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Old 04-02-2010, 06:41 AM
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Old 04-03-2010, 03:07 AM
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Default 2010-03-30 interview with Marco Dos Santos

interview with Alizée's photographer from the photoshoot in early or mid March 2010. Interview created by French fan forums and posted by miracle at http://lillytown.forumactif.net/actu...ns-t615-15.htm
translated by Roman

MARCO DOS SANTOS bonjour et merci d ' accepté ce petit entretien autour de la séance de photo que vous avez réalisé pour Alizée.
MARCO DOS SANTOS good day and thanks for accepting this little interview regarding the photo shoot that you did for Alizée.

Ca doit faire bizarre qu'on vous sollicite vous plutôt que la chanteuse elle-même non ?
It must be strange that one would solicit you rather than the singer herself, no?

En quelque sorte... Son niveau de popularité est très largement avancé par rapport au mien ! Mais je constate que vous intrigue un peu tout de même... Peut-être ma barbe.... ahah
Sort of... Her level of popularity is much higher than mine! But, I notice that you are a bit intrigued anyway... Maybe it's my beard... LOL

Les fans des forums Alizéens vous ont préparé quelques questions au sujet de votre collaboration après avoir découvert avec joie les clichés que vous avez pris d' Alizée dans le magazine TETU? Vous saviez à quels médias cette séance photo serait destiné , dans quel genres de magazines elles allaient être publiées ?
The fans of the Alizéean forums have prepared some questions for you on the subject of your collaboration after having discovered with joy the snapshots that you took of Alizée in the magazine TETU. Did you know which media outlets this photo shoot was destined for, in which type of magazines they were going to be published?

Absolument. C'est grâce à Patrick Thévenin d'abord que j'ai eu la chance de faire ce sujet. On se connaissait déjà depuis Trax et nous avons des goûts similaires niveau image. Il a donc pensé à moi pour bosser un jour dans Tetu. J'ai donc rencontrer Marc-Antoine Serra (DA du Tetu) et très vite la journée de shooting a été mise en place.
Absolutely. It's thanks to Patrick Thévenin first of all that I had the chance to do this. We have already known each other since Trax and we have similar tastes as far as image goes. So, he thought of me to work a day in TETU. So, I met Marc-Antoine Serra (artistic director of TETU) and very quickly the day of shooting was put in place.

Comment en êtes-vous arrivé à collaborer avec Alizée ? Es-ce habituel pour vous de faire une séance photo avec un artiste de la scène variété française ?
How did you come to collaborate with Alizée? It's it typical for you to do a photo shoot with an artist from the "French variety" scene?

Grâce justement au magazine. Je connais bien aussi les gens qui s'occupent du label Institubes. Ils connaissaient déjà mon travail, tout s'est fait simplement. J'ai pas mal bossé pour la presse musicale à une époque en collaborant notamment pour les débuts du Rolling Stone (édition française). J'avais l'occasion de shooter pas mal d'artistes français.
One could correctly say, thanks to the magazine. I also know the people who attend to the label Institubes well. They already knew my work, everything was done simply. I did quite a bit of work for the music press at one time, notably in collaboration pour the debuts of Rolling Stone (French edition). I've had the opportunity to shoot quite a few French artists.

Qui a pris la décision de l'orientation des photos , de l univers , de l ambiance ? Avez vous eu votre mot à dire ou vous as t on imposé un cahier des charges précis ?
Who made the decision on the angle of the photos, the style, the ambiance? Did you have your say or were you given a specific list of requirements?

Je voulais à la base faire quelque chose d'un peu "brut". Une image un peu "manque de moyens", quelque chose d'un peu flou, un peu "laiteux" et très épuré. J'en ai parlé avec Marc-Antoine sur l'idée de partir sur un effet polaroid en lumière direct. Un peu type Maripol quand elle faisait ses polas d'artistes dans les années 80. M-A a validé immédiatement. A la prise-de-vue, nous étions définitivement d'accord en regardant les premiers résultat sur mon mac.
I wanted basically to do something a bit "crude/raw". An image a bit "missing means", something a bit hazy, a bit "milky" and very uncluttered. I talked with Marc-Antoine about it, on the idea of going off a polaroid effect with direct light. Un bit of the Maripol type when she made her polaroids of artists in the 80s. Marc-Antoine approved immediately. At the time of taking the shots, we were definitively in agreement when looking at the first resutls on my Mac.

A quelle époque à eu lieu cette séance photo et ou ? Es-ce volontaire la neutralité du décors qui se réduit à une pièce blanche dans une lumière un peu sombre ?
Around what time did this photo shoot take place and where? Was it intentional, the neutrality of the décors that only amounted to a white room in a bit of a somber light?

Nous avons shooté mi-février dans un studio photo dans le 20ème (le petit oiseau va sortir). Vu le thème que je souhaitais abordé je voulais une ambiance vraiment minimale. Je shootais au flash surtout.
We shot mid-February in a photo studio in the 20th (arrondissement – section of the city) (the little bird is going to leave). Considering the theme that I wished to tackle, I wanted an ambiance very minimal. Mostly I was shooting with flash.

Alizée ou son staff vous ont- ils fait écouter quelques morceaux de son nouvel album «Une Enfant du siècle» avant le shooting ou pas du tout ?
Did Alizée or her staff have you listen to a little bit of her new album "Une Enfant du Siècle" (A Child of the Century) before the shooting or not at all?

Oui bien sûr. C'est important pour moi d'écouter quelque chose avant de faire mes photos. Encore plus quand j'ai de faibles connaissances de l'artiste. Il y a une règle d'or chez moi, c'est de ne jamais shooter des artistes dont la musique ne me plaît pas. J'ai déjà été sollicité par quelques artistes en musique électronique par exemple à qui j'ai été contraint de leur annoncer que la prise-de-vue était impossible, tant la musique ne me plaisait pas. Je suis peut-être vieux jeu mais la musique est presque plus importante que la photo dans ma vie.
Oh yeah, of course. It's important for me to listen to something before doing my photos. Even more when I have little knowledge of the artist. I have a golden rule, it's to never shoot artists whose music I don't like. I have already been solicited by some electronic music artists, for example, to whom I was obliged to announce that we couldn't take any shots because I so did not like the music. I am perhaps old fashioned, but music is almost more important than photos in my life.

Alizée est habillée en Thierry Mugler , MiuMiu , Agent provocateur , Top Shop...Qui a décidé du choix des vêtements qu' alizée porteraient sur cette séance ? A-t-elle imposé ses choix ou son styliste l' a fait pour elle ?
Alizée is dressed in Thierry Mugler, MiuMiu, Agent provocateur, Top Shop... Who decided which clothes Alizée would wear for this shoot? Did she impose her choices or did her stylist make them for her?

Nous avons travaillé avec William Carnimolla pour le stylisme. C'est un touche-à-tout du style que je trouve interessant. Nous avons échangé quelques mails avant le shooting pour mettre nos goûts en synchro, tout s'est très bien passé. Ce garçon a une energie surprenante.
We worked with William Carnimolla for styles. He's a jack-of-all-style that I find interesting. We exchanged some mails before the shooting to get our tastes in sync, everything went vey well. This kid has a surprising energie.

C'est difficile de photographier une «poupée pop créée de toute pièce par Mylène Farmer» et d' en faire ressortir une autre image que celle que lui ont collé les médias ?
Is it difficult to photograph a "pop puppet created in every detail by Mylène Farmer" and bring her back out with a different image from that which the media have stuck her with?

A croire que non. Elle fait surement partie de ces très artistes qui va connaître un vrai tournant crédible dans sa carrière. Elle le souhaite profondément et je pense sincèrement que ça va marcher. Tous les gens qui ont bossé avec elle se sont rendus de sa capacité infinie de s'adapter et son côté pro. C'est une chouette fille et je trouve qu'elle a de vrais dons.
One shouldn't think so. She will certainly take her place amongst these very artistic types who come to know a real turning of credibility in their careers. It is her profound wish and I sincerely think that it will work out. Everyone who has worked with her has recognized her infinite capacity to adapt and her professional aspect. She's a wonderful girl and I think she has real gifts.

Alizée a déjà été photographiée par de nombreux photographes parfois connus d' autres moins , avez vous senti qu'elle était à l' aise dans ce genre d' exercice ? Comment se comporte-t-elle ? A t elle été neurveuse , timide , peu bavarde ou au contraire hyper décontractée et disponible ?
Alizée has already been photographed by numerous photographers sometimes known others less. Did you feel like she was at ease in this type of exercise? How does she comport herself? Was she nervous, timid, kind of quiet or on the contrary super relaxed and available?

Alizée est une fille qui a connu des moments de popularité très intenses et physiques. Elle a bcp de choses et aujourd'hui elle atteint déjà un certain recul sur les choses. Elle etait ni nerveuse, ni peu bavarde... Juste très naturelle, nos premiers échanges ont été très fluides, sans excès de zèle ni de dialogue "clichés" entre photographe et modèle... Comme si nous nous connaissions presque déjà. C'était vraiment une chouette journée.
Alizée is a girl who has known very intense and physical moments of popularity. She has many things and today she has already attained a certain detachement from these things. She was neither nervous, nor quiet... Just very natural, our first exchanges were very fluid, without overzealousness nor "cliché" dialog between photographer and model... Like we almost already knew each other. It was really a wonderful day.

Elle du genre à venir toute seule à une séance photo ou ramène t elle tout une troupe de conseiller artistique ?
Is she the type to come all by herself to a photo shoot or bring along a troup of artistic advisors?

Elle est juste venue avec sa maison de disque et basta. Vous savez quand un artiste devient très vite une star, il mets parfois du temps à s'imposer pour faire comprendre qu'il a besoin de paix autour de lui. Au debut on se laisse guider par tout un tas de parasites et d'intermédiaires puis quand on est arrivé au plus haut et que la vapeur redescend on commence à prendre les choses en main pour que justement cela ne soit pas indispensable. La fanatitude est souvent provoquée par la cristalisation d'un artiste qui semble inapprochable, comme un demi-Dieu... Si l'artiste devient un peu plus palpable, les fans se calme un peu et apprécie l'artiste autrement, plus sainement je trouve.
She just came with her record company and that was it. You know, when an artist becomes a star very quickly, sometimes she has to take some time in order to let it be known that she needs peace around her. At first one let's oneself be guided by a bunch of parasites and intermediaries, then when one has reached the heights and the steam comes back down, one starts to take things in hand and cut it down to only that which is essential. (I think.) The fanatitude is often provoked by the crystallization of an artist who seems inapproachable, like a demi-god... If the artist becomes a bit more palpable, the fans calm down a bit and appreciate/assess the artist differently, more sanely/healthily I think.

Es ce qu' elle prend des poses instinctivement ou doit-elle se laisser guider par vous même le photographe ?
Does she take to poses instinctively or does she need to be guided by you, the photographer?

Les deux. On se connaissait pas à la base donc les idées venaient de nous deux.
Both. We didn't really know each other; so, the ideas came from both of us.

A votre avis combien de photos ont été prises lors de cette séance ( 9 ont été retenues pour TETU ) ? Alizée en a t elle écartée d' office certaines ?
In your estimation, how many photos where taken during this photo shoot (9 were retained for TETU)? Did Alizée automatically reject certain ones?

Je ne sais plus mais pas tant que ça car j'aime bien faire peu de photos du même plan. Je suis pour le "trop de choix tue le choix". Disons que nous avions 4 looks à faire donc j'ai fait le nombre de photos suffisant pour l'article. Alizee avait vu les resultats en fin de shooting donc elle nous a fait confiance pour la parution.
I don't know anymore, but not so many because I like to take few photos of the same setting. I am for the "too much choice kills choice". Let's say we had 4 looks to do; so, I made the number of photos necessary for the article. Alizée had seen the results at the end of shooting; so, she gave us confidence for the publication.

Combien de temps a duré le shooting ?
How long did the shooting last?

3h crois ! Ce fut assez rapide. J'adore quand ça finis tot.
3 hours I believe! It was rather quick. I love it when it ends early.

Ce cliché ( ci dessous ) offert par Alizée sur son blog au début de la promo de son nouvel album semble venir de vous non ?
This photo (see below) given by Alizée on her blog at the beginning of the promo of her new album seems to come from you, no?

C'est bien moi qui shoot devant mais cette image a été prise par quelqu'un d'autre. Patrick Thévenin je crois !
It certainly is me who is shooting in front, but this image was taken by someone else. Patrick Thévenin I believe!

En plateau Alizée a t elle besoin de musique , d accessoires ou quelque chose en particulier qui lui permet de se détendre ?
On the set, does Alizée need music, accessories or something in particular to allow her to relax.

Non pas vraiment. Moi en revanche j'ai besoin de travailler en musique. J'ai laissé mon mac nous détendre tous...
No, not really. Me on the other hand, I need to work with music. I let my mac relax both of us.

Vous a-t-elle sollicité pour une future collaboration ?
Has she called upon you for a future collaboration?

Pas encore mais pourquoi pas !
Not yet, but why not?!

Les fans ont une questions un peu étranges mais amusantes à vous poser , suite à une habitude dans le passé récurrente chez Alizée : A-t-elle abandonné son pot de nutella pour vaincre son stress durant le shooting ou l' avait elle simplement caché ?
The fans have some questions, a bit strange, but amusing to ask you. Following a recurring habit from the past on the part of Alizée: Has she abandoned her jar of Nutella to quash her stress during the shooting or did she simply hide it?

Ahah. Je ne connaissait pas cette histoire ! Je n'ai pas vu de pot de Nutella en tout sur le plateau.
Haha. I don't know this history! I didn't see any jar of Nutell anywhere on the set.

Vous êtes photographe mais avez vous d' autres activités que ce métier ?
You are a photographer, but do you have any other activities other than this vocation?

Oh oui... Trop peut-être. J'ai fait des clips, je suis dj (de plus en plus), je me suis occuper du Paris Paris pendant 3 ans, je bosse avec le Social Club maintenant, j'anime des soirées, ... Bref je suis un peu partout mais j'aime ça.
Oh yes... Too many perhaps. I make videos, I am a DJ (more and more), I was in charge of Paris Paris for 3 years, I work with the Social Club now, I run parties... Well, I'm a bit all over the place, but I like it.

Quels sont vos prochaines collaborations et votre actu ?
Which are your next collaborations and what are you up to currently?

Surement encore du Têtu. Et d'autres projets que je garde secret par superstition...
Surely still Têtu. And other projects I keep secret due to superstition...

Marco Dos Santos , les fans d' Alizée vous remercient et on espère que vous avez passé un bon moment ...
Marco Dos Santos, the fans of Alizée thank you and hope you have had a good time...

C'était un plaisir.
It was a pleasure.
And my comments:
Is it everyone who kisses up so much, or is it just everyone that works with Alizée? I am ignorant, but people make it really sound like a nice thing to work with Alizée. Well, I've seen enough photo shoots to know that she's really good there. I say for the umpteenth time, she should have done some modeling in the mean time while working on the albums or whatever. How could that have hurt?

"She has many things and today she has already attained a certain detachment from these things." I'd say that indeed this happened for her years ago, even if sometimes one could guess that she is a bit nervous in a particular situation.

"At first one let's oneself be guided by a bunch of parasites and intermediaries, then when one has reached the heights and the steam comes back down..." I don't know. That doesn't sound like Alizée. I don't think she's ever been in that kind of position due to being taken care of by Mylène and Laurent and then just not having that kind of personality later.
However, "The fanatitude is often provoked by the crystallization of an artist who seems inapproachable, like a demi-god..." certainly that happens and I think Alizée has let it happen sometimes by keeping aloof and then ascending into reclusion leaving her "mortal" followers in confusion rather than attending to them like someone attempting to build a following. I guess one can't really expect her to know particularly how to do that anyway, especially when many of her followers are foreigners. Anyway, it's her decision how to relate to people, but sometimes she still comes off a bit mystified regarding her popularity even after 10 years.

"Does she take to poses instinctively or does she need to be guided by you, the photographer?" I would pretty much expect that it would be both in this case and in any case at least somewhat guiding by the photographer, not that I know anything about model photography.

Merci Fanny
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Old 04-03-2010, 03:27 AM
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Default 2010-03-13 Clark magazine #41

Sadly Alizée America does not seem to be keeping up on articles and interviews about Alizée (unless I just didn't find it here). See this thread for more including photos of the magazine: http://www.alizee-forum.com/showthre...e=3#post808883
translation by Roman

Alizée In the land of the Underground

Ready to leap from her « Baby Doll » period, Alizée, 25 years, takes heed to tease the hearing of certain music lovers and releases a fourth album produced by the Institubes pigsty [not sure about that word, but it might be jokingly making a jab at the guys at Institubes]: Une enfant du siècle (Child of the Century).
Fear and trembling in the land of the underground like the time of the improbable tricks (?) between Britney Spears and the Neptunes, of Vanessa Paradis or France Gall and of Gainsbourg, of Lio and of TTC...
It is however, since the 2000s that she begins her slow evolution, with a remix of the song "Fifty Sixty” by David Rubato. At the same time, she crossed paths with the label Institubes, an in particular with the directeur of the label Jean-René Etienne. From this meeting was born the idea for a collaboration of two fanciful worlds, the sugary “variété” of the indolent Alizée and the laconic electro of Château Marmont, Rob, and Para One amongst others...
The result? An album in the style of an epistolary novel, scattered with electronic chapters--profound and timeless, with ingenuous lyrics composed by Jean-René Etienne.

Clark*How are you feeling about the release of an album so different from the others?
Alizée* I’m confident because I am proud of what we have done on this album, what we’ve been able to put together with all the groups who worked on it, Château Marmont, Rob, David Rubato and of course Jean René Etienne. It’s a very special project, not at all like the others since all the songs are tied together, it takes the form of a novel and not an autobiographical album where one really talks about oneself. In the first place, it’s true that it wasn’t obvious to bring together two worlds so different. But, I’m very pleased because, for the moment, I realize that I have nothing but good feedback. The people who followed me before are pleasently surprised. They really like the change of direction I have taken and those who did not listen to me before are interested in the album.
This project is also, for me, the opportunity to attract the attention of a new public who is more interested in my music than my private life.

C*At the start, you were taken in by the remix of one of your songs « Fifty Sixty » by David Rubato, other than that, how did it come about to start on a real album with the label Institubes?
A* In fact, for Fifty Sixty, I was looking for remixes of this song and the artistic director of my record company suggested the one from David Rubato which, when I heard it seemed to me more to be a version of the song rather than simply a remix made to play in the clubs. I really liked that aspect and I didn’t want to let it go, thus I wanted to meet Institubes. With Jean-René we decided to exploit the song as best possible. We produced a video specially for this version and we did some real artistic work on this remix from David Rubato. After that, I met the other artists from Institubes, Château Marmont, Rob... And so we wanted to continue to forge ahead after this meeting with David Rubato that went so well. Little by little various producers from the label proposed songs to me. They were working each on their own and bit by bit I received the maquettes.

C*What does this universe of productions from Institubes evoke for you ? Did you listen to them before?
A*A universe of course very electro, but without forgetting that these artists produce highly specialized work. Still, many of the artists at this label are not well known and yet do merit being so because there is a lot of talent there. For my part, I find a grand finesse in their universe and that’s one of the reasons I though it would be interesting to mix my universe of pop and variété with their’s. These producers are very good melodists. Their melodies are very catchy. They make an impression and one recognizes them immediately. It’s a great musical quality.
It is actually in working with the producers of Institubes that I discovered their musical universe. When I met Jean-René Etienne, he had me listen to the music from the artists of the label and I was captivated. I felt that I was going to be able to make something different thanks to them and open myself to a new music that I had nevertheless known a bit, notably thanks to the work of Daft Punk. The mix of my universe and theirs has been very productive.

C*Through this new album, one has the sensation of a flight toward independence. What do you think?
A* When I decided to separate from my former producers - Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnât – I produced my album Psychédélices and it's there that I started to take my first steps toward independence, as producer. It was not easy at first because one finds oneself all alone, one must shop oneself around, call people, meet them, things that I never had to do before. It was a good thing because I learned how to manage myself. For my two previous albums, the fact of being produced by Mylène Farmer did not permit me to say much, everything was handed to me on a silver platter. I obviously learned a bit with them, but I also learned a lot by myself these last few years. Today I'm 25 years old, I'm offering an interesting and different album and I think that maybe people are going to start thinking of me as an adult. I recognize that people who are faced with a very young artist as has been the case for me or Vanessa Paradis always have the tendency to think that she does not grow up and that she remains and will remain young. I hope that with this album I will gain in maturity in the eyes of the public.

C*It's a change of image for you to work with underground producers... Aren't you afaid of being misunderstood by your fans?
A* I don't think about being misunderstood. I have many fans very active on the internet. They know the slightest details of my plannings, of everything I do, even when I don't have anything current going on. Most are my age, they grew up with me, we are of the same generation, and I think that like me they have different interests, that my music no longer corresponded with them as much as it did before and that they came to like things that I was also able to like as a member of the public. Perhaps with this album my fans will find their way back simply because we have evolved together for 10 years.

C*A year ago in Clark 35, House of Kids reported that for the artwork, they still intervened once the album was finished like "intruders"... Did it happen the same way for your album?
A*It was a bit different because we really worked as a team from beginning to end. Very quickly everything was thought of, whether the music or the rest. There was a volition and a search for coherence but even if we had a plan everything was done bit by bit. We did a bunch of photo shoots, they knew what they had in mind, why this photo was done, because they sought something precise or specific. Thanks to certain of their references they revised progressively, added, removed...
C*Which songs are you going to make videos for? Is it the image of the album constructed like a novel, do you imagine a logical continuation of the videos?
A*The first single is Les Collines; so, naturally, it will be made into a video quickly and well before the release of the album. We should also make a video of Limelight, but if one could, one would make videos of all the songs!
I would like to continue with this concept of the album and keep this novel construction for one of the videos. Unfortunately, it's complicated to put a fiction into image form in just 3 minutes. But, I would really like to make a video perhaps a bit longer, 7-8 minutes like Mylène Farmer has done. Anyway, there's always a video edited for television, but I would really like to try to [tell some of the story]... And then, I really must say, it is in any case a bit frustrating: 3-4 minutes for a video!
C*Do you foresee doing a tour?
A*For the moment, it's too early to say since we are really concentrated on the release of the album, but I think that there will be a tour because I have fans that are requesting it. Like in Mexico where I have many fans and where the album will be released... I absolutely must go there!
For the tour, it would be really great to have everyone present, all the producers, all the teams who participated in the construction of the album, but at the level of agendas and availability of each person it's a bit complicated... But, we'll get there... I hope!

Merci Fanny
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:18 AM
Merci Alizée
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Originally Posted by Topaz View Post
I'm adding the same thing below which I posted earlier<a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showthread.php?p=157671#post157671"> here </a>

A new report about Alizée in which she has been referred to as Alizée 2.0 , an upgraded version of Alizée.

Few things that were mentioned in the article:

Musik Please was present at the event of the party oraganised by Alizée and may people wanted to know what's there in Alizée 2.0

We heard a lot about beauty in the past and it has been speculated that her collaboration with the electro-pop group will change her style by 360 degrees and it could change her Lolita image given by Mylene Farmer.

Alizée remains the same as before but now with modern twist of her cleverness.

She is occupied by Synths and laptops. She is new girly icon like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. She is already a superstar in Mexico, there is every chance that France has a new representative in form of new Alizée.


A new article in a newspaper:


A new article about Alizée published on the website Premiere.fr :

Click <a href= "http://people.premiere.fr/News-People/Alizee-On-m-appelle-la-Madonna-mexicaine-depuis-ma-reprise-de-La-Isla-Bonita/">here</a> to view it.

Alizée: "They call me the Mexican Madonna since my return from La Isla Bonita"

Last edited by Merci Alizée; 04-03-2010 at 05:30 AM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
Sadly Alizée America does not seem to be keeping up on articles and interviews about Alizée (unless I just didn't find it here).
It's in this thread, Roman:
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Old 04-03-2010, 03:47 PM
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Cool The Audrey Hepburn resonance

Originally Posted by Roman View Post
When I showed my sister the Les Collines video, she thought Alizée looked a lot like Audrey Hepburn. I don't know, but that's what she said.
Originally Posted by Merci Alizée View Post
I'm confused about how Alizée looked like Audrey Hepburn to your sister. Maybe because she too had hair covering her forehead???
M.A., when his sister visits with him, she enjoys it so much that she considers it a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Holiday"><i>Roman Holiday</i></a>. And that ALWAYS makes people think about Audrey Hepburn!

OK, now a more serious answer.

Even way back in 2006, before Alizée's "new look" people at AAm were writing the following:

<a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2706&postcount=39">Impurator </a> said: <i>...the only woman who has come even close to infatuating me the way Alizée has is/was Audrey Hepburn. I think perhaps a large part of it is the wonderful amount of class both present/presented.</i>

and <a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2709&postcount=40">Shep</a> replied: <i>You aren't the only one to compare Alizée to Audrey. Audrey had a charm about her but I believe, as well do most, Ali surpasses Audrey exponentially in many aspects. Must be the Frenchness.</i>

My own reaction to the official <i>Les Collines</i> video has included my remarks

<a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=155204&postcount=74">here</a>, saying: <i>This music video much exceeded my modest expectations for it.... Her [Alizée's] elegance is very 1960s and reminds me of Audrey Hepburn.</i>

and <a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=155285&postcount=100">here</a>, saying: <i>As for Alizée's makeup, THAT'S HOW WOMEN DOLLED THEMSELVES UP half a century ago. Really. This was BEFORE everyone became a hippie earth mother! ...I also find it interesting that I was not the only one writing here reminded of Audrey Hepburn.</i>
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:05 PM
Merci Alizée
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Originally Posted by docdtv View Post
M.A., when his sister visits with him, she enjoys it so much that she considers it a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Holiday"><i>Roman Holiday</i></a>. And that ALWAYS makes people think about Audrey Hepburn!

OK, now a more serious answer.

Even way back in 2006, before Alizée's "new look" people at AAm were writing the following:

<a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2706&postcount=39">Impurator </a> said: <i>...the only woman who has come even close to infatuating me the way Alizée has is/was Audrey Hepburn. I think perhaps a large part of it is the wonderful amount of class both present/presented.</i>

and <a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2709&postcount=40">Shep</a> replied: <i>You aren't the only one to compare Alizée to Audrey. Audrey had a charm about her but I believe, as well do most, Ali surpasses Audrey exponentially in many aspects. Must be the Frenchness.</i>

My own reaction to the official <i>Les Collines</i> video has included my remarks

<a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=155204&postcount=74">here</a>, saying: <i>This music video much exceeded my modest expectations for it.... Her [Alizée's] elegance is very 1960s and reminds me of Audrey Hepburn.</i>

and <a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showpost.php?p=155285&postcount=100">here</a>, saying: <i>As for Alizée's makeup, THAT'S HOW WOMEN DOLLED THEMSELVES UP half a century ago. Really. This was BEFORE everyone became a hippie earth mother! ...I also find it interesting that I was not the only one writing here reminded of Audrey Hepburn.</i>
Hmm, I don't have much idea about any of the western artist, or I should say I have absolutely no idea. I haven't seen them much, absolutely never before 2007. That was the first time when I came to know about some of them including Alizée and it surprises me how I became such a fan of her.

Well that's the reason, I assumed so simple way of comparison between Alizée and Audrey Hepburn. I'll try to find more about her. Alizée has introduced me to many awesome artists and I hope Audrey would also be one of them.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Merci Alizée View Post
I'm adding the same thing below which I posted earlier<a href="http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/showthread.php?p=157671#post157671"> here </a>

A new report about Alizée in which she has been referred to as Alizée 2.0 , an upgraded version of Alizée.

Few things that were mentioned in the article:

Musik Please was present at the event of the party oraganised by Alizée and may people wanted to know what's there in Alizée 2.0

We heard a lot about beauty in the past and it has been speculated that her collaboration with the electro-pop group will change her style by 360 degrees and it could change her Lolita image given by Mylene Farmer.

Alizée remains the same as before but now with modern twist of her cleverness.

She is occupied by Synths and laptops. She is new girly icon like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. She is already a superstar in Mexico, there is every chance that France has a new representative in form of new Alizée.


A new article in a newspaper:


A new article about Alizée published on the website Premiere.fr :

Click <a href= "http://people.premiere.fr/News-People/Alizee-On-m-appelle-la-Madonna-mexicaine-depuis-ma-reprise-de-La-Isla-Bonita/">here</a> to view it.

Alizée: "They call me the Mexican Madonna since my return from La Isla Bonita"
"Je ne suis pas Briteny Spears."

Amen. Though, did she really have to say it? It's blasphemy to connect the 2!!

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Old 04-04-2010, 02:28 AM
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So, why is it that when I do a search on the word Clark, this web site gives: not found?
Aïe! Whatever. Can't hurt too much to make sure and post it multiple times. I'll be damned if I can ever find anything on any of these sites! Il y a trop! Mais non! Jamais trop d'Alizée! C'est imposible.

Merci Fanny
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Old 04-04-2010, 07:04 AM
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No worries, thanks for the translation!
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