hey Ben... do you actually read these?
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |
Hey TDA. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking. Ben hasn't been busy in here for a while. I think the last time he logged in was November. Could it be he's reached that wall we're Alizee doesn't mean as much to him as she did years ago? Could be. If you look through some of the threads from years past, you see so many names of people who used to post, now you don't hear from them any more. I think in many cases, they wanted music similar to Gour and MCE and lost interest when they didn't get it witht the last 2 albums.
Or maybe it's a case if they did like the last 2 albums, that after so many years of Alizee, they started yearning for something new. I know Ben's been extremely busy with his work, so maybe it's a case of 1 of the 3 or 2 of the 3, but the thing we have to be extremely thankful for is that he has kept this forum going. For so long, I'm sure he paid more than his fair share of the burden himself. Lately I think that burden has lessened quite a bit, especially since we got rid of the video section, but we still owe him a quite a lot for what he has done and what he continues to do. We also owe MerciAlizee a huge dept of thanks for running this forum in his absence and I think he's done a tremendous job along with all the other mods and admins except for me who continues to be somewhat of a loose cannon. I enjoy this forum much better than AF and I'm tremendously grateful for Ben for keeping it going. |
I, too, own a web domain and I know just how much it is to keep it going!... But I also know that they need to be updated a lot (visually) to show a presence and entice new visitors.
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |
While I do like the red and black, I do agree that some more "fun" colors would seem a bit more alizeeish.
Until you guys put your money towards the site instead of merchandise you don't need, causes that make you feel noble, and some that is just thrown away you shouldn't complain at all.
As it is this site has to cut back on features and we are lucky to even have it at all. All you need to do is pool your money up like you do for other things and hire someone. This place could be or have anything you want with enough money. |
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |
You, Aaronius, Scruffy and Brian are over in the Les Enfoire 2012 DVD thread pooling money together right now. I have no problem with that, but you are the same guys (excluding Scruffy) who complain here and in the suggestion thread. You most of all. I understand that a donation to the site isn't gonna yield any visible results which is why few people want to and they'd rather buy merchandise. I mention Scruffy because he is able to organize and bring in lots of money for a common cause. He and I believe the site is very important and he could do something about it. If people really wanted change to this site they could pool together a large amount and know that it would have a specific purpose. But instead you guys are off getting Les Enfoire DVD's which are in my opinion completely irrelevant in comparison to this site itself. My point is don't be in here complaining about changes that require money when you are in another thread buying plastic. |
Seems like you are the one complaining. Anyone has the right to buy whatever they want, and we aren't ungrateful in making suggestions as to how thesite could be changed. Not once have I seen anyone make any suggestions ungratefully. Amd it doesn't matter if people donate or not, they don't need to donate to have a say in what "should" happen to this site. We run a democracy here, not some system where only the donators get to suggest any modifications to the features of this site. Plus, you can't even tell who donates and who doesn't, unless you are running off of some bias because of people you don't like. For all I know, you could be donating every month, but its not my business to know.
First, i think that this thread needs more visibility. I never saw a donation thread so well hidden in a forum before...
And second, it looks that some decisions need to be made. I have no doubts that many people here are willing to help with what they can, and that desire to help and improve the forum maybe could be better managed with a little more of communication. It is not an ideal situation that Ben can not log in that often anymore, because obviously the presence of an admin with power to change things that a majority of members would agree, would be a good stimulation not only for donations, but for increasing the number of people posting. This is just the opinion of someone who is quite new here but really likes this place.