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Old 05-25-2010, 02:57 PM
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Musique, Warhol & Confidences...
Depuis "Moi...lolita", Alizée a fait un bon bout de chemin artistique. Elle présente aujourd'hui son nouvel album concept, Une enfant du siècle, à travers lequel elle rend hommage à Eddie, l'égérie d'Andy Warhol, sur fond de pop mystique... Découvrez la chanteuse en interview !

Ados.fr : Très heureuse de te recevoir.

Alizée : Merci !

Ados.fr : Tu es revenue avec un nouvel album qui s’appelle « Un enfant du siècle ». Tu peux nous raconter la naissance de ce projet ?

Alizée : Alors, j’ai eu la chance de rencontrer le label Institubes avec lequel j’ai travaillé. Dans le label Institubes, il y’a Château Marmont, Rob, David Rubato entre autres…
En fait, on a fait un album un peu différent, un peu concept autour d’Andy Warhol, de la Factory et de ces jeunes mannequins des années 70 - 80. En fait, on a eu cette idée parce que sur mon précédent album, j’avais une chanson qui s’appelait « Fifty – Sixty », écrite par Jean Fauque (Bashung). Je parlais de tout ça, de la Factory, et on a l’idée de faire un album en partant de cette chanson. J’ai toujours aimé Warhol et je trouvais ça intéressant de ne pas faire un album autobiographique et de raconter une histoire sous forme de romans.

Ados.fr : Il y a quand même toujours cet univers cette dimension mystique… Est-ce quelque chose à laquelle tu tiens ? Comment définirais-tu ton style ?

Alizée : En même temps, je suis très réservée et j’essaye de faire des choses qui me ressemblent, qui me correspondent. Je suis quand même une chanteuse de Pop à la base et j’essaie de le rester. C’est ce que je suis, c’est ce que j’aime. Et c’est en essayant de m’entourer de producteurs, de musiciens différents que cela apporte des sons, des références à mon univers.

Ados.fr: C’est quand même ton 4ème album… Lorsque tu as enregistré ton premier single à l’âge de 16 ans, est ce que tu t’attendais à aller aussi loin dans la musique ?

Alizée : On a dû me poser la question « comment te vois-tu dans 10 ans ? » et je ne pensais pas encore être là aujourd’hui, être à mon 4ème album. Je pense que j’ai eu de la chance sur pratiquement tout mon parcours.

Look, succès... l'ex-Lolita se dévoile !
Il y a dix ans, Alizée, lolita au carré, chantait le front au vent la Corse et ses gourmandises adolescentes... Aujourd'hui maman, mariée, elle est devenue une femme (presque) comme les autres... Modeuse assumée qui rend hommage à Eddie, l'égérie d'Andy Warhol dans son nouvel album, elle s'expose avec un look plus mystérieux, qui colle avec sa nouvelle musique... mais la frange seventies ne saurait cacher son minois d'exception... La sublime Alizée nous parle mode, look, revient sur son adolescence et ses succès...Découvrez l'interview

Ados.fr : Nouvelle coupe, nouveau style ?

Alizée : J’ai eu pendant 10 ans les cheveux courts et j’en ai eu tout simplement marre. En plus, c’est une question pratique dans la vie de tous les jours. On attache les cheveux quand ils sont longs, que quand ils sont courts c’est un peu une galère. Et en même temps pour l’image, je grandis, j’évolue, forcément la mode aussi, j’aime beaucoup la mode. Je suis plutôt décontractée, après j’ai des créateurs fétiches. J’aime beaucoup Marc Jacobs et Karl Lagerfeld. Je ne m’habille pas en Marc Jacobs et Lagerfeld tous les jours, parce que je pense que je serais ruinée. Lagerfeld, je pense que c’est le « summum » de la classe et Marc Jacobs amène un peu de fun dans la mode.

Ados.fr : Ton succès à l’étranger ?

Alizée : Je trouve ça sympa de pouvoir aller dans un pays et de représenter un peu la France, même si c’est un grand mot. Mais, au moins de faire connaître sa musique. Je vis de belles expériences dans ce pays, et puis j’ai des gens qui sont là, qui sont fidèles parce que le précédent album est sorti là-bas, le nouveau sort aussi également.

Ados.fr : Interprète… Et auteur ?

Alizée : Moi, je n’ai pas ce talent et je préfère chanter les mots des autres. Ca m’arrange aussi parce que je suis très réservée et j’ai du mal à parler de moi et d’écrire sur moi, car c’est un peu mon jardin secret.

Watch the video for the Musique, Warhol & Confidences... interview:

Watch the video for the Look, succès... l'ex-Lolita se dévoile ! interview

The videos have much more than what is written there
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Old 05-25-2010, 08:04 PM
Merci Alizée
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Originally Posted by thekidEm View Post
Musique, Warhol & Confidences...
Thanks thekidEm.

There is not much in the interview, talking about how work for UEdS started, her style of music and whether she expected herself in her current position.

Can someone tell what's there in the video?
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Old 06-02-2010, 12:24 PM
Merci Alizée
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Cool Some advice

Alizée interview in Seventeen


Entrevista con AlizéeShare
Today at 5:51am

Esta coqueta cantante francesa trae un álbum en el cual combina pop con música electrónica y en donde colaboró con artistas como Adanowsky para crear este nuevo material.

Por: Mayra Martínez

17: ¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de este disco y cómo fue trabajar con Adanowsky?
Alizeé: La relacion con Adanowsky viene de mi amigo Rob y por eso empezamos a trabajar juntos.

17: ¿Algún consejo que les quieras dar a las chicas Seventeen?
A: Permanece natural, realiza tus sueños pero ten en mente que estos solo se logran con el trabajo. ¡Vive tus sueños!

17: ¿Qué opinas de que artistas como Lady Gaga y Beyoncé tienen looks sexys como tú?
A: Normalmente cuando hago algo, no busco ser sexy, para mí hay una distinción importante entre lo que es ser sexy y vulgar. Respeto a Lady Gaga pero su imagen sí se me hace muy extrema.

17: ¿Cuál sería tu consejo para estar saludable y qué es lo que más te gusta de ti?
A: Duerme y come bien. A mí me gustan mucho mis ojos.

17: Dinos tu mejor tip de amor…
A: No veo mal que una chica tome la iniciativa y sé fiel, es mi mejor consejo.

17¿Quién te inspira para seguir en el mundo musical?
A: Convivir con mi familia, viajar a mi natal Córcega y me inspira Madonna.

This flirtatious French singer brings an album that combines pop with electronic music and where he collaborated with artists such as Adanowsky to create this new material.

By Mayra Martinez

17: What did you like about this album and how was work with Adanowsky?
Alizee: The relationship with Adanowsky comes from my friend Rob and so we started working together.

17: Any advice I want to give Seventeen girls?
A: Be natural, do your dreams but keep in mind that these only achieved with the job. Live your dreams!

17: Do you think that artists like Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé have sexy looks like you?
A: Normally when I do not seek to be sexy, for me there is an important distinction between what is being sexy and vulgar . I respect Lady Gaga but its image itself makes me very extreme.

17: What would be your advice to stay healthy and what you like most about you?
A: Sleep and eat well. I really like my eyes.

17: Tell us your best tip of love ...
A: I see no wrong for a girl takes the initiative and be faithful, it's my best advice.

17 Who inspires you to continue in the music world?
A : Living with my family, traveling to my native Corsica and Madonna inspires me.

My thoughts :
Someone help me to improve the translation.
We love your eyes.
I'll try to follow your advice.

Last edited by Merci Alizée; 06-02-2010 at 12:30 PM..
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Old 06-02-2010, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Merci Alizée View Post
Alizée interview in Seventeen


Entrevista con AlizéeShare
Today at 5:51am

Esta coqueta cantante francesa trae un álbum en el cual combina pop con música electrónica y en donde colaboró con artistas como Adanowsky para crear este nuevo material.

Por: Mayra Martínez

17: ¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó de este disco y cómo fue trabajar con Adanowsky?
Alizeé: La relacion con Adanowsky viene de mi amigo Rob y por eso empezamos a trabajar juntos.

17: ¿Algún consejo que les quieras dar a las chicas Seventeen?
A: Permanece natural, realiza tus sueños pero ten en mente que estos solo se logran con el trabajo. ¡Vive tus sueños!

17: ¿Qué opinas de que artistas como Lady Gaga y Beyoncé tienen looks sexys como tú?
A: Normalmente cuando hago algo, no busco ser sexy, para mí hay una distinción importante entre lo que es ser sexy y vulgar. Respeto a Lady Gaga pero su imagen sí se me hace muy extrema.

17: ¿Cuál sería tu consejo para estar saludable y qué es lo que más te gusta de ti?
A: Duerme y come bien. A mí me gustan mucho mis ojos.

17: Dinos tu mejor tip de amor…
A: No veo mal que una chica tome la iniciativa y sé fiel, es mi mejor consejo.

17¿Quién te inspira para seguir en el mundo musical?
A: Convivir con mi familia, viajar a mi natal Córcega y me inspira Madonna.

This flirtatious French singer brings an album that combines pop with electronic music and where she collaborated with artists such as Adanowsky to create this new material.

By Mayra Martinez

17: What did you like about this album and what was it like working with Adanowsky?
Alizee: The relationship with Adanowsky comes from my friend Rob and so we started working together.

17: Do you have any advice you want to give to Seventeen girls?
A: Be natural, do your dreams but keep in mind that these only achieved through work. Live your dreams!

17: What do you think about artists like Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé who have sexy looks like you?
A: Normally when I do something, I don't try to be sexy, for me there is an important distinction between what is being sexy and vulgar. I respect Lady Gaga but her image seems to me to be too extreme.

17: What would be your advice to stay healthy and what you like most about yourself?
A: Sleep and eat well. I really like my eyes.

17: Tell us your best tip of love ...
A: I don't think it's wrong for a girl to take the initiative and be faithful, it's my best advice.

17 Who inspires you to continue in the music world?
A : Living with my family, traveling to my native Corsica and Madonna inspires me.
I fixed a few things here and there, for the most part, the translation was good
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Old 06-02-2010, 01:45 PM
Merci Alizée
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Thanks a lot, my friend.

Interview in Tu Magazine

Thanks to Jakeco(moi-alizee.net)

Last edited by Merci Alizée; 06-02-2010 at 02:06 PM..
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:26 PM
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Translation of TU Magazine article:

1st page:

Alizée: A Child of the Century

It is said that good artists are the most simple, and we checked it. With it, who holds the title despite global artist (possibly the most international singer in France in recent years), I am inspired by what is accessible, open and honest in our talk was solely for you. We were amazed to see how this young woman of 25 years may have much in common with another girl of this century.

NOTE: ^Sorry the first paragraph was iffy, it was odd.^

2nd page:

1)Your Une Enfant Du Siecle album moves away from the style of your previous CD, as emerged?

Alizée:It represents the music that I like and now I believe. I am completely happy with it, I'm 100% sure. I took my time to do it, found the music exactly to count the things I felt, but I think it was worth the wait for its release.

2)Do you believe that this change will be accepted by all your fans?

Alizee: You would have to ask. At this point I question why not, rather I think it's good music, I like it, it has quality and I'm sure they like it as much as me.

3)What is your favorite track on the cd?

Alizée:I have no one in particular. For me it would be difficult to say which is the best because all the songs fascinate me and tell a story, it's like asking a mother who her favorite son is, she will surely answer that each of kids are special for one reason or another quality.

4)Why call it a "A Child of the Century?"

Alizée:Not only is it full of electro-pop music, which is what I heard in Europe, it has songs that represent the women of today: a strong girl that works by having a full life in the professional, familiar and sentimental.

5)You appeared on a cover with the look of Madonna of her single "Like a Virgin", do you admire her?

Alizée:I've always admired Madonna since childhood. I grew up listening, and when I set out to do this kind of tribute, I loved the idea and accepted it.

6)Are there any Latin American artists with whom you would like to do a duet?

Alizée:Since I went to Mexico. everything has been so fast and with so much work, I have not had time to listen to the proposals out there. Some Latin artists I know Shakira and Ricky Martin, and I love them.

7)With so much success, have you thought inroads into the U.S. music market woud thus be your international career crown?

Alizée:Of course I adore it, I think that would be the dream of any artist, regardless of nationality; I would like to be French speaking, without singing in English.

"I am happy to be a young mom, but I think I must be a good example for the younger children who also follow me."

8)You seem very safe, is it the secret of attraction you have?

Alizée:There are not days when I do not feel special or pretty. My passion is music and I think to do what you want and fight for your dreams, everyone is made attractive.

9)Being a young mom, what is the message you want to convey?

Alizée:For me the most important is my daughter. I want to make her a good person, because I worry about important things, and that is what I wish to convey.

10)You are a consenting mother?

Alizée:Yes, but trying not to be as effective. When its a small issue I always do my best; it is important to teach the value of each item. It is not easy, but it's taking shape.

11)Will you watch the 2010 World Cup in South Africa?

Alizée:Yes, I'm watch a lot of football. I think France has a good chance of winning, especially since we have a goalkeeper-Hugo Lloris-which is excellent.

I AM SOOO TIRED and will do the third page tomorrow. This is a good interview with good Q's and A's from Lilly

Last edited by User22; 06-02-2010 at 11:29 PM..
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:55 PM
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Alizée and shakira? She just blew my mind! Could you imagine the in-humanely hypnotic dancing?
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Old 06-02-2010, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by VVVACCPLPNLY View Post
Alizée and shakira? She just blew my mind! Could you imagine the in-humanely hypnotic dancing?
Totally agreed dude. That would be too much for human eyes to see

Shakira is a good dancer and singer but isn't that hot though...
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Old 06-03-2010, 07:02 AM
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I wouldn't say Shakira isn't 'hot', as you say, she just isn't my kind of hot. She was a pretty woman for the few videos of hers I saw, but I haven't seen anything since 'Hips don't lie'.
the v is back
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Old 06-04-2010, 07:05 PM
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With a funny quiz...
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