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Old 02-23-2013, 07:33 PM
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Alizée France is far-and-away the best place to read the latest news and AAm offers the friendliest atmosphere for discussions and what-not, so I rarely have the need to visit AF anymore. But hey, the more forums dedicated to our girl the better.
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Old 02-24-2013, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by lapinschous View Post
RMJ is a good guy. He was hanging-out with our very own Scruffy just last month. Besides, I could never get mad at RMJ. He brought me so many joys with his photos and videos of Alizee! We still love you, Ronny! (Please keep sharing.)

Originally Posted by texasguy View Post
Alizée France is far-and-away the best place to read the latest news
Yeah. AAM is like the red-headed member of the family. We always get hands-me-down!

Originally Posted by texasguy View Post
AAm offers the friendliest atmosphere for discussions and what-not, so I rarely have the need to visit AF anymore. But hey, the more forums dedicated to our girl the better.
Have you read some of the threads lately? Makes me curious what's going on in other forums!
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Old 02-24-2013, 12:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Jake04 View Post
Have you read some of the threads lately? Makes me curious what's going on in other forums!
Weeeeell alright it's not always pleasant here, but most of the bickering lately has just been about all the weird stalking stuff.

I just mean that I've seen some users treated rather rudely on AF before for no reason, and not a lot of that goes on here in my opinion.
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Old 02-24-2013, 01:16 AM
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Originally Posted by texasguy View Post
I just mean that I've seen some users treated rather rudely on AF before for no reason, and not a lot of that goes on here in my opinion.
Quoted for truth!!!

Originally Posted by texasguy View Post
Weeeeell alright it's not alwaysmost of the bickering lately has just been about all the weird stalking stuff.
This discussion has never gone away and never ends nice.. I like to think of it like a phase of fandom. I've noticed most of us at one time or another have had that 24/7 nonstop of her music, pics, and vids phase.... While most eventually grow out of it.....the others who don't become creepy in our eyes because we grew past that and they're still there living and breathing alizee..... as if there was nothing else to do. Some do come across as borderline stalkers and some as just a fan with too much time and nothing else to do. I've learned to just let them be unless I feel like having a good laugh.


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Old 02-24-2013, 01:35 AM
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Old 02-24-2013, 02:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Jake04 View Post
RMJ is a good guy.

Oh, no, no... not at all. That would be an insult to my (rather poor) intelligence. At AF he is rude, arrogant, and overreacts most of the time, insulting other members. I am sure that he is nicer in person, otherwise he would get punch in the face almost everyday here in Spain. (if he still leaves here...)

Any other member with that same attitude would be banned, but because he is a member who provides such excellent material to the fans, people prefer to look to other side and ignore that.

So basically he can do or say what he wants knowing that he will never be banned, anyway someone will delete later on the offensive messages and will clean all his mess. I admit sometimes is quite funny to witness those episodes.
Meanwhile, some members leave the forum because of him, but of course that fact is ignored, the reason for the inactivity of members and the lack of debate over there is only due to Alizée inactivity.

And that is why there are no more debates over there. In here there are some crazy topics sometimes, but there is nobody acting stupid and insulting by default.
But I never read anybody saying what I just said, so maybe I got it all wrong, maybe he is a role model for how everybody should behave in a forum board...

On a positive note, he provides us with excellent material all the time.
And I trust his judgements about Alizée, because I consider him very objetive. If she sings a song badly or if she does something stupid, he is the first to admit it and say it, and that is very good because in my eyes it gives him credibility.
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Old 02-24-2013, 10:08 AM
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ok before all this ends in "AF sucks because they allow RMJ to stay and its members are rude bla bla" I would like to add my two cents. I knew why I wasn't totally happy when I saw this topic. And originally I didn't really wanted to write anything here because I thought it might get nasty. I know that there were some discussions about AF on here in the past, even some members were talking bad about it (maybe also some ex-members) but I always tried to ignore that. Talking behind people's back is never nice. ok forget the last bit.

Ok I wrote my personal view about the difference between AF and AAm already over at AF so this is my general opinion about both places

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
oh I love leftys very kind and diplomatic post at AAm about this...

Well... when I joined AF in 2008 some people already were complaining a tiny bit that a lot of "old" members aren't here anymore but this was nothing against now... a lot of people left during Alizée's silence between Psychédélices and UEDS I think and now it's even worse but we also "lost" several members to AAm...

I don't really know why... probably because of some arguments caused by a few members... or simply because people don't really post anymore because it's so silent here... which sucks because it does only make it worse... it's a vicious circle... I mean sometimes even I am like "why am I doing all this anyway" because it's pretty dead in the German forum... sometimes it is really frustrating... I can understand of people say "why going here when I could have a lot more conversations at AAm?"

Personally I prefer AF over AAm because of several reasons...

I've been here nearly 5 years now and even if a lot of people are gone I made really good friends here and it's like a family to me. AAm is more... ok I'm currently torn between being brutally honest and being too polite to say anything... let's say sometimes they have a bit too less supervision in AAm, like Jordy said, sometimes you read a conversation and 3 posts later it's something totally different and you look at it and simply don't understand where this suddenly all came from.... and sometimes you just read a topic and feel like "ok.... you can over-analyse things"... and sometimes they (well some of them) are a bit too "crazy" for me, I'm sure they are all lovely people but let's say... AF is to me like this bunch of friends you know and even if you don't talk for ages - when you do it after months again it feels like there never has passed by more time than a couple of days... AAm is more like when you go to a party and have a more or less nice time and when the night is over you are just glad when you go back home... because you don't feel completely comfortable and you don't fit in because people know each other there so much longer and have their inside jokes and you just sometimes feel a bit out of place and stuff... but this is me. I'm not good in partying and I've been too long here at AF in my daily routine to get the hang of AAm.

So AF might be a little dead but as long as someone is still here I will be here too

ok was I too honest? I hope if the guys from AAm read this they won't kill me.
Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
ok but seriously I'm re-reading my post and it sounds that I didn't like AAm at all but that's NOT true....

What I love about AAm is their enthusiasm... sometimes I feel that we kinda lost this enthusiasm here a bit..
Ok and now about RMJ. yes, he can be rude sometimes and he swears a lot. I might not agree with his way to talk to people sometimes but it's the way he does it. You get used to it. He isn't a bad guy. I met him several times and he's nice. Yes it wasn't totally nice to him to talk to this member in this way and it's sad that he left. But Ronny got a point.... I remember this topic and this user really didn't write any valid post in this thread. Ronny has a very direct way of putting things but he was right. If that user is reading this I hope he won't be offended.

And talking about being rude... RMJ might be a bit offensive sometimes but... ok well I never really wanted to bring that up but sometimes you guys can be rude too, you know? Sometimes you start insult each other either even if you might only call it "bickering". You say that you are more allowed to express your opinions here but sometimes it seems that some of you overuse it. I won't say any names. But there are offensive people in every forum not only at AF. I remember a user here who always seemed a bit weird to me (well perhaps it was just me). He created a lot of topics and some were interesting, some were weird and some posts he wrote were just sick. He was that kind of person who could take a sentence you said - totally out of context - and turn it into something totally different. Or you were talking about something and he took the entire topic and made something totally different out of it. All in all he made you feel like a stupid idiot and when you tried to answer it was like fighting windmills, what ever you said he would take it and make something new out of it and more or less laughing about you struggling to get out of this shit - without losing your temper. Perhaps this was only my personal problem but I found THIS really insulting. And he was the reason why I was pretty fed up with AAm for a while because I already was angry when I saw his username. I don't know what the mods told him when I was so fed up that I finally reported one of his really offensive posts because I might make a fool out of myself really often, I endure a lot but sometimes it's just enough. I don't think he got banned (as being an admin myself I would probably would have banned him even if only for a while but yes he guys have a different way to deal with this... So to the admins/mods who read this: no offence guys!) But he also wrote really weird stuff about Alizée sometimes, even misinterpreted some stuff she said on purpose and this did upset me even more.

and now I wanna ask you - what is better? Because personally I find that the 2nd way to insult someone is a lot more offensive than the stuff Ronny does.

So if you mainly judge AF because of RMJ... well I don't know.

and if someone feels offended because of this post I apologise in advance but I just had to write this down.

but there are no "better" and "worse" fans. We might be in different forums but we all love Alizée.

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Last edited by Jenny_HRO87; 02-24-2013 at 10:13 AM..
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Old 02-24-2013, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
ok well I never really wanted to bring that up but sometimes you guys can be rude too, you know? Sometimes you start insult each other either even if you might only call it "bickering". You say that you are more allowed to express your opinions here but sometimes it seems that some of you overuse it. I won't say any names. But there are offensive people in every forum not only at AF.
I totally agree. There have been times when the bickering and personal name-calling and attacks have made me want to leave myself. But I guess every forum is somewhat vulnerable to these kinds of episodes.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
I remember a user here who always seemed a bit weird to me (well perhaps it was just me). He created a lot of topics and some were interesting, some were weird and some posts he wrote were just sick. He was that kind of person who could take a sentence you said - totally out of context - and turn it into something totally different. Or you were talking about something and he took the entire topic and made something totally different out of it. All in all he made you feel like a stupid idiot and when you tried to answer it was like fighting windmills, what ever you said he would take it and make something new out of it and more or less laughing about you struggling to get out of this shit - without losing your temper. Perhaps this was only my personal problem but I found THIS really insulting. And he was the reason why I was pretty fed up with AAm for a while because I already was angry when I saw his username. I don't know what the mods told him when I was so fed up that I finally reported one of his really offensive posts because I might make a fool out of myself really often, I endure a lot but sometimes it's just enough. I don't think he got banned (as being an admin myself I would probably would have banned him even if only for a while but yes he guys have a different way to deal with this... So to the admins/mods who read this: no offence guys!) But he also wrote really weird stuff about Alizée sometimes, even misinterpreted some stuff she said on purpose and this did upset me even more.
I believe I know of whom you speak. The mods were aware of his activities and he was permanently banned. I'm sorry this happened. I don't want anyone to be made to feel uncomfortable here.

Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
and if someone feels offended because of this post I apologise in advance but I just had to write this down.

but there are no "better" and "worse" fans. We might be in different forums but we all love Alizée.

And isn't that all what counts?
Speaking for myself, I am not offended at all and there is no need to apologize. In fact I pretty much agree with all you said.

And a note to everyone - let's not make this discussion about individuals and let's not mention people by name, especially if they can't come here and defend themselves.
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Old 02-24-2013, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Jenny_HRO87 View Post
Thank you for taking the time to write that post, it is very interesting and I have to agree with you in everything you said.
I was not attacking AF through my critics to one member. It is not like that, maybe I should kept that opinion to myself. When he said Alizee America was "full of idiots and americans" I felt like writing my opinion about him as a forum member, not as a person since I never met him personally.
I would like to add to my earlier post that I consider him one of the most important members of the Alizée comunity and as I said, I know that he is not the same guy in person than he is in the forums.
So even with his rude behavior I find him interesting to read him and the AF forum, I don't have any problem to separate both aspects.

I wonder if he is one of the people who can not come here to defend himself, I don't know if he is banned here or something, so I will leave it there after this post, just in case.
It is not about better or worse fans, it is about opinions. I understand the people who says he is a good guy, and I have my opinion about him, it is only that, an opinion, I am not a jugge.
I know that maybe I am annoying to some members too, I could take that, I won't insult anyone for thinking like that

I agree this threads are kind of "dangerous" in a way, and maybe not worthy the risk, but I have to say I like Jenny's post very much and I thank her for sharing her feelings
And of course, "AF does suck because RMJ" is far from the truth... AF is a great place in part because of him. My point was that the debates in there are not the same anymore because of his attitude sometimes... I don´t like to get insulted every time I say something he does not agree with, that is why I am only a reader in there. And I miss posting in the spanish section!
It affects only that aspect imho, not the whole forum!

Last edited by SpanishFan; 02-24-2013 at 01:50 PM..
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Old 02-24-2013, 02:38 PM
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Why do you think I wrote the comment that I did. It was sarcasm letting him know his view of this board and Americans in general didn't bother me and I could make a joke about it.

Two things you can do in response to comments like his is ignore them and don't give the person the pleasure that they hit a nerve or make a joke about it.

A couple of weeks ago Karin made a sarcastic comment in jest and all hell broke loose with a few members. If you've been here long enough and picked up on her personality you would have known she was being snarky.
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