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Old 08-27-2011, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
I have no doubt that Euphoria is being sincere about her feelings on this subject and I respect her right to her opinion. I simply don't agree with her take on it.

But having said that, let's remember to keep our disagreements respectful.
I'm wondering where her "being offensive to other members and making unfounded accusations" infraction is. You gave me one for much less. It's interesting how you simply don't agree with her but immediately delete what I say so there is no evidence then give me an infraction and don't explain why you did it.
Old 08-27-2011, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
So Scruff, what's the next plan of action?
Well at this point, me and Brian01 feel it's just best to wait and give this last attempt a chance to work. Our last 2 attempts to contact her were through e-bay, but that was after the auction was over and it's possible that because it was over, she was no longer reading messages from e bay customers.

We used a different link this time, one I will reveal at a later date for what I think are obvious reasons. I'm quite confident it will be read, but it may not be read before Alizee gets back to Paris. It looks like from the picture that was posted recently, which looks to be a "recent photo", judging from her tan that she has been there a while and I doubt if she'll return to her home away from home, until at least the beginning of september.

A week ago I had second thoughts about not contacting her until she got back to Paris, thinking before that she wouldn't want to mix this type of business with vacation, but then I thought while she's down there might be the perfect time to get this done. If feathers had been ruffled between her and the Jean Baptiste family or the charity collecting money for him, this might be the perfect opportunity to smooth things over by giving our modest donation to the family, but there were difficulties in our (forum members) communicating back and forth, discussing what should be said and then getting the letter translated. So it wasn't until yesterday that we were able to post the letter and it's probably too late for this to happen while she's in Corsica.

So now we wait. I'm sure she'll get our message. It may not be until she gets back to Paris, but she will get it. If she does not respond, it will be for a reason. We'll then move on to our next plan and that is to somehow get our donation directly to the family.

I would like to post a message on their wall, but when I go to the J-B facebook, I see no way of posting a message on their wall. If someone sees a way, I'd like them to pm me. But actually this is probably not a very secure way of getting this done. I think probably the best thing for us to do at this point, would be to just send a check to the father's restaurant, an idea I'm liking more and more as I think about it. Question is, weill he accept a donation? That's why I'd like to contact the family first. We could also maybe get Corsicajaccio to deliver a message to the family, explaining what we'd like to do and asking them to contact us, but that has risks. So sending a letter to the restaurant, at this point is a plan I'm in favor of at this point. A way that I think we can find a way to make it a secure transaction, but I will listen to people's suggestion. I still have to discuss with Brian what his thoughts are too.

So please post your comments or ideas in the forum or pm me or Brian01. We'll probably wait about 2 more weeks, to give this last letter a chance to work before we try and contact the family, setting a target date of september 10. By then we'll have figured out how we'll contact the family and what we are going to say.

By the way for those who might have thought that after being removed as sponsor, Alizee might no longer want anything to do with this charity, a pm was sent to me where apparently she made another very recent visit to this family. So I'm sure she still believes strongly in this cause.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 08-27-2011 at 07:08 PM..
Old 08-27-2011, 09:42 PM
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That's 2 more weeks for people to bicker and fight in this thread too. We should make a [Discussion] JB Donation thread where people can discuss ideas and close this one until it is needed.

Last edited by User22; 08-27-2011 at 09:44 PM..
Old 08-28-2011, 02:47 PM
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Originally Posted by HelixSix View Post
I'm wondering where her "being offensive to other members and making unfounded accusations" infraction is. You gave me one for much less. It's interesting how you simply don't agree with her but immediately delete what I say so there is no evidence then give me an infraction and don't explain why you did it.
It's not really that surprising. It can be difficult to make a post on here speaking your mind because inevitably, someone will call you rude and disrespectful. To be honest, if people are that easily offended, they should be locked in a padded cell so no one can irritate their delicate sensibilities.

This whole deal is becoming creepy and almost stalkerish. I really hope none of you went through with contacting her parents or brother. It's an invasion of privacy and you have no right to contact them. The fact that people would even consider it just boggles my mind.

Also, by stating that you want to donate because you want to thank Alizee sounds really bad. You can't just donate to a cause that's close to her heart? She doesn't need donations or a special thank you every time she does something nice for a fan. A simple card or letter will suffice - hell, I'm sure she is appreciative enough that you bought so many CDs and flew out to have them signed. It just seems that you only want to help a charity or donate to something Alizee is involved with to get attention.

Lastly, a simple way to do this would have been buying the toy for double, triple, quadruple whatever it was going for at the time. This is a family, not some big charity organization you can just call up or email and donate, I'm sure they'd like to keep a sense of privacy.
Old 08-28-2011, 03:44 PM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
I have no doubt that Euphoria is being sincere about her feelings on this subject and I respect her right to her opinion. I simply don't agree with her take on it.

I respect her right to an opinion, though I have no respect for her.

Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Lastly, a simple way to do this would have been buying the toy for double, triple, quadruple whatever it was going for at the time. This is a family, not some big charity organization you can just call up or email and donate, I'm sure they'd like to keep a sense of privacy.
That's easy for you to say seeings how you're to cheap to donate one red cent. We did the best thing that could be done to raise the most amount of money for this cause. We raised as much as members could afford to donate, which left the toy to still be auctioned off to raise even more money.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 08-28-2011 at 03:50 PM..
Old 08-28-2011, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
It's not really that surprising. It can be difficult to make a post on here speaking your mind because inevitably, someone will call you rude and disrespectful. To be honest, if people are that easily offended, they should be locked in a padded cell so no one can irritate their delicate sensibilities.

This whole deal is becoming creepy and almost stalkerish. I really hope none of you went through with contacting her parents or brother. It's an invasion of privacy and you have no right to contact them. The fact that people would even consider it just boggles my mind.

Also, by stating that you want to donate because you want to thank Alizee sounds really bad. You can't just donate to a cause that's close to her heart? She doesn't need donations or a special thank you every time she does something nice for a fan. A simple card or letter will suffice - hell, I'm sure she is appreciative enough that you bought so many CDs and flew out to have them signed. It just seems that you only want to help a charity or donate to something Alizee is involved with to get attention.

Lastly, a simple way to do this would have been buying the toy for double, triple, quadruple whatever it was going for at the time. This is a family, not some big charity organization you can just call up or email and donate, I'm sure they'd like to keep a sense of privacy.
I am not going to say you are right or wrong but I will ask you a question Euphoria. Even if someone does a good deed .... does wanting it to get noticed negate the good dead; is it not human nature?
Even "if" what you say is true, I still think the members funding this are doing a good deed.


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 08-28-2011 at 04:17 PM..
Old 08-28-2011, 04:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Future Raptor Ace View Post
I am not going to say you are right or wrong but I will ask you a question Euphoria. Even if someone does a good deed .... does wanting it to get noticed negate the good dead; is it not human nature?
Even "if" what you say is true, I still thing the members funding this are doing a good dead.
Basically, yes. That's not being selfless, it's being totally SELFISH.
Old 08-28-2011, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Euphoria View Post
Basically, yes. That's not being selfless, it's being totally SELFISH.
You are right there .... but there is no such thing as selflessness!
And what do you mean by basically, its a yes or no answer!


Last edited by Future Raptor Ace; 08-28-2011 at 04:24 PM..
Old 08-28-2011, 06:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
That's 2 more weeks for people to bicker and fight in this thread too. We should make a [Discussion] JB Donation thread where people can discuss ideas and close this one until it is needed.
I might just have to go through with this plan if people can't stop raging when the donators are trying their best to get the deal sealed...


Closed until further notice. Please PM Brian01 or Scruffy if you need anything or have any ideas.

Last edited by User22; 08-28-2011 at 06:48 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
Old 09-16-2011, 08:13 AM
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A quick update!

The check for Jean-Babtiste was mailed out this morning at 9am. It was mailed to the father's restaurant in Porticcio. The check was made out to the Toinou Renucci, the father of JB. It was sent first class registered, so he'll have to sign for it and they estimated 8 to 10 business days until it is delivered. We thought we'd be able to make out a personnal check in euros, but after consulting with the bank..................again, we found the check had to be made out in U.S. dollars. Well we had about 1,400 euros collected and converting that to dollars gave us roughly $1,920 dollars. We thought it was best to round that off to 2,000, so that's how much the check was made out for. Hopefully the U.S. dollar doesn't go down any more before the check is cashed.

We will pm the tracking number to all who donated.

Now it's time to wait and see if the father will accept it. We have no plan at this point with what to do if he doesn't'. Alizee has already thanked us for making a donation, so we feel we have to find a way to get this done. No sense in worrying about it at this point, though we will be mulling it over from time to time..

We'd like to give Bigdan a great deal of thanks for helping us translate some of our letters. We believe he was if not against this idea, certainly not in favor of it, yet he was still gracious enough to do what he did.

We will update this thread whenever the letter is received and hopefully when the check is cashed and if we are contacted by Mr Renucci.

Here is the translation of the letter we sent with the check, some contact info was deleted from this copy of the letter to protect our privacy:

"Bonjour Mr. Rennuci.

I'm a member of a forum called AlizeeAmerica. We are fans of the beautiful Corsican born French singer Alizee. We have fans from many places around the world, including, France, Sweeden, Ireland, India, Canada, Italy, Spain, England and of course America.

Last year, Alizee did the members of this forum a favor, that we have since been looking for a way to repay.

A few weeks ago, we heard she was auctioning off a toy to raise money for the Un sourire pour Jean-Baptiste charity.

Another forum member (Brian) and I came up with an idea to raise money for this effort. We decided not to bid on this toy, but to make a separate donation, so that the toy would be sold to someone else, thus earning more money for Jean Baptiste. We ran into some difficulties in getting our donation to this charity, probably due to language differences between our two countries, so we were not able to make the donation by the time the toy auction finished and in the way we had originally planned, so we decided to mail our donation directly to you.

We would be happy and honored if you would accept this small donation from the members of AlizeeAmerica for Jean Baptiste.

Respectfully yours.
David Hardy"


Thanks Brian. Once again I'd like to commend you both, and everyone who donated, for putting so much of your time and effort into seeing this through.

"In any case, being sexy includes being natural. Anything can be sexy, except vulgarity." - Alizée

Last edited by Azhiri; 09-17-2011 at 12:45 AM..
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