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Old 12-11-2015, 06:31 AM
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Still there at this moment.


Indeed. Perusing all the posts there, reading some of the post coments, I can't quite discern what that group is 'about'. I guess I'm missing something, as usual.

Last edited by Ray4AJ; 12-11-2015 at 06:38 AM..
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Old 12-11-2015, 08:22 AM
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Well my main point is they are promoting Alizée quite a bit, in fact, I'd say a lot more than any other site and that's something she desperately needs, especially if an album wont come before 2017 if it comes at all. In a lot of cases they say negative publicity is better than none but in the case of AIFC which I visit quite often, the "vast" majority of what gets posted is good material.
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Old 12-11-2015, 08:31 AM
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I have my own opinion about AIFC, and its not good. Many times they posted fake Alizee pictures, I mentioned the pics are fake and they deleted me. They cant accept negative comments, however they are true, ex. that her music carreer is (or can be) over.

Posting old pics of her and screencaps from videos is fine, but thats not the Alizee who she is now. And when you look on comments, you can see what kind of people are liking their group and page. Most people who see Alizée just like a beautiful sexual object, or who know her just from Lolita era. I doubt most of them know more about her.

Last edited by Lucas; 12-11-2015 at 08:38 AM..
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Old 12-11-2015, 10:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
her music carreer is (or can be) over.
Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
you can see what kind of people are liking their group and page. Most people who see Alizée just like a beautiful sexual object, or who know her just from Lolita era. I doubt most of them know more about her.
I think this may be why. Her music career with MF/LB was a once in a lifetime chance or opportunity which she chose (for reasons that we still don't 100% clearly know) to leave behind. Her music career with the J-man was exactly that, part of her marriage, of their relationship, something which deteriorated. Her music career on her own was tough. UEDS, 5, Blonde didn't do well at all and it just seems to me that she had had enough of being asked about Moi Lolita and MF at almost every interview.

When she took up dancing, being able to free herself from the music for a while, coupled with finding love with the G-man, it was the easy and happy way out. She gave Blonde a chance, and it didn't work. By the time the concerts were cancelled I'm sure she had already given up.

Yes, there are many of us who buy her albums and singles and collect things and take trips to see her, but there are simply not enough. Not from a business point of view at least, and there are too many of those ^ people Lucas mentioned. People who will Like a post, but not buy a concert ticket. And in the end Alizée is going to do what makes her happy. It sucks, it really sucks for the rest of us, but it appears to me that she might or might have already put her music career as well as the fans, the diehard fans, behind her.

I can't really blame her for doing what makes her happy. That's what life is all about. I'm sure she still appreciates us all, I certainly would like to still meet her one day, take a picture and get an autograph. Or ten.
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Old 12-11-2015, 11:28 AM
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There's still a lot I don't know about AIFC. When I first found out about them, I heard they had banned Fan Doki I think his forum name is for things such as what Lucas mentioned above cutting and pasting her pictures in a sexual manner. Then I think he was readmitted. I'm not sure what his status is now and there seems to have been some other feuds going on in the Facebook world; maybe some forums too, but from what I've seen, they've been doing Alizée a lot more good than harm.

No site is perfect and I challenge anyone to go to the AIFC page and look through all their posts ( and there are a lot of them) and tell me that overall, they are doing Alizée a disservice.

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Old 12-11-2015, 08:08 PM
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First of all, I think Fall's observations are probably accurate.

In recent weeks I've been wondering what benefit Alizée even gets from fans' promotional efforts. Maybe in a different universe with a different Alizée things would be different but with this Alizée what effect does it have? I've said before that most of the fan promotion is like a group of people trapped in a room together showing each other the same pictures and videos over and over. Then when Alizée shares something herself, the fans just show that to each other. Then the tabloid blogs make cute little articles about her posts too.

No amount of promotion is going to sell any more copies of Blonde. And it's too late for that anyway. So what's the point? Sure, we're in the middle of any possible album cycle so this would normally be a quiet time. Sure, fans interacting with each other can keep the dream alive.

My point ^^ : Fan pages and whatnot on social media don't promote Alizée. It's all just 'preaching to the choir.'

And I'm not specifically talking about any particular page or group or fan now. Alizée has not asked once for anyone to promote her. I'm sure she appreciates the gestures but probably long ago figured out that it does nothing for her.

Maybe constantly reliving her days working with MF and LB keeps fans enchanted. It doesn't seem to do much to drive purchases.

I think a forum can much better serve a new fan's quest for knowledge and create a deep interest in Alizée than any "Future of Fandom" Facebook page can.

New fans = more sales opportunities.
Lolita fans = more of the past.
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Old 12-12-2015, 03:09 AM
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Well a forum such as ours or like Alizee forum in themselves probably do little to promote Alizee for in order to find out about these places, you have to find out about Alizee first, but I feel Facebook is a very different story. I not only post things concerning Alizee on the AlizeeAmerica Facebook page, but I also share many of them on my page and I'm sure many others share them on their own pages where they are exposed to many relatives and freinds outside of her fanbase.

Now this exposure certainly isn't going to sell many albums or bring in a whole flock of fans, but it will bring in some fans and I feel that is very important in replacing fans we are losing. But the main things we are doing and they are doing is keeping a core base of fans close. If she saw the same type of thing that's going on in AF where fans have given up, going on in here and on Facebook, would there be any motivation for her to even attempt to put out another album? I doubt seriously if she needs the money and I'm sure she'll have enough work through Disney and other gigs to keep her satisfied. In other words if we give up, I think she will give up.

I don't want that to happen. After seeing the way interest in AF was dying, I had contacted Ray to discuss ways to keep interest up here and we came up with some ideas and luckily there has been enough from what we've been doing, but more importantly with what Alizee was doing to keep interest up. Back months ago when it looked like interest was dropping off in Alizee, I stumbled across AIFC's Facebook page. I couldn't believe the level of activity that was going on there and it's ongoing. I'm sure Alizee notices it and it must please her that there is still a lot of activity from her fans and I highly commend this site for what they are doing and I'm very thankful they are around.. If a risque photo comes out once in a while, it is usually the exception and not the rule

Now myself, I will probably be disillusioned if she doesn't appear in Les Enfoires (and not because I have tickets) because I love to see her sing and dance, even if it's not to her own music. It makes the wait between albums tolerable. I could wait 5 years for an album as long as she was in LE each year. Unfortunately I think once the DALS tour (I believe there will be a tour) dates are announced, Alizee will then determine whether she will be in LE or not and I'm not expecting a favorable outcome to that. Worst part of that happening is if it happens this january coming up, then there is a very good chance it will happen the following year. That could be a crushing blow for me and my following her,

But until that announcement is made, there's no sense in worrying about it. Will I lose hope is she doesn't appear in it? I'm not sure. I'm tempted to say that will be the last straw, but I find it hard to imagine I might just quit cold turkey one day. I think it might be a long slow fade to black. But until what happens, happens, I'm staying the course and doing my best to still promote her in ways that may not sell many cds, but hopefully, will help keep that core base of fans, close to her.
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Old 12-12-2015, 03:43 AM
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She can skip one weekend with Grégoire. I'm betting on her being in LE.
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Old 12-12-2015, 06:36 AM
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I'll touch on the DALS and Enfoires items in the Enfoires thread.

Getting back to AIFC.... Sure, Alizée might be aware of the group, but that doesn't mean she is impressed or even cares.

I tried that link https://www.facebook.com/groups/alizee.AIFC/ but this is all I saw.

I guess you have to give your life to Facebook to be a fan of the future.

Anyway I tried to cheat but the group isn't open and public.

It's closed and private. No Alizée for me. Nor for any people just curious to know more about Alizée. More promo points for the group. So I still can't see how amazing it is.

But on the regular page I saw photos that looked like they were personal photos lifted from private pages and not intended to be shared. Also some photos with Annily that Alizée never posted. Alizée has never posted a photo that shows her daughter's face. Why would a fan? Also proudly displayed are photos taken from other fan pages and sites and then re-branded with the AIFC logo. Maybe there are other things there, but this is what stands out to me.

They certainly are a prolific bunch. But sometimes quality over quantity is more pleasant.

Maybe I'm still wrong, but I can't get past the disrespect and attention seeking. And everyone in love with Lolita.

Anyway, the last thing I want to do is to tell anyone how to be a fan. This fan isn't interested in being a part of that. I've said too much already and I'm hoping that I don't let myself get drawn back in. Sorry for the interruption.
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Old 12-12-2015, 05:39 PM
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Last edited by alizeefan; 12-13-2015 at 03:47 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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