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Old 03-02-2019, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
Hyper sensitive and highly variable mood --- it sounds like she's saying that she's been that way all her life.

... Her "dual nature" has always intrigued me--- off-stage she's this shy girl with shakey self-esteem, on-stage she's a God. From introvert to extreme extrovert....
I remember someone who knew her commenting about her mood changing with the weather. Sunny day, sunny Alizée. Cloudy day, ...

The definition I like to use for an introvert is: someone who draws energy (recharges) from within. An introvert can perform, but then they need quiet time to recharge their batteries.

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
I'll end this with a quote from the late journalist Charlie Reese:
"Charisma is nothing more than a high level of energy. We all instinctively recognize that energy equals life, and so when we run into people who exude an above-average level of energy, we are attracted to them, sort of like moths to a flame."
I have heard her referred to as having charisma.
--- pace e salute ---
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Old 03-02-2019, 04:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
I remember someone who knew her commenting about her mood changing with the weather. Sunny day, sunny Alizée. Cloudy day, .......
I believe that was a woman from Corsica who contacted me several months ago, via Youtube and offered to share a little bit of info about her.
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Old 03-03-2019, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Rev View Post
I remember someone who knew her commenting about her mood changing with the weather. Sunny day, sunny Alizée. Cloudy day, ...

The definition I like to use for an introvert is: someone who draws energy (recharges) from within. An introvert can perform, but then they need quiet time to recharge their batteries.
I have not seen that definition of introvert, but it is spot on.

Being one myself and knowing many others through my life, there is a social, outgoing side to an introvert. I can only speak for myself on this one, but if I take a multiple day trip with a group of people, I still need some "alone" time each day. Recharging is the perfect word.
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Old 03-03-2019, 08:53 PM
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And Hi

J'espère que tout le monde va bien, et avoir une bonne journée…
I hope that everyone is well, and having a good day…


Negativity” and the “dark side” are strong in this “place”, this weekend, lots of “ruffled feathers” in “unexpected” places.

Definitely some kind of “imbalance” occurring.

Not good…

Anyhow, where was I, oh yeah…

Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
.It made me realize that I was good and that people liked me. --- sounds she like has serious issues with either depression, low self-esteem, or both.
So, the “depression” and “low self esteem” areas…

Hmm, “low self-esteem”…

Well, I looked at Alizee's description of her “childhood” and “school years”, and can “empathize” 100%, for that was “me”, to a ‘T”.

The differences being, (apart from being “male”), that in my case I was a “tall skinny, kind of “dog faced” kid” with huge “asymmetric ears”, (not small and cute with “Harry Potter” specs), I was not even of “modest means”, (we were really just utterly damn poor), and my “refuge” was in “books”, (“Science Fiction”; “Sword & Sorcery”; and; “History”, as in “Ancient Greece”, “Rome”, “Feudal Japan”, and “WW2”), and not “dancing”.

And, I was “Scottish” and maybe just a wee bit more “militant” in my outlook.

From about the age of 5, right through to about the age of 17, it was the same “refrain”: “Big ears”, “Skinny”, “Ugly”; “Dumbo”, on and on, day after day, year after year, ad nauseam.

You name a “hurtful” “big ears” quip, and yep, I’ve probably heard it, and could probably show you some you haven’t heard.

The thing about stuff like that, is that, like “mud”, if you throw enough of it at somebody, it eventually sticks, consciously or otherwise, and you kind of start to “internalize” it, whether you realize it or not,

Anyhow, the schools that I attended were in a slightly more “affluent” area, and that, in itself presented some more “problems”, for I was the “token poor ugly kid”, with a very high IQ, that ended up being “stuck” in classes with the very privileged, very bright “golden children”.

Why not just “paint” a damn “target” on my head…

So to the previous list of: “Big ears”, “Skinny”, “Ugly”; “Dumbo”, etc, add “Poor”, “underprivileged”, “stupid”, (“Heh”, I was “brighter” than them all “put together”), and, “uncouth”.

As time went on, and I got older, the “teasing” got more “physical”, until it almost became a “sport”. If you wanted to impress the “in crowd”, you would pick on the “weak”, the “nerds”, the “loners”, and if you pleased them enough, if you “entertained” them enough, you would get to be a “favored pet”, one of their “accepted ““hanger ons”.

Guess where my place was in this “hierarchy”?

Right at the “bottom” in the “loners” category, but, the “bullying” thing did not really work with me, for I was slightly bigger than “usual”, for my age.

So yes, I would get a very frequent “beating”, but it would take about 6 of them to do it, and none would walk away “unmarked”, and, my little “knightly” self, (I read waay too much “Sword & Sorcery” stuff) would not let this stand “unavenged”, so I would track them down “one on one”, “one by one”, and “beat the tar out” of them, so a kind of “vicious cycle” was formed, until they learned to just “leave me alone”, for it really was not worth the “pain” and “hassle”.

Occasionally, one of the “”in” clique”, or one of the “Jocks”, would get “upset” at me, for messing with their “minions”, and would “descend from on high”, to publicly “chastise” my “unpopular”, “uncouth” self for my “misdeeds”, and they would face the very same results, to the same “effect”. They learned the “hard way” too.

Eventually, they would just publicly “puff up”, and “threaten”, and I would give them that “strange” little smile of mine, that shows just a little bit too much “canine”, and we would both go our separate ways, with “honor” satisfied, it was better than getting into yet another pointless fight.

With regard to “friends”, they were always “few”, and “far between”, just more “broken”, “misfit toys”, but you will find that you bring enough of these “lost”, “broken”, “misfit” toys together, they usually create something wonderful, and so it was.

I truly hated my school years with a “passion”, they were a “small slice of Hell”, but I met some utterly wonderful friends there, that helped “light the darkness”, and make it just the “tiniest” bit bearable.

Ah, and mustn’t forget “Family” in this equation.

With respect to mine, my Father was a very abusive “alcoholic”, which made him an “absolute joy” to live with, if you had any “victories” or “triumphs” in life, then they were instantly “belittled”, and, “nullified”, and, god forbid if you “failed” or “messed up”, for you would hear about this for years, and years… and years.

Oh, and why couldn’t I be “normal”, like the other “boys”.

Hmm, “normal”, as in the “style” of the typical local “NED” that frequented my “delightful” neighborhood, y’mean “normal” as in go out and get drunk, break into other peoples “houses” and “cars”, rob “drunks”, and “beat up” helpless old people.

Nooo, that was never going to be me, I’d rather have died, first.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I came from a “nice” area of Scotland?!

So, low self esteem, yeps, I may have that. I don’t need enemies, for my greatest enemy, my “Ultimate Nemesis”, is “myself”.

It causes me to “second guess” myself, anything I ever do, is never ever “good enough”, and I have absolutely no concept of “self worth” whatsoever, but there is a “but” to this.

The “but” is, that these “scars”, these “traits”, drove me forward in life to “achieve”, to “evolve”, to “grow”, to try and find the “better” me.

And the lack of “self worth”, well, in my “vocation”, it was an utterly positive “boon”, a very rare “gift”.

Y’know these places that “fools rush into, and Angels fear to tread” in, well, these places have “dark places” in them, that even “absolute imbeciles”, and “Archangels”, just won’t “mess” with, and if you look into these “darker places”, you will see “even darker”, “dark places”, that even “demi-gods” will have nothing to do with, and, If you looked into these places, you might have seen me, “snurgling” about, taking “pictures”, getting “soil” samples, making “maps”.

It was not something that someone who valued themselves “highly” could do without a lot of “fear”, and “trepidation”.

So, at the “end of the day”, these “scars”, caused by “apparent” “low self esteem”, in “childhood”, “made” me who I am today, helped me to “evolve” in life, “drove” me “onward”, helped me to achieve what I “desired”, and gave me the “strength” to do, what had to be done, when it needed to be done, to get to where I wanted to be.


Now look at Alizee, and her “childhood”, and her apparent “low self esteem”, and "apply" the little paragraph, just above, to it.

It gave her the “strength”, the “drive”, the “power”, the “thirst”, to “reach” for, and “grasp” her “dream”, and make it “hers”, make it “real”.

Before you even dare, contemplate criticizing her for this “low self esteem”, or think about “voicing” an “unfounded” opinion, “walk a mile in her shoes”, as she was then, and then “walk another couple of miles in them”, and look at what she “achieved”, and then appreciate the sheer “guts”, “tenacity”, and “sacrifice” that it took to achieve her “objectives”.

Still think she is some kind of little, “weak”, “inadequate”, “broken”, “ugly duckling”, hmm???

The “ugly duckling”, was actually a “Cygnet”, that turned into a very “rare”, “wonderful”, “beautiful Swan”, that is, and always will be, “one of a kind”.

And that “long, skinny, big eared, “dog faced”” Scottish “mongrel pup”, well, he joined the “Armed Forces”, and, by the time he was 21, he had evolved into a “Werewolf”, and simply “vanished”, as was “appropriate’, for that was his “vocation”, to “see”, but not to be “seen”.

Was/is still kinda "dog faced" though...


“Low self esteem”, is not a “curse”, it’s not a “mental illness”, there actually is no “stigma” attached to it, contrary to what many people would like to believe, or attribute to it, rather it tends to be a “result”, a “product” of our “life experiences”, usually “negative” or “unsavory” ones, and they can be “healed”, with “love”, with “understanding”, with “positive regard”, and with just general “TLC”, “tender, loving, care”.

And the “occasional”, and “appropriately” “aimed” and “timed” “boot to the arse”, when required…

I think “herself” has all of these “items” at her disposal, in “unlimited quantities”, “personified” in the man that is at her side.

“Right person”, “right place”, “right time”, she only has to “summon the courage”, to let him in, and that can be very hard, but oh so very “worth it”.

Anyhow, enough of this…

We are all “broken”, in some sort of “similar” way, whether we like to admit it, or not, or simply are not perceptive enough to see it, it is there.

You know the old saying, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”, well, on you go, get “throwing”, and lets “amend” that to “Let he who is “perfect” cast the first stone”, and yet again, on you go, get throwing.

I don’t expect to see any “stones thrown”, for none of us are “sinless” or “perfect”, and, as for “fingers pointed at”, really…

I wear my “childhood scars” with a strange sort of “pride’, for I “survived” it, and it helped to “form” the person that I am now, and contrary to what many would like to believe, (including myself), he is apparently not a bad person at all, might actually be pretty damn decent actually, so I have been told.

We “both” survived.

We “all” survived.

Last edited by RedRafe; 03-03-2019 at 09:46 PM..
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Old 03-04-2019, 04:13 AM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I think this is an unfair conclusion. Freely sharing her struggles and not trying to make excuses or hide them is a sign of strength, not weakness. Certainly not fragile. Depression does not carry the stigma that it used to. It would be rare to meet a person who has not had at least one depressive episode in their life.
I didn't mean to insult Alizee with the term "emotionally fragile"--- it was a poor choice of words.

If I may, I'd like to clarify something that she said in the interview:

Thanks to him [Greg], I now feel fulfilled and free. It made me realize that I was good and that people liked me. I who am hyper sensitive and highly variable mood, who believe that this is the end of the world when something is wrong, it time-delay me and soothes me. Gregory makes me positive and calm my fears. I respect as much as I admire him.

The way I read this, Alizee seems to be saying that she has had "highly variable mood" all her life.

In other words, her "highly variable mood" is not situational--- like her shyness, it is a lifelong trait.

That's how I read it. Alizee is saying that she has highly variable mood by nature, and that Greg has a calming influence on her.

Would you agree with that interpretation?
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Old 03-04-2019, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Coucou View Post
The way I read this, Alizee seems to be saying that she has had "highly variable mood" all her life.

In other words, her "highly variable mood" is not situational--- like her shyness, it is a lifelong trait.

That's how I read it. Alizee is saying that she has highly variable mood by nature, and that Greg has a calming influence on her.

Would you agree with that interpretation?
First, let's agree that the interview as a whole leaves a little to be desired in it's translation to English. If you didn't read it, I provided a link to the Word document and you will see what I mean.

"Highly variable mood" can mean what? Her mood changes by the hour? minute? It comes down to what she means by "highly". My guess is that the best English interpretation is that she is just "moody", and she knows it. The saying that Rev pointed out "Sunny day, Sunny Alizee, Cloudy day...." you get the picture. Moodiness can be a lifelong condition, but if you break moodiness down using science, it is a function of the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain and what builds (or depletes) these levels.

I grew up in the Snow Belt, lived the majority of my adult life (30 years) in the Sun Belt, but in the last six years back in the Snow Belt. The first few winters back in the Snow Belt were tough, not just because of the cold, but also of the persistent gray skies. I was gloomy a lot. During a routine blood test, my Dr. found low vitamin D-3 levels, which is a by-product of sun exposure. I immediately started a regiment of 10,000 IU of D-3 and used a full spectrum lamp for 20 minutes each morning in the winter. No more winter blues. My body was just accustomed to regular doses of sun, which I wasn't getting anymore.

Apply the same reasoning to Alizee. According to Current Results (weather and science facts),


Ajaccio gets 157 days of strong sun and 64 days of weak sun per year.

Paris gets 51 days of strong sun and 152 days of weak sun per year.

That is quite a difference. Being that most of her 20's were spent in Paris, I'm sure she felt the difference in her moods. She probably craved sunny days like getting a fix of drugs. She seems to be self-aware that her mood fluctuates with the weather. If I were her doctor (oh please please!) I would suggest that she get her D-3 levels checked.
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Old 03-04-2019, 10:51 AM
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Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post
We “all” survived.
Being a 1960's child, sometimes I wonder how I survived.

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Old 03-04-2019, 06:13 PM
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Found this pic on the Dance Studio's page. I didn't know it anyone had already posted it.

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Old 03-04-2019, 10:34 PM
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Ah, more “Instagram” postings, cool.

Well, her “jewellery” posting, there is no doubt about it, she does suit it, and she’s “showcasing” it wonderfully, but, you know me, and my “new agey”self, I tend to prefer stuff that also has “healing” or “protective” qualities.

Hmm, now, were talking about items like a “Silver” and “Lapis Lazuli”, “combo”, “Hematite”, “Rose Quartz”, “Amethyst”, and maybe “Moonstone”, which have some really “cool” properties.

When done correctly, items containing these can be really “fashionable”, but also “functional”.

Jeez, been years since I’ve made any jewellery, come to think about it…

Gods, I really must be getting old…

Yeaaaahh, plenty of “Jon Snow” posts…

I see “shiny” puppy “shots”, and all “sense goes out the window”, so you will have to forgive me…

The “Bon week end” “Instagram” post, well, there is Jon Snow looking cute as usual, on the beach and y’know, I wish I was there, for it just looks so “idyllic”. That would just be so cool.

Actually, it kind of puts me in mind of the West coast of Scotland, on a good day, when its not “grey”, “wet”, “raining”, “misty”, and just downright “drab” and "miserable", which it is for about 7 months of the year, but, when the sun shines, it IS the most beautiful place on this Earth.

The Jon Snow “Vacances” “Instagram” post is just such a “sweet”, “cool” shot, its has “great scenery”, and it looks like Greg giving is Jon Snow a hug, and he’s loving it.

I see nothing but “love” and “affection” there, which is pretty damn “cool” in my book.

Got nothing but the utmost respect for Greg. Said it before, and can bet I will say it a thousand times more.

The Jon Snow “Gratouilles forever” post, well, ok, if I wasn’t nominally “Buddhist” I would surely be utterly “jealous” of Jon Snow getting his chest tickled/rubbed “forever”…

Oh dear, words like, “Heaven”, and, “Paradise” come to mind…

“Chest rubs” would be “fine”, y’know me, I’m easily satisfied…


Anyhow, he is just so “utterly cute”, so he is, and these eyes, just so beautiful…

I find myself reflexively reaching out for those beautiful fluffy ears…

And my “slicker” brush…

And wondering how much, if anything, left, I would have out of a gallon of “Cowboy Magic” if he was to get a bath, (because that stuff isn’t cheap, and I am, ‘cos I’m Scots ), and, how long would he take to blow dry…

And, do I need a “Samoyed”, or any other dog anyhow…

I mean, between the “Huskies”, and the “Corgis”, and the “Schnausers”…

Who am I trying to “kid”, he/it would fit right in…

Anyhow, he is just beautiful, like his owner…

Y’know, even if Alizee, wasn’t “Alizee”, I would still have nothing but “immense respect” and “utterly positive regard” for Alizee and Greg. They are “talented”, “professional” and “dedicated”, they work hard at their chosen vocations, “together”, (which, trust me, is a very hard thing for most “couples” to do), and, I see nothing but “love” and “positivity” there.

They look “good” together, they adore each other immensely, and it just feels “right”, if you know what I mean.

They are a pair of my most very favorite people, which you might have already guessed.

As I’ve said before, I wish them nothing but “health”, “wealth”, “happiness”, and ever increasing love.

Last edited by RedRafe; 03-04-2019 at 10:44 PM..
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Old 03-05-2019, 03:48 PM
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Ditto what Red Rafe said about Alizee and Gregoire! ( “immense respect” and “utterly positive regard” for Alizee and Greg.}.

I see they are in Marseille, maybe heading for where he grew up and where his parents run a dance school.

Of course they could easily take a flight from Ajaccio to Marseille, but I wonder if she ever elects to take the scenic over night ferry between the two locations I have to think not, because I don't think we've ever seen her post pictures on the ferry.

Alizee Marseille train station.jpg
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