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Old 11-28-2006, 06:10 AM
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Default What would you do if...

What would you do if...

I've been wanting to make this thread for a while now. If you've responded to these before, make something up again, perhaps the past few months of Alizée-exposure has tweaked your thinking. Please don't think I'm some crazy whack-job, I'm taking some classes in critical thinking and trying to come up with some thought-provoking questions so I can practice identifying parts of the inner psyche and secretly make biased judgements about you from now on.

1) You wake up, same as any other morning, sit at the edge of your bed, have a little stretch, maybe a yawn or two is in order, prolly start to dread all the things you will have to get done today. You get dressed, well... dressed-enough, and walk out your bedroom door. Then BLAM! Alizée is sitting on your living room couch, chatting away with a relavite of yours...

...suprise! you're on Stars à Domicile!
'cept you have one day to spend with Alizée, a full 24 hours with her in your home town, what do you do?
what do you do?
where do you go?
whom do you see?
who would you like to intorduce her to?
what would you tell her?

2) Could you love Alizee only as a friend?

Say by some craaaazy chance you end up buddy-buddy with Jérémy. He introduces you to Alizée and you click off together, but always as friends. Because you are single, Alizée helps find you a date, (sets you up with one of her friends).

do you think you could ever have honest feelings for this other girl? she and Alizée are friends too

could it work? could you live your life so close to her, and never take that step too far?

could you be friends, but all the while, you are in secret, deeply in love with her.
Could you love her enough that you wouldn't do her harm, don't make her choose between you, one of her best friends, and Jérémy.

Do you throw all your cards on the table, attemting to work things out one step at a time, Love Actually-style, or can you see that the best thing for her would be if she never had known you, Butterfly Effect approach?

3) Alright, in this one you turn back time, before the Jérémy days. Yes, you're dating her. You are one lucky sonovabitch. You're still uneasy fitting into her world, getting accostomed to the attention and constant invasion of privacy. So you've been seeing her for a couple of weeks now and needless to say, you're included into her world. As any big sister will tell you, she probably cares a lot about her little brother, you will also need to be a good role model to him and his approval is just as important as hers. Needless to say, to your luck, you and Johann hit things off splendidly.
At some time, Alizée is waist-deep in work, interviews, and photo shoots all day. Seeing that you'd be more of a hassle to have around than help, you and Johann plan out a day together. After taking the oh-so cliché trip to a football game, the movies, or whatever, you encounter some paparazzi in the street who have nothing better to do than bad-mouth Alizée.

You have her little brother with you, these guys are intentionally egging you on for some trouble, what do you do?

Brush it off, take the responsible role-model road, these slime balls are only looking for a story and would want nothing better than to make a quick hundred-thousand from a lawsuit whilst getting their front-page scandal. With a new album coming out, you know right now is a vital point to Alizée's carreer, having her image as dating some american trailer trash lunatic starting brawls in the streets won't help.
There will always be trash-talkers out there, it comes with the fame, you won't be able to fight all of her battles, not all of whom will be able to be taken out so easily, someday you're going to hit the wrong guy and cause some real trouble.
But f' that! You want to show Johann that chivalry is not dead! This just proves to young Johann how devoted you are to his sister. These dickless bastards have no right to even speak her beautiful name. Let the ass-whooping commence!

4) Pretty mush the same as the first post in this thread. You see Alizée casually shopping in a store, not necissarily in a rush to be somewhere, but you can tell that an opportunity like this for her to be out in public and not harrassed by hoards of paparazzi is something she is finding less and less common. If she seemed to be doin her own thing, on her merry way, would you interrupt her and ask her for an autograph? I know it takes little effort for her to leave a once-in-a-lifetime impression on you, but could you even bug her that much? Could you live passing up that moment, probably the only time your paths would cross, just for knowing you didn't cause her that tiny bit of annoyance, even since she would never know to appreciate it, never giving you the credit you so selflessly earned by NOT taking action?

...damn, I did this from a man's perspective, sorry ladies, work with me here
Alizée doesn't sing like an angel. Angels sing like Alizée.
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Old 11-28-2006, 09:37 AM
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Bird, you waaaaaay too much time on your hands. But we luv ya anyways
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Old 11-28-2006, 03:07 PM
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yeah! what she said...but i love you anyway.
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Old 11-28-2006, 04:18 PM
zemasterzzz zemasterzzz is offline
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woah that's alot of "what if"s. But never mind getting close to Alizee. I have trouble with the regular girls >.<

but here goes:

1) Everywhere and all my friends
2) Possibly
3) Be responsible. Don't want the little dude to get hurt or lower to thier level
4) Ya I'd pass it up
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Old 11-28-2006, 08:32 PM
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Ok, I'll take this on

Originally Posted by bt_bird_90 View Post
What would you do if...
1) You wake up, same as any other morning, sit at the edge of your bed, have a little stretch, maybe a yawn or two is in order, prolly start to dread all the things you will have to get done today. You get dressed, well... dressed-enough, and walk out your bedroom door. Then BLAM! Alizée is sitting on your living room couch, chatting away with a relavite of yours...

...suprise! you're on Stars à Domicile!
'cept you have one day to spend with Alizée, a full 24 hours with her in your home town, what do you do?
what do you do?
where do you go?
whom do you see?
who would you like to intorduce her to?
what would you tell her?

2) Could you love Alizee only as a friend?

Say by some craaaazy chance you end up buddy-buddy with Jérémy. He introduces you to Alizée and you click off together, but always as friends. Because you are single, Alizée helps find you a date, (sets you up with one of her friends).

do you think you could ever have honest feelings for this other girl? she and Alizée are friends too

could it work? could you live your life so close to her, and never take that step too far?

could you be friends, but all the while, you are in secret, deeply in love with her.
Could you love her enough that you wouldn't do her harm, don't make her choose between you, one of her best friends, and Jérémy.

3) Alright, in this one you turn back time, before the Jérémy days. Yes, you're dating her. You are one lucky sonovabitch. You're still uneasy fitting into her world, getting accostomed to the attention and constant invasion of privacy. So you've been seeing her for a couple of weeks now and needless to say, you're included into her world. As any big sister will tell you, she probably cares a lot about her little brother, you will also need to be a good role model to him and his approval is just as important as hers. Needless to say, to your luck, you and Johann hit things off splendidly.
At some time, Alizée is waist-deep in work, interviews, and photo shoots all day. Seeing that you'd be more of a hassle to have around than help, you and Johann plan out a day together. After taking the oh-so cliché trip to a football game, the movies, or whatever, you encounter some paparazzi in the street who have nothing better to do than bad-mouth Alizée.

You have her little brother with you, these guys are intentionally egging you on for some trouble, what do you do?

4) Pretty mush the same as the first post in this thread. You see Alizée casually shopping in a store, not necissarily in a rush to be somewhere, but you can tell that an opportunity like this for her to be out in public and not harrassed by hoards of paparazzi is something she is finding less and less common. If she seemed to be doin her own thing, on her merry way, would you interrupt her and ask her for an autograph?(
1) The hardest thing about this situation would of course be the cameras. But since this is for the day, and they don't need that much film, I'd be counting on them being off a good portion of the time. First things first: get a hug, Jeremy can deal with a hug. Then I'd try to make myself as presentable as possible and putting on all of my least smeggy things.

Then I'd spend some time talking to her: introducing myself, telling her the things I've wanted to tell her (why I'm such a big fan, what she's done for me just by being in the world), and asking her the things I've wanted to ask her (mainly trying to get to know the "real" Alizee, find out what it's like in her world, and then the big one on my mind "At 20 years old, when she could practically have her pick of any man in the world, what is it the Jeremy has that she knew he was the best man for her? What was the special something(s)). While still at home I'd also probably try to show her some of the music it attempt to compose ("attempt being the operative word here). Being the biggest Alizee fan that I personnaly know, I'd probably be a selfish lucky sonofabitch and not really introduce her to anybody lest it take too much time away from spending time with Alizee.

Then I think I'd want to take her somewhere with some natural beauty, a place she's never been before... being in the Pacific Northwest, it would probably be to Mt. Rainier which is really less than an hour from my place. Another possibility would be a short fishing trip to one of the more beautiful lakes I know about. The point being, to get outdoors and to provide her with a unique, memorable experience with me. After we got back, it would probably be time to get something to eat. Either I'd attempt to find a restaurant up to her standards, or preferably if I had a good catch fishing or it was in season, I can cook a pan-fried trout in a butter/caper/lemon sauce with mashed potato and green beans that I wouldn't be embarrased to serve to Alizee.

Then I'd want to go dancing. Now, don't get me wrong, I can't dance worth crap. But if there's one thing that senior prom taught me, is that you don't have to be able to dance well to have a blast. (I was lucky to go to prom with a beatiful German exchange student who spent the evening "teaching" me to dance . We went on to become good freinnds and are to this day.) But to be even near Alizee when she's dancing, let alone dancing with her, is an opportunity that any man would have to be a f***ing fool to pass up, dancer or not. But I get the impression that Alizee is the type of person that as long as you sorta cut loose and were willing to have a good time, that she would have a good time too. I also wouldn't mind Alizee teaching me a little dancing; inevitably she'll have to use her hands to correct my stance or position or to direct a movement... any excuse to have Alizee touching me is good enough for me .

After that, it would be nice to just come back to my place to talk for a while. Give me chance to reiterate how greatful I've been to have been able to spend the day with her and tell her I hope it was fun for her as well. Then I'd try to see if there would be a way for us to remain in contact; I wouldn't expect a cell phone number or anything, but maybe an email address that worked would be good. I'd offer my place as a refuge if her family needed to excape all of the attention in Europe (one of the few advantages of living in a country which largely doesn't know Alizee). And finaly, another hug. How's that?

2) Yeah, I could just be friends with Alizee. For one thing, I'd want her to be happy, and wrecking her marriage and family (if that were even possible) wouldn't make her happy; I wouldn't want to be responsible for that. To have the oportunity to be a part of Alizee's world is something I wouldn't allowed to be ruined because of my feelings for Alizee. The more I got to know Jeremy, and got to like him, it would become much easier for me to be content for him to love her not only for himself but also in the stead of all the fans in the world. I would insist that every single day he told Alizee that he loved her and that she was the most beautiful person on the planet at least twice; once for himself, and once for the rest of us. Also, I wouldn't be "secretly" in love with Alizee. I would be up front about my feelings, make sure Jeremy understood he had nothing to fear from me trying to butt him out, and ask him if he could really, honestly blame me. As for this other girl in the situation, that would entirely depend on her, wouldn't it?

3) This one is pretty easy. Making a scene would do nothing but hurt Alizee in the long run. But, but, that doesn't mean you just have to let it go. For the few seconds/minutes it took me to push though the swarm I would temporarily become the clumsiest person on the planet and "accidentally" cause as much damage as possible, ya' know knocking cameras onto the pavement and breaking them, that sorta thing. Johann and I could laugh about it the rest of the way home.

4) Sure, I'd ask for an autograph. I just hope I'd have an album or something in the car for her to sign. Like you say, this would be a once in alifetime oportunity that one would probably regret not acting upon. Natually, I'd ask if I could help her carry her shopping to her car or whatever (and be able to get whatever I had her to sign). I wouldn't really try to make a scene but I would ask her two questions. I would tell her that there is so much that I would want to tell her and ask if there where some way I could write her and know that she would get it and read it. Then I'd ask her if there where some way we could make sure that she knew it was from me when she got it. With that I'd ask if it was ok (and if Jeremy wouldn't mind too much) if I gave her a hug. Actually, I'd take a hug over an autograph any day .

Last edited by CFHollister; 11-28-2006 at 08:39 PM..
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Old 11-28-2006, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by bt_bird_90 View Post
1) ...suprise! you're on Stars à Domicile!
'cept you have one day to spend with Alizée, a full 24 hours with her in your home town, what do you do?
what do you do?
where do you go?
whom do you see?
who would you like to intorduce her to?
what would you tell her?
I'm gonna skip this question cause it's taking me too long to write

2) Could you love Alizee only as a friend?

Say by some craaaazy chance you end up buddy-buddy with Jérémy. He introduces you to Alizée and you click off together, but always as friends. Because you are single, Alizée helps find you a date, (sets you up with one of her friends).

do you think you could ever have honest feelings for this other girl? she and Alizée are friends too

could it work? could you live your life so close to her, and never take that step too far?

could you be friends, but all the while, you are in secret, deeply in love with her.
Could you love her enough that you wouldn't do her harm, don't make her choose between you, one of her best friends, and Jérémy.

Do you throw all your cards on the table, attemting to work things out one step at a time, Love Actually-style, or can you see that the best thing for her would be if she never had known you, Butterfly Effect approach?
Yes, I actually think I could fall in love with a close friend of Lili's.

3)But f' that! You want to show Johann that chivalry is not dead! This just proves to young Johann how devoted you are to his sister. These dickless bastards have no right to even speak her beautiful name. Let the ass-whooping commence!
I may have words with them, but getting in a fight would be bad all the way around-- Lili'd, Me, and American's would look bad. In the end you know what? F'ck them, I got Lili! I'd say kiss the rings, Bitch! (Dave Chappelle, lol)

For question four, I'd have to say, go for it. Your chances of seeing her again are miniscule. She's used to it, although now a days I'd bet it's getting less frequent. So go ahead. "You can do it!"
Vive Lili!
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Old 11-28-2006, 11:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
How is that cold? I thought it was very diplomatic. I'd invite her in, we have some coffee and just sit and chat about everything, anything and nothing.
that you could invite her for coffee i'll be Chandler Bing of the
Middle east
* Mr.atra201's myspace

"Such a shame to believe in escape
A life on every face
And that's a change, till I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to react, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share...
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste, it's a shame
This eagerness to change
It's a shame..."
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Old 11-28-2006, 11:30 PM
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Originally Posted by bt_bird_90 View Post
What would you do if...

I've been wanting to make this thread for a while now. If you've responded to these before, make something up again, perhaps the past few months of Alizée-exposure has tweaked your thinking. Please don't think I'm some crazy whack-job, I'm taking some classes in critical thinking and trying to come up with some thought-provoking questions so I can practice identifying parts of the inner psyche and secretly make biased judgements about you from now on.

1) You wake up, same as any other morning, sit at the edge of your bed, have a little stretch, maybe a yawn or two is in order, prolly start to dread all the things you will have to get done today. You get dressed, well... dressed-enough, and walk out your bedroom door. Then BLAM! Alizée is sitting on your living room couch, chatting away with a relavite of yours...

...suprise! you're on Stars à Domicile!
'cept you have one day to spend with Alizée, a full 24 hours with her in your home town, what do you do?
what do you do?
where do you go?
whom do you see?
who would you like to intorduce her to?
what would you tell her?

2) Could you love Alizee only as a friend?

Say by some craaaazy chance you end up buddy-buddy with Jérémy. He introduces you to Alizée and you click off together, but always as friends. Because you are single, Alizée helps find you a date, (sets you up with one of her friends).

do you think you could ever have honest feelings for this other girl? she and Alizée are friends too

could it work? could you live your life so close to her, and never take that step too far?

could you be friends, but all the while, you are in secret, deeply in love with her.
Could you love her enough that you wouldn't do her harm, don't make her choose between you, one of her best friends, and Jérémy.

Do you throw all your cards on the table, attemting to work things out one step at a time, Love Actually-style, or can you see that the best thing for her would be if she never had known you, Butterfly Effect approach?

3) Alright, in this one you turn back time, before the Jérémy days. Yes, you're dating her. You are one lucky sonovabitch. You're still uneasy fitting into her world, getting accostomed to the attention and constant invasion of privacy. So you've been seeing her for a couple of weeks now and needless to say, you're included into her world. As any big sister will tell you, she probably cares a lot about her little brother, you will also need to be a good role model to him and his approval is just as important as hers. Needless to say, to your luck, you and Johann hit things off splendidly.
At some time, Alizée is waist-deep in work, interviews, and photo shoots all day. Seeing that you'd be more of a hassle to have around than help, you and Johann plan out a day together. After taking the oh-so cliché trip to a football game, the movies, or whatever, you encounter some paparazzi in the street who have nothing better to do than bad-mouth Alizée.

You have her little brother with you, these guys are intentionally egging you on for some trouble, what do you do?

Brush it off, take the responsible role-model road, these slime balls are only looking for a story and would want nothing better than to make a quick hundred-thousand from a lawsuit whilst getting their front-page scandal. With a new album coming out, you know right now is a vital point to Alizée's carreer, having her image as dating some american trailer trash lunatic starting brawls in the streets won't help.
There will always be trash-talkers out there, it comes with the fame, you won't be able to fight all of her battles, not all of whom will be able to be taken out so easily, someday you're going to hit the wrong guy and cause some real trouble.
But f' that! You want to show Johann that chivalry is not dead! This just proves to young Johann how devoted you are to his sister. These dickless bastards have no right to even speak her beautiful name. Let the ass-whooping commence!

4) Pretty mush the same as the first post in this thread. You see Alizée casually shopping in a store, not necissarily in a rush to be somewhere, but you can tell that an opportunity like this for her to be out in public and not harrassed by hoards of paparazzi is something she is finding less and less common. If she seemed to be doin her own thing, on her merry way, would you interrupt her and ask her for an autograph? I know it takes little effort for her to leave a once-in-a-lifetime impression on you, but could you even bug her that much? Could you live passing up that moment, probably the only time your paths would cross, just for knowing you didn't cause her that tiny bit of annoyance, even since she would never know to appreciate it, never giving you the credit you so selflessly earned by NOT taking action?

...damn, I did this from a man's perspective, sorry ladies, work with me here
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* Mr.atra201's myspace

"Such a shame to believe in escape
A life on every face
And that's a change, till I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to react, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share...
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste, it's a shame
This eagerness to change
It's a shame..."
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Old 11-28-2006, 11:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
Bird, you waaaaaay too much time on your hands. But we luv ya anyways
this is diplomatic
hugs and kisses
* Mr.atra201's myspace

"Such a shame to believe in escape
A life on every face
And that's a change, till I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to react, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share...
It's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me with rage, it's a shame
(Such a shame)
Number me in haste, it's a shame
This eagerness to change
It's a shame..."
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Old 11-29-2006, 12:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
Bird, you waaaaaay too much time on your hands. But we luv ya anyways
meh, to be honest, most of it was stolen, I just applied it to Alizée
Alizée doesn't sing like an angel. Angels sing like Alizée.
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