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Old 05-20-2013, 11:32 PM
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I still love you alizeefan.


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Old 05-20-2013, 11:50 PM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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Originally Posted by Un-rêve View Post
I still love you alizeefan.

Awwwwwww !

I love me too !
hahah jk love ya too Un


Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
@alizeefan It's funny how you say they're the arrogant ones for not accepting your, quite frankly, rather flawed point of view, yet you don't acknowledge anyone else's.
First let me point out you seemed to miss where I was called arrogant first by Eubabyformula is the only reason I tossed the arrogance back upon those who drew first blood with it . Whoms post above that claimed they were done an wouldn't reply anymore . . . You do realize how arrogant that is ?

Please explain then why those who were the first above to use the arrogance title upon me , who admit they are wrong . How does this make me arrogant ?

Fact - the last argument for instance - arrogance above claimed no one works for free - yet I point out not only her husband probably worked for free but some friends too , so to you that's a flawed point of view ? How so whitefeather ? Eubabyforumula even admitted I was right and still turned it into some hatefest . . . That makes me arrogant eh ? I think you too have loyalty to others without reading the facts ma'am .

Question two - How is it me being the arrogant flawed point of view one who actually does take the time to respond with facts such as - if as they say she is broke and career is over ( its right up there ^ in case you missed them saying it or if you need I can quote them in your next reply to point out where they said it here as well I can quote in other replies they made at different topics for years now ) and they have said in the past . Yet here we are again same old non-sense of she is broke , spends too much on shoes and I even said i'd bet 100 bucks within a few years new album , signed by a major label . So how does that make my point of view flawed ?

What exactly did I write in your mind that is flawed ?

Because perhaps if we talk calmly about it you'd understand my point of view instead of simply reading what others attempt to twist it into and being influenced by . Not that I expect you to be able to answer that or any of my questions due to some bogus loyalty .

Last edited by alizeefan; 05-20-2013 at 11:51 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 05-21-2013, 12:07 AM
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Originally Posted by alizeefan View Post
Awwwwwww !

I love me too !
hahah jk love ya too Un

Haha it's very important.


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 05-21-2013, 01:24 AM
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First off, let's get one thing straight. I have no loyalties to anyone here. There are a few I'm friends with, but they don't really come here anymore. And if they were talking bullshit, I'd call them out on it too.

Secondly, you make assumptions and pass it off as factual.

...her husband PROBABLY worked for free.
In my mind she would first think how can anyone even feel my career isn't successful...
There are more, but quite frankly I don't feel like rereading your little novel to find them. Until you have the facts, don't make assumptions and pass it for the truth.

Third, as for arrogance. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Fourth, I've read this whole thread at least 4 times to get the gist of what you're trying to argue. Be concise. And I understand what you're trying to say, but I still don't agree with it.

Fifth, the fact that you resort to childish name calling proves either you have no valid points or are just too childish to think of a proper rebuttal.

As for the original topic, musicians/artists/bands/whatever as a career, make their money buy selling albums and doing shows and whatnot. To do that successfully, you need to sell a lot. To sell a lot, you need a lot of fans and/or widespread appeal. Which can also be called popularity. Those without a lot of fans don't sell, ergo, are not successful. It might not be what they want, and that's fine. But it's not a career at that point, it's a hobby or a passion. So in terms of popularity, no, less is less and more is more.
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Old 05-21-2013, 09:22 AM
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WhiteFeather, what always amuses me on this subject is how Alizée's detractors say her career is over and she's a has been, then why do they continue to hang out and post on her fan boards?
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Old 05-21-2013, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by ALS View Post
WhiteFeather, what always amuses me on this subject is how Alizée's detractors say her career is over and she's a has been, then why do they continue to hang out and post on her fan boards?
Just because someone thinks her career is over, doesn't mean they aren't a fan. I'm a fan of Mozart and his career's been dead for hundreds of years. And while the "Lilly bug" has long left my system, a part of me will always be a fan.
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:29 AM
alizeefan alizeefan is offline
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The words you quoted and took time to HIGHLIGHT should show I myself noted they are guesses and not FACTS . . .
Yet your major problem is my claiming those very things are facts ? ? lol

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
First off, let's get one thing straight. I have no loyalties to anyone here. There are a few I'm friends with,
Contradict yourself by saying no loyalty and then having friends here - I'll take a guess here and say you are friends with those above which not only shows by your reply I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt by how you replied to me and not them for the both doing the same exact things . If those above whom have the same bs problems with me are your friends which we both know to be true FACT also can be shown throughout this forum in other posts as well in the chat feature . . .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
but they don't really come here anymore. And if they were talking bullshit, I'd call them out on it too.
Yet you don't call them for speculating upon things which they clearly did above and not only that but if you did read it all which you claimed to have four times . . . Uhmm when two parties agree to be speculating and guessing how can only ONE of those parties be full of it and so on as you will state ?
Yet you have no loyalty to the one party ? Oooo k . . Even if so and there is no loyalty , lets take your word on that . Even after I ask you to give a few points of what I said which you fiind to be total bs , you claim to have read it four times , yet now all of a sudden you can't mention one single point which you find to be total bs and call me on . Adding to that you couldn't do it to begin with in your initial reply . . Kinda odd to not be able to remember or point out a few things which made you reply to my total bs you want to call me on . See that just makes your whole calling me on bs , a bunch of bs to side with other bullshitters . . .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
Secondly, you make assumptions and pass it off as factual.
The points which I KNOW are fact because there are records of such as who produced the albums and so on I state as FACT . The other things you will see in my writing I will say as guesses and speculation . Again both of the main arguing parties agreed that this whole argument was indeed a bunch of guess work of which BOTH parties used a lot of guesswork and speculation not only myself whom you want to call on the assumptions . . . Considering you admit reading it all four times you should definitely know not only did both parties say its a lot of guess work , not only also do I phrase most of my sentences properly saying they are fact or guesswork but that the others also used alot of guesswork .

So again why would you only remember my assumptions because there are plenty of assumptions by all parties involved here ? I'll tell you why which I knew in my first reply , loyalty to a forum buddy to join in on some bogus lynching with your twitter life half sentences because most of you can't type a full paragraph and therefore have trouble reading and comprehending full paragraphs . Now the funniest parts about the whole - you type books - you can't write - blah blah blah - is you ALL read my " books " you ALL reply to my " bad writing " with full comprehension but yet when things get heated claim " I can't even read it " - Im not reading it again " - I cant even understand it cuz its so bad writin " . Laughable to use such typical net tactics to insult the writers skills - spelling and so on , see when you resort to such after already having read it , which doesn't take THAT long lol . . Just makes yourselves look contradictory to the very things you're doing , which are reading - comprehending - replying - comprehensively - then claiming its too much to read - you cant even read it - kinda silly behavior for adults no ?

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
There are more, but quite frankly I don't feel like rereading your little novel to find them. Until you have the facts, don't make assumptions and pass it for the truth.
Let me explain again , where they are facts I will clearly type FACT -
where they aren't fact I will clearly add it is a guess of mine and so on , now the funny part about this and YOU also claiming my assumptions are total bs -then claiming as the others did above that im all full of it and the ONLY one being arrogant . How is it then my friend that others agree with ME and not the opposing arguments ? Oh wait but im the arrogant obtuse one with no consideration . . . laughable . .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
Third, as for arrogance. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Again let me explain - again , some doofus above used that upon my character to which I pointed out quite a few ways in which they too were being arrogant . Wether or not your loyalties toward any party allow you to see that isn't up to me nor would I care to change your attitude or convince you how I see things . I'm sure there are others reading who see it the same way as I do . Yet lets character assassinate with insults then when sarcasm is used and quite well I might add - become insulted and confused . Oh what a tangled web of loyalty we weave .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
Fourth, I've read this whole thread at least 4 times to get the gist of what you're trying to argue. Be concise. And I understand what you're trying to say, but I still don't agree with it.
No sorry I was taught not to be a half sentence writer and explain my thoughts so they aren't misread which I do very well and they are still misread and twisted into some utter nonsense . Then others like you who are loyal to certain parties come along and buy into the twisted minds replies which is another reason I attempt to explain thoroughly . Sorry you do not have time to read my small books more than four times . . Sorry you don't agree but with exactly what we still don't know . . Refusing to speak on these many many facts which you find to be silly in my head so I can either point out the quote or elaborate upon such due to your half a sentence explanation has brought us no resolve .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
Fifth, the fact that you resort to childish name calling proves either you have no valid points or are just too childish to think of a proper rebuttal.
My replies as you yourself admit are long winded and full of what you yourself claim I claim as fact ( even if I disagree with your phrasing of me claiming everything I write to be fact ) . . If you read above you will see who called who what first . Again let me explain when YOU call me out only for using the as you put it childish name calling . . . Kinda shows where your loyalty lies my friend no ? Or is there a rule here in MY topic that its o k for them but not for me to do it in return ? Also MORON , all the ways I used the childish name calling were indeed used in proper rebuttal Sarcastically . Time to get over not only yourself , get off the bashing bandwagon but your loyalty to certain others is simply transparent at this moment especially . .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
As for the original topic, musicians/artists/bands/whatever as a career, make their money buy selling albums and doing shows and whatnot. To do that successfully, you need to sell a lot. To sell a lot, you need a lot of fans and/or widespread appeal. Which can also be called popularity. Those without a lot of fans don't sell, ergo, are not successful. It might not be what they want, and that's fine. But it's not a career at that point, it's a hobby or a passion. So in terms of popularity, no, less is less and more is more.
Uhmm how many times do I have to explain first of all the less is more is MY opinion and something I enjoy . . When you want change that to popularity in the sense of how YOU feel about it ( numbers and money earned ) , is fine to reply that way and im happy to discuss but you're overlooking the MAIN point of this . That indeed does make YOU arrogant not to have any consideration for the OP or the fact that even after doing so the OP took time to reply the hows and whys as they see it fact or not . Let me repeat because you will FAIL to comprehend - This OP has nothing to do with her career , making money and so on ya'll want to always turn things into so you can " win " in your simpleton minds . It has everything to do with me saying I enjoy her not being so popular and clearly states why . So how do you think by convincing me she isn't popular . . . Which I clearly stated in my friggin OPENING title . . . That your going to convince me NOT to like what I said I LOVE about her . . . laughable arrogant obtuse rude attitudes . .

So when you and others want to turn it into sales numbers and oh no poor alizee she sucks her career is over . It's pretty kind of me to take time and write out long winded replies to how I see it being the opposite side of the fence as ya'll do . Now after your last sentence claiming her very successful career is a hobby . . . and you want to call me the one who claims to know it all saying all I say is fact . . bahahahah . clueless like your lil buddies you wish and poorly attempt to defend . . Have nice day !


Originally Posted by Un-rêve View Post
Haha it's very important.



Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
Just because someone thinks her career is over, doesn't mean they aren't a fan. I'm a fan of Mozart and his career's been dead for hundreds of years. And while the "Lilly bug" has long left my system, a part of me will always be a fan.
FACT - signed by a major label - FACT still releasing albums .
Mozart is a very poor comparison . Basically you're trying to say Alizee is dead . .
" Lily Bug " denotes you seeing others as being fanatical . I'm far from those who are in lust with some beautiful girl , I simply enjoy her music , her career , her fashion and so on . Now to use the word fan . . . You obviously have no idea what the term fans means . . The only flame you fan at this current juncture is some poor attempt to burn others into dislike of herself and current career , users who have the same poor attitude and this forum . Now to dislike her career now and only have liked it back then when she was shaking her ass , kinda shows where some of you come from . . .

Look doofenshrmirtz its fine if ya'll want to see her as a has been or whatever . . But is it really necessary for certain others - not claiming you're one to do this constantly but it should be obvious to yourself certain others do it consistently . Again rain on parades all you want but when someone wants to defend their position how they like the opposite to be true , in essence basically agreeing with the whole popularity thing which ya'll are so adamant to rain down in every single way possible . Do you really think that accomplishes anything or changes the fact that people will see it as a good thing not a bad thing ? All it does in the reality of MOST minds is make some of you look like trolls . . .

Yes I resorted to call you a name so yes I am childish , considering i'm half the age of some of you so called adults . . . I really do it because I know others who've told me it is funny . . . Perhaps you'll be so kind to leave behind the arrogance of my childish ways and give up trying to convince myself and others what a failure Alizee is . Just to let you know since you'll have trouble understanding my " book " in this reply - attempting to change how I feel and what I enjoy about anyone - it's never gonna happen . At least I know and have stated throughout this non-sense is my intentions aren't out to change some users immaturity . Knowing full well they will never grow up . Again to me making certain others who first call myself arrogant the truly arrogant ones .

Last edited by alizeefan; 05-21-2013 at 10:45 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by alizeefan View Post
FACT - signed by a major label - FACT still releasing albums .
Mozart is a very poor comparison . Basically you're trying to say Alizee is dead . .
" Lily Bug " denotes you seeing others as being fanatical . I'm far from those who are in lust with some beautiful girl , I simply enjoy her music , her career , her fashion and so on . Now to use the word fan . . . You obviously have no idea what the term fans means . . The only flame you fan at this current juncture is some poor attempt to burn others into dislike of herself and current career , users who have the same poor attitude and this forum . Now to dislike her career now and only have liked it back then when she was shaking her ass , kinda shows where some of you come from . . .
I'm only going to respond to this because I have nothing more to say to you after this.

When did I ever say that I disliked her current career? Quite the opposite, I enjoy her current album more than the other two combined as well as her first. As for the Mozart comparison, it was an ANALOGY. Mozart is dead, his career is over, but I'm a fan. Alizée isn't dead, but her career isn't what it used to be. And I'm still a fan. Second point. "Lilly bug" was nothing derogatory. That strong infatuation is gone. I'm not "in love" with her. But I'm still a fan. And saying I'm only in to her for her ass? All I can say to that is fuck you.

There's so much I want to say but why bother? What I will say is I was never trying to convince anyone of anything. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But when you're calling people "babyformula" or shit like that, any credibility you had to me went right out the window. You're being a childish asshole and I felt the need to call you out on it. I never said no one else but you is being arrogant and childish and et cetera. They may have been. But I was responding to you specifically.

And if you are half my age, that seems right. That'd make you 10 and a half and actually would explain your behavior quite well. So good day, kid.
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Old 05-21-2013, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
I'm only going to respond to this because I have nothing more to say to you after this.

When did I ever say that I disliked her current career? Quite the opposite, I enjoy her current album more than the other two combined as well as her first. As for the Mozart comparison, it was an ANALOGY. Mozart is dead, his career is over, but I'm a fan. Alizée isn't dead, but her career isn't what it used to be. And I'm still a fan. Second point. "Lilly bug" was nothing derogatory. That strong infatuation is gone. I'm not "in love" with her. But I'm still a fan. And saying I'm only in to her for her ass? All I can say to that is fuck you..
oooo I guess I really hit a nerve there . . nuff said .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
There's so much I want to say but why bother? What I will say is I was never trying to convince anyone of anything. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But when you're calling people "babyformula" or shit like that, any credibility you had to me went right out the window. You're being a childish asshole and I felt the need to call you out on it. I never said no one else but you is being arrogant and childish and et cetera. They may have been. But I was responding to you specifically.
Yet fail to see how by not acknowledging those who did it first was the only reason I did it and quite sarcastically I might add as well noted where your loyalty lies having nothing to do with anything besides that . otherwise you would point out the so called FACTs you're so adamant upon proving me wrong in . .

Originally Posted by WhiteFeather View Post
And if you are half my age, that seems right. That'd make you 10 and a half and actually would explain your behavior quite well. So good day, kid.
If you have nothing to say after what you said then why do you reply with questions ? You see your first sentence is a question but i guess I wont answer because you wont be reading this or replying anyway . .

I love how most of you naysayers want to give terms of how you won't reply and its done and over with yet here you are reading my reply right now . .

lol , guess it aint over til the fat kid sings . .

your offense to my points make it clear where your problems with me stem from , your problems with only me there , when others clearly express the same exact sentiments and as you yourself admit childish attitudes . . .
see when they treat YOU like a child and use derogatory statements as I did to you , you did the same to me . So in essence , its o k for you to come back as you did but not me . . . Gotcha last , your it .

This shows who are the immature ones and what side you take . As for so much to say but why bother , you bothering right now to read this contradicts that very statement . As well and foremost your will to reply to begin with before I even pointed out the flaws in such mannerisms which were predicted in my first response to you before you even wrote the final statement .

the best part of this trip , the one I really like .

when I close this forum , sign out that is . I wont remember most of your ID's until you reply again , I wont be bothered at all or hold some grudge as some of you who feel the need to " call me out " at every post I make do hold some grudge to my id . guaranteed those same bashers above will in a year when I come back to speak about whatsoever I choose are right there to change whatever I write about into poor Alizee sales numbers and so on .
Just as they constantly do and are doing right now in too many subjects to shake a stick at . Even if it was me talking about her favorite food or something as this topic started out nothing to do with how many albums she is selling and thus earning . Not sure you will jump on the bandwagon then but mark my words you will see it from them . Being myopic to those FACTS kids ( yes plural kids ) as i wont just call out one person to take sides in some bs argument - I hope you kids can have a good day too .
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Old 05-21-2013, 12:50 PM
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I hope you aren't planning to drive or operate heavy machinery for a good while.
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alizee, lack of medicines, popularity, promotion

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