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Old 04-27-2024, 03:22 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Bleed through from the Future

I cannot help it; I am a Writer ! Or, at least I think I am ?
Bleed through from your Future !
The agent and the criminals were having knock-down Buijutsu fight ! In the course of which one criminal was knocked up against the machine switch !
In an instance; the combatants were transported to the Alpha Initiator Plane.
The Alpha asked the main man; What is your Function ? I am the Boss, I tell the others what to do ! Alpha said; I have no need of you and he Disappeared !
Then he asked the other man; what is your Function ? I am a Guard, I can Guard You ! Alpha said; I have no need of you and he disappeared ! Then he asked the Girl Agent; what is your Function ? I Eliminate the Bad Humans and the Bad Computer Systems ! You can eliminate the Bad Humans ? I am Licensed to Kill, she said ! I have need of You, said the Alpha ! What is your name, unit ? _____ ____ ( redacted for now ) said the Girl ! Then you are Initiated as the _____ ____ Unit; said the Alpha ! What do you Need to accomplish your Function ?
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Old 07-10-2024, 09:12 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Le Squad of Soldiers

Sorry; but another book ? ( and I go crazy again ! ? )
The Master Sergeant entered the Squad Bay. His Squad of Female Robots came to Attention !
What is This ? he said !
His Sergeant said we read where male humans liked large ones; so we all got upgraded in supply !
Well I don't like it ! He said, they make all your chests too Big ! Can you still do your Duties ? Get them reduced back to their normal size at once !

The next day ! The Master Sergeant told them Gear Up !; we move out in 30 Minutes to Patrol ! He assigned them to their duties; Scouts, Flankers, Rear Guard, Main Body ! They moved Out into no mans land !
At a rest time, Susan , one of the main body said You know how you always assign me to you ? Yes said the sergeant ? Well Dolores, one of the rear guard said it was because you Liked me ! A lot ! The Sergeant said; Do you Discuss things like this ? Well Susan said we are programmed to analyze all situations in the squad and this is a situation ! well said the Sergeant; I assign troopers to the duty they are experienced in; and since you are a new troop; I keep you with me. ( possibly to be continued ? ) But she said; If you did like me; I am anatomically correct ! Uh; said he; but sergeants are not supposed to fraternize with the Troops !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-11-2024 at 10:34 PM..
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Old 07-11-2024, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Marshal Davout View Post
Sorry; but another book ? ( and I go crazy again ! ? )
The Master Sergeant entered the Squad Bay. His Squad of Female Robots came to Attention !
What is This ? he said !
His Sergeant said we read where male humans liked large ones; so we all got upgraded in supply !
Well I don't like it ! He said, they make all your chests too Big ! Can you still do your Duties ? Get them reduced back to their normal size at once !

The next day ! The Master Sergeant told them Gear Up !; we move out in 30 Minutes to Patrol ! He assigned them to their duties; Scouts, Flankers, Rear Guard, Main Body ! They moved Out into no mans land !
At a rest time, Susan , one of the main body said You now how you always assign me to you ? Yes said the sergeant ? Well Dolores, one of the rear guard said it was because you Liked me ! A lot ! The Sergeant said; Do you Discuss things like this ? Well Susan said we are programmed to analyze all situations in the squad and this is a situation ! well said the Sergeant; I assign troopers to the duty they are experienced in; and since you are a new troop; I keep you with me. ( possibly to be continued ? ) But she said; If you did like me; I am anatomically correct ! Uh; said he; but sergeants are not supposed to fraternize with the Troops !
Your writing is quite creative. Do you belong to other sites where people share their creativity with other like minded people such as the Story book club in Anne with an E, a story from the 1900s?
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Old 07-11-2024, 10:29 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Your writing is quite creative. Do you belong to other sites where people share their creativity with other like minded people such as the Story book club in Anne with an E, a story from the 1900s?
The stories seem to come to me and I should finish them and/or write the books or stories; but sometimes I am delinquent in getting them done, so actually I have about 4 or 5 books in my head, which I write there and I am trying to get them into the computer, so I can finish them and publish ! I actually don't belong to any groups; although I should ! Ha ! I have not heard of the group you mention, so I will have to look it up ! My mother used to read a lot of science fiction, in her slow times at work; as she used to be the weekend and night telephone operator in a hospital and then I would read a lot of her cast off books; so in my time I have read a lot of science fiction ! for instance I read the story "The Ghost In The Shell" years before it was ever made into a movie with Scarlett Johansson ( an AI as a Corporate Bodyguard ! )
another story;
The Old Queen looked at the Girls; So You want to be the Queen of all the Tribes ? Yes, Please; said Francine ! But Lilly said No. What ? What are you doing in the Contest, if you do not want to be the Queen. Lilly said; My mother and Father said I should compete, since I am good ! We shall see, said the Old Queen ! Battle-Axes she yelled ! They weren't the same size as the mens; but if you got hit with one in combat; you were going to be injured ! When you throw, you can fall over the Line, but you may not step over it or your throw is disqualified ! Lilly threw first and took a good running start! It was a long way to the target; so she knew she had to get some height on the axe to make it to the Target ! She threw falling over the line. The Axe angled up; it was a good throw ! The men of her tribe, roared approval. She was as astounded as any ; when the axe came down in the center of the Target. A Kill; said the scorerer !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-11-2024 at 10:32 PM..
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Old 07-13-2024, 11:13 AM
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Default New Queen in the Beehive

Lilly had win the Contests; She had Beaten Francine in the Battle-Axe, the Spear, and the Bow and Arrow ! Shouldn't I be Queen now ?, She asked the Old Queen !
You'll be Queen; when I say you are ! She told Francine to go sit in her Queen Chair on the sidelines ! I may yet pick Francine for the Queenship !
I don't like your attitude ! You don't know your own mind and you may be a Wimp !
Francine Smirked at Lilly from the chair !
The Old Queen circled Lilly ! I Challenge You ! You must Defeat me to be Queen !
( A Challenge was a serious thing in the Tribes; and could not be avoided, as anyone could terminate you then ! )
The Queen rushed Lilly and knocked her down ! The Queen said; You won't win on your rear-end !
The Queen rushed Lilly again beating her about the Face and Back-handed her across the mouth; blooding her and knocking her down again ! The queen taunted her; on your rear-end, again ?
For the third time the Queen rushed her hitting her in the Chest and Stomach and Upper-Cut her with a blow knocking her down again !
Your being on your rear-end is getting old; said the Queen ! I give you the option to withdraw your Bid and then Francine will be the Queen !
No; said Lilly ! She had to remember something her father had taught her in combat lessons to win !
The queen rushed in again; but Lilly side-stepped her and tripped her; then she jumped on her back and put her in a Choke-hold. It was the only way for her to win ! The Queen tried everything to break Lilly's hold. Throwing her over her shoulder; but Lilly recovered and put the choke-hold on again ! Then the queen threw herself on her back and on Lilly's back to break the hold; but Lilly would not relinquish it ! After pulling Lilly's hair and Elbowing her in the Ribs, and beating her about the Head; Finally the Old queen sank to her knees and eventually passed out ! Lilly stood up; the Old queen was face down in the dirt !
She looked at the tribes around; but everyone was silent ! Finally someone threw in a Spear and shouted Finish Her ! But Lilly didn't want to do that !
She rolled the Queen over and gave her mouth to mouth and CPR to revive her !
The Old Queen came to; and they both stood up ! You didn't finish me; when you had the chance ? I don't want to win that way; said Lilly !
The Old Queen raised Lilly's Right hand ! Behold Your New Queen; She said !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-13-2024 at 11:16 AM..
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:43 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default The Matrearchy of the Tribes

You See; through a Quirk of Nature, the Tribes produced mainly Male babies ! And so a Female Baby or Woman was most esteemed ! And so each Tribe had it's Queen; who told it's male members what to do ! And then a Queen of all the Tribes was selected also; that commanded all of the Tribes; whenever they were all threatened by an external source; such as the Norsemen from the North, or the Huns from the West, or the Druids from the South! Then all the Tribes would band together and fight off their enemies ! Then the Queen of all the Tribes commanded them all in Battle !
Now back in the Day; Lilly's Tribe was much in Demand; because her mother had produced two Girl babies and so Lilly had many suitors; because many of the Tribes had old Queens and thus they wanted a new Young Queen for their tribe ! Thus it was that a friendly local tribe and it's Chief had come to woo Lilly and offer her their Queenship; if she would marry the Son of the Chief ! But Lilly was only sixteen and her sister Rose was only thirteen and so they were uninterested in the marriage proposals ! But their Mother said they must entertain them for a while out of respect ! Thus it was that a Chief and his son and 20 warriers had visited Lilly's tribe to see if they could woo her !
And they offered her and her Tribe many fine gifts of Pelts , Clothes, Dresses of Lily and Rose's size, and Beads and decorations, Spears, Battle-Axes, Bows and Arrows, Headresses, Mocassins, and even Gold and Silver they had found and anything they could think of to woo the Girl !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-15-2024 at 09:20 PM..
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Old 07-16-2024, 05:12 PM
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Default The Kidnapping !

Lilly and her sister Rose went out to play in the Sunshine and to gather Berries ! Her mother told her do not go far from the Long House ( which was built partly over the Lake ) ! Her Tribesmen in the distance waved at the girls and they laughed and waved back ! They regarded them as Mini-Queens and sometimes did their biddings as if they were.
But there were no Berries near their Long House and so they trekked over the hills nearby; until they finally found some Berries over couple of hills. They decided to take them back and went down to a trail that led back.
But suddenly there were some foreign tribesmen there and one of them grabbed the girls to drag them away.
( But, you see, this was thousands of years ago and the present laws of men did not apply ! The girls were going to be made captive and forced to become the Queens of new tribes ! Lilly had a knife her father had given her and so she suddenly cut the throat of the man who had grabbed them ! He let them go and Lilly grabbed her sister and they ran back over the hills towards their Long House ! But the men of the other tribe were chasing them ! Lilly told her sister Run Faster ! But a tribesman caught Rose. And another caught Lilly; but she managed to twist away knocking him down. And so she had to escape by herself !
She ran back to their Long House; out of breath and told a Tribesman there to Sound the Horn; which summoned all the Tribesmen back from their flock Duties. Her mother asked her What is going ? Where's Rose ? She had to tell her some Tribe had Kidnapped her , but Lilly had managed to get away ! They are taking Rose back down the Long Trail !
Her Father came in and assembled their warriors and weapons then he left with 20 warriors down the Trail after them to recover Rose !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-16-2024 at 05:18 PM..
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Old 07-19-2024, 12:35 PM
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Default The Marriage

Lilly told her mother the marauder tribe had 30 or 40 men in it and father has only gone after them with 20 ! They might be killed trying to get Rose back ! She saw that the tribe making her marriage proposal had 20 warriors with them;
so she went and put on her marriage dress already made up and went to sit in the marriage location in front of the Proposal tribe ! You don't have to do this ; her mother said; but Lilly said I don't want to see my father killed ! Her mother rang some gongs ! The Proposal Chief woke up and saw that she might be accepting their Proposal; so he went and sat in front of her !
Lilly said Do You Swear to Honor and Obey me as Your Tribal Queen ? The Chief said I do ! Then he got his son over to face Lilly ! Lilly said Do you Swear to Honor and Obey me as your Wife and Tribal Queen ? The Son said I do ! Lilly told the Chief All of your men must so swear to me; as you did as your Tribal Queen. And so all of the 20 Warriors swore obedience to Lilly as their Tribal Queen !
Then Lilly told the Chief your first task is to go after my father with your 20 warriors and aid him in his battle to retrieve my sister Rose ! And bring my father and Rose back alive or dead ! And so the Chief said we will and started off down the long trail after Lilly's father with his 20 warriors !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-19-2024 at 12:40 PM..
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Old 07-23-2024, 10:27 PM
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Default The Battle

Lilly's father and his 20 warriors ran after the marauding tribes to get his daughter Rose back. They snuck up on the marauders; who were resting for a bit. They threw their Spears and Battle Axes and shot their bows first to even the odds; then they closed with their swords and knives in a rush !
The marauders fled back a little ways; but when they saw they outnumbered the attackers; they counter-attacked ! Lilly's father and his men were hard-pressed to fight about 2 marauders each ! But just then Lilly's Tribal Chieftan and his 20 warriors reinforced him and drove the maruaders back; who suddenly fled ! And so Rose was re-captured from them !
Thank You said Lilly's father ! Your Daughter Lilly has married my son; so now we are relatives forever said the other chieftan ! A man Lilly's father had down wounded; asked Mercy ! So he asked Rose ; should I give him Mercy ? But he was one who had tossed her around the fire touching her inappropriately; so she gave the Thumbs down ! And he ran him through with his Spear ! In your next life; do not be a Thief !
The dead marauders were thrown into a shallow grave; so as not to encourage the wild animals ! Lilly's two allied tribes built 2 litters for their wounded and carried the dead back to Lilly's Long House to be buried there !
back at the Long House; they began a Celebration for the Marriage and the Victory !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-23-2024 at 10:34 PM..
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Old 07-30-2024, 10:16 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default The Queen of all the Tribes

Much later in history; The Romans had invaded with an army; and all the tribes had sent their warriors to form an army under the queen; as they didn't want to be conquered or become Roman slaves.
and so the Queen led the tribes in battle and fought with them and defeated the Roman army and burnt their ships !
And at the end; when the Romans found they couldn't escape; the Queen told them surrender or we'll kill you all ! And so they did !
Not being blood thirsty; the tribes kept the Romans as their servants and had them till in the fields and fish in the streams for them.
The one Roman leader had found out that her husband the Chief wasn't the true leader of the Tribes; but it was her, the Queen , who was ! And so she kept him as her personal servant ! Do not attempt to escape or we will kill you; she told him !
And when her Chariot rode along in front of the Tribes; they shouted her name, and so the Roman asked her; I cannot translate the name they call you ! what does it mean ?
So she told him; They call me Boedicia ! Boedicia ! Because they know I fight alongside of them in battle !
But what does it mean he asked her ?

It Means Warrior-Queen ! she said !

But what is your real name ?, he asked her ?
My real name is Lilly, like the Flower ! And your last name ?
Tribesmen don't have last names. It would be the name of my personal tribe ! The Celtiberians !
And so I am Lilly Celtiberian !
The Queen of the Celtiberian Tribe !
But I am also the Chosen Queen of all the Tribes for when we have to engage in major battles against foreign invaders !

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 07-30-2024 at 10:29 PM..
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