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Old 07-13-2010, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
No, I am on mobile everytime I am on ths site! And it works 100% well! Do not, for the love of Alizée, make it optimized for mobile! And that is coming from me, the guy known for using this site almost exclusivey via mobile! It could screw it up terribly! I have never had a problem with zooming or anything! Though I have to scroll around a bit to see some stuff, it's not at all a problem! Don't fix it if it's not broke! And trust me, it isn't! I have tried going to forums optimized for mobile, like TDG and KatyPerryForum, and they SUCK! This site is perfect. Defintely easier than any mobile optimized site. It looks exactly how it on pc, except I have images/avatars/signatures turned off. You can do that if you care to. Ít's exactly the same on mobile as pc, no problems at all. Creating a mobile version would just cause problems. The only problem I have had is being limited on characters for typing things like responses. But that happens everywhere, including mobile-opped sites. It's the phone's small memory


If you optmize for mobile, it limits you to ONLY being able to read and respond to threads and pm's. That's how tdg and Katy Perry's work. You can't view profiles, search, chat, see galleries, anything. Optimizng this site for mobile would be a terrible mistake. It would cost money, it would ruin this perfect site. Please don't try to optimize it. If anything, you can view a low-fi version of the site by clicking the 'Archive' link at the bottom of every page. That's pretty much a mobile version. Try it, and tell me if it actually is better. Because trust me, it won't be. I just hope that when the layout of the forum is changed, ben doesn't make it have a bunch of graphics. That would make it suck on mobile. Seriously. Just let it be.
Well...that knocks the socks off my idea.

Whatever...fine don't do a mobile site. Personally zooming and scrolling is annoying. But Whatever.

The main idea here is to create an app. So become a registered "something or other". Then find someone who can use iPhone SDK Then Publish it.

The hardest part is to find someone who knows SDK really well. I don't know how good it is or anything, but I would do it given the know-how and all. So give me the know how.


Looks pretty complex. You need some knowledge of Objective C and SDK. I don't know what those are. I am taking a class next year on some of that stuff. So pass.

Last edited by BlackAnthem; 07-13-2010 at 06:06 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 07-13-2010, 06:55 PM
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Your last comment was asking ben to make a mobile version of the site. That's a heck of a lot different than an iphone app. I think the ipohone app idea is kind of superfluous idea, but not a bad one. But making a mobile version of this site is. It is the worst idea I have heard suggested for this site ever. And. Have heard some doozies.
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Old 07-13-2010, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
Your last comment was asking ben to make a mobile version of the site. That's a heck of a lot different than an iphone app. I think the ipohone app idea is kind of superfluous idea, but not a bad one. But making a mobile version of this site is. It is the worst idea I have heard suggested for this site ever. And. Have heard some doozies.
And I was talking about the mobile site. Then I started up about the app.

AND You think the app is superfluous? I think it's the most reasonable idea on this site.

And it's the worst idea ever, huh? Give me SOME SOLID REASONS that aren't opinionated why it's a bad idea.

Agree to disagree?
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Old 07-13-2010, 08:44 PM
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Of people who don't use the site via mobile web or corse aren't going to have an opinion, because it doesn't matter to them in the slightest. I use this site almost exclusively via mobile, because the two hours time I get at the library have to be used for other sites that completely suck, or don't even work on mobile. My opinion matters most here of anyone's. Unless there is another user who visits the site via mobile at all. And if you, (do you?) then your opinion matters as much as mine. And you are perfectally welcome to post it, that's the point of a forum. But I already explained why it would be a bad idea. 1- no chatting. 2- no profile viewing. 3- no subcribed thread viewing. 4- no image viewing. 5- though mobile optimized sites are more streamlined and straight up linear, they're more complicated to navigate. They show up as a long list of blue links on a black background. Serously, go to katyperryforum on mobile. Tell me if it's simple. 6- quotes aren't highlighted, so it's hard to tell where theyend


The app idea isn't bad, just superfluous. Why make an app to visit a website? Use the web app to visit it. Now, if you ask people to pay for it, then it would be the worst idea ever. Why pay 99¢ to visit a site you can visit for free via the web app? It's just not logical. Maybe if half the proceeds went to donateions for the site. But still, do we really have enough members active here, let alone that have an iphone/ipod touch than they can cover the costs of making the app? I mean really, even if all 60 or so active mebers here had an Iphone, which they certainly don't, it still wouldn't cover the costs os making the app. $60 is not a lot. And then, let's say closer to 20 people (most likely less than that) have an iphone, you only get $20 reimbursed.
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Last edited by VVVACCPLPNLY; 07-13-2010 at 08:44 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 07-14-2010, 01:41 AM
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I agree with VVV, why not just make a mobile version of the site so it is easier to access besides having to zoom in like crazy to get to and read stuff.

An app wouldn't do anything....if we had videos that app would be about 1GB if we had just 10videos on it. It is not the WORST IDEA EVER, but it is pretty pointless....like what would the app even do that the site doesn't?That is the real question...
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Old 07-14-2010, 01:51 AM
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*facepalm* No, I said make the app if you want to spend the money. But I think aam'ers have spent enogh money on practically nothing as of late anyways. I said don't optimize the site for mobile. If you want to see what that's like, click the archive link at the bottom of the page. Tell me how useful that is...
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Old 07-14-2010, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Aaronius31 View Post
I agree with VVV, why not just make a mobile version of the site so it is easier to access besides having to zoom in like crazy to get to and read stuff.

An app wouldn't do anything....if we had videos that app would be about 1GB if we had just 10videos on it. It is not the WORST IDEA EVER, but it is pretty pointless....like what would the app even do that the site doesn't?That is the real question...
Ok. Don't make the app. That's agreed on. But said VVV is for the mobile site when he (or she) isn't. VVV went off on me when I brought up the idea.

And you're right what would the app do the site doesn't?

If we can answer that then we have a reason to go fourth!
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Old 07-14-2010, 10:59 AM
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Roflmao... First, yes, I am a guy. Second, I didn't go off on you. If I was mad, I'da used a face to illustrate it. Third, I completely agree the app idea is redundant. It wouldn't do anything the site can't on web. I never said I agreed it was a good idea. I am not at all for the idea of making a mobile version of the site for cell use only. Seriously, click the archive link at the bottom of the page. That basically is a mobile version. If you want a mobile version of the site, click here. Vbulletin, being the awesome software it is, come with a built in mobile version. THough, just like any mobile site, it is extrememly limited in functionality. There is no need to bother Ben about making a mobile version of the site if it already exists anyways.
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Old 07-14-2010, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
Roflmao... First, yes, I am a guy. Second, I didn't go off on you. If I was mad, I'da used a face to illustrate it. Third, I completely agree the app idea is redundant. It wouldn't do anything the site can't on web. I never said I agreed it was a good idea. I am not at all for the idea of making a mobile version of the site for cell use only. Seriously, click the archive link at the bottom of the page. That basically is a mobile version. If you want a mobile version of the site, click here. Vbulletin, being the awesome software it is, come with a built in mobile version. THough, just like any mobile site, it is extrememly limited in functionality. There is no need to bother Ben about making a mobile version of the site if it already exists anyways.
wow ur right the mobile site is awful!
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Old 07-14-2010, 11:17 AM
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Like I said, images can't even be dl'ed, let alone viewed, quotes don't stand out, smilies show up as their text code (fine for and and and ), and the only thing you can do is view threads. Oh, and the topics have to order to them.
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