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Old 11-28-2007, 03:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Killian View Post
Let's hope someone from moi-alizee.us gets the call next time
well we hope! x]
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Old 11-30-2007, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Killian View Post
Thanks, Snatcher.
I love the image of Lili playing the Wii, that's adorable. If there was some form of proper online play, I could play against her. How cool would that be!!!...
You'd be like:
Yeeeeah! Kicked yo' ass suuukaaa! How'd you like the taste of that mud!? ha ha hhu uh, oh crap! I can't believe I just said that to Alizée. Doh!

Merci Fanny
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Old 12-04-2007, 06:56 AM
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You can read the complete log of all of the chats at http://specials.divertissements.fr.m...pte-rendu.aspx

Perhaps the songs on her Myspace will be the singles...

D'où est, d'où vient l'homme, petit marcheur dans le réel?

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Old 12-04-2007, 07:29 AM
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thanks TDM, babelfish here i come!
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Old 11-08-2011, 01:07 AM
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I feel as if some newer members might not have seen this amazing video of Alizee chatting with her fans, so here it is again:


Here is some of the highlights of the chat dialogue that went down!

Originally Posted by Ben View Post
The VIP Chat!

What is your favorite track on the new album?
It's a hard question to answer but I will try to choose! I say psychédélices!

What do the 2 alizées on the cover of the album represent?
Both alizées that I am in life ... one more woman and the other more child!

What (s) title (s) will you sing on Star Academy? With whom?
That's a nice necklace, what is it?

I think that I will sing Moi Lolita, and I'd like to sing with bertrand! Lol and my necklace is by stefere! There is an official website!

During your tour, will you sing songs from your 1st 2 albums, reprises, and travel abroad?
Yes yes yes yes yes !!!!!

Would you like to start a line of clothes?
I do not know! Already the music is a very tough job that takes a lot of time!

Your perfume?
Thierry mugler Angel, always!

Do you have a studio anecdote to give us?
So when I recorded lonely list we lost the session and I had to re-record it!

What did you feel the first time you listened to the album completely finished?
Very moved, two years of work ...

How do you envisage your second tour? An intimate show or like Madonna?
I do not know yet, I hesitate! In any case I hope as much fun as the first!

For the foreign fans, a date in usa or canada?
Why not!

What do you think of your audience, your fans? Their support and their opinions are important to you?
Yes very important! I am proud of my fans

If you had to do a duet, who would you choose?
I do not know yet ...

Favorite Gourmandises?

What is your biggest dream?
My greatest dream ... sing with madonna!

Who is the person that you met that impressed you most?
Bertrand burgalat ... great man who I learned a lot from ...

Your favorite object of your Tinkerbell collection (if you do well on the collection)
My tattoo! Lol

Do you like the work of your fans on the Internet?
Yes I like very much what the fans have done ...

Since you'd rather sit on the couch and watch a dvd what you are going to watch tonight?
I do not know what is on TV tonight lol

Will you be doing more benefit concerts and tv apperances?
As usual, yes!

Your golf handicap?
I prefer to play on the wii lol

Can you visit Lily Town?
No, it is an imaginary country!

Hello from PinParasol who was very touched that you thought of him

We are waiting for you all on alizee-fanclub.net/forum You can come to when you want cuckoo
Yes I will make you a kiss as soon as I have time!

Is it easy to work with your husband?
It's cool to share the same passion!

Your little princess dances to Mademoiselle?
She loves it!
And the full chat! I remember having it in a more organized form on a link in my bookmark tab some time ago but it dissapeared

First chat with Dawn ... Alizée: Hi Dawn! Dawn: Alizée Hello! Dawn: How are you? Not too tired with all your promo to do? Alizée: not so good! It's cool to see everyone and to share the album with the public! Dawn: Exactly you too does not apprehend the release of the album? For it is quite different from what you have done before. Alizée: Yes a little bit but I gained so much fun doing that I'm quite serene! Aurora: You have a favorite track on this album? Alizée: Yes I love Psychédélices and effect! Dawn: I do not know how you managed to choose, I myself can not decide between them! Alizées Why there are two on the album cover? Alizée: It as I am in the life of every day ... a little woman and child still .... Dawn: Oh right! We're all a bit like that ... Are you going to tour again to meet your fans? If so, when? Alizée: :: Yes probably in 2008! Dawn: And do you think of the rooms rather large (such as Zenith) or smaller venues? Alizée: :: we'll see ... I like both! Dawn: You sing songs from your first two albums on stage? Alizée: :: yes no problem they are part of my life! Dawn: And do you go see your overseas fans? Alizée: :: I hope ! Dawn: What do you think of your fans? Support (through sites and forums - with a friend we have created a forum for you) and they think it is important to you? Alizée: : yes I am very happy with my fans ... their support is very important ... Dawn and it will always be there to support you Dawn Do you play a musical instrument? Alizée: : No thank you ... but I intend to learn the piano when I have time .. . Aurore Very good choice on piano ... This is my instrument! Alizée: : :-) Dawn If you encounter problems when you learn it, you can always ask me, I am at your disposal Alizée: : oki! Aurore Some media put you in competition with Lorie and Jenifer your return because you are together. What do you think? There really is a "competition" between you? Alizée: : No, not at all, we are not the same music! It was just the same age! lol Dawn Yes, it's true. Then there is room for everyone in the middle Aurore out what you want to single titles? Alizée: : fifty sixty, take-off lids, taxi driver ... all in fact! lol Alizée: : you have one last question? is the end of chat! Aurore You could call your album in one word? Alizée: : pop! Aurora ok! thank you very much Alizée: : very fast!! kisses! Aurora kisses and good luck for the rest of your promo Dawn thank you for answering our questions with Camille Second chat: Alizée: Camille hello are you there? CAMILLE: Cuckoo Alizée: CAMILLE: yes I am the Alizée: it's going !? CAMILLE: yes very well and you CAMILLE: ca can not get better! Alizée: Yes it's going very well! CAMILLE: It's been super long 3 years without you! But the wait has paid off, and proof your new album coming out soon CAMILLE: I heard on your myspace, it is beautiful. You have a preference Alizée: Yes on 3! Thank you very much! Yes I love Psychédélices and effect! CAMILLE: I had a huge heart for helping "idealize" it is sublime! You think back on stage soon? Alizée: Yes I hope to tour in 2008! CAMILLE: I will come necessarily, I have been waiting in Lille 2oo3 CAMILLE: You have felt what was the first time you heard your new album Alizée: I was very moved ... CAMILLE: It felt weird to talk to you directly as ca ... I never imagined one day to talk to you. (I even cut class but for a good cause) Alizée: Yes it seems! lol CAMILLE: The 7 on Star Academy, you will sing Mademoiselle Juliette? Alizée: Yes and my Lolita! CAMILLE: You know who Alizee: I would like to Bertrand CAMILLE: I do not watch too much American Idol, I think it's the only time of the year or I will look CAMILLE: In any case, your passage to the great newspaper, I enjoyed your smile and your way of speaking was too much Alizée: Thank you very much! I liked it too! Alizée: Thank you one last question? It's the end of the cat! CAMILLE: I'm just very happy to be able to talk to you nice CAMILLE: And the strong release of the album as well (I'm waiting eagerly to receive it) Alizée: It was a pleasure!! See you soon! And do not dry over the course lol CAMILLE: See you soon, 3 strongly, strongly 7. And especially the tour strongly Liliiiiiiiii t'aimeeeeeeeeee it! Alizée: Thank you !!!!!!!!!!! See you soon I hope!! Kisses Third chat with Fred: Alizée: Hi Fred! Fred: Hi, Fred: how are you? Alizée: Yes very good and you? Fred: Yes! Thank you! Well, I start :-) Fred: What is your favorite track on the new album? Alizée: It's very hard as a question, but I will try to choose! I will say Psychédélices! Fred: What do the two Alizées the album cover? Alizée: Both Alizées that I am in life ... more women and one child over Fred: What (s) title (s) are you going to sing the Star Academy? Who? Alizée: I think I'll sing my Lolita and I sing with Bertrand! Fred: During your tour, you sing the songs of your first two albums, times, and you shall go abroad ? Alizée: Yes, yes and yes! Fred: Your perfume? Alizée: Thierry Mugler Angel Forever! Fred: Do you have a story to give us studio? Alizée: Yes, when I recorded "Lonely list", it was lost session and I had to re-register! Fred: How did you feel the first time you listened to the album completely finished? Alizée: Very excited, two years of work ... Fred: How do you see your second tour? Or intimate show at the Madonna? Alizée: I do not hesitate! Anyway I hope all the fun as the first! Fred: For overseas fans, a date in the United States or Canada? Alizée: Why not? Fred: What do you think of your audience, your fans? Their support and advice are they important to you? Alizée: Yes very important! I am proud of my fans! Fred: If you had to do a duet, which would you choose? Alizée: I do not know yet ... Fred: Gluttony favorite? Alizée: Candy! Fred: We look forward to see you again on the front of the stage! Alizée: Me too! Thank you! Fred: What is your biggest dream? Alizée: My biggest dream ... to sing with Madonna! Fred: Who is the person you met who impressed you the most? Alizée: Bertrand Burgalat ... great man who taught me a lot ... Fred: Your favorite item in your collection Tinkerbell (if you make the collection of course)? Alizée: My tattoo! lol Fred: Do you like the work of your fans on the Internet? Alizée: Yes I really like what the fans ... Fred: Since you are more DVDs and couch what are you gonna look at this night? Alizée: I do not know what's on TV tonight lol Fred: Is there going to be on benefits of chorea and TV shows? Alizée: Normally yes Fred: Your golf handicap? Alizée : I prefer to play on the wii lol Fred: You can visit Lily Town? Alizée: No, it's a fantasy land! Fred: Is it easy to work with her ​​husband? Alizée: It's cool to share the passion! Fred: Your moves on Miss Princess? Alizée: She loves it! ... you have one last question? It's almost the end of the chat! Fred: A HUGE THANK YOU! From the heart ... ON love you so much there will be at the forefront of Marseille and its region Alizée: Thank you all! And see you soon! Big hugs! Fred: Thank you very much for this chat!
Fourth chat with Jen: Alizée: Hi Jen! Jen: Cuckoo Alizée! How are you? Alizée: Very good and you? Jen: It's going to thank you I must tell you from many that it makes us really happy to find you, but you do lol doubts Alizée: Yes, but I'm glad anyway! Jen: Do you think Miss Juliette single out? (In the trade I mean) Alizée: I do not know yet! Can be! Jen: You're thinking about what song in the second single? It's just all this interview lol Alizée: Maybe fifty sixty .... lol Jen: Oh great! lol Jen: J'voulais ask you, we hear you say bcp recently than your previous two albums is not like you (for the first single for sure lol), you'd really feel that it was not you or you just evolved? Alizée: The other 2 albums were like me the time has now Psychédélices me more like day today ... Jen: Okay Jen: there is a tour planned ( and a date to Nancy?) It would be really happy to see you on stage Alizée: Yes I hope! Jen: I can not wait! Jen: it's not easy to talk to you but I am very happy Alizée: me too it makes me very happy to talk! Jen: I could not wait for the commercial release of the album, I downloaded (legally lol) until Monday and I find it really good (except for takeoff, I am not a fan of the style), but overall there are really good songs, I have a big heart for example Lilly Town Alizée: Oki! Alizée: Thank you one last question? It's the end of the cat! Jen: I do not have any other questions, thank you for responding anyway Jen: I hope your album will go, I wish you all the best Alizée: I cross my fingers!! See you soon!! Alizée: kisses! Jen: As soon! Kisses! Smack Fifth chat with Sylvain: Alizée: Hi Sylvain:! Sylvain: Alizée Hello Nice to meet you! Alizée: I too am thrilled! Sylvain: It's been a while since we are all waiting your turn, you needed to take some time before returning? Alizée: Yes! Especially for the album I was dreaming! Sylvain: We often ask you the question but this album you dreamed, you would not do it with Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat? Alizée: not because I wanted to discover new things, meet people etc ... Sylvain: And Anny-Lee, she finds out how the new album? Alizée: Very well Sylvain: I trust him then and Mylène thinks what? Did she provided advice advice? Alizée: It was the first to receive the album! Sylvain: And she found how? Alizée: ha haha! Sylvain: ha haha it's a secret? Or is his reaction? Alizée: Ha haha Sylvain: Okay I'm anxious to get an idea then! Alizée: Sylvain: In any case the last time I saw you were on the back of a car leaving the concert of the music festival and I must say that you are always so beautiful! Alizée: Thank you very much! Sylvain: The next concerts are planned or not? Alizée: Surely in 2008! Sylvain: It one can imagine Bercy 2008? Alizée: Houlalala! It's too big! lol Sylvain: But after the Olympia must think big Alizée: Thank you one last question? It's the end of the cat! Sylvain: Nah, I wish you much success for the future ... and thank you very much for all Alizée: Thank you! See you soon! Sixth chat with Tiffany: Alizee: Alizée Hi Tiffany's Tiffany: Hi, are you? Alizée: very good and you? Magic! tiffany: very happy to talk to you! tiffany: So here I have a question: what is it exactly psychedelics? Alizée: It is a word coined by Jean Fauque! Alizée: psyche and the universe for different sounds the album, and delights for the pop tart! tiffany: this about? For this album fascinates me is wonderful! Alizée: Psychédélices is a journey a bit special ... Tiffany: Really thank you for what is expected is a very good surprise tiffany: Are you thinking of a tour ? And if so, will you resume your old titles? Alizée: Yes I think! My old albums will obviously part of the show! tiffany: Wahoo's going to be great, this single miss Juliet is a pure bomb! Are you already know what title will be the next single? Alizée: I do not know may be fifty sixty! tiffany: For fifty sixty is great and I love this song Lili Town is a pure delight! It sounds like a lullaby it takes me! Alizée: Just a lovely lullaby, indeed a gem! tiffany: A gem for your daughter! tiffany: I knew you had done a Psychedelic listening to some of your fans ! And they had a cd! Will miss Juliette will be sold after the album? Alizée: No it was the promo! Tiffany: Ok, well they have been very lucky I'd love to meet you but it's hard! So that's why I love ... your first concert tour was great! tiffany: There is a limited edition DVD of your album: it's about? Tiffany: And I would tell you that your New pictures are gorgeous! Congratulations on this long-awaited return! Alizée: Thank you, this DVD is a mini clip that tells the story of the album by Jean Fauque ... Tiffany: wahoo, well I feel that I love, in any case it is expected that j buy the cd digipak simple and December 3 I run the search in out of class! Tiffany: You will be the NRJ music awards? Alizée: I do not know yet! Tiffany: Yes agree! And I wanted to know if the character of Lolita that you created, you want to change or remove it completely? Alizée: I would like my image evolves as I have grown! Tiffany: Ok indeed! You made ​​us grow up I like this new side, it makes us move too! Tiffany: You have done many things during your absence? Alizée: Yes ... 2 years of work experience to meet and ... tiffany: wahoo a lot of work and in addition you became mom! It's great so many things like that! Tiffany: You work a lot more with the Net, off your site is awesome! Also you are closer to your fans how it is done? You missed the public? Alizée: Yes they are there a lot, finally you are there always ... Tiffany: I follow you from the start! You have grown a lot but we also! Tiffany: I was wondering if you plan to do a dvd of your clips? Alizée: I do not know yet! Why not! Tiffany: Anyway, I can tell you that the forums is madness since you were on the front of the media! tiffany: Are you always Topaz your little dog? Alizée: yes it is Corsica with my parents! Tiffany: ok I want to know what are your occupations where you are at home and you rest? Alizée: I take my family ... Tiffany: The role of Jeremy on the album was what? Alizée: Composer and producer! Alizée: thank you very much you have one last question? is the end of chat! Tiffany: No, but I want to thank you for all Alizée: Thank you ... big kisses and see you soon!

Last edited by User22; 11-08-2011 at 01:15 AM..
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Old 11-12-2011, 01:12 AM
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Thanks for excavating this. Love the Early-Psyche Lilly. So proud of her new album and working so hard to get it to the public. I also loved that straight hairstyle on her.
My Favorite Threads: http://alizeeamerica.com/forums/show...036#post187036

Lilly-Mullet & Do-Rag Appreciation Club Member #2 (member #1 Fevier)
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