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Old 08-21-2018, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
If it will be without choreography... not good idea. Then I would choose ACC, Hey Amigo or Toc De Mac. Just remember the short video from her Korea/Japan visit, where she sang JEAM without dancing, it wasn't the same...
The performance what still really nice. And she looked lovely.

And as mentioned above - JEAM is one of her most famous songs, it was on the radio, people who aren't fans will know it. I would be really surprised if she would decide to leave it out. Even if I would love to see her perform ACC on the stage (it's my all time fav Alizée song) - it's not nearly as popular as JPVA and JEAM. Also she didn't sing it after the en concert era, so sadly my hopes aren't high.
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Old 08-21-2018, 08:02 AM
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Both sides to the JEAM debate have valid points, but I am going to go with that she will not sing JEAM. Too risky. People will expect to see the dance, and it's not easy to perform that dance and sing live at the same time. Plus, I am predicting her outfit will be more mature thus risk looking ridiculous dancing the JEAM dance in it. JEAM and the sailor suit are iconic and it's hard to imagine one without the other. The concert could be going great and then singing JEAM without dancing would disappoint many, and might tarnish the entire performance. As I said before, this is too risky in my book.

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 08-21-2018 at 02:21 PM..
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Old 08-21-2018, 02:06 PM
kulli kulli is offline
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
There is a possibility I could go there. I'd have to get somebody to work for me for two days on a Friday and a Saturday which are not good days to get somebody to work for you for. But if there is a way, I will make it happen.
You have to be there and bring along CleverCowboy! I booked my flight today

Last edited by kulli; 08-21-2018 at 02:09 PM..
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Old 08-21-2018, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by kulli View Post
You have to be there and bring along CleverCowboy! I booked my flight today
I am very jealous of you right now!

My vacation time for this year has been depleted, so not possible for me this time around.

Poland actually has been on my bucket list since my ancestry comes from Poland (mother's side) and modern day Belarus (father's side). I know I have extensive family all over both countries, but don't know who they are yet except for one contact point. Both families came to the US in 1948, when the Displaced Persons Act allowed 200K immigrants into the US because their towns were destroyed in the war. Some of my family chose to stay, so I'm sure by now there are tons of relatives there.

I have wanted to solve the mystery of my mother's brother, who at 16 joined the Russian partisans to fight the invasion in eastern Poland. My grandfather begged him not to go, but he did anyway. He was never heard from again. Unless you live in a major city like Warsaw, record keeping was poor in those days. When the family left for the US, they assumed he was dead and never accounted for. But, there was no proof one way or another. I would like to spend a few weeks in Poland meeting relatives and maybe solve it.

Anyway, I digress! But the thought of going to Warsaw definitely had crossed my mind.
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Old 08-21-2018, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I am very jealous of you right now!

My vacation time for this year has been depleted, so not possible for me this time around.

Poland actually has been on my bucket list since my ancestry comes from Poland (mother's side) and modern day Belarus (father's side). I know I have extensive family all over both countries, but don't know who they are yet except for one contact point. Both families came to the US in 1948, when the Displaced Persons Act allowed 200K immigrants into the US because their towns were destroyed in the war. Some of my family chose to stay, so I'm sure by now there are tons of relatives there.

I have wanted to solve the mystery of my mother's brother, who at 16 joined the Russian partisans to fight the invasion in eastern Poland. My grandfather begged him not to go, but he did anyway. He was never heard from again. Unless you live in a major city like Warsaw, record keeping was poor in those days. When the family left for the US, they assumed he was dead and never accounted for. But, there was no proof one way or another. I would like to spend a few weeks in Poland meeting relatives and maybe solve it.

Anyway, I digress! But the thought of going to Warsaw definitely had crossed my mind.
I'm sorry to hear of your mother's brother. So many sad stories there from that war. I visited Poland a few years ago. It was a great trip with, great food, reasonable prices and friendly people.

I think you know I'm a big WW2 history buff. Some of the places I visited were Krakow, Warsaw, Majdanek and the Wolf's Lair. One of the many books I've read on the war was about the Soviet Partisan movement.

Attachment 2212

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Old 08-21-2018, 08:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I think you know I'm a big WW2 history buff. Some of the places I visited were Krakow, Warsaw, Majdanek and the Wolf's Lair. One of the many books I've read on the war was about the Soviet Partisan movement.
That's pretty cool that you have that book. You probably know more about them than I do.

My interest in WWII and my family's part in it started in my 20's when my grandfather was getting up there in years and wanted to know all his experiences. As of today, my mother is the last remaining survivor still alive on both sides of the family. My nephew did a report in college about my mother's experiences about five years ago, and the college asked my mother to speak to class and answer questions. It was videoed and they filed it in the national archives. It caught the attention of some local businesses, and they presented her with an all expenses paid trip to DC with local veterans of WWII (she had never been to DC). She was a bit of a celebrity for a few years!

The stories of course were spellbinding with some twists I would have never believed if they did not come from her. This was the catalyst that started me digging into WWII.
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Old 08-21-2018, 10:15 PM
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I'm kind of deeply troubled. I said I want to offer my views on this upcoming appearance at the festival in Warsaw. My views will not be Alizee freindly. The second last thing I want to do in my life is to hurt her feelings, but the last thing I want to do in my life is to not express my feelings and see her go down in flames in Poland and if I express my feelings, I may never be able to go back to Ajaccio, a place I very much want to see again.

Back in 2008 I think it was, after her concert in Moscow, I made a post I refer to as the Stalingrad post. I predicted big trouble for her if drastic changes weren't made. Others expressed somewhat similar sentiments, but when it came time to put your opinion on the line, I stood alone and quite frankly, I think I was the only one who got it right and when she returned to Paris, she couldn't hold a concert. I could have been more tactful in my post, but I don't think it would've mattered. I was one in a sea of many.

So now I'm torn. I really, really don't want to hurt her feelings, but I feel I have to say something to make sure she gets it right in an appearance that if she does get it wrong, will probably be her last.

"There's nothing where 'she' used to lie
My inspiration has run dry
That's what's going on
Nothing's right, I'm torn

I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see
The perfect sky is torn"
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Old 08-22-2018, 07:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Back in 2008 I think it was, after her concert in Moscow, I made a post I refer to as the Stalingrad post. I predicted big trouble for her if drastic changes weren't made. Others expressed somewhat similar sentiments, but when it came time to put your opinion on the line, I stood alone and quite frankly, I think I was the only one who got it right and when she returned to Paris, she couldn't hold a concert. I could have been more tactful in my post, but I don't think it would've mattered. I was one in a sea of many.

So now I'm torn. I really, really don't want to hurt her feelings, but I feel I have to say something to make sure she gets it right in an appearance that if she does get it wrong, will probably be her last.
I have read a lot of old threads on this site, but I don't remember reading your Stalingrad post. Or maybe I have but don't remember. I'll try to do a search on it today.

I never thought of this forum as a place where only pro-Alizee comments are tolerated. In fact, one of the reasons I joined this site so late in her career was to resolve the questions in my mind why she marked up her body with those hideous tattoos.

We all can see now where many professional mistakes were made in the past because hindsight is 20/20. If you were able to predict them ahead of time, then you have an insight that is valuable to this forum.
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Old 08-23-2018, 10:08 AM
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So I wanted to say some things about this upcoming appearance in Poland. I knew right away from the beginning what I wanted to say, but it's how I wanted to say it that has made wait until now. There could be more appearances like this if she does well, so I'd like to offer my opinion on this.

I think a big thing she has to do is knock them off their feet when she walks on that stage. 'First impressions' are so important in many areas of life and they will be important here because many people will be seeing her for the first time and those that have seen her will be expecting nothing less.. If they like what they see and get into her performance, that is something she feeds on. That's why she put on such a great performance in Amsterdam. The crowd was into what she doing and she saw it and the confidence it gave her led to a great performance. Looking good will be a big help.

So how can she knock them off their feet with her looks? well let's start at the top and that is her hair. If nothing else, 'leave it alone'! A natural Alizée is what they want. For some reason she likes to style her hair when she goes on stage . Some times she does well and sometimes in my opinion she gets it wrong. The way it is now, looks great. Even the hat she did for the little fashion show video was a cute touch.

I looked at 2 pictures from one year when she was in Les Enfoires. 2008 I think it was. In one she had a straight hair style and what an incredibly beautiful picture it was. The other was where she had curled her hair and to me she just looked like plain Jane and I gave those two pictures a lot of thought. What I came up with is the thing that sets Alizée apart, is the beauty of her face. Now the hair can either accentuate that beauty or as I feel is the case with curly hair, distract from it.

In the picture with the curly hair, the hair is a distraction. It makes for a busy picture if you know what I mean. In the other picture, because there is no curvy hair, the beautiful curves of her face stand out.
Leave the hair the way it is!

Alizee band pictures.jpg

Then there is the way she dresses. She's made so many bad choices over the years when it has to do with her albums. As far as her last album, I have no idea where she came up with those 2 outfits she wore while promoting the album and the ones she wore during the Blonde video weren't any better. She often has to go to Paris, the fashion capitol of the world and those were the best outfits she could come up? Yet it doesn't have to be expensive to look good

Some outfits I really liked over the years. The lower picture being two of my favorite outfits, one she wore in SAD 2003 and the other outfit she wore when she sang that duet with Olly Murs. if it's warm enough, the shorts and printed shirt she wore in Mexico. Black seems to suit her well as does leather.
I think Gregoire has a great responsibility here. I'm sure he will know what she 'plans' to wear on stage and he needs to deep six those ideas if she doesn't get it right.

Attachment 2216
Attachment 2217

Here are some hair styles and or outfits, I didn't like;

Attachment 2218

I wasn't going to mention the tats here, but I feel I have to. With some outfits, even when they are showing, they are not a factor. With some outfits, they are a factor. Again, Gregoire has to enter the picture here. She has to win these people over by looking her best and doing whatever that takes, he has to make sure she looks her best. I thought the outfit she wore at the Olly Murs concert blended in very well with her tats.

Dancing could play a big part in this too. In a post I made the other day, a bio said he waa creative. Well now is your moment to shine, to really impress people. If they are elaborate dances such as the JEAM dance,she'll have to lip sync which is expected. as long as the routine is good.

So now it comes down to the most important part, the song selection. I'd love to have her sing only songs from Gour and MCE, but like I've said many times in the past few days, that I worry that with her change in voice with age, they might not sound that good.

Some songs that she has sung in recent years that I'm sure would sound good are….

La Javanaise;

Sous le vent, she did a great job with;

Double Je, from SAGA. She did a great job with this and maybe it should be at the top of the list.

But I have to be honest about this. I feel if Alizee is calling the shots here, if Alizee is doing the producing/directing, this show won’t look good, won’t sound good, won’t be entertaining and won’t be well received. She has to get someone who is good at it. She is her own worst enemy in this department and it’s time for her to realize that.

As you know, I had hoped to go to Corsica in a few weeks on vacation. In addition to seeing a few places in Corsica I haven’t seen before, I had hoped to stop by the studio to pick up some shirts for our members. But I don’t think I can do that now and not because I fear for my safety. It’s because I can’t post something like this that is very critical of her, then show up at the studio asking her to do us a favor. That isn’t fair to me but I feel it’s important to say what I’m saying in the hopes she won’t fail again even if it ruins my hopes of getting to see her again.

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 04-06-2020 at 06:56 PM..
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Old 08-23-2018, 02:19 PM
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This is Alizee so we can bank on the fact that she will do her hair for the concert... in some way. She had recently cut her hair pretty short compared to what it used to be, so she doesn't have as many options as she would if it was longer. As long as she doesn't wear it up, I am good.

The best style she had for the last decade, in my opinion, was how she wore it in LE 2013.

This picture I believe was from last year, and I loved this look as well:

Bottom line, something simple.

I am getting the feeling that A&G did the choreography of the upcoming show and maybe using some of the more mature students as backup dancers. I have no evidence of this other than the IG picture she posted with Julia and some of the female students with the "Coming Soon" comment. Who knows, it might be impressive of what they came up with, if this turns out to be correct.
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