps in a good kind of way.
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Old 03-08-2007, 10:45 PM
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Question Before the shadow of B & G..can A & J succeed?

[QUOTE=DesertFox;30898]Im clueless about the whole subject. If the rumors are true (which i think are not) and Alizee "broke up" with Mylene, then her next album better be good cause we all know tha quality of Mylenes lyrics and i sure as h*ll dont know the quality of Jeremys, so i just hope for the best and pray to the gods (all of them) that the formula works cause then we would have lots of Alizee in the future.

I personally think that they could work together (think they are right now) cause that would put both of them doing what they like most, sides, they will be together and thats a BIG plus...but Jeremy should stick to composing and Alizee in singing, the rest should be in hands of pros (like Mylene and Loui)."

DesertFox- who is "loui"? D'you mean Laurent Bouttonat? Jerem efectively replaces Laurent- this is the biggest concern- the music by which Alizee became famous. Lolita was so liked by the producers of "A Good Year" -that it is that film's theme song- 6/7 years after it was a hit and recently publicly voted 3rd most unforgettable song in the last 15 years in Euro..

As for their careers, Jerem has limitations which have been much discussed elsewhere on these forums- he has had limited success compared to Alizee and this must be a frustration to him at least. Remember that Alizee does put her loved ones ahead of herself and this trait may be why we haven't seen her- she is sacrificing her career so that jerem can be more successful..I dont know for sure- none of us does- except Alizee and then, if she is being self-sacrificing she may not even realise that she is doing this. People who are in love do this. Also remember she has a little girl to raise and this, more than anything else, is an anchor to float any pop-star plans...especially if her husband is trying to get his career going and maybe unwilling to sacrifice that.. so you may well be right DesertFox.

Zack and rcs- Mylene is definitely Alizee's choreographer- just look at some of Mylene's concert choreography- both 1996 & 2006 at Bercy or the M6 "Otimistique Moi" dance- this clip was performed live (the music is mimed) but it shows her involvement and the moves are unmistakeably similar to what Alizee does (esp JEAM)- as are the designer clothes- the "poisson rouge" symbol/MiamMiam belt..others have shown the pics of Mylene's style proving that its entirely her work..

That also raises another point- currently Mylene Farmer is at the top of her popularity and creative form (at the age of 45!). She is receiving some critical acclaim and awards and was the seond biggest musically based earner in france- after Johnny Halliday. She sells out concerts quickly and has done duets with Seal, Moby and Dead Can Dance. She has filled some of the vacuum left by Alizee's departure from the Europop scene. The pop mags usually comment on her as Alizee's mentor and this leaves Alizee and Jerem in a "junior" position with serious credibility issues. They have to re-establish themselves with credible songs and sales.

That leaves not much room for error and I think is the main reason for delays in the release- they are trying to produce a killer album when they are both very young and relatively inexperienced in 'real' life. Referring to Machzero's comments, I think its clear A & J were spoiled with too much early success and may well fail in trying to find real inspiration which will touch the lives of ordinary people from their songs- so its doubtful that they can succeed. I think they must first fail before they can succeed. But this is a source of hope because that is what has already happened to Jerem if you look carefully at his career..but many other creatives have experienced this, including Mylene, before she succeeded.
Their first feature film "Gorgino" failed very publicly and spectacularly in the mid 90s.
A few years later B & G did succeed spectacularly with Alizee - yet MCE did not sell well and this is where there was a problem- with the record company refusing to continue with promotion after slow sales in 03. This was despite plans to release the double live album but the accountants still pulled the MCE promo money. The creative team 'break' had less to do with B & G but a lot to do with a tired young star looking for relief with a headstrong young husband and a recalcitrant record label..

Everyone should know about how tough being a popstar and constant touring, giving concerts can be.. and the strain of doing it as well as promo appearances/performances finally had an affect on Alizee in Le Havre where she broke down on stage and had to stop performing but the fans there were sympathetic and applauded her attempt to do the show, despite being sick(?)... Two days later she continued the tour..and this was not long after she was "married" in Las Vegas in November 03. Has there been any serious discussion of either incident in this forum? I've searched with no result- are AA fans here unaware of this history?
Perhaps aFrenchie can relate french cultural values?.
Its my understanding marriages undertaken outside france by french citizens are not regarded as legal and they have to re-marry in a civil ceremony. Besides its HUGE to marry away from family- its not nice for both families, famous stars or not..so what was the point of going to Vegas to marry? To thumb their noses at B & G/record label/fans? Or perhaps selfishness by Jerem- to do what others said not to..Look at the pic in "Voici"- Alizee is 'biting' her lower lip-a sign of anxiety?
One clue is that Jeremy is also a clothes designer with his own label-SIR SID- and the pics of the Vegas trip show Alizee wearing hiphop clothes and later dark tartans- recall the long dress with cocktail straps in ACC (over pants)? (And Jerem with a huge cloth flower on his lapel in that airport pic..?!)
Jeremy's mother had died not long before and Alizee's maman was close to her as business manager so it wasn't parental rebellion?..very peculiar-particularly when Alizee had a huge pink elephant in tow- whatever happened to adult transition in "Parler tout bas">>?..

If A & J do have the intelligence & sensitivity to achieve any sort of resonance with the french fanbase through their songs then they can re-establish themselves as serious musical artists even in the shadow of M & L-but Alizee has to also step up and create dance-moves like Mylene does and that can't be easy when you have a young child to raise...
If i were a spy looking for signs of imminent release, then I'd be looking at dance studios to see if certain private bookings were being made and dancers being hired/auditioned..but Paris is a big city..mebbe Rocket could advise- her hubby speaks french n'est pas?- they could check that scene out when in Paris..
Im not sure A & J can succeed at this stage of their lives because look at where their heads are at- they have a young family and Jerem has his priorities...which seem to be more about his clothing label than musical creation..look at what Jerem has had her dressed in-tartans n ties?? lol.. I dont think its a great look for Alizee. But she obviously wears it. And not just to hide the weight she put on when pregnant...hmm..But then again, i didnt like the Mylene dress "flasher" designs either. If Jerem is designing her clothing and having them 'embed' designer underwear -then Im not hopeful for their musical futures - because it indicates a willingness to succumb to commercial pressures. Which means no independant critical spirit which is at the heart of great modern music today, as ever.

responses anyone?
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