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Old 09-27-2008, 12:17 AM
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I'm not quite sure, but I think I first saw her in a WoW video showing where the character dances came from that showed one of her JEAM performances.
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:36 AM
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It was in October, 2006 and my wife and I where on holiday in Spain when I discovered Lili. We were actually returning to our resort after a trip to Andorra when our tour guide started playing music videos on the coach TV.

I wasn't really paying much attention as it had been quite a long day but then one video caught my attention. This really cute girl dressed in a black sailor outfit was singing a French song. I had no idea who she was but luckily her name popped up at the end and I memorized it and then looked her up on the internet when we got home. As you know, the song was J'en Ai Marre.

I have been hooked ever since.
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Old 09-27-2008, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by puffyrock2 View Post
I was browsing through my friends favorite vids on his youtube channel. One was titled simply "alizee", the classic JEAM vid most people see first. I spent the next couple hours watching her vids and the rest is history.

Lili hooked me with that classic JEAM video as well. After a while though, I browsed through her En Concert performances and was simply amazed. I started downloading the songs and I guess I've been a fan since then
Originally Posted by Tchaikovsky View Post
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Old 09-27-2008, 10:53 PM
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My story is the same as most of you.

A couple of years ago, I was on another forum and someone posted a thread called "Hot French girl" (or something to that effect) and it linked to 2 videos. As you can surmise, they were JEAM and La Isla Bonita.

Although her affect on me was immediate, I didn't become totally infatuated right away. It was purely a physical attraction at first and, to be honest, I didn't really take an interest in her music. However, over time, I would find myself going back and watching her videos periodically (and with increasing frequency) because there was just something captivating about her. As I became more and more enraptured by her, the music started to grow on me as well.

...and here I am now.
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Old 09-29-2008, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Kaptain Kurse View Post
It was in October, 2006 and my wife and I where on holiday in Spain when I discovered Lili. We were actually returning to our resort after a trip to Andorra when our tour guide started playing music videos on the coach TV.

I wasn't really paying much attention as it had been quite a long day but then one video caught my attention. This really cute girl dressed in a black sailor outfit was singing a French song. I had no idea who she was but luckily her name popped up at the end and I memorized it and then looked her up on the internet when we got home. As you know, the song was J'en Ai Marre.

I have been hooked ever since.
What about your wife does she mind you being so hooked on alizee
does she ever get
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Old 10-01-2008, 09:07 PM
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OK well I was going to Iraq on my first tour and I was told half way through training that my unit was actually going to Kuwaitt so when we landed in Iraq on the way to Kuwaitt the commander told me to get off the plane because I was staying in Iraq for the QRF...QRF=Quick Reaction Force...so i got off the plane and ended up doing my tour in Iraq after all...Well after a few months I was getting into a lot of trouble and the commander assighned me to the Vanguard outpost this outpost is where they send all the trouble makers and the soldiers they dont like,basically a post out in the middle of nowhere......Well before I got sent there I bought a laptop I guess because everybody had one and I never even had a computer growing up so I thought it was cool to have one for gaming and such...Anyways I got there and made friends with another American soldier from CANADA and asked him if he could show me the ins and outs of the laptop I bought...And he did,but while he was doing that he let me go through some files of his on his laptop and I paused on some really cool ones if you know what I mean...And i asked him if he could copy those specific files to my laptop while i went on my mission for the day and he said allright so i was like cool cool...My mission took like 4 hrs and by the time i got back it was still copying and i asked him if it is supposed to take that long and he said well i could not get just those specific files you wanted so i copied all my files to your laptop and i was like what???He then said just go through and delete anything you dont want and i was like cool cool allright...so i took my laptop to my bunk and started going through it all and there it was...................................a file that said Alizee moi lolita so i clicked on it and the song moi lolita started playing,there was not even a video to it and i liked it...I played the song for like 30 minutes over and over till i got tired and shut it off and fell asleep...The next night when i had more time i picked up where i left off in the files and found some more Alizee stuff like the Amsterdam video of moi lolita and JEAM video and i was like ''DAMNNN''....The next morning i asked the other soldier who Alizee was and the first thing that came out of his mouth was ''SHES ADDICTIVE ISN'T SHE???...And i was like ''YUP''...From then on i had the lilli syndrome lol...That's basically my story in a nutshell...Oh and i almost forgot...The day i found out about Alizee was on AUGUST 16th 2004...

Last edited by vercingetorix; 10-01-2008 at 09:32 PM..
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Old 10-01-2008, 10:08 PM
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I had seen the WoW dancing video back in probably early fall 2007, possibly even earlier, and I really liked "that girl" at about a minute into it if I remember correctly. I once in a while would come back to that video just to see her, and it wasn't until probably December 2007 that I actually downloaded J'en Ai Marre. And I was really embarrassed about it (to this day I have barely told anyone). I downloaded a couple more songs that I came across on Youtube, Moi Lolita, Mademoiselle Juliette, and Toc De Mac. I stuck with those four for a while, but then I slowly downloaded more. Before this, I thought the idea of liking foreign music was just plain bad, and I was constantly thinking to myself "there's no way I will become a fan of this, I don't want to be a fan of this." But I started to get more songs. It probably wasn't until spring that I even realized that an album had just come out in December. It wasn't until late May or early June that I found this site, and started watching videos and interviews and really started to find out about her. Then I just went on a downloading spree, and I have almost all of her songs now. I am a bit ashamed to tell you guys I have not bought a single thing yet, but I plan to soon. I found out she was doing some concerts later that month. I was in the middle of work in mid-June and I was like "Gee, it would be fun to try recording my own version of a song." I almost couldn't concentrate at work and when I went home it quickly appeared that this would never work. I ran into some problems at first that almost stopped me from ever doing it to begin with. I wanted to make a song the best I could to make it forum-worthy, and when I got it done the next day, I put it on the forum with doubts. And that's where I was at by the time I first posted. I now don't regret for a second getting into Alizee, even though to this day I am really embarrassed to tell any of my friends about her. Because the people that I have told are really dumbfounded, as this is not the type of music people would expect me to listen to. And my friends at school would probably not take it well, they would do nothing but laugh I'm sure. It's probably because it IS such a big change from what I am used to (Rush, Yes, ELP, Genesis, Jethro Tull). On another note, in June I also got into Axelle Red, and that stuff really is fun to listen to as well. I am big on bass guitar now, and her music is really big on it.
-=...And in a monotone voice, the kid with glasses said, "I'm Rawdg, and this is Derek and Matt."=-
Listen to my versions of J'En Ai Marre, Toc De Mac/Par Les Paupieres, Idéaliser, Lilly Town, Amelie/A Contre-Courant, CTT/JBG, L'email, and Eden/ACF/Limelight.
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Old 10-01-2008, 10:25 PM
edgar93 edgar93 is offline
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I discovered her with JEAM, too. I was in a baseball game in Mexico and in the giant screen they played a video, it was JEAM of course. Then I asked who was that girl , and an aunt answered me, the I went to youtube...and you know.

now 4 months later I really can´t stop thinking about her.

And the best, is that somewhere I have the tickets of the match!!! So I know exactly our first meeting!! : )
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Old 10-01-2008, 10:25 PM
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^^ Prog rock to Alizée is not nearly as embarrassing as (insert sub-genre)Metal to Alizée.

I think I was shunned by most of my community until late 2006 when they started listening to her as well.
I'm tired of telling the story, but here I go, completely summarized.

October 5, 2001: Football game, heard the song played loud on radio by eccentric man.
October 10, 2001: Remembered the song, attempted to find information on it.
October 11, 2001: Found that the song actually made it to the UK top songs list, which was surprising for a French artist.
October 30, 2001: Got a copy of "Gourmandises"
October 31, 2001: Lost my sanity and my tangible form, what a perfect day too!

March 8, 2003: Started the worst and best period of my life.
March 10, 2003: Completed first Alizée fan art.
March 11, 2003: Completed second Alizée fan art.
March 20, 2003: School grades started the roller coaster period.
March 25, 2003: Watched the Eurobest function
April 15, 2003: Got "Mes Courants Electriques"
April 29, 2003: Started practicing drums
July 12, 2003: Birthday, present was a short trip to Paris.
July 29, 2003: Had an inch-stack of Alizée fan art, some horrible, some viable, some fine.
September 1, 2003: Desired to attend her concert, fell into further insanity with the beautiful ACC performances.
January 7, 2004: Le Zenith

August 1, 2004-July 17, 2005: Emotional period of twists and turns, discovery of Chatelain, suicidal tendencies and occasional spurts of creative power.
July 20, 2005: Listened to Ensiferum's "Iron" album, and kicked off the emotional period.

Present Day: I really don't know.
"I will write Peace on your wings, and you will fly all over the world."

Last edited by TheBarrett; 10-01-2008 at 10:40 PM..
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Old 10-01-2008, 10:27 PM
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now she is the only reason for me to learn a third language xD
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