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Old 06-15-2019, 04:25 AM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
Maybe it was better stated that she doesn't understand why her following is so passionate. She once got a 35 page love letter from a fan. Perhaps she is uncomfortable with this level of attention and doesn't want to fan the flames by communicating too much?
If a single love letter from a fan really upsets Alizee, then she is not cut out to be a celebrity.

Alizee communicates way too little with her fans, as people here have pointed out. If nothing else, it is terrible from a business perspective.

There is no rational reason for Alizee to not communicate with her fans. It has to be some kind of mental hang-up--- there is no other explanation. We know she’s neurotic to begin with.
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Old 06-15-2019, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
If a single love letter from a fan really upsets Alizee, then she is not cut out to be a celebrity.

Alizee communicates way too little with her fans, as people here have pointed out. If nothing else, it is terrible from a business perspective.

There is no rational reason for Alizee to not communicate with her fans. It has to be some kind of mental hang-up--- there is no other explanation. We know she’s neurotic to begin with.

When Alizee was quite young, possibly 16 or 17, and newly famous, an interviewer asked her, "What was the most unusual thing one of her fans did?" When she mentioned the 35-page letter, she wasn't upset. She treated it as something humorous.

I believe that Mylene advised Alizee at the very beginning not to get too close to her fans because it was dangerous. There are instances where irate fans hunted down their idols and murdered them. John Lennon, Selena, Rebecca Schaeffer, and Christina Grimmie are examples. There are instances of fans breaking into their idols' homes, sleeping in their beds, bathing in their bathrooms, trying on their clothes, and eating their food out of the refrigerators.

If a star tried to respond to every fan that communicated with them, that would be a full-time job. It's, frankly, impractical. Famous people used to hire someone to respond to fan mail for them, but I don't think they do that anymore. The thinking nowadays is not to encourage fans to get too close.

Scruffydog went to Ajaccio to attend one of Alizee's birthdays. She was signing autographs for her fans. He asked Alizee to do something that would give special recognition to AAm. I don't remember what it was, but one of Alizee's crew advised her not to do that and she didn't. So as a policy, for her own safety and privacy, Alizee does not encourage fans. This is not a quirk of hers, but the general practice of the entertainment industry nowadays.

It is frustrating, but it is what it is.

I don't think Alizee is neurotic. One of her attractions for me is her natural, unaffected behavior. I think that her public persona is pretty much who she really is. Her playfulness, love of her family, reluctance to tell a lie and crying over a handmade gift from her daughter are all signs of a healthy personality. I like that she is not addicted to drugs or alcohol, does not spew obscenities all over the place, not a primadonna, or licentious. Granted, she is not perfect--I'm thinking tattoos--but she is the closest thing to an ideal that I know of.
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Old 06-15-2019, 12:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
I don't think Alizee is neurotic. One of her attractions for me is her natural, unaffected behavior. I think that her public persona is pretty much who she really is. Her playfulness, love of her family, reluctance to tell a lie and crying over a handmade gift from her daughter are all signs of a healthy personality. I like that she is not addicted to drugs or alcohol, does not spew obscenities all over the place, not a primadonna, or licentious. Granted, she is not perfect--I'm thinking tattoos--but she is the closest thing to an ideal that I know of.
Very well said.

She has imperfections. If she was perfect in every way I would think she was hiding something.
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Old 06-15-2019, 09:37 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Well, with regard to IG posts it looks like I’m just a wee bit behind...

Sometimes IRL gets, “complicated”…

So, what did we have?

Well, Alizée posted several “stories” on her “alizeeofficiel” IG page…

There were a couple of Jon Snow “pics”…

This was a well done little advertising “promo movie” for some “Daniel Wellington” rings, with Alizée’s favorite "puppy boy" in it. Sweet boy…

And the other was also a little Jon Snow movie…

Basically, this shot faded out into “hearts” and “pink mist”. It was really well done, and just about the cutest darn thing ever

Love it, brought a on “big grin” on an otherwise very grim day...

Then there was this “story” about Annily getting an award for her Mathematical “prowess”, which bebert057 so very kindly “caught”, and translated”. As always thank you…

Originally Posted by bebert057 View Post

today's Alizée story:
for those who do not understand French, it is a diploma awarded to Annily and 2 of her classmates for my third place of the Mathematics Olympiads of the Corsica region!
The "caption" on it tells you everything you need to know...

It goes without saying that Alizée and Greg, (and all the rest of the “clan”) are undoubtedly just way beyond “chuffed to bits” about this one, for it is no mean feat

=CleverCowboy;265528Now, maybe, we can see the direction that Annily is heading. There has not been any solid evidence that she was trying to follow Alizee's footprints and get into the entertainment world. Nothing of her singing or dancing. Instead, I predict college for Annily and a degree in the sciences... maybe computer science?
That would make a lot of sense, for if you take into account the “pool of talent” that already exists in the family, entering that field would give her access to a lot of knowledge and experience…

However, no matter the field she chooses, I get the impression that she will excel, regardless...

Johann Jacotey posted this shot on his IG page “flamingyo24”, of a really nice looking house…

I can’t tell from this angle if it is an “established” building, or if it is a “new build”, but, either way, this is pretty stunning…

Now, me being me, my “civil engineer” self would want to see the plans, just for “shits and giggles”, and I’d probably want to go “Olde Worlde Med” on it, with regard to the “windows”, “doors” and “roof”, but I love this one, it “speaks” to me. I mean, look at it’s location. It’s postal address would probably read something like “1 Heaven, Breathtaking, Paradise, Corsica”...

I really don’t want to see the “asking price” on it, for I'd probably "faint"...

What else?

Ah, Annily also posted a couple of things, so will drop them in her thread as per usual…

Apart from the above, and Jo Jacotey dropping a couple of things on his IG page, not a lot happening…

Y'all be well...


Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
When Alizee was quite young, possibly 16 or 17, and newly famous, an interviewer asked her, "What was the most unusual thing one of her fans did?" When she mentioned the 35-page letter, she wasn't upset. She treated it as something humorous.

I believe that Mylene advised Alizee at the very beginning not to get too close to her fans because it was dangerous. There are instances where irate fans hunted down their idols and murdered them. John Lennon, Selena, Rebecca Schaeffer, and Christina Grimmie are examples. There are instances of fans breaking into their idols' homes, sleeping in their beds, bathing in their bathrooms, trying on their clothes, and eating their food out of the refrigerators.

If a star tried to respond to every fan that communicated with them, that would be a full-time job. It's, frankly, impractical. Famous people used to hire someone to respond to fan mail for them, but I don't think they do that anymore. The thinking nowadays is not to encourage fans to get too close.

Scruffydog went to Ajaccio to attend one of Alizee's birthdays. She was signing autographs for her fans. He asked Alizee to do something that would give special recognition to AAm. I don't remember what it was, but one of Alizee's crew advised her not to do that and she didn't. So as a policy, for her own safety and privacy, Alizee does not encourage fans. This is not a quirk of hers, but the general practice of the entertainment industry nowadays.

It is frustrating, but it is what it is.

I don't think Alizee is neurotic. One of her attractions for me is her natural, unaffected behavior. I think that her public persona is pretty much who she really is. Her playfulness, love of her family, reluctance to tell a lie and crying over a handmade gift from her daughter are all signs of a healthy personality. I like that she is not addicted to drugs or alcohol, does not spew obscenities all over the place, not a primadonna, or licentious. Granted, she is not perfect--I'm thinking tattoos--but she is the closest thing to an ideal that I know of.
Shepherd, as always, respect for your “succinct” and “intuitive” interpretation of the situation…

Spot on, as always, “in a nutshell”…

The situation is, what it is, and all that remains is to put things in their “appropriate perspective”, and “adjust accordingly”…

Nopes, she is not perfect, and, has her “good days” and “bad days”, just like everyone else…

She is… very… human, which I find to be quite refereshing…

Just makes me respect her all the more

Now with regard to “distance from her fans”, as much as we may not like it, this is ENTIRELY appropriate, for there ARE some real “crazies” out there. Just go look at some of the “comments” on some of her videos or on her Facebook page, etc.

Do you want any of that type of “scum” getting any nearer to Alizee? The very thought of it makes my blood “run cold”…

So if it is between, say, "hypothetical situation", myself getting increased access to “herself”, or her being “appropriately secure”, then there is no debate, or anything to even think about

Her “security” and “wellbeing” is, and ALWAYS WILL BE, PARAMOUNT…

It sucks, I know, but it is appropriate…

She gets to have a life, live, love, be secure, and all that “good stuff”, unmolested, without having to worry about crazy fans…

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
Right now Alizee is comfortable and where she wants to be in Ajaccio. She can do an occasional event when she wants, has a pleasant social life, is famous without working for it. Has a new baby. Is financially secure. Her ego is not as big as most stars and doesn't need constant feeding. Why would she want to hit the road again?
That’s all that I wish for her, to be happy and just to do whatsoever it is that she wishes to do

Last edited by RedRafe; 06-15-2019 at 09:37 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 06-16-2019, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
If a single love letter from a fan really upsets Alizee, then she is not cut out to be a celebrity.

Alizee communicates way too little with her fans, as people here have pointed out. If nothing else, it is terrible from a business perspective.

There is no rational reason for Alizee to not communicate with her fans. It has to be some kind of mental hang-up--- there is no other explanation. We know she’s neurotic to begin with.
I think you're getting ahead of yourself in believing her to be neurotic. Consider that this situation (her lack of communication) is nothing new. She did it after leaving MF/LB, and she has done it over and over again after each album. She puts it out there, does a few performances and appearances, the album doesn't take, so she splits.

Lots out there want recognition, but few people really want that much "public eye" in their life. It can be deeply unhealthy. Unlike British rockstars or American celebrities, Alizée doesn't have the option of moving to another English speaking country to stay away from the mob of crazy fans. Even then, English speaking celebrities can go live just about anywhere because they have the money to hire English speaking staff to look after them and their affairs. For Alizée there's parts of Switzerland, Canada, and a few bits of former French colonies.

It's lucky that she's Corsican, and naturally she lives there now. As tempting as a record deal with MF/LB must have sounded to her in her teens, I doubt she wanted or was prepared for this level of fame. Of course, she has developed a strong affection for her fans, which can be testified by so many whom have had the chance to meet her. This lonely little forum has had multiple recorded personal greetings from her, thanks to Scruffy. Reading through his thread describing his last encounter with her at the dance studio, you can start to count how many times he speaks of her graciousness.

So while all of her albums contain a sprinkle of truth and stories from her personal life (and perhaps served as therapeutic exercises), there's no doubt in my mind that she mainly put these last few out there for the fans she knows adore her.

Gathering all of this, I see her as a person who struggles between her sense of privacy, her dreams and goals, and the connection she has with the fanbase. As much as I love and appreciate her efforts to continue her career and put an Alizée smile on our faces as only she can... it's a losing battle. We're never going to be more important to her than her own life, and we can't demand anything from her than what she is willing to give. I don't know about everyone else, but I don't want her to trudge down to a studio and put out an album without substance, without her magic. Being a fan of Alizée is a very unorthodox experience. Some here have even called it a cult. Therefore, we shouldn't be surprised that Alizée's career and her decisions are not part of some cookie-cutter popstar formula.

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
Scruffydog went to Ajaccio to attend one of Alizee's birthdays. She was signing autographs for her fans. He asked Alizee to do something that would give special recognition to AAm. I don't remember what it was, but one of Alizee's crew advised her not to do that and she didn't. So as a policy, for her own safety and privacy, Alizee does not encourage fans. This is not a quirk of hers, but the general practice of the entertainment industry nowadays.
I don't remember this, perhaps it was during an absence. Can you please elaborate Scruffy?
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Old 06-16-2019, 11:48 AM
imverynuts imverynuts is offline
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https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxgHcPI_Vq/ Alizee just posted that video in an instagram story.. I think she wants a family from now on first and I wish her all the best of luck.. It might be farewell to further music but that's a sacrifice we'll have to make if thi sis what makes her more happy
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Old 06-16-2019, 01:35 PM
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The lyrics of the following song pretty much express the experience and frustration of Alizee fans.



Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxgHcPI_Vq/ Alizee just posted that video in an instagram story.. I think she wants a family from now on first and I wish her all the best of luck.. It might be farewell to further music but that's a sacrifice we'll have to make if thi sis what makes her more happy
Today is Father's Day, at least in America. This doesn't tell me anything other than she is honoring Father's Day and Greg, who is a new father.

Last edited by Shepherd; 06-16-2019 at 01:35 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 06-16-2019, 02:57 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
https://www.instagram.com/p/ByxgHcPI_Vq/ Alizee just posted that video in an instagram story.. I think she wants a family from now on first and I wish her all the best of luck.. It might be farewell to further music but that's a sacrifice we'll have to make if thi sis what makes her more happy
Now, Alizee posted this “story” on her IG page, and it also turned up as a “story” post on the “_teamalizeegregoire” IG page, sooo, regard it as being “important”…

That is just such a cute little movie, showing off most of all the important people in her life...

The caption Bonne fete a tous les Papas, futurs Papas et beaux Papas” roughly translates as, “Happy birthday to all dads, future dads and beautiful dads !!!”.

You get the drift, yeah?

Sweet, wonderful, “little lady”, with a huge heart

Is it any wonder that we all adore her?

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
The lyrics of the following song pretty much express the experience and frustration of Alizee fans.


James Blunt - You're Beautiful

Oh dear god, Shepherd…

We are most definitely, “on the same page”, yet again…

Once again, you’ve “caught” it, “in a nutshell”…

Brings back a lot of memories, kind of “bittersweet”…

Best kind..

Last edited by RedRafe; 06-16-2019 at 03:05 PM..
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Old 06-16-2019, 04:13 PM
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Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
http://www.instagram.com/p/ByxgHcPI_Vq/ Alizee just posted that video in an Instagram story.. I think she wants a family from now on first and I wish her all the best of luck.. It might be farewell to further music but that's a sacrifice we'll have to make if this is what makes her happier
Well, it was incredibly sad to see something that was way too obvious to us who live in the northern part of the U.S. and that is the snow was too dry in order to clump together so Greg and Annily could have a proper snowball fight!

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Old 06-16-2019, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
and it also turned up as a “story” post on the “_teamalizeegregoire” IG page, sooo, regard it as being “important”…
Is that not just another fan account? Or am I missing something?
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