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Old 11-26-2019, 08:46 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Well, lets see what’s happening in IG land…

<Speechless, again>

Jo, thank you, that was just a superb “shot”…

“Now our mornings look like this

<Gives a little wave to Maggy and Alizée>

An “Angel”, “blessed” with an “angel”…

Chambre avec vue”, roughly translates as “Room with a view”…

Now that is quite a view, right enough…

Alizée, you “crack me up”…

Hmm, now the “shark” in the picture could easily depict one of my “Ex’s”, as in the “one that danced a lot”, orrrrr, my “ex-wife”…

No, wait, I’m wrong…

It has to be that “Ex” that “danced a lot”, for the “shark” is not wearing a “pointy Witches hat”, and isn’t carrying a “Besom Broom”…

My bad…

But in a kind of round about way it brings me to this “post”, for both were “beautiful”, “batshit crazy”, (in a bad sense of the phrase), and highly “abusive”, “physically”, “mentally”, and “emotionally”…

Now, Jo posted this one several times, before the “little one” arrived, but I’m so “backed up” because of “work”, that I’ve only just got to it now…

Apologies, for the “timing”, but, it is an important message, and a “just” cause, and is one that is very “close to my heart” ...

We have seen this message before, round about the start of June of this year, methinks, June 3rd, when Alizée posted it on her IG page, but, I think the reason that Jo is posting it is because this is actually being posted on billboards in and around Ajaccio, now, from what I can gather from his posts…

Her caption to this post, at the time was, “Comme nous , dites NON aux violences faites aux femmes#basta cusì #3919”, which, roughly translates as “Like us, say NO to violence against women # bastacusì # 3919”. I think “basta cusi” translates as “just enough” or “that’s enough”.

As I said, at the time, “a message “straight from the hearts”, of probably my most favorite”, as it states on the post “Chanteuse et danseur professionnel”, Alizée and Greg...

Personally, I really have utterly no tolerance for this, whatsoever. Not in my own life, in my “family”, or “subordinates”, “never”, “ever”, “period”. It’s not “big”, and it’s not “clever”, and there is never ever an “adequate” excuse for it

Utterly no excuse, whatsoever…

As I also said before, “if you ever find yourself in that situation, show your “quality”, and just, walk away, please”…

The horrible “thing” is, and, this is a “thing” that often gets “overlooked”, is that it is not just “men” who are physically abusive to their spouses, unfortunately, it works “both ways”…

I put up with such abuse for about 15 years, until, finally, I’d had enough...

I made excuses for her all too frequent “outbursts”, her “peculiar little tantrums”, that very often “drew blood”, as in “mine”...

She was “stressed out”, from “pressures” at work, she was “tired”, she was “drunk”, it was somehow my fault…

Insert any “bullfuckingshit” excuse you like, but the fact was she was just “broken”, “crazy”…

What “sane” person continually, time, after time, after time, attacks someone who could literally "incapacitate", or even "kill" them, very very quickly, within seconds, even, and dares them, literally begs them, to retaliate…

Thank the Buddha I’m probably the most “controlled” person that you will ever meet, for if I wasn’t, she’d have been in a “hole in the ground”, and I’d have been in “prison”…

The “price” of my “freedom” was “everything” I/we had, which amounted to about 758K GBP, a house, and just about everything I couldn’t carry…

Best thing that I have ever bought, in my whole, utter, entire life…

Anyhow, so, regardless of who is doing the “abusing”, the effect is just the same…

A life of “pure living hell”…

Don’t suffer in “silence”, don’t just, “put up with it”, please, get help, do something about it…

Life, is just too short…

Y’all take care, be safe, and just generally be wonderful to each other, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 11-26-2019 at 08:48 PM..
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Old 12-01-2019, 01:39 PM
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Picture posted by Jo with a familiar face in the background.....

Jo Christmas 2019 Alizee in background.jpg
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Old 12-01-2019, 06:12 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Whats been happening in “IG land”?

Not surprisingly…

I like this room a lot. Looks “warm”, “safe”, and “tranquil”. Nice “colour scheme” and “theme”, plenty of “protection”, and it just generally gives off a “good vibe”. Needs more “Angels” and “Bears” though, apart from the little “angel” asleep in her crib…

Think that pretty much “says it all”…

Lucky, lucky guy. Againnnn…

<Hmm, thinks about the “late”, “late” nights, and “poopy nappies”>

Mhmmm… Lucky lucky guy…

Bébé Maggy’s "daily routine"…

Now, I must admit, the "teeny tiny" ones “terrify” me, so “small” and “delicate”, but, it looks like Johann has the situation “well in hand”, and is “doing just fine”…

Looks like he would make a good father...

Hmm, him next???

“Babe” and “Bébé”…

My two favourite “little Lyonnet ladies”, in the one place…

Sweet, sweet shot…

Sweet boy, guarding the “little important things”, in life…


Y'all take care, be safe, and please stay warm...
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Old 12-07-2019, 05:56 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Ohhh dear me…

It’s been a lonngg week…

So, what’s been happening on the “IG front”?

Well, just in case you missed ‘em…

Yeps, ‘tis getting very near “The Season” indeed…

<Speechless, can only smile>

“Pyjama all day”

Just, so sweet…

Balade avec papa” roughly translates as “Walk with dad”…

The bébé, Maggy, is here, as you might have noticed, and “life” at the Lyonnet residence “relaxes” into its new “routine”, and, by the look of things, based on what I can see, as parents, y’know, I think they are going to be just wonderful…

As always, y’all take care, be safe, and, just be “wonderful” to each other, ‘k…

Last edited by RedRafe; 12-07-2019 at 05:59 PM..
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Old 12-09-2019, 07:41 PM
imverynuts imverynuts is offline
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Man thanks Rafe I didn't catch some of those and stories eventually go away so your work here is really appreciated thanks!!
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Old 12-10-2019, 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
Man thanks Rafe I didn't catch some of those and stories eventually go away so your work here is really appreciated thanks!!
I agree with what imverynuts said.......Thanks Rafe!
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Old 12-10-2019, 08:40 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Originally Posted by imverynuts View Post
Man thanks Rafe I didn't catch some of those and stories eventually go away so your work here is really appreciated thanks!!
Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I agree with what imverynuts said.......Thanks Rafe!
Y’ welcome…

As they would put it where I come from, “nae problems”, I mean, you guys do put up with all my inane “waffling” and “musings” all over your forum, everywhere…

So, what have we got this week, so far, in “IG land”?

I have utterly no idea why I did not post this one last week, when I should have. Must have been havin’ an “outta my mind” experience, or somethin’….

Still looks like “paradise”, even at this late time of the year…

Ok, Alizée’s version of Maggy’s first visit to the dance studio…

Greg’s version of Maggy’s first visit to the dance studio…

Now, this was a “Boomerang” IG story post of Alizée pushing Maggy “back and forward”, and “baacckk and forward”…

But, it was the first “full body” Alizée that we have seen, in a while, methinks…

Hmm, just had a thought, could be a reason for this…

Wish some of the French “tabloids” or “news outlets” would “pick up” on the fact that ALIZÉE HAS JUST HAD A BABY…



Then we might see more of Alizée…

Greg and Maggy, and what was another “Boomerang” IG story post of her wriggling around on Greg’s chest…

She “cracks me up”…

“Retaliation” incoming…

Sorry, couldn’t resist that, it’s the “Season”. There may just be a Corgi or two, in meh house…

Or three…


Y’all be safe, take care, and just stay warm, ‘k…

<Steps back, into the shadows, and resists the tempatation, to break out into a “scottish accented” version of “Feliz Navidad”>
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Old 12-11-2019, 11:33 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
As they would put it where I come from, “nae problems”, I mean, you guys do put up with all my inane “waffling” and “musings” all over your forum, everywhere…
I also have to say Thank You for picking up this thread and keeping it updated.

We are used to your musings already, so don't change a thing.

The entertainment value is very high for your picture captions.
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Old 12-12-2019, 01:09 PM
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An amazingly beautiful picture.

alizeeofficiel Perfect.

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Old 12-13-2019, 07:42 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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So, IG posts?

Lets see…

“World’s Best Dad”

Kind of “says it all”, doesn’t it…

Respect to Greg, for his beautiful bébé daughter, Maggy, his "talent", and, the fact that he has the “love” and “support” of one of the most beautiful and talented women, that I know of, Alizée...

Seriously, he must be doing something right…


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
An amazingly beautiful picture.

I will admit to being absolutely “stunned” when I first saw this picture…

“Shocked” into an utterly “numb”, “inert”, “expressionless”, silence…

But not in a bad way…

There is a “phrase”, from one of my favourite series of novels, “Dune”, and that phrase, an “exclamation”, is “Kull wahad”. Now, in arabic, it means “every one”, I think, but, in the book, it translates as “I am profoundly stirred”…

I was indeed “ profoundly stirred”

It felt as if I had just witnessed the “hand” of one of the “divine”, at work…

I was seriously awestruck…

I could almost sense the “hand of karma at work”…

And that may have been why I was here, at this forum, in the first place…

To witness this, and I’m not sure if it was a good thing...

Or a bad one…


Yet again, I’m amazed by the “cold”, “hard”, fact that I have utterly NO defences against this "little lady", whatsoever...


She is total utter “Kryptonite”, to the RedRafe, which slightly worries me, no end…

There are 3, possibly 4 women on this whole planet, that affect me this way...

Two, I have already met, and barely “survived”. Now, I must admit, they were both wonderful to/for me, far more “wonderful” and “beautiful” than I deserved, honestly, and it was “fun” beyond all belief, but there were various serious reasons for us not being together, at that time in life, most of them “career” based, so most regretfully, we had to part…

I know where these two are, so, I don’t have to “worry” about “weathering” another “tussle” with them, which I probably wouldn’t survive…

Now the the 3rd, as we know, is very happily married to her utterly talented, “disgustingly” cute, “frenchiedancerboi” husband, who she adores, lives on Corsica, which is half a world away, annnddd, furthermore, doesn't even know of my "existence"…

So, y’know, It looks like I’m totally safe, from that one, and am in no “danger”, so to speak, "immediate" or "otherwise", from her, at all…


Well, dang…


So, where was I?


Alizée, she is indeed, “Perfect”…


As are you, “Little Corsican girl”…

<RedRafe decides to step back into the shadows, before the “Frenchiedancerboi” Ensemble, and, the local chapter of the “AlizéeFanBoi Legion Internationale”, “get their “act” together”, and start “breaking out” the “torches” and “pitchforks”>

<Snaps off a “cutesy little wave” to Alizée and Maggy>

Y’all take care, be safe, stay warm, and, if you encounter anyone that has the Flu, just, RUN AWAY...

Last edited by RedRafe; 12-13-2019 at 08:42 PM..
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