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Old 03-16-2014, 04:03 PM
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I agree with everything Lefty said.
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Old 03-16-2014, 04:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
It's a very average song, sounding no different than anything that is out there.
Then go and make a better song for her... We just heard a short exract from it!!!! Come on... Average? Nothing in France is average. But what if, this song is average? If it brings her success, who cares?

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Reminds me a lot of when she said "never going to leave you" so many times in one of her songs. How many times will she say "blond" in this song? Is this the best they can come up with? You gotta be kidding me! Are they going to make once again the incredibly stupid mistake of leaving the two songs JJG wrote for her off this album?
She actually says "never wanna leave you"...
Who cares how many times does she say it? The song sounds great. If you don't like it, then don't listened to it. But you don't like anything either... Nothing is good enough for you, as far as I see.
Moreover... no one said that the new album won't include those JJG songs. Maybe one of them will be released as the 2nd single, when the album comes out.

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Old 03-16-2014, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Melle Katherine View Post
Come on... Average? Nothing in France is average. But what if, this song is average? If it brings her success, who cares?
OK I'm not defending Scruffy here ( not that I don't appreciate his imput as it seems to start debate ) but this hit a nerve. Well I remember when I was in Corsica.. I went to a clothes store a few times and got talking to the owner there. Well to get to the point, I asked the owner why they always played English music in the store and the reply I got was " because French music is shit. "

Haha well I know that's not really the case.. but all I could say was yeah ok.. except for Alizée's music! Well thankfully the reply I got was " Yes of course. " Anyway Alizée has not had much luck the last few albums as Lefty stated.. so I think it's time to just go out on a limb but saying that I don't think this single has any more chance of being a hit as any other song she has released the last few years.. hope I'm wrong though.

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Old 03-16-2014, 05:40 PM
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It's matter of point of view then.
I really do love France and French music. I live in Hungary, well... our music is really shit. But maybe for a not-Hungarian person it may sound special. For me, French music sounds special. Blonde also sounds special for me. I like it. Of course, she had several better songs musically...But this can be a hit.

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Old 03-16-2014, 05:40 PM
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I'm not sure how I feel about the short “preview" but I will say the repeated blonde part is the chorus right? So it's commonplace to hear something again and again. I did start humming after a couple of hours.

Also, anyone else think it kinda sounds like it came right out of the Wreck It Ralph soundtrack? I loved that movie
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Old 03-16-2014, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Melle Katherine View Post
It's matter of point of view then.
I really do love France and French music. I live in Hungary, well... our music is really shit. But maybe for a not-Hungarian person it may sound special. For me, French music sounds special. Blonde also sounds special for me. I like it.
Well it's always good to hear something completely different.. it can be magical at times as a whole new world opens up to you. Anyway I'm glad you like the new snippet and I'm sure the full version will be even better.

Originally Posted by Melle Katherine View Post
But this can be a hit.
Yes it can.. well she has faith and it seems she has armed herself to the teeth with the cross here.

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Last edited by Un-rêve; 03-16-2014 at 08:39 PM..
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Old 03-17-2014, 01:22 AM
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Hmm, interesting song ( or snippet of one). I'm with Lefty on this one though. It sounds very mainstream pop, and maybe that's the direction Alizée is heading toward- this time. I do have to say that I like the sound of it so far, and that's saying a lot, because I typically don't care much for "pop" music- precisely because it's too mainstream (which brings into question, why I'm even here in this forum in the first place- lol). Then again, there's pop, and there's Alizée. I'm here because of Alizée. My guess is that this album will appeal more to a younger audience- one not so familiar with her early songs. That said, let's give her a break people, and let's hear the whole song and the whole album. I have a feeling this album will be more popular than previous ones. I'm going to reserve additional commentary until the full song is released. As a relative newcomer, I'll have a few blunt opinions, and will probably piss off a few people- but that's the way it is- if anyone cares
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Old 03-17-2014, 02:19 AM
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GREAT start!!!

She has to grab the public. With this song she is attempting to do just that.

Don't worry. She is not going to somehow turn into a different person. However, where she has fallen short in the past is by underestimating how much effort she had to put in to get the public's attention.

This time she is not underestimating. She is firing both barrels.

I hope that this is a totally commercial album - one that get her the attention she needs to continue her career. I hope it is FUN, and danceable, and HIGH ENERGY, and mainstream, and makes the best use of her voice.

I hope people want to flock to her concerts and performances. They will if they know it will be a fun time.

Once she gets over the hump she will have options. Unless she does, it is just a matter of watching her fade. We have been there before and it is not a fun place to be.

I, for one, am looking forward to BLONDE!
--- pace e salute ---

Last edited by Rev; 03-17-2014 at 02:23 AM..
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Old 03-17-2014, 06:56 AM
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I have a question. Why are so many of you so concerned about the commercial 'success' of Alizee's recordings?

There are thousands of excellent musicians and singers all over the world who have long careers making music and who have their loyal fans but who never have 'top 10' or 'top 20 hits'. It does not prevent them from continuing to make music that some people enjoy and that they enjoy making. In fact I would go so far as to say that not bothering about major commercial success gives the artists the freedom to make the music that they want to make rather than some contrived piece of garbage designed to appeal to the masses. If we like the music then what do we care if no one else does?

I happen to really like Emmanuelle Seigner's recordings but she has never had a 'hit' and is never likely to. However she is releasing a new album at the end of this month and I am really looking forward to it. I don't mind that none of my friends have even heard of her. It doesn't prevent me enjoying the music.

So, I repeat the question: why are some of you so hung up about commercial success?
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Old 03-17-2014, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Panther View Post
I have a question. Why are so many of you so concerned about the commercial 'success' of Alizee's recordings?

There are thousands of excellent musicians and singers all over the world who have long careers making music and who have their loyal fans but who never have 'top 10' or 'top 20 hits'. It does not prevent them from continuing to make music that some people enjoy and that they enjoy making. In fact I would go so far as to say that not bothering about major commercial success gives the artists the freedom to make the music that they want to make rather than some contrived piece of garbage designed to appeal to the masses. If we like the music then what do we care if no one else does?

I happen to really like Emmanuelle Seigner's recordings but she has never had a 'hit' and is never likely to. However she is releasing a new album at the end of this month and I am really looking forward to it. I don't mind that none of my friends have even heard of her. It doesn't prevent me enjoying the music.

So, I repeat the question: why are some of you so hung up about commercial success?
I think this question has 2 answers:
1. There are fans who pray for a succes, but can live without it too.
2. Fans for who is the succes the only quality indicator. No success = the project is mistake (some people here can guess who I mean)

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