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Old 06-07-2014, 05:16 AM
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Well I think what's going on in this forum just goes to show there is something wrong. She can with only a little bit of effort, put on a much more appealing show. She looked great in the commercial, wearing an outfit I'm sure chosen by that company, but in this appearance where she sang both Blonde and Alcaline, it was a very unappealing show. I had mentioned I was all set to shut that video off, because the song Blonde was one I really have much desire to listen to.

Now with En Concert, I didn't really like the song, but I've watched that performance many a time because of the way she danced, not to mention looked. Now I've been harping for a long time to do more dancing and I think she would've looked good dancing, if it not for the way she dressed. You might have well have had Susan Boyle out there (sorry Susan) and it's not that much of an exaggeration. It was just a terrible outfit. For me there was no enjoyment in watching her dance and that's difficult to believe. By the way, I didn't think she looked overweight.

But there is something terribly wrong with the outfits she has been picking out. It she expects to put on a tour late in the year, she better find something that's appealing to the public and there was very little appealing in that performance she put on, at least nothing more than they could get by listening to a cd. She's got to give people a reason to want to come out to one of her shows and if she keeps dressing like that, people will find other shows to go to, run by people who know what they are doing, rather than going to one of hers, which still show signs of being run by people who don't know what they are doing.
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Old 06-07-2014, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
Wow, this is hard to take. I'm still relatively new here, but I have to say this, and my comments may get me kicked out- but here goes. ...
I don't see why you should be kicked out for expressing your favourable opinions about Alizee in a very polite manner? It's people like me who are more at risk

Anyway, I like your post, even though I am one of the people who has been less than complimentary about her recently. It was the sort of thing I would have said up until very recently so I can empathise with you. However I'm now at a point where, sadly, I'm just not getting the buzz anymore from seeing things like new photos, interviews etc. Maybe I'm just too shallow to be considered a real 'fan'? ... I don't know? I didn't think I was but maybe I am. All I know for sure is that when I see her now it doesn't lift my spirits in the same way that it did up until about 6 weeks ago.

And I don't think it has anything to do with her approaching middle age per se. I am a huge fan of Emmanuelle Seigner and have been for a very long time. She is now in her late 40s but she still has the same allure that she always had in my opinion. Her weight has fluctuated over the years and she doesn't always bother too much about make-up etc, she's always changing her hair colour etc, etc, but for me, the magic is always there. She has recorded a few songs and although she's not the world's greatest singer I still love all her tracks. It just works for me. What can I say? I just don't feel the same way about Alizee at the moment and it makes me sad.
"Lolita has gone, Alizee has arrived!"

Last edited by Panther; 06-07-2014 at 05:54 AM..
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Old 06-07-2014, 02:42 PM
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The following comments are just a matter of my own personal taste, and I do not claim that my tastes are representative of the public at large. Nor do I feel knowledgeable enough on this kind of promo stuff to advise Alizée in any way, shape or form.

The “Blonde” theme, along with the hair color and fashion choices that have gone with it have had very little appeal for me. One must remember that Alizée has always had a habit of making occasional choices that many of us find questionable, at least since she left MF/LB. In some ways it’s one of the things that I really like about her, even though it frustrates me at times. But win or lose, she seems determined to do it her way. And I hardly think Alizée is “fat” or out of shape. In general, I think she looks great, but my decision of whether to follow her or not is not based on her appearance.

As far as the new music goes, I really like the way “Blonde” was put together musically, and I think it works really well with her voice. “Alcaline” is another great melody that was put together really well that creates a very nice musical landscape. Apart from the Autotune (which I am sick of in all pop music) the song seems to capture for me a lot of the old Alizée we got from the MF/LB days, as well as songs like “Par les Paupières”. I think Pascal has written music so far that really works well with Alizée’s strengths. He seems aware of her range and tonal qualities and has produced a sound that suits her. This album might turn out to be her best in that regard, at least since the MF/LB albums.

I think all of us have imagined in our minds what we thought would be the perfect songs, fashions and promo for the “next” Alizée album. And each time it turned out differently than we imagined it and that has led to some disappointment at times for some of us. Sometimes I think we are all getting way too critical of her and it has simply become a habit. I think there are a lot of positives this time around, even if the “Blonde” vision is not what I would have chosen. To me, the music might be closer to the mark than it has been for some time.

All I know is that I have found things to love in Psyche, UEDS, and Five, and I’m sure I will find more in the new album. I may not like all her choices in fashion, but in the end, it’s the music that she makes that matters to me.
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Old 06-07-2014, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Wizard View Post
Wow, this is hard to take. I'm still relatively new here, but I have to say this, and my comments may get me kicked out- but here goes.

CUT HER SOME SLACK! Sometimes this forum reads like a gathering place for complaining! Geez, she's no longer the teenage girl she was back when she started- she's more mature, and in my opinion even more attractive (if that's possible) than before.

I've kept quiet, up to this point, about all the negative criticism about her tattoos, her hairstyle, her hair color, her choice of clothing, her lip-syncing or changing voice, etc, etc., because I felt that I had not earned the right to say so. I wasn't here when she started, as many of you were. I wasn't even aware of her. Had I been, I can assure you that I would have been right there with you! So, maybe I haven't earned the right to criticize those who criticize her, and I can understand that as fans, everyone wants only the best for her. So do I. But- she has the right to do what she wants and look as she desires. Maybe I don't like the way she dresses in a given situation, but it's her life and her choice. She's young and of a generation that appreciates things that perhaps some of us from different generations- can't or won't. I guess that's one of the reasons I like her- she's fiercely independent, somewhat of an iconoclast, and not afraid to go against the current. Good for her.

Sorry if I offend anyone here. I'm a fan, and I support her- including the way she looks- tattoos and all (and btw- I don't have any myself- but I am considering getting one- just because!).

I know you all love her and support her and mean only the best. And, yes I know we also have the right to say what we want (up to a point)- I just wish we'd go easier on her and just enjoy her for the person, the artist, the athlete, and singer she is. She certainly deserves that.

I'll go chill out- sorry for the rant- peace out!
nice post.

Originally Posted by Fall06 View Post
Call me crazy but, could it be that she's just exhaling in that picture, having just performed two songs?
Yeah of course she must've been out of breath from all that dancing.

Originally Posted by Shepherd View Post
Alizee is sliding into middle age.
She's got many years to go before that happens, it's written in the stars.


Alizée, Balayent les maux de cœur
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Old 06-08-2014, 05:02 AM
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Originally Posted by lefty12357 View Post
...The “Blonde” theme, along with the hair color and fashion choices that have gone with it have had very little appeal for me. One must remember that Alizée has always had a habit of making occasional choices that many of us find questionable, at least since she left MF/LB. In some ways it’s one of the things that I really like about her, even though it frustrates me at times. But win or lose, she seems determined to do it her way....

... And I hardly think Alizée is “fat” or out of shape. ...

As far as the new music goes, I really like the way “Blonde” was put together musically, and I think it works really well with her voice. “Alcaline” is another great melody that was put together really well that creates a very nice musical landscape....

... I think Pascal has written music so far that really works well with Alizée’s strengths. He seems aware of her range and tonal qualities and has produced a sound that suits her....
Overall, I offered my comments about how she is doing, in detail, here:
as my comments were more aimed at where she needs to go.

I'll agree that she has gone out on a limb and made a choice - a choice to try a new bold look. Time will tell if it was a good decision or not, but I am delighted that she is now confident enough in herself to even try this radical a change. I hope she can make it work.

No, I do not think that she is overweight. It is more likely the outfit.

I'm glad you commented about the music. We all know that she needs songs that work for her particular range and vocal peculiarities. Pascal looks like he is keeping this in mind.

The biggest adjustments I believe she needs to make are:
1. Improve her outfitting.
2. Improve the flow of her dance routines. These routines look like the first video for ACDLA - a bunch of choppy segments that don't flow together well.
For both of these areas, the answer may simply be to have someone else make these choices for her (or at least give them true veto power).


After watching her dance for Alkaline again, the nature of this song might actually be better served by her doing a solo number. It is about the inner experience. It is tough to express this as well through a 3-person dance routine.
--- pace e salute ---

Last edited by Rev; 06-08-2014 at 05:34 AM..
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