This thread should probably be un-sticky-ed because while still welcome and appreciated, donations are much less vital these days since switching to the new server. No one should feel pressure or obligation to donate.
I'd be happy to hand full control of the site over to MerciAlizée, if that's what he and everyone wants. I honestly don't have time to update it. Though I need to keep the server, so he'd have to set something up himself and then we'd transfer the data. In any case, a HUGE thanks to him for running the place in my absence. |
I think we all would benefite if someone who can log in the web quite often had "full powers".
Thanks to Ben and to the people who dedicates time and effort to this place.
I know how balancing life and work can be busy. I am doing the same, and balancing school. However, thanks to you enabling the tapatalk app for this forum, I have privileged time to browse and post from my cell phone and tablet devices. I think MA would be a great candidate for taking control of the forums! He's online a lot. However, I think running a site and a forum should be more of a team effort and not just a 1 person deal... Now that you are considering recruiting MA, I think you should try to recruit some other people too, like Scruffy to get a team of, at least 3, going. Otherwise, when MA gets busy we're all just going to be in the same boat again until he is "unbusy" ... but with 3 or more people the problem is less likely to occur.
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |
I'd be happy to move everything over to a server that Merci owns, though, if he wants. Then he'd "own" the site and everything on it, and can add admins, mods, and staff as he sees fit (actually he can already do this. The only thing he can't do is change the non "forum" pages, like the front-page or podcast). |
If that is the case, then I suppose it's a win-win to just transfer the server data to MA on another server that he owns if he is up to it... And then he can control the site and forum and appoint his own staff, mods, etc. and everything.... Are you really considering giving up your site?
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |
Hey Ben! Long time no see!
I have only been here for about 6 months (3 months before that as a guest)... so the lili bug has not worn off me yet... lol
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |
I haven't heard from Brad is almost a year. Know he's busy raising a family.
I'll still be around when Alizée releases new material, and helping with the site when I can. Edit: Hi, Brian! Last edited by Ben; 02-21-2012 at 01:13 AM.. |
Okay cool!... just don't go away! it's hard enough to get more people in here to start losing site owners and such! ha!..
hey... while I have your attention... what's up with the Shop? ... it looks like it hasn't been update for a long time... who is behind it and is there any chance of designing new materials and redoing the shop?
Car je suis fou de toi... Quand tu n'm'appartiens pas! - Alizée, Dis-Moi, Les Enfoirés 2009 |