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Old 04-15-2008, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
I don't believe I've seen genuine comments by her on other people's MySpace. However, she says she manages her own MySpace, and I have seen some evidence to back that up. (Specifically, errors in her English that an employed professional probably wouldn't have made.) So actually, Dark Engine, you're calling Alizée a liar rather than Spaltl. He could simply be mistaken; she would have to be lying.
Never said she was a liar, you're reading to far into my comments. I've never seen any comments claiming to be her. And if there were any comments, I'm claiming to be a skeptic. I'm a cop so I'm a realist about these kind of things.
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Old 04-15-2008, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Dark Engine View Post
Never said she was a liar, you're reading to far into my comments. I've never seen any comments claiming to be her. And if there were any comments, I'm claiming to be a skeptic. I'm a cop so I'm a realist about these kind of things.
So all you're skeptical about is that she posts comments on other people's MySpace pages? If they're personal friends of hers she might; she posted at least one on her father's page from a private non-official page of hers before this one was opened. (That one's been deleted now.)

I thought you were expressing skepticism about the more general proposition that she manages her own page. She says she does that, so if she doesn't, she's lying, and if she's telling the truth, then she does -- whether or not she posts comments on other people's pages.
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Old 04-15-2008, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
Have you stayed in contact with any of them?

Quite an argumentative statement considering I only offered a suggestion on how to make appropriate contact with celebrities, not selfishly try to keep in contact with them.
Not as fan to artist, nor as employee to customer. Only as acquaintance to acquaintance, or friend to friend, on an equal basis. Or nothing. That's how I feel about it. Any personal contact made because she's a celebrity would be hugely unsatisfactory to me. I won't do that to myself.
I don't see how a person is automatically lower/higher than somebody else when they are just doing their job. Almost everybody has a job, and if you talk to somebody when they come into your work environment it is a conversation...not an interaction between some higher/lower being and you...unless you want it to be.

You are almost making it her fault for being a celebrity because you are going to hold her to that label no matter the situation. Not to mention that people don't just start out as friends - there is something that causes you to meet them, and interactions that lead to friendship. You are completely throwing out a high percentage of those interactions that could lead to friendship. It is unfair to yourself, and somebody that could become a friend for you to take such an approach.
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Old 04-15-2008, 10:50 PM
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Originally Posted by HelixSix View Post
Quite an argumentative statement considering I only offered a suggestion on how to make appropriate contact with celebrities, not selfishly try to keep in contact with them.
If someone is a friend, you stay in contact with them. That's not selfish. If the suggestion you offered was a way to make friends with these people, you would have stayed in contact. I'm not suggesting that you should have -- just the opposite, in fact; I'm sure it was entirely right that you did not. Which is exactly my point. Why bother?

I'm not saying it's not a decent idea if what you want is to "meet" some famous person in order to be able to say later that you did, or because doing so gives you a thrill just because they're famous. If you do, then sure, go ahead, no harm in it. I don't get into that sort of thing, though, and never have. So I wouldn't take a job like that just to meet Alizée; I wouldn't want to meet her under those circumstances, especially if she was likely to suspect I had taken the job for that purpose -- which she probably would, being no dummy.

Also, your quote misrepresented what I said, possibly because you misunderstood it. What I meant was: "Have you stayed in contact with them? If not, then no, that isn't something I would want to do." Not: "Have you stayed in contact with them? No, you haven't." If that was misunderstood, I apologize for the lack of clarity.

You are completely throwing out a high percentage of those interactions that could lead to friendship. It is unfair to yourself, and somebody that could become a friend for you to take such an approach.
No, I am throwing out only all those interactions that could NOT lead to friendship, precisely because she does not (and should not) make friends with fans, for the reasons already given. (I suspect there's a personal-historical reason for her concerns about this.)

If my relationship with her on the physical plane is going to be that of fan to performer only, then I would prefer to conduct it at a distance and not bother trying to meet her in person. I can enjoy her music just fine from this side of the ocean. There's no need to meet her for that. If, in the course of my travels and endeavors down the road, I should happen to make her acquaintance in a way that bypasses the fan-performer relationship, then I will be very pleased. But that isn't something I feel I can or should seek deliberately to bring about, and trying to do it as a fan would definitely be self-defeating.
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Last edited by Deepwaters; 04-15-2008 at 10:53 PM..
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Old 04-15-2008, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
Why bother? I'm not saying it's not a decent idea if what you want is to "meet" some famous person in order to be able to say later that you did, or because doing so gives you a thrill just because they're famous. If you do, then sure, go ahead, no harm in it. I don't get into that sort of thing, though, and never have.
You make it sound so negative. It can be something really nice for the celebrity too, especially in the case of Alizée and most people here: seeing the dedication of, and being able to put a face to, some of her foreign fans. I know we made a positive impression at the autograph session, and that energy was returned in kind.

If a fan-artist encounter isn't for you, that's fine, but it can be a pretty meaningful experience in and of itself. I agree with everyone who's said that's all we'll ever have with her, but personally I find it more than enough!

Last edited by Ben; 04-15-2008 at 11:26 PM..
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Old 04-15-2008, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
You make it sound so negative. It can be something really nice for the celebrity too, especially in the case of Alizée and most people here: seeing the dedication of, and being able to put a face to, some of her foreign fans. I know we made a positive impression at the autograph session, and that energy was returned in kind.

If a fan-artist encounter isn't for you, that's fine, but it can be a pretty meaningful experience in and of itself. I agree with everyone who's said that's all we'll ever have with her, but personally I find it more than enough!
agreed! I hope one day i could do what you did snatcher and go over to France to get her autograph, I just dont have the money nor the time with school and all.


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Old 04-15-2008, 11:48 PM
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Alot of us here would like to meet her because she seems to be a rare person. Exclude the music and she is not a celebrity, and I know I'd still like to meet her...it is just human nature. It is like wanting to go up and talk to that girl at work that for whatever reason intrigues you...and after long planning and deliberation you go over there but chicken out at the last second.

Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Madonna - they are people more likely to draw the "hey I saw/talked to/met Tiger Woods" crowd, and people will call everybody they know to say they met an icon.

Meeting or just seeing Alizée in person even for the shortest time is a different thing, it satisfies something inside. Sure she has alot of fans, but she also has alot of people that the word "fan" is a bad description of.
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Old 04-16-2008, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Snatcher42 View Post
You make it sound so negative. It can be something really nice for the celebrity too, especially in the case of Alizée and most people here: seeing the dedication of, and being able to put a face to, some of her foreign fans. I know we made a positive impression at the autograph session, and that energy was returned in kind.
You're absolutely right, Snatcher, and I really am talking about myself here. It doesn't have to be negative, if you go into it with no illusions and if it's your sort of thing. If she enjoyed the encounter and you guys did, too, well, I'm glad for all of you.

But at this point, I'm also glad I wasn't there. I'm just being honest. This is something I've come to realize, really since you went to Paris for that event. I couldn't go, but I imagined myself in that situation and came to understand that I would have found it both irritating (because of the crowds) and frustrating.

As I've said several times, I suck at being a fan. I don't DO the fan thing, really. It doesn't appeal to me. As a general rule, I have no use for celebrities at all, as people, even when I like and appreciate their art. Alizée is an exception only because, from what I can see and sense, I like her a great deal, personally, but that is something separate from my liking her music (which I also do of course). I'm her "fan" only in the sense that I do like her music and listen to it a lot. In that sense, I'm also a "fan" of a number of other performers, some of whom I don't much like as people. Fandom isn't personal, for me. I really have no interest in meeting anyone that I don't want to get to know, and if I do want to get to know them I don't want to just meet them briefly.

A fan-artist encounter will never be "more than enough" for me, except in those cases where it's that in the sense of "too much." (Meet Madonna? I'll pass, thanks -- love her music, though.) I like Alizée so much, as a person, that if I met her I would want to talk to her, not just get an autograph and then move aside for the next person in line, and if that's not possible -- which it wouldn't be in such a context, for reasons I completely understand and agree with -- then I would find it more frustrating than uplifting, and would really rather not. As I said, I can still enjoy her music just fine from this side of the ocean.

I'd still like to see her in concert, of course, and expect some day I will. But I want either a LOT more than that -- or nothing more. Nothing is a good deal more likely, granted. And that's OK.
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Old 04-16-2008, 01:02 AM
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...but if you want to do it.....be prepared to spend a lot of money....

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Old 04-16-2008, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Deepwaters View Post
So all you're skeptical about is that she posts comments on other people's MySpace pages? If they're personal friends of hers she might; she posted at least one on her father's page from a private non-official page of hers before this one was opened. (That one's been deleted now.)

I thought you were expressing skepticism about the more general proposition that she manages her own page. She says she does that, so if she doesn't, she's lying, and if she's telling the truth, then she does -- whether or not she posts comments on other people's pages.
Allow me to reiterate and keep it my original comment more simple. I'm very skeptic about ANY page belonging to a celebrity on weather or not they manage it them self. If a celebrity claims that they manage their page then that's fine with me. I don't get overly concerned over "who runs what site". I don't know if Alizee has ever said in person that she manages her myspace.
In any case, this topic seems kind of irrelevant to the subject of the original post. I would recommend we drop it before this page gets closed for some odd reason.

I do see what you mean by not wanting to see her in person to get an autograph. I too, would like to sit and actually have in intelligent conversation with her. I doubt that will ever happen since I will probably never get stationed in France, and the language barrier. A concert would be nice someday; I would have liked to see her when I was in Germany for two years. Unfortunately her tour for her second album had already moved abroad throughout Europe. I was also in Korea during her concert in South Korea, but I didn't even know she was there. I'm not surprised though, military had me very busy at that time. Blah, damn article 15...I need some soju
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