Very true! is dhfsdio vfsg I'm zzzzzz
I agree with Manni, the smaller venues might work better. I just found out that one of my indie-type friends knows and likes Alizée and so in the event of a show here in DC that makes 4-5 people that will go with me.
Ahh if I can't persuade my Alizée-tolerating friends to come with (they love her really!), then I may be driven to hijacking the family holiday.
So, Feraunger did have the 2nd version of the parody version too. I didn't see that before. If you missed it, you can get a link here: http://alizee-uneenfantdusiecle.over...-51088253.html Elie Semoun, Alizée "Moi...kevina"
Merci Fanny |
Awesome, epic! Goldfishgirl FTW!
the v is back |
Hey does anyone know the day this show's going out on yet? I know it's sometime this month but I'm just wondering if there's any more precise info on when we can expect it.
Thanks. |
Any news about? thank you