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Old 01-22-2019, 09:19 PM
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Default Super magazine article from 2001

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Alizée: "I couldn't fall in love with a teacher!"

Difficult when you're a star to do your career and classes at the same time. But Alizée is the type of person to accept the challenge, since she has decided to perfect her English all while continuing to sing. For the release of her latest single "Gourmandises", she invited us to her home in Ajaccio, where she was spending her well-deserved vacation. The lolita from the top of the charts confided to Super her memories from junior high as well as her back-to-school advice. Let's listen to her!

You were taking classes by correspondence, are you going to continue?
A: I got very good grades. But since I don't have time to do everything, I'm going to drop my science subjects, maths and physics. I'll pick them up later on, between two albums. But I take a lot of intensive French and English classes.

And yet you wanted to follow the scientific track...
A: Yes, but for the moment, that doesn't do me much good. And it's too difficult to manage. I prefer to perfect my French and English. My classes are given to me in the form of a notebook with lessons, homework, and tests. I also have a CD-ROM that I learn English from, and cassettes that I listen to while on the plane or at home when I'm bored, I manage to figure them out, and here in Corsica, I can respond to the tourists who ask me for information.

What was your best grade of the year?
A: 16/20 (an A) in physics.

What memory do you keep of your entrance into junior high?
A: You had to change classes every hour, and each time, I got lost in the halls and I came in late because I couldn't find the room number. In 6th grade, the big kids walked over us a little, but when I arrived in 9th grade, we were proud to be the big ones in school.

What's your best memory of going back to class?
A: I always looked forward to going back to school. I loved the first week back, because we had to buy new notebooks, new pens... We barely started working, getting to know our new classmates. All the back-to-school days are good memories.
For you, how was the first day back?
A: The night before, I was extremely excited, I couldn't sleep. In the morning, I got up earlier than expected, and after arriving at school, I consulted the lists to see who I was with. It was a special day, and the chance to see my friends again.

Now, do you miss your friends?
A: A little. From time to time they come to stay over at my house, but I miss not seeing them in class doing crazy stuff.

Did you ever skip class?
A: Yes, often. I began in 9th grade. I was influenced by my friends who told me to skip with them. I never did it when there was a test. And usually, I would tell my mother.

Were you the "back of the class" or the "first row" kind?
A: I was more towards the middle, neither in front of the teacher, nor behind, because that's how you get caught!

Could you fall in love with one of your teachers?
A: That never happened to me, but in 8th grade, I had a technology teacher who was very handsome. With a friend, we were in admiration of him. But from there to falling in love, no.

When you got a bad grade, how did you announce it to your parents?
A; I'd say that it was complicated, or that I didn't understand the lesson very well. I'd try to find good news, and I'd say: "I have good news and bad news". I played it diplomatically.

What do you do when you're in love with a boy from your class?
A: That's something to avoid. When you're in the same class, you don't dare respond to the teacher, or participate, and if you break up during the school year, it's not easy. Better to wait for the end of the year!

[Extra question]: How did you behave in music class?
A: I was always very good. I had the same teacher from 6th to 9th grade, and with him, I always got straight A's. With a friend, we were the best two. We were never ashamed to sing in front of the entire class. I wasn't one of the kids who wasted time in music class, who made music with their pen...
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Old 01-22-2019, 09:39 PM
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Interesting set of questions. One could conclude she was an "average" student. She obviously had a dislike for the sciences and attracted to the arts, which is no surprise. I think the one thing she did not perfect as planned was her English, obviously.
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Old 01-22-2019, 09:54 PM
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From what I've read in the past, I believe she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and be an engineer and I 'think', because of that, classes like physics and math were probably her strong point. I also think she dropped them and concentrated on French and English because they were important to her new career. I wonder if MF had an influence on that decision?

We see especially with Les Enfoires, where they have little time to practice, she always knows her role well. I really think she is a sharp cookie and I think she would have done well as an engineer if it wasn't for that fateful day in 1999.

Alizee grained du stars 1999.jpg

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 01-22-2019 at 10:04 PM..
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Old 01-23-2019, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
From what I've read in the past, I believe she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and be an engineer and I 'think', because of that, classes like physics and math were probably her strong point. I also think she dropped them and concentrated on French and English because they were important to her new career. I wonder if MF had an influence on that decision?
My prior post is reason why one should not post when beat. I had three separate thoughts, and put together they make it sound like I think she wasn't smart enough to learn English.

The word "typical" is a better description instead of "average". She was a typical junior high school student: boys, friends, cutting class and seeing how long you can get away with it, etc. Can't really tell one way or another how well she did in class, but most people have some subjects stronger than others. Some of the smartest and most successful people did not do well in a structured learning environment, like school.

I think you made a good point about MF influencing Alizee to drop the math and sciences and learn languages. There is a good chance that Alizee is left brained (logical, analytical, and objective), which normally do well in math and science. Right brained people are more creative and artsy. There is, of course, some overlap. I have always struggled in my foreign language classes, but know many computer languages well, so there is no doubt what side of my brain is dominant. Foreign languages are subjective, there is slang, and sentence structure often does not make "sense". The silent letters in English words don't make sense to an objective mind, and maybe Alizee struggled to see the forest from the trees when it came down to learning English. She might have gotten hung up trying to make sense of things in the language that does not make sense. Does this make sense?

Another reason why I think she might be more of the science type is her talent of baking, winning the celebrity baking contest a few years ago. Baking is much different than being a chef. Rarely one is an expert at both. Somebody can do both, but are better at one than the other. Chefs do everything by taste. They add a pinch of this, a splash of that. Bakers have to follow a formula (recipe) and proper measurements of ingredients is vital. It's like being a chemist.

But when it came down to it, the lure of being a performer won out, and who can blame her? It sounded more exciting than college and then getting a desk job. If I had the opportunity when I was 16 to train to be a rock star, my answer would be a no-brainer.
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Old 01-23-2019, 03:47 PM
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This appearance on the show 'Le Grand Blind Test' kind of shows a side of Alizee we don't get to see too often, where she is being tested, although it's just on the subject of music. It shows to me anyways she is quick minded. Even though she passed many times in most cases she passed quickly, knowing right away she didn't know the song or knew it would take too long to figure it out and she got the high score. It's not an acid test but like I said, I think it shows she is quick of mind.

Now that's no measure of aptitude, but what makes me feel she would have done well as an engineer is she loved to dance and for that reason she really applied herself and we've seen the results of that. I believe she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and would have applied her self to the courses necessary to do so.

When I was in junior high school, one of my courses was French. We had five terms I think it was in a year. You had to pass 3 of 5, or else it was summer school for you. I didn't like French and didn't apply myself. At the end of the 4th term, I had already flunked 2 terms. On my final test of that 4th term, all I needed was a 35. I thought I had it made. I didn't study and got a 30. I thought oh s**t, here comes summer school. But my teacher took me aside and said if I promised to apply myself in the last term, he'd give me a passing grade in the 4th term and I agreed to it.

So I really did apply myself and it was difficult, because I hadn't done much studying through the early part of that year. You can't catch up overnight. But I did well and was disappointed when the last test of the year was cancelled because I felt I had the opportunity to bring my grade up to an A.

Bottom line is, I think Alizee had reason to apply herself to courses I think on average, women don't usually do well at. That's why I have the impression she would have gone on to be an engineer.

Alizee Le Grand Blind Test.jpg

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Old 01-23-2019, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
This appearance on the show 'Le Grand Blind Test' kind of shows a side of Alizee we don't get to see too often, where she is being tested, although it's just on the subject of music. It shows to me anyways she is quick minded. Even though she passed many times in most cases she passed quickly, knowing right away she didn't know the song or knew it would take too long to figure it out and she got the high score. It's not an acid test but like I said, I think it shows she is quick of mind.

Now that's no measure of aptitude, but what makes me feel she would have done well as an engineer is she loved to dance and for that reason she really applied herself and we've seen the results of that. I believe she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and would have applied her self to the courses necessary to do so.
She might also have steered towards something like web development so that it can utilize some of her artistic ability along with her technical knowledge.

It might be an interesting question to put on the list, giving her a list of five occupations from the science/math side (examples are engineer, biologist, programmer, math teacher) and asking her if she did not choose music and dancing as a career, which occupation would she be the best fit for.

By the way, on that video when they had her sit back there in that mock beach scene with those two guys, she looked very uncomfortable with that arrangement.

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Old 01-23-2019, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post

...........By the way, on that video when they had her sit back there in that mock beach scene with those two guys, she looked very uncomfortable with that arrangement.
I thought so too. I think she tried to give her drink to Brahim. Not a party animal???
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Old 01-23-2019, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
From what I've read in the past, I believe she wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and be an engineer and I 'think', because of that, classes like physics and math were probably her strong point.
What exactly does her father do? I've heard "engineer"--- and I think I've heard "computer engineer"-- from various sources. Does anyone know more specifically? I'm very curious.


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
It might be an interesting question to put on the list, giving her a list of five occupations from the science/math side (examples are engineer, biologist, programmer, math teacher) and asking her if she did not choose music and dancing as a career, which occupation would she be the best fit for.
Yes yes! This should be one of the questions!

Last edited by Mr Coucou; 01-23-2019 at 08:13 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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Old 01-23-2019, 08:44 PM
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I agree that the siren song of rock-star-dom would be tough to ignore for anyone--especially a teenage girl! And I also agree that she clearly has the brains and fortitude to stick to something and succeed--she's proven that in a very tough and competitive business. If her singing/dancing career had never happened, I have confidence that she'd have flourished in another demanding career. She just seems to have that spark of focus and willingness to put in the necessary work as well as the personality to get along with people--higher-ups and subordinates alike. I can easily imagine her as a corporate executive--a COO of an Internet start up company or a director of a financial firm or at a high level of responsibility in almost any field. An engineer... doctor...an attorney...it's not hard for me to picture her in this kind of role.
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Old 01-23-2019, 09:54 PM
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Yes I think she would have done well in anything she had a passion for. She had a passion for dance, because it let her get lost from the things she was teased about and she excelled in it. She had a passion for engineering, because that is what her dad did. How well she would have done with it, it's hard to say, but I believe, she would have done well. if she pursued it as much as she did her dancing, and if she did, I have no doubt, she would have been a top engineer!
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